So David Duke — yes, that David Duke, the former KKK Grand Wizard and current Trump superfan — has a new theory about who was responsible for slipping a paragraph of Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech into Melania Trump’s RNC speech on Monday.
Well, actually, it’s a very old theory, which to folks like Duke seems to explain basically everything in the world that they don’t like: Jews did it.
In a post appearing on the neo-Nazi Internet tabloid The Daily Stormer, Duke declares that Melania’s “plagiarism” — he puts it in scare quotes — was too obvious to be anything but “intentional sabotage and treachery.” You know, the sort of thing that the evil JEWS allegedly do all the time.
Nobody could have been so stupid as to make about five or six common quotes out of Michele Obama’s Demo convention speech just a few years before and put it Melania Trump’s speech and not think it would get exposed!
This is a con job, sabotage, political character assassination plan from the get go! …
I would bet a gefilte fish that this was sabotage. I would also bet a bagel it was orchestrated by an Israel Firster who wanted to damage the American Firster.
Damn, now I want a bagel. A nice fresh toasty bagel, smothered with chive cream cheese.
What’s more, Duke alleges, the EVIL JEWS somehow possessed Melania’s voice and FORCED her to tell reporters that she wrote most of the speech herself.
[I]t seems as though the operative set up Melania, by leaking it to other Jewish media insiders who repeatedly asked her about the speech before she gave it prodding her to suggest that she came up with most of it but was helped a little by the speechwriter.
Sorry, I don’t have anything to add here. I’m still thinking about bagels.
The whole thing is patently ridiculous anyway. Let’s see, Melania and Trump are pummeled for plagiarism for copying the common language of a Michelle Obama speech written by another speechwriter. One speechwriter plagiarizes another. Who the hell cares anyway?
Of course, that’s easy to answer. A vicious corrupt lying Zio Media who are going all out to destroy Donald Trump just as they are setting out to destroy this nation with a flood of immigrants in their bid to divide-and-conquer!
Zio Fingerprints are all over this one.
Zio? Are anti-Semites today so lazy they can’t even be bothered to type out the word “Zionist?” Seriously, I expect a little more effort from a former Grand Wizard.
That’s good to know. I just felt like there was more that I should have said since sometimes humor is a bad idea, often humor is part of the problem, and since it’s often not emphasized that there should be more than one way of responding in even the same instance. If nothing else I think it’s a good idea for someone in my position to make the effort to be inclusive.
That was surprisingly fun.
Yes, David, an Israeli nationalist is sabotaging the campaign of the candidate most dedicated to sucking up to Israel. You’ve figured it out.
So, apparently Ted Cruz is getting some backlash because he said he wasn’t going to side with Trump because Trump made some super personal attacks on him and his family, and the rest of the GOP’s rabid fanbase isn’t happy about that.
And Cruz is standing behind his decision. He said (paraphrasing) “I’m not going to stand behind someone who has attacked my wife, and I’m not going to stand behind someone who has attacked my father.”
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but: Good for you, Ted Cruz. You fucking tell them what’s up.
I wish we had a ‘like’ button. 🙂
I’m very happy at how the Labour movement is being energised. I was out on the street for the first time two weeks ago with our IMT stall, all our books by Trotsky and Lenin and Marx and Engle’s Communist Manifesto. We had the ‘Hands of Corbyn’ petition too, we got loads of names and email addresses which I have to follow up. I was worried we might get verbal abuse, but we didn’t, we got cheers and thumbs up! We actually sold out of The Socialist Appeal newspaper as well, which was a first, so we’re ordering more this week.
This is the Isle of Wight, Tory Land central. We have been treated abysmally, because we are crippled by ferry fares, so no one can seek work in Portsmouth or Southampton. The council have even stopped disabled and elderly folk getting free train travel, and they can’t even use their passes on all the (monopolised) Southern Vectis buses anymore, just the ones they approve of. We used to have a profitable tourist industry, but people don’t come here anymore because of the lack of public services. We only have a handful of toilets open, and the council suggest you go wee in pubs, but that means buying a drink, and it’s rude not to. They tried to close our public swimming pools and boating lakes as well, but now they are run by volunteers like the half dozen remaining libraries. All our schools are now academies. There is no adult education available at the college. We have potholes and street lamps which don’t work. We have only had one local labour councillor, so us actually being able to set up a Marxist group is nothing short of a miracle. Times are changing, and whatever happens Corbyn wise (and he will be 71 by the next general election) he has at least shown people that another way is possible. There is every possibility that he will not become PM, but he has sown seeds here which will grow. People are growing up and waking up to the corruption in Westminister and the lies we have been told.
@ Virgin Mary
I was once seeing a client in Parkhurst (after one of my less successful trials) and I was surprised when one of the gaolers said she’d “like to visit the mainland one day”. Can’t remember what it actually cost back then; but I can see how it would make commuting unfeasible financially.
The Hovercraft is £20 to Southsea, a journey of about 2 miles. It takes just over 12 minutes. I love Southsea, I consider them neighbours to Ryde, and I’d love Southsea folk to come over to Ryde. But who wants to pay £20 to travel two miles? Even with the discount for Islanders you have to book online and it saves you a paltry 20%. I’d like to have a few more nights out in Pompey, but it’s not cost effective. I work freelance and I had a job over there a couple of weeks back, I only charge £30 p/h (home studio consultant) was there about an hour and a half charged £50, twenty went on my Hovertravel fare. I thought I’d make a day of it tho, go for a meal and a stroll along the promenade so it was nice.
@ Virgin Mary
Wow, that is dear.
I used to go to an establishment on Hasler occasionally, and you have to go on a ferry that doesn’t look like it could handle a duck pond. I used to sit on top of the emergency life raft.
“Zio” just makes me think of Shin Megami Tensei.
Hasler no longer has a hospital. 🙁
Did you know that Gosport is the Nazi capital of Britain?!
@ Virgin Mary
Wasn’t the hospital some sort of research/containment place for horribly contagious diseases? Hence the isolated location.
Originally it was a military hospital, but treated civilians up until 2009. The nearest hospital is Queen Alexandra in Gosport now.
We are luck on the IOW to still have St Mary’s. I was born there 🙂
It’s always ironic to me when White people talk about destroying the United States of America with immigrants given that they are themselves descendants of the most destructive immigrants ever known to mankind. Just ask Native Americans.
And anyways, as an immigrant (several times over), I’m not here to “divide and conquer” or otherwise destroy this country. I, like millions of other immigrants, are here to live and let live. Period.
@Scildfreja did you see Alex Jones crashing the tyt rnc coverage? Unpleasant :-/
Should renew my labour membership soon to make sure I’m eligible to vote in the NEXT leadership election :-/
Your a little bit late. When do you think there will be another leadership election?! I have reregistered, and have also joined Momentum. I’m going to the local Momentum meeting next week, unfortunately there is just two of us from IMT going, as our branch leader, a lovely fierce old trade unionist is away at a conference so I’ll be sure to take some Socialist Appeal papers – what would a Corbynist meeting be without a few token Trots? 🙂 on that subject, I’m taking it for granted that I’m allowed to vote in the leadership election, I hear some people are going to get banned 🙁
@ Virgin Mary
One of the most surreal things about the last leadership vote was the way that anyone, even the most committed Labour supporter, was disqualified if they’d expressed any criticism of the previous leadership!
Sort of, “you can only vote if you’re happy with the system we’ve set up the vote to change”.
People in the local constituency know I’m a member of IMT, it has never been a problem before, but we are the rehash of Ted Grant’s old school Militant. Whether anyone’s so underhanded they would report me I don’t know. I hope not, but the rules seem to be changing every week.
Except she did plagiarize the first lady and admitted as such…http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/7/20/1550182/-It-s-official-Melania-Trump-is-BOTH-a-liar-and-a-plagiarizer