So David Duke — yes, that David Duke, the former KKK Grand Wizard and current Trump superfan — has a new theory about who was responsible for slipping a paragraph of Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech into Melania Trump’s RNC speech on Monday.
Well, actually, it’s a very old theory, which to folks like Duke seems to explain basically everything in the world that they don’t like: Jews did it.
In a post appearing on the neo-Nazi Internet tabloid The Daily Stormer, Duke declares that Melania’s “plagiarism” — he puts it in scare quotes — was too obvious to be anything but “intentional sabotage and treachery.” You know, the sort of thing that the evil JEWS allegedly do all the time.
Nobody could have been so stupid as to make about five or six common quotes out of Michele Obama’s Demo convention speech just a few years before and put it Melania Trump’s speech and not think it would get exposed!
This is a con job, sabotage, political character assassination plan from the get go! …
I would bet a gefilte fish that this was sabotage. I would also bet a bagel it was orchestrated by an Israel Firster who wanted to damage the American Firster.
Damn, now I want a bagel. A nice fresh toasty bagel, smothered with chive cream cheese.
What’s more, Duke alleges, the EVIL JEWS somehow possessed Melania’s voice and FORCED her to tell reporters that she wrote most of the speech herself.
[I]t seems as though the operative set up Melania, by leaking it to other Jewish media insiders who repeatedly asked her about the speech before she gave it prodding her to suggest that she came up with most of it but was helped a little by the speechwriter.
Sorry, I don’t have anything to add here. I’m still thinking about bagels.
The whole thing is patently ridiculous anyway. Let’s see, Melania and Trump are pummeled for plagiarism for copying the common language of a Michelle Obama speech written by another speechwriter. One speechwriter plagiarizes another. Who the hell cares anyway?
Of course, that’s easy to answer. A vicious corrupt lying Zio Media who are going all out to destroy Donald Trump just as they are setting out to destroy this nation with a flood of immigrants in their bid to divide-and-conquer!
Zio Fingerprints are all over this one.
Zio? Are anti-Semites today so lazy they can’t even be bothered to type out the word “Zionist?” Seriously, I expect a little more effort from a former Grand Wizard.
Trumpers really need to get their story straight – either the allegedly plagiarized phrases are so common that it’s obviously not plagiarism, or the plagiarism is so blatant and obvious that it must be deliberate sabotage. Both can’t be true.
So apparently the “Make America Great Again” train is rolling on to 1933.
Considering how much money the American congress supplies Israel with
Why would Zionists want a poorer or weakened America.
Melania is also a strange target, why not go for Trump directly
Still makes more sense* than “Ponies did it.”
*I mean, zero sense is technically more than negative sense, right?
I stopped for a second to had to think whether I’d of an outlet called “Zio Media”.
Martin Niemöller is best known for his quote “First they came for the Socialists…” but before he opposed the Nazis, he was a supporter of Hitler.
In the Sachsenhausen detention camp, after Niemöller was arrested by the Gestapo, his cell-mate Leo Stein asked him why he supported Hitler:
Trump will say anything, lies as easily as truth. It’s on us to wonder whether he lies about how extreme he is, or whether he lies about how moderate he is.
The Jews must be awfully busy, ruling the world as they do. One must applaud them for managing to squeeze in a plagiarized speech for an obscure Slovenian beauty contestant like this!
Re: “Zio”
It seems we have social media to thank for yet another contribution to human scumbaggery.
Damn he caught on to us.
Dammit I’m out of bagels.
Am I the only one that noticed the logo of the KKK Duke is wearing, that it looks awfully similar to a hazard symbol? At first glance, not on closer look, of course. I thought for a second Dave had photoshopped a hazard warning onto someone who truly deserves it…
We need to create a hazard warning label, like the one we use for chemical hazards, that could warn us about the hazards we face with certain people – misogyny, racism, Naziism, ageism, body shaming…thing is, we’d have to create a new one, because I don’t think the currently existing hazard symbol has enough categories for all the types of hate these folks get into. Of course, since most of them seem to spew hate in all directions, we might not need to be specific. Just a colorful warning label – Warning. Contents might be hazardous to the well being of the world.
Twilight Sparkle is secretly a Rothschild. Her cutie marks give it away.
Ohhh my kingdom for a good bagel with cream cheese and lox. Since I moved to the wide-open prairie 10 years ago, delicious bagels have been criminally hard to find.
OR maybe Twilight Sparkle is an evil Zionist Illuminati feminist?
Aww. Ninja’d by Buttercup. Now, I wonder if all the ponies are in on the NWO conspiracy or is it just Twilight?
I don’t think any sane conspiracy would keep Pinkie Pie on his payroll.
However, maybe Pinkie Pie control the hollow earth illuminati jewish conspiration through her mouthpiece, the third clone of Elvis Presley.
Are we playing Illuminati! again? Cool.
My vote goes to Pinky Pie being an agent provocateur who is working for the Gnomes of Zurich within the KGB but whose true allegiance lies with the International Workers of the World.
And yet, if we tried to warn people, they’d say that we were just making things up!
And EJ wins the thread.
This just made me picture a police officer walking into a bakery. “Excuse me, ma’am, but I have this warrant here that says you’re being charged with selling undelicious bagels. Please come with me.”
David Duke, making America eighty-eight again.
Fuck David Duke. >: – (
The Right, ald and alt, are always so keen on demanding that women, minorities, basically anyone but their own, must be held accountable for Reasons. Pregnancy is always the woman’s burden and cannot be avoided. The poor askes to be born in poverty, PoC bring racism on their selves, but rightwingers are never to blame. Melania Trump is not to blame for plagiarism. She is not even to blame for claiming to have written the speach. The mysterious malefactor is at fault all the way.
If the ponies are sabotaging the Trump campaign, I’m okay with that. That sounds like the sort of pranky thing that they would do. “Quick, Rainbow Dash, fly in there and swap the speech while they’re not looking!”
@kupo –
Well it SHOULD be a crime!
I had two bagels this morning. The world will burn apparently maybe someday kinda.
I still trying to figure out what the conspiracy theory is. Is it that the speechwriter snuck the plagiarism in or that there was no plagiarism. Because it seems he jumped from the former and then concluded with the latter.
Also, the “common language” argument. I know conservatives think public schools are crap but my public school taught what plagiarism is. If you follow another work sentence by sentence, even if you slightly change the wording, it’s still plagiarism and colleges will expel your ass (as well as the rest of your body). I don’t think any public school teacher or college professor accepts the argument of “common language.”
@ pteronychus
Heh, not over here they don’t 🙂
(In the UK, public schools are actually private; there is a logic to it)