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The Internet’s worst people have a new woman to hate: Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones

Leslie Jones, badass
Leslie Jones, badass

[UPDATE: Milo has been banned for good from Twitter. My thoughts here.]

More than a year and a half of manbaby whining wasn’t enough to derail the opening weekend of the Ghostbusters reboot: the film took in a greater-than-expected $46 million in the US, and Sony is already talking about a sequel.

And so the Lady-Ghostbuster-haters have returned to their roots. And by that I mean harassing women. The woman they’ve chosen to target this time? Leslie Jones, who, in the tiny minds of her harassers, has two strikes against her: 1) she’s one of the stars of the Ghostbusters reboot and 2) she’s black.

The harassment campaign seems to have started in earnest yesterday morning, not long after “journalist” and Internet Nazi apologist Milo Yiannopoulos posted his, er, review of Ghostbusters on Breitbart, singling out Jones as “the worst of the lot. The actress is spectacularly unappealing, even relative to the rest of the odious cast.”

After this, the deluge. Racist Twitter goons swarmed Jones, attacking her as a “coon” and a “savage,” and comparing her to Harambe the ape; one critic, Jones reported, sent her “a pic with semen on my face. I’m tryin to figure out what human means.”

Taken aback at the sheer nastiness of the attacks, Jones started posting screenshots of some of the most blatantly racist abuse.

Did Milo and his Twitter goons organize this campaign of abuse? I don’t know. But he definitely poured fuel on the fire.

After Jones reported him on Twitter for abuse, Milo (or someone working for Breitbart Tech, which Milo ostensibly runs) assigned a Breitbart Tech “reporter” to write a “news” article about this momentous event. No, really.

When asked for official comment on his blocking by Jones this is what Milo said: “She must have read my review! Honestly, this is why I say feminism is cancer. She used to be funny but being involved in a social justice dumpster fire like Ghostbusters has reduced her to the status of just another frothing loon on Twitter.”

Further ridiculing Jones, Milo said, “Imagine it: the star of a Hollywood blockbuster sitting at home reporting random people on social media for saying her movie sucked. Sad!”

Imagine the editor of Breitbart Tech assigning a reporter to interview him about being blocked and reported on Twitter. Beyond sad.

Milo then Tweeted screenshots of some obviously fake Tweets purportedly from Jones that some of her haters had conjured up and posted on Twitter.

Truly a class act, all the way.

After many hours of this sort of abuse, Jones responded to the hate with a series of heartfelt tweets.

The haters gloated over their “victory.”

If you’re on Twitter, show your support for Jones in the #LoveForLeslieJ hashtag.

And consider sending a strong but politely worded note to Twitter CEO  Jack Dorsey (@jack) to let him know that Twitter’s continued inability or unwillingness to rein in its nastiest abusers and trolls is not acceptable.

Twitter can be a marvellous platform to share thoughts and jokes and links and ridiculous gifs. It can also be the enabler of vicious campaigns of harassment and abuse. Twitter provided the platform that made the racist harassment campaign against Jones possible.

Get it together, Twitter, or Leslie Jones won’t be the only one signing off.

H/T — Thanks to everyone who brought this to my attention. Thanks to Colby Klaus, whose post on the Amala Network offered a detailed timeline of the abuse and highlighted Milo’s role in all this, which I drew on in writing this post. And thanks to @TakedownMRAs for staying on top of this and pointing out Lo-ping’s gloating Tweet.

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Inkswitch, Magic Horse of Awesome
Inkswitch, Magic Horse of Awesome
8 years ago

And now Milo’s been banned from Twitter. Of course, his supporters are crying about “muh freeze peach” while conveniently forgetting how Terms & Conditions work

8 years ago

Yeah, I avoid twitter like a plague because they just don’t care about the safety of their users. Banning one guy is the barest minimum concern they can show for Leslie Jones, but until they ban all of the hateful shitlords, Twitter will still be a plague.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

This reminds me of videos saying that this is restricting dissent. When the dissent are literal nazis, bigots, anti semites/gay/trans/women and such, I really don’t see the argument having grounds.

There’s dissenting opinions and there’s being a douchecanoe. If they had said something like ”I didn’t like the movie. The plot was full of holes, the passing was a mess, the timing of the jokes didn’t work, the effects looked cheap, etc.” I doubt anyone would be calling them douchecanoes. Because it’s fine to not like something, it’s fine to have a discussion about it. But it has to be a discussion. Some of these charmers just go around typing/yelling ”Ugly bitches lol stupid apes! I’d never f*ck them, women are stupid and can’t act, f*ing C U Next Tuesdays!” and when they get blocked, they turn around and complain that clearly you didn’t want to engage them in a discussion on the film. But it’s not a discussion, it’s a temper tantrum.
If they want to be treated like adults and have discussions with people, they should probably start acting like adults and not cranky toddlers.

8 years ago


It’s a shame she felt the need to engage them directly rather than just report them, it doesn’t do much except demonstrate harassment having its desired effect. Bout time twitter properly moderated their own platform.

She brought the issue to light by retweeting their disgusting behavior. Ignoring hate mobs doesn’t solve anything. Neither does blaming her for any of what happened.

8 years ago

Bryce – “Don’t feed the trolls” doesn’t do shit. The trolls are mostly putting on a show for each other. The victim shouldn’t have to silently wade through that. GG is kind of proof that even people like Anita who don’t engage and argue with harassers still get it just as bad.

8 years ago

Urgh!!! Racism and misogyny in in one gigantic pile of toxic shit! All that because she is a black woman who dared to act in a popular, high grossing movie. ? That poor woman!!! I am going to see her movie tonight and I bet she is going to be the best part of it. I am so excited! I hope she is getting lots of support from her colleagues and family. Milo reminds me of the blob of hateful slime made out of every bigoted comment ever posted on the internet brought to life. In other words, he reminds me of The Base from Gyno Star

Yep, he is nothing but a comic villain caricature of hate itself. And what’s up with those gorilla pics? How childish are these people?

8 years ago

I celebrate the banning waves. Thing improve, but at a frustratingly slow rate.

And I agree with Axe that the tech industry is the worse. I am trying to do my part to change it at that level, but it’s frustratingly hard to make progress without being rejected for “radical” opinion. And I am not exactly a big or very involved activist, so I guess that for “real” feminists it’s hellish.

8 years ago

I am very glad he is FINALLY banned! About bloody time.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ weatherwax

I (I’m British and live in the UK) had never heard of her before this film. I shall be looking out for her from now on, because she did a sterling job.

I was in the same position so I checked out some of her stuff on YouTube.

I think it’s a mark of a great comedian when they leave you with a line that makes you giggle every time you think of it. I’m pleased to say that Leslie Jones passes that test with flying colours.

“They’re not called kitchen lions”

I’m laughing just typing that. The skit leading up to that is brilliant and her delivery is amazing.

8 years ago


Thanks for the tip!

8 years ago

BTW, I have seen three film in the last ten year, and tend to hate sequel, and did not like Ghostbuster all that much to begin with. Is it worth it to go a bit against my nature to see it ? The idea of pissing off MRAs is alway fund, but the habit of Hollywood of rebooting and sequeling everything turn me off.

8 years ago

Does anyone have an email address for the Twitter boss? I’d like to send a letter of complaint but I don’t use Twitter (this kind of fiasco is just one of the reasons…)

8 years ago

Hollywood has been remaking things and churning out sequels practically since its inception (look up the umpteen versions of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on the IMDB, or the SEVEN Francis the Talking Mule films!), so it’s really up to you.

8 years ago

Looks like it’s [email protected]

8 years ago

@ Ohlman

Given what you’ve said about your film-going habits and preferences, I’m loath to recommend you going to see something you are unlikely to enjoy.

There are lots of things about the film to appreciate, but I don’t think Leslie Jones or the wider issues benefit from someone not enjoying the film. Maybe see how you feel when it’s out on DVD? In the meantime, there have to be other ways to support the victims of trolling (or increased diversity in film-making, or whatever you are particularly interested in).

My immediate take on the film was that it was a funny popcorn film. The sub textual elements that are way more radical have been sinking in over the last day or so. I mean, for example, the action scenes have the heroines wearing practical outfits that help them do their job, without exposing vast acres of flesh, being skintight or requiring them to bend themselves like a pretzel for the benefit of the camera. Or that I don’t recall McCarthy’s body shape being fuel for even one joke. Pretty revolutionary for today’s Hollywood. I think you may enjoy that, but perhaps not enough to overshadow your reservations.

Hope that helps.

8 years ago

@Wheather : thanks.

8 years ago

@Bryce @kupo

She brought the issue to light by retweeting their disgusting behavior. Ignoring hate mobs doesn’t solve anything. Neither does blaming her for any of what happened.

Yep, I was thinking this too. I saw some of the shitmongers celebrate that she had “taken the bait hard” and that it was enjoyable to see her meltdown, but I think that’s exactly what everyone should do. If only because bringing it to light will show all those on the fence who think “maybe it’s not that bad” that it really is that bad. Staying silent will solve nothing.

8 years ago

Gorillas are gentle, beautiful creatures that are tragically threatened with extinction. The world would be much improved if all every one of these awful cock-goblins tweeting gorilla-pics were to be replaced with an actual gorilla.

My girlfriend and I are both looking forward to seeing Ghostbusters when it premieres here. I can’t fucking wait.

8 years ago


In Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand has one of her expy characters say that in the last analysis there’s no way to punish any man (read: “human”) except through guilt (“what he has accepted as guilt”) — though she might also have mentioned shame, which works as well or better. Here’s the quote:

“If a man has ever stolen a dime, you can impose on him the punishment intended for a bank robber and he will take it. He’ll bear any form of misery and he’ll feel that he deserves it.”

And here’s the kicker:

“If there’s not enough guilt in the world, then we must create it.”

(Though once again I think she should have added “shame”.)

Gotta admit she wasn’t wrong about everything…

By create it, Rand means to put the takers in their proper, subservient place. Her protagonists were sociopaths who never felt guilt or shame. She thought empathy was a sign of degeneracy.

If Ayn Rand were to look at this twitter fight and his career in general, she would consider Milo to be the hero precisely because he’s a sociopath, at least in his public dealings. He shows no sign of guilt or shame. He does what he wants without caring about how it affects other people, except when he is being a sadist and intentionally trying to hurt people.

Yes, Ayn Rand was wrong about everything.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago

I was so pissed off at this story that I set up a twitter account, contacted Jack through his twitter account and then deleted my twitter account. I asked him what specifically he was doing to address this type of harassment.

I will not support Twitter until it takes concrete steps to eliminate harassment from its forum. I would advise other POC to do the same. The burden shouldn’t be on us to stop racist/sexist harassment. It should be on the forum to make it easy to report offensive tweets and to have them deleted and the tweeters blocked. Youtube has made it very easy to report racist/sexist comments and to remove them from videos. There is no reason Twitter cannot do the same.

I’m very proud of Ms. Jones for taking a stand and forcing Twitter’s hand. Banning Milo is a small step and will be worthless unless followed up with a much more vigorous policy for handling harassment.

8 years ago


It’s a shame she felt the need to engage them directly rather than just report them, it doesn’t do much except demonstrate harassment having its desired effect. Bout time twitter properly moderated their own platform.

Literally any response from Leslie Jones would be taken as evidence by these people that their harassment is working. And Twitter would have done exactly nothing if Leslie Jones had tried to work within the system and simply reported them.

We need to stop giving a shit whether harassers think they’ve won whatever game they think they’re playing. They’re convinced before they even start that they’re right, you’re the bad guy and literally any response on your part will be seen as a victory in their eyes. Either you’re angry, or they successfully drove you off twitter, or they drew attention to their “cause” or whatever. They’ll spin it whatever way it needs to be spun to convince themselves that their behavior is good and right and just.

Changing what we do based on what we anticipate the harassers inferring from it is still letting them call the shots. Decent human beings need to do what results in the desired outcome; harassers getting banned in this case. If some abusive, reactionary shit faps to the idea that he made someone angry or what-the-fuck-ever they think the win condition of this “game” is, so fucking what?

8 years ago

I agree with Sevenofmine.

8 years ago

There’s no “right” way to respond to harassment that will get the fuckheads to realize their assholery and stop, short of having a robust moderation system in place that makes it very inconvenient for them to even try. Singular responses do diddly squat, partially because of the massive sizes of Internet hate mobs. Even if ignoring them discouraged some harassers, there are plenty more whom it would infuriate and encourage.

Basically, don’t put the responsibility of stopping harassment on the victim, it’s a shitty thing to do.

8 years ago

Is twitter salvageable? Seems like pretty much every day I read of someone being hounded to a horrific degree. And think of the staggering amount of traffic they carry: how can they ever hope to adequately police it?