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Twitterbanned gay Jew Milo Yiannopoulos still having trouble winning over Internet Nazis

Milo Yiannopoulos: Gay Jewish King of the Nazis?
Milo Yiannopoulos: Gay Jewish King of the Nazis?

Pity poor Milo Yiannopoulos! It turns out that his Twitter ban isn’t the only painful public rejection that Breitbart’s bully “journalist” has been dealing with this convention week.

No, he’s also having more than a little bit of trouble with some of the Internet Nazis he’s been trying so hard to woo.

It turns out that a gay man of Jewish descent who can’t stop talking about how much he loves having sex with black dudes is not universally loved by homophobic racist anti-Semites. I did Nazi that coming! (Oh, wait, I did. Everyone did.)

On Tuesday, Milo hosted a “Gays for Trump” event in a Cleveland hotel not far from the Republican National Convention. It was an odd event in many ways, and not just because it was being hosted by a British man who bears little resemblance to the traditionally buttoned-down Log Cabin Republican, speaking at a podium flanked by huge pictures of shirtless twinks.

No, it was also odd because its guest list included a number of well-known white supremacists and their fellow travellers. Geert Wilders, a far-right Dutch politician whose racist rhetoric sometimes echoes that of Joseph Goebbels, gave a speech; white “nationalists” Richard Spencer and Peter Brimelow were also in attendance, as was professional Islamophobe Pamela Geller and right-wing smear journalist Chuck C. Johnson.

But not everyone on the alt right was happy about the event. Yesterday, the Internet Nazi tabloid the Daily Stormer launched an attack on what it called “the dick-loving kike and self-appointed leader of the Neo-Nazi movement.” (Milo was raised Catholic, but his mother was Jewish.)

Not exactly mincing his words, the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin denounced “homosexualist Jew Milo Yianiannaopopolous” for

co-opting edginess, first infiltrating the #Gamergate movement as a means to anally-violate confused video-gaming teenagers in his homeland of Britain, before infiltrating the Neo-Nazi movement and using it as a vehicle to tour the United States and facilitate gay sex with bi-curious college students.

While Anglin appreciated Milo’s work in “the trolling campaign against the gorilla-like star of the new feminist Ghostbusters film,” he insisted that the “few funny things” Milo has done weren’t enough

to justify his attempt to normalize man-on-man anal sex with Blacks in the Nazi movement [or his] selling “Big Black Cock” t-shirts for women.

Anglin — who’s been openly critical of Milo for some time — couldn’t even bring himself to get worked up about Milo’s suspension from Twitter.

My hope is that Milo just goes away at this point.

I’m really sick of him.

It isn’t cute, it’s just weird.

Probably, on some cosmic level, it is hilarious that large numbers of people are like, “yeah, great, the Nazi movement has a homosexual Jew leader.” I am able to glimpse the cosmic hilarity of this at certain moments, but then I immediately return to the reality situation, which is that I hate this.

Well, hate is what you guys are best at.

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Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago


I never thought I’d agree with Anglin on anything. :/

On the other hand, Milo makes Anglin angry, which makes me happy. Is there a way to bring Roosh back to the whole neo-nazi thing ? Best threesome ever. Let’s lock them up in a room together, and not give the key to the last one standing.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Hey, everyone! The Milo plot thickens. Turns out, he’s got a surprising (but not at all surprising) new defender:

8 years ago

That Laurie Penny piece is absolutely chilling. The idea of “evangelical nihilism” comes back to mind…

8 years ago


Speaking of Sieg Heils:comment image

8 years ago

Dammit wikileaks we only like you for uncovering the ugly corruption in our US government and of other nations, not when you’re defending literal bedfellows of neo nazis.

We’re so close to killing Poe and Godwin. I can almost taste it.

When they all desire nuclear death to god, it’s no surprise.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Dammit wikileaks we only like you for…

Watch where you’re throwing that WE around, eh? 😛

8 years ago

Okay, correction, I only like Wikileaks when they do their stated mission goal, the individual participants I find absolutely deplorable other than those informants who are risking their lives to reveal some hidden facts.

8 years ago

Yes, of course. Twitter banning people is exactly like 1937. Jeeeeeeeesus.

Is that Twitter run by rapist piece of shit Julian Assange or just someone who works for/with him?

8 years ago

Herr Milo is just getting weirder and weirder. Expecting a major break down anytime now…

8 years ago

I’m having trouble reconciling the fact that I agree with a complete asshat that Milo should just go away. Oh well. I guess sometimes my opinions are going to overlap with people I don’t agree with even on a shallow level.

8 years ago

It’s perfectly fine, the neo nazi dislikes him for things Milo cannot change. I’m gonna’ go on a limb and assume you dislike him for his horrid opinions and actions, things he can change.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


the individual participants I find absolutely deplorable other than those informants who are risking their lives to reveal some hidden facts

I feel ya 🙂

Either he’s running it, in which case a paragon of ‘free speech’ is trying to help keep an abuser from facing the consequences of his actions. Awful familiar, that is. Or, alternatively, he’s not running it, and he’s got everyone else at WL believing his brand of pretentiously worded delusions of self righteous grandeur. I’m not sure which is sadder 🙁

8 years ago

Why not both as equally sad? A hypocrite who runs away from justice when it happens to him, or a member of wikileaks who also believes that free speech covers those who silence others with their actions. Either way you have bloody hypocrites who lose their e-cred to anyone who actually cares about the universal truth and justice.

The Real Cie
The Real Cie
8 years ago

Gays for Trump seems kind of like Cockroaches for Raid.
Not that gays are cockroaches, but Milo certainly is.

8 years ago

I feel like this beautifully illustrates just how wrong that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” saying can be.

Though I absolutely encourage the neo-nazis, gators, alt-righters, and manospherians to fight amongst themselves as much as possible.

8 years ago

Laurie Penny certainly has a way with words.

It’s what happens when weaponised insincerity is applied to structured ignorance.

Her analysis of the English/Brit habit of no holds barred debate regardless of a person’s views – which allows them to socialise and have meals/drinks at the bar with people from wildly different points of view – versus the American/European all-or-nothing-at-all sincerity in holding and expressing repugnant viewpoints was pretty well done.

Pointing out that Roosh (along with any of his acolytes) is at a disadvantage in any discussion or debate involving Milo because he really believes the shit he spouts whereas Milo simply. does. not. care. is insightful.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

Come to think of it, Assange has the same hair and the same build as Yiannopoulos. Has anyone ever seen them in the same room? Could Assange have adopted the persona of Yiannopoulos to sneak out of the embassy?

Without the blue checkmark, how can we know for sure?

8 years ago

Maybe it’s the work of an enemy Stand.
We can never be too sure.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


8 years ago

This is not parody. That really saddens me.

8 years ago

Please, come along and laugh with me on the sheer absurdity that is now our reality. At the very least be comforted that all these groups are poised to eviscerate each other the minute they believe victory is at hand.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ cat mara

British journalist Laurie Penny’s account

Wow, she has such a wonderful turn of phrase. Great article too.

8 years ago

Reality is officially stranger than fiction.

This amuses me greatly.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago


Not wanting to play devils advocate, but you really shouldn’t call Assange a rapist when you don’t know for sure if he really is. I will admit that his attitude towards women is worrying, but there is so much more to that story than we have been told by the media, and none of it makes a lot of sense.

8 years ago

Virgin Mary,
Maybe you shouldn’t call the woman he raped a liar without knowing for sure she is.