anti-Semitism literal nazis none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men playing the victim trump

David Duke: Jews did Melania’s plagiarism

David Duke: Blames the Jews
David Duke: Blames the Jews

So David Duke — yes, that David Duke, the former KKK Grand Wizard and current Trump superfan — has a new theory about who was responsible for slipping a paragraph of Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech into Melania Trump’s RNC speech on Monday.

Well, actually, it’s a very old theory, which to folks like Duke seems to explain basically everything in the world that they don’t like: Jews did it.

In a post appearing on the neo-Nazi Internet tabloid The Daily Stormer, Duke declares that Melania’s “plagiarism” — he puts it in scare quotes — was too obvious to be anything but “intentional sabotage and treachery.” You know, the sort of thing that the evil JEWS allegedly do all the time.

Nobody could have been so stupid as to make about five or six common quotes out of Michele Obama’s Demo convention speech just a few years before and put it Melania Trump’s speech and not think it would get exposed!

This is a con job, sabotage, political character assassination plan from the get go! …

I would bet a gefilte fish that this was sabotage. I would also bet a bagel it was orchestrated by an Israel Firster who wanted to damage the American Firster.

Damn, now I want a bagel. A nice fresh toasty bagel, smothered with chive cream cheese.

What’s more, Duke alleges, the EVIL JEWS somehow possessed Melania’s voice and FORCED her to tell reporters that she wrote most of the speech herself.

[I]t seems as though the operative set up Melania, by leaking it to other Jewish media insiders who repeatedly asked her about the speech before she gave it prodding her to suggest that she came up with most of it but was helped a little by the speechwriter.

Sorry, I don’t have anything to add here. I’m still thinking about bagels.

The whole thing is patently ridiculous anyway. Let’s see, Melania and Trump are pummeled for plagiarism for copying the common language of a Michelle Obama speech written by another speechwriter. One speechwriter plagiarizes another. Who the hell cares anyway?

Of course, that’s easy to answer. A vicious corrupt lying Zio Media who are going all out to destroy Donald Trump just as they are setting out to destroy this nation with a flood of immigrants in their bid to divide-and-conquer!

Zio Fingerprints are all over this one.

Zio? Are anti-Semites today so lazy they can’t even be bothered to type out the word “Zionist?” Seriously, I expect a little more effort from a former Grand Wizard.

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Is anyone following the convention right now?

Ted Cruz refused to actually endorse in his speech. He just said that if you love your country, you have to vote your conscience.

The crowd booed him and Heidi Cruz had to be escorted out by security because the crowd was yelling at her too.

Hot mess.

8 years ago

According to some recent political ad spots that have been popping up on the television, the kids will most certainly NOT be alright if Trump is elected. The one that closes with “Our kids are watching, what kind of leader will they see?” or something like that – after playing through the ‘most awful greatest hits of Trump’ including the bit about Megyn Kelly and “blood coming out of her you know…” – now that’s an interesting political ad.

8 years ago

Sadly this guy is just delusional and no Global Jewish Conspiracy is coming to save us from this crap. Damn!

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I wanted to expand a little on what I said about humor earlier because while what said was true I felt like I should have said a little more. I just want to make sure that I recognize the reality for what it is because even if something is important in a general sense not everyone or every situation will be appropriate for it. Anger, disgust and similar are fine too.

It is true that using humor in a social conflict will be important because of the abilities that it has. It twists negative emotions related to something an individual or group feels into positive ones. But a complication arises when the humor has to do with other people (things don’t feel hurt about being the butt of a joke), and it complicates again when the target of the humor is a member of an out-group or a whole out-group. Remember that “feminists love islamists” video that Dawkins tweeted approvingly about? It is a genuine example of humor, and that humor is entirely for the benefit of people that feel negatively about feminism and consider Islam a convenient means to rouse some disgust at feminists. That video is entirely a social weapon.

It’s still a formula that I’m working on too, but I’ve thought of some good distinctions. One is who the butt of the joke is (the person and/or personal characteristics that the humor is at the expense of). I don’t yet dare but there are socially useful rape (or maybe just rape-related) jokes, the ones at the expense of the rapist. Similar for humor involving racism as humor that is at the expense of racists is fine (like humor that highlights the shitty reasoning abilities of such bigots, or group behavior tendencies…). But humor that relieves tension in a way that spreads stereotypes or simply removes tension (for some people only!) about a negative thing that needs serious attention is out (An example being Colbert using a caricature of an Asian accent while mocking racists, which sabotaged his efforts).

So I hope that got across what I wanted to get across better. The humor is needed for even terrible things, but I was probably not nuanced enough.

8 years ago

I get where David Duke’s coming from.

I went shopping this evening and brought home two packages of cookies with an expired date. One package was moldy.

That was definitely the fault of the Jews.

Or wait — maybe it was Obama’s fault. Thanks, Obama!

8 years ago


humor is needed for even terrible things

I agree. When I saw Triumph of the Will (that Leni Riefenstahl documentary that attempts to glorify Hitler), I kept laughing when Hitler gave his speeches. My companion laughed too but felt uneasy about our reaction.

But I felt that laughter at Hitler’s pompous, self-dramatizing, tacky persona and his long-winded gasbaggery was totally justified and, in its own small way, a blow against fascism.

His speeches were funny. His actions were terrifying.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Is anyone following the convention right now?
How the fuck is this real!?

Hopefully, the ‘kids’ who can vote make sure the ‘kids’ who can’t are safe from him

8 years ago

I give it four years before Trump and his brand of politics will be seen as the toxic sludge that it is and unworthy to be in congress. Ready your popcorn boys and girls and everything in between and more, we’re in for some quality meltdown.

Have you ever seen a Narcissist unmasked? I hope we do when the debates start. A narcissist melting down in public is a very gratifying experience, at least in the fictions I have read. When Hillary wins I have the comfort that Bernie supporters have made a difference in getting more people involved in politics for what they believe in. His beliefs don’t end with him.

What does Trump leave when he loses? A bunch of angry hornets that’s what. There’s no substance to be had there. Just empty platitudes, violence and hatred. Oh and some more things to enable the rich, white and corrupt elite until the whole system collapses. He is merely a brand, of conqueror that he portrays himself. His career and humiliation ends with him. Trump’s brand is then worthless and he’d be discarded like all other wannabe Ronald Reagan alikes. Even more so when the GOP has someone to patsy for dragging them along like this.

8 years ago

David Duke is an idiot. Everytime he opens his mouth he’s blaming everything on Jews.

A staff writer of the Trump Organization, the company owned by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, has claimed responsibility for inserting passages in a speech given at the Republican National Convention by Trump’s wife Melania that resembled parts of a 2008 speech by first lady Michelle Obama.

The woman, Meredith McIver, released a statement on Wednesday apologizing for using the language, which she said Melania Trump recited to her in a phone call, without checking to see how closely it matched Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention eight years ago.

Seems to me to be an honest mistake. What proof does David Duke have that Meredith McIver is Jewish or that this was anything other than a simple mistake? I doubt he has any proof, he’s just spouting off his usual crap.

8 years ago


Hillary’s campaign definitely has a lot of material so far that can be useful in portraying Trump as the blathering, egotistical, unfit to lead, worst-ever candidate…and the pile of feces keeps being added to pretty much daily by Trump himself.

We need to continue pushing the importance of actually voting in this coming election, this is not the time for apathy.

Inkswitch, Magic Horse of Awesome
Inkswitch, Magic Horse of Awesome
8 years ago

Ponies could not have been responsible for Melania’s plagiarism. They were too busy using the magic of friendship to help us LGBT+ immigrants fake global warming so we can take their guns away

comment image

8 years ago


How the fuck is this real!?

I thought that the Allies had driven a stake through the heart of the Nazis long before I was born.

How the fuck is this thing back?!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Almost assuredly, it was a total accident. She thru her arm up to wave, and it came out wrong. Someone took the picture and, tada, instant Nazi. However, the fact that this happened at the nominating convention for a fascist, a convention that’s already mired with racist bullshit…

If Hillary had done it, would you believe it was a mistake? I would. Implicitly. I have doubts here. That’s a problem 🙁

8 years ago

You now realize that as holocaust survivors pass on, neo nazis are still around and threatening to sprout in the wake of social and racial tensions.

I just made myself sad.

8 years ago


If Hillary had done it, would you believe it was a mistake? I would. Implicitly. I have doubts here. That’s a problem

It’s truly strange that we both have doubts.

But she and her love god, Trump, are such slimy trolls that I have to wonder. (My apologies to mold everywhere and to mythical creatures who live below bridges — you know what I mean.)

8 years ago

Yeah, it is sad that humans can be like that.

My takeaway: We can’t let this kind of human being near power.

8 years ago

Around twenty years ago when I lived in Berkeley, California, I visited the library frequently.

I often saw a guy there who dressed up as Hitler. He wore no swastika but his face vaguely resembled Hitler’s. More important were his haircut and mustache. And he wore shorts with suspenders, so the look was similar to lederhosen.

What could the librarians do! There is no law against looking like Hitler.

I can only imagine how Holocaust survivors or their relatives must have felt to see this guy.

Occasionally I’d see this guy on the street too. Everybody gave him a wide berth.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

The official explanation for the plagiarism doesn’t make logical sense. This is what they claim:

1. Melania watches the Michelle speech.

2. Melania picks out a few lines from the speech and presents them to the speech writer as “an example” of what she’s going for.

3. The speech writer misunderstands the instructions, and thinks those are lines that Melania wrote herself.

4. The speech writer constructs a speech which includes slightly altered versions of the lines Melania gave her.

5. Melania reads through the finished speech and doesn’t notice that the lines she KNOWS are plagiarized, are in there.

6. Melania delivers the speech, which includes lines that she herself handpicked from a Michelle speech.

7. Nobody in the Trump campaign notices any of this.

8. Melania tells nobody of any of this, until they’re found out.

This makes zero sense. Even the “Jews did it” theory seems plausible by comparison. :p

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

My worry is not so much Trump himself, but what he is about to open the floodgates for, like the ‘false prophet’ acting as the opening act for the Antichrist. You can see the work of his minions now. The openly racist, misogynistic, Fascist, Hitler-loving thugs picking fights in the streets and trolling Farcebook and Twatter. We have this in England to as the Brexit decision was not made by rational people choosing for economic reasons and weighing up the fiscal advantage of remaining or leaving the EU (a free trade agreement created to serve multinationals) but by a simple choice of ‘Leave’ if you’re a racist, and ‘Remain’ if your not. Which is a gross oversimplification based on the tremendous job insecurity in Britain, and genuine fear that ‘coloured people are taking our jobs’, rather than looking at what the ruling classes have done to destroy our work prospects, especially in industry like TATA steel (BBC Wales managed to make a program about the layoffs at Port Talbot, and the sale of the steel works, but never once mentioned ‘privatisation’ as a bad thing, Maggie had a lot to answer for, re nationalisation is difficult after an industry is sold off piece meal, it could only be reaquired by compulsory purchase) the government seem fine about bailing out the banks, but not bailing out an employer who has thousands of families relying on it.
America is the same, but having Trump on the throne he is offering false hope to these same dispossessed people, the industrial worker, the all American man who believed he had a ‘job for life’ he was good at and does not have the ability or resources to learn new skills, feels like he has let his family down if he goes on welfare, and dreads getting sick and having a medical condition not covered by insurance if he even has insurance, maybe in his fifties + and very worried about his pension, and has a good chance of either ending up homeless or living in his kid’s basement. That’s a Trump voter in a nutshell.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ Virgin Mary

No doubt you’ve seen “A Very British Coup”. Must confess I don’t see JC being anywhere electable now. He’s re-energised a lot of potential Labour activists, but it doesn’t look like he appeals to potential labour voters. It’s impressive that he’s got over half a million people to support him within the party, but will that translate to the 15 million or so votes he’d need to win a general election? Of course, if recent events in the UK show anything it’s that nothing is predictable any more.

Anyway, here’s a picture of Harold Wilson for you. Took this on one of my rare visits back to the old country when I’d forgotten about the weather so flew up in shorts and Converse; very unwise 🙂 )

8 years ago

@brony: Oh, I’m not one to castigate others for using humour. I’m hoping someone got a chuckle at the mental image of the sad clown bandwagon after all.

Right now though, I have to quote Mr. Boffo:

Some day Weederman, we’ll look back on this and laugh.

It’ll be one of those slow, eerie chuckles that built into an uncontrollable bloodcurdling scream, but it’ll still be a laugh.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

This has nothing to do with Trump or Nazis (but I repeat myself), but everything to do with ponies, so: Pony dollmaker!

8 years ago

If Hillary had done it, would you believe it was a mistake? I would. Implicitly. I have doubts here. That’s a problem ?

Here’s the problem with the whole “it was an accident” narrative.
She did the same thing walking out on stage to give the speech. Literally.

Here’s a picture of her walking out onto stage to give the speech:

Then she gave the same salute again while “waving” at the end of the speech.
It makes it unlikely that it was an “accident”

8 years ago

@WWTH, he’s got *great* numbers. Nate Silver’s got a great operation going on. I trust his prediction right now… but I’m also paying attention to that worried voice, because The Young Turks have been correct far more than they have any right to be. And a 1 out of 3 change for Trump to win is way, wayyyyy too high for my liking D:

@SFHC, I… I spend more time than I should on those pony creator thingies D: