There are stories going around claiming that Melania Trump plagiarized a good chunk of her speech last night from a 2008 speech by Michelle Obama. Nothing could be further from the truth! Here’s a complete transcript of Melania’s speech — see for yourself!
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears! The Barack Obama I know today is the same man I fell in love with 19 years ago.
Say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud!
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. Reader, I married him.
Don’t be fooled by the rocks that I got. I’m still, I’m still Jenny from the block. I ain’t no hollaback girl. Ich bein ein Berliner. I like turtles. I love lamp.
Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.
And in conclusion, it’s people — soylent green is people! Use the force, Luke.
Only you can prevent forest fires.
Inspiring and original words from the wife of a man who will never be President of the United States!
H/T — Inspiration from the #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes hashtag on Twitter. I found the pic above in a tweet from @Jenny_from_ThaD.
@David – You are right, it’s not a problem here because the context of the post explains it all. On FB, however, I’ve seen these quotes without a hashtag and context (except for people giving ROFL and LOL, but right now we all know what this is about).
And in 6 years, somebody might search for famous Melania Trump quotes and gets these, and like Ohlmann said, the satirical angle might be unknown to many by then.
I don’t know, I’m obviously describing a hypothetical situation. It was just a thought, not aimed at you or any poster here, more at the flaws of the internet.
Melania did go on record before the event saying she “wrote it with as little help as possible”, so I’m not all that sympathetic towards her. Even if she likely wasn’t responsible for the plagiarism, she lied more than she really had to.
I think this was my favorite headline for the whole thing
Actually, for thirty seconds I thought Dave actually had posted the actual speech. Then I googled ‘Melania Trumps speech’ and found the real likely plagiarized text on NPR. Sarcasm does not internet well. Or maybe I just fail at recognizing it.
If there is any justice in the universe, Melania Trump and her vulgar talking yam of a husband will be completely forgotten in six years.
Oh, and for ten seconds I thought ‘Steve King’ meant Stephen King’ and was like, what?
I think I should either spend more time out from under my rock, or go back under it and stay there.
As funny as I think it is that a potential (don’t even want to think about it) first lady gave a speech that is so obviously plagiarized, I think that Melania Trump is blamed too much for the whole thing, and the criticism is often mixed with really misogynistic approaches. I’ve seen people comment that she shouldn’t talk to an audience or talk about political issues because “she’s a porn star” – which I think is a horrible way of thinking of people, but I’ve seen it way to often, even with people I thought were very reasonable.
This is also something that she’s supposed to say. She’s not necessarily to blame for claiming to have written the speech herself. Republicans have decided that speech writers are bad, teleprompters are bad, not improvising every speech on the spot is bad, etc. This is all part of strategy, and probably not a personal choice.
I don’t despise her. That’s about the best I can manage right now. She’s serving as a distraction from the actual factual monsters from the Id spewing badthink.
Given that Donald Trump’s first wife, Ivana Trump, says that he raped her after his scalp reduction went wrong (which in Donald Trump’s mind was her fault because Ivana referred Donald to her doctor), I have to wonder how much Melania Trump is just going along to get along.
And “going along to get along” can cover a whole lot of territory.
So in my mind, it’s a big question mark as to how much blame I can assign to Melania Trump.
Also, I might be alone on this, but I have to wonder whether copying Michelle Obama’s speech was an “eff u” to Democrats, a way of saying, “Yeah, we do this and we get away with it!” At the same time, I don’t want to underplay the role of incompetence.
Maybe I’ll go with the first speechwriter did it as an eff u. All the fact checkers and other speechwriters and Mister Sweet Potatohead himself were a mix of eff u and incompetent.
I wish the Trump spokesperson hadn’t tried to claim that Melania’s speech was in part inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
The latest is that supposedly she plagiarized Twilight Sparkle.
My brain BSOD’ed for a minute or two.
There’s a lot about the Yuuuge Yam and his wife and his family and his campaign that will most likely forever remain a mystery to me.
But I do know this: No amount of plagiarism of Twilight Sparkle will ever dim this pony’s brilliance.
@VP & Phryne
All hail the Princess of Friendship!
I’m told she also quoted this song in her speech:
Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up
“He will never, ever give you up. And most importantly, he will never, ever let you down.”
As long as she sticks by writing the speech herself, I’m not sure why we’re dismissing her role in this whole thing. “She said she wrote it herself but we all know that’s not true” seems just as shit of a position to me.
I wonder if Michelle Obama would get as much compassion had she lifted a white woman’s speech. Meh.
Does it strike anyone else as odd that a presidential candidate with a strong anti immigration platform has a first generation immigrant as a wife?
Does no one in the manosphere complain about that? I can’t stand to spend enough time on those sites to find out.
Does it strike others as odd that a man who is running on an anti immigration platform has a first generation immigrant as a wife?
Why aren’t the MRAs and their ilk upset about this? They’d certainly be ballistic if it was the other party’s candidate.
Some of them probably do, but it seems equally that they’re okay with it “because she’s hot”.
Regarding the invocation of Twilight Sparkle by Sean Spicer, the character’s voice actress Tara Strong tweeted “”This is not Pony Princess approved. I’m Twilight Sparkle & do not approve this message.” She then tweeted “Plagiarism is NOT magic”. Twilight Sparkle is reading the Riot Act to the Trump campaign!
And in other weird Melania “news”: Der Drumpf once went on Howard Stern’s show bragging that she doesn’t poop or fart.
I’m not even going to try to imagine what kinds of contortions one has to do to maintain such an illusion. I can only feel sorry for her, because that can’t be a comfortable life.
Anti-immigration people don’t usually mind immigrants if they’re white.
Precise! Melania has agency. So long as she claims responsibility, I’ll give her responsibility. At the same time, Scildfreja et al have a point. It’s also definitely on Don and the shit squad, and you can bet this will end up a pretty nasty pile on from the ‘she’s stupid and hot but mostly hot’ crowd. I agree with you, but I don’t really feel comfortable mocking her, ya know?
Why the MRAs have a problem with that I don’t know, they want a Malibu Stacy who when you pull the string says, ‘don’t ask me, I’m just a girl’, or ‘I wish they taught shopping in school’. They got that. Poor Meliana.
I feel like Donald Trump is playing the Penis Game. You know, where you’re 8 and in the back of a 4th grade classroom and you and your friends take turns saying “Penis!” progressively louder to see who can get away with saying it the loudest without getting caught. Except I was the one who was annoyed as hell by those people because I actually wanted to learn long division. I guess I’ve always kind of hated toxic masculinity?
Also, 5-trillion bonus points for a Big Lebowski reference. That comment really tied the blog together, man!