The scene: A McDonald’s in Ottawa. A man orders a chicken sandwich. The woman behind the counter tells him they’re out. He calls her a bitch.
And then this happens:
[VIDEO REMOVED. Several people have come to me with information that made me question whether it was appropriate to post this video, and so I have removed the link. –DF]
It’s a little confusing, I’ll admit, but this is a film worth multiple viewings. Some of the highlights, in case you were thrown off by all the shouting.
- Dude trying repeatedly to “explain” to the woman behind the counter, who is calling the cops, that “bitch” is in fact a “proper English word.”
- Dude raising the important Men’s Rights issue of how come he can’t hit women but he can hit men?
- Dude raising the equally important Men’s Rights issue of how come women get all mad when men hold doors open for them?
- The unseen guy who tells angry dude “don’t even look over here for help” when angry dude turns to the crowd for support. “You’re on your own, buddy,” the unseen fellow adds.
- Dude positively AGHAST that someone would call the cops on him “cause I wanted proper service. And you’re not properly servicing me.”
- Dude realizing that “servicing” sounds vaguely salacious. and adding “maybe you should get on your knees.”
- The inevitable shout of “Worldstar” near the end.
I only wish we’d been able to see the guy get escorted off the premises by police, but, hey, they have to save something for the sequel, right?
That old Married To The Sea cartoon turned out to be pretty uncannily accurate, huh?
H/T — Thanks to r/againstmensrights for bringing this lovely video to my attention.
It’s the same mentality that rails against government assistance and welfare, while happily receiving Social Security checks and Medicaid, and doesn’t see anything inconsistent about that. They themselves are hardworking and deserving, others are not.
This. So much this. I see that too, and it’s distressing. Every tragedy brings out edgelord nihilists falling all over themselves to see who can be the worst person of all time. Then, because they’re empathy deficient, they project their base motives onto everyone else. Feminist men are only doing it to get laid, SJWs are virtue signalling, etc. I also dislike the way they divide the world into savvy predators (them) and naive do-gooder sheep (everyone who disagrees with them), so they can lecture everyone on The Way The World Really Works and how behaving morally is a sucker’s game. Whatever gives them the illusion of power, I guess, but mistrusting and using people sounds like a pretty lonely existence.
One hopes the 16 year old shitposters will mature out of it in time, but it’s always September on the ‘net, and there’s always a fresh crop waiting to take their place. The ones in their late twenties and beyond are probably beyond hope.
On a side note: for such a cynical population, I’m amazed at how susceptible these Dark Enlightment types are to conspiracy theories, junk science, NLP, alt-right woo, “self help” books, RP, pickup gurus, and con artists like Trump, Roosh, and Elam. They’ll happily fork over big bucks to learn how to stick it to other people. It’s so funny to watch RedPillers endlessly hustling their blogs and flogging their podcasts and T-shirts to each other.
So, long story short, “someone with autism was mean to me once, therefore my ableism is justified”.
This is no different than “a girl dumped me once, therefore all women are evil”. Or “a black guy robbed me once, therefore black people are criminals”.
And, sorry, but I don’t believe that 90% of your customers would throw your books on the floor and try to get you fired. If you’re gonna make up a story in order to justify bigotry, at least make it somewhat believable.
I am someone who has always worked with the public, every since my childhood, including all kinds of neuroatipical people, who somehow are always without their guardians. I don’t know how they let people with 7yo brains out alone, but they do. I also have friends and family who are strongly autistic, have brain palsy, down syndrome, etc. I have been sexually harassed by them, even physically assaulted. I know it’s not easy to keep calm and non-resentful, especially when you are not sure if they are faking it. I don’t mind anyone complaining. You don’t have to pretend you like them or their presence. I have complained and been harsh with them many times myself, because everyone needs to learn limits. And yes, also, they may be assholes.
Still, as a person with some brain differences, including autism, I do think that comment was beyond limits. Especially the misspelling. It hit me like a slap at my face. Really harsh and combative. It’s like we are reading different comments, which usually happens to me, because I am ALSO a bit dislexic and Brazilian. I may be misinterpreting it. But it did sound really rude and offensive to my ears.
That’s not what I said, and you probably know that.
If you now want to lobby for a ban of my account, go ahead, I’m fine with that.
I’m done.
I take note, I guess I will try to read my comment again later.
@IP : I can believe 90% of his/her clients being problematic. I can’t believe that 90% of the disabled one are problematic, but I can believe a high number of them faking disability.
I also can’t really believe there is that many disabled people going here. My local shop have several hundred regular customers, of which 0 are disabled in any visible fashion, and while I would prefer to avoid giving number, disabled people going in a gamestore are really, really rare. That have mostly something to do with how geeks and nerds aren’t actually very tolerant, at least in my opinion.
The main reason is that I do have seen bubbles of populations where everyone is horrible in similar way, including one that almost made me stop tabletop RPG definitely on the concept that RPG players were all horrible, and also faking disability is way more common for the target population of a gamestore than among most other group. But a bubble like that of disabled people ? I don’t really buy that.
I do believe that anecdotically, one lone people could do the examples LinuxLea gave, and that they could be actually disabled, even if it seem less credible than them just faking it.
This is gonna be good…
Guess what tho? I don’t much care why you said it. Stop saying it. Thanks in advance
Is this supposed to be your justification? Cos nobody asked you for the details of your life. It’s legit nice that you’re comfortable sharing, but none of your story makes any difference to the matter at hand. Your childhood doesn’t absolve you
Ya wanna know how best to express yourself? Here’s a tip. Sometimes, the best form of communication you can do is to, occasionally, shut up. Or failing that, here’s another way you can better express yourself. When someone explains how you fucked up, don’t ‘um, actually’ them about your linguistic quirks. Perhaps realize that your interest in a topic is irrelevant if you’re clearly inept at discussing it. Top of the head suggestions for ya. Good luck…
Are you gonna Gert all over this thread? Say something stupid, pretend like we’re the ones being insulting, bring up banning apropos of nothing? Cos if so, save it. We had enough of that a few days ago
Fuckin style snobs 😛
@ axe
Snobs; at The Guardian? Perish the thought. 🙂
If this was in answer to me, thank you very much! But I was referring to Linux’ comment. Yours is OK. Uh, your comment to me, anyway. The otgers have a few problems but I don’t think you’re being combative or rude
What the fuck is this thread? It’s a good thing I’m sick and more than a little groggy or I would be ranting.
I’ve worked plenty of retail and people can be assholes, but 90% of them? I don’t buy that. It sounds a whole lot more like LinuxLea was the asshole who was just contemptuous of everyone who came in.
And calling an autistic person an asshole and a speshul snowflake for having a meltdown is just out of line. People seem to be forgetting that autism is a spectrum disorder. Some people on the spectrum are severely disabled. Some just come off as a bit awkward. My brother is somewhere in the middle. He would not have a meltdown if a store didn’t have something he wanted, but he might want to. Maybe the man who threw himself on the ground was on the lower functioning end of the spectrum? Maybe his parents weren’t willing or able to work with him to regulate his behavior better?
Sorry, but I don’t buy that there’s this whole conspiracy of autistic people who use their disorder to make life hell for other people and then show their papers so they can’t face consequences. That might happen from time to time, but routinely? I really fucking doubt it.
People also need to stop talking about autism as if it’s some sort of privilege. It’s really fucking not and if someone told my brother that he was faking his disorder for the privileges… I don’t even know. It might violate the comments policy to even describe how rage filled that would make me.
Oh, and the “go ahead and ban me, I’m leaving anyway, nananabooboo!” routine is really immature and really doesn’t add to the credibility of LinuxLea’s stories.
Having worked in, and owned, a store dedicated to geeky games like roleplaying games, card games, and board games? I can sympathize with the “90% of humans are horrible” viewpoint. There’s a unique clientele in that sort of a place which you don’t really see in other retail or service environments. They exist, of course, but they’re sort of washed out by the larger bulk of humanity. That sort of a store really distills down the dorkness (speaking as a big ole dork myself).
Most of the customers were trying very hard to be friendly and social, but didn’t have the skills or empathy to actually get there. They got angry over silly things, and didn’t like being contradicted or otherwise impeded. Many of them greatly valued being perceived as intelligent, so any reply that suggested they were wrong about something would get a strong reaction.
So, I sympathize with @LinuxLea on that – you need to maintain a peculiar sort of resiliency and compassion in working that sort of a store that can quickly erode your opinion of other people. But I’d never diagnose any of them as autistic. Frankly, some of the gentlest and sweetest customers I had were schizophrenic and autistic (properly diagnosed, not by me). Likewise, some of the nastiest and most belligerent customers were completely capable of being eusocial. They just didn’t consider me or my co-workers worthy of that effort.
There’s simply no reason to bring mental illness of any sort into a discussion of antisocial behaviour. Unless you’re talking about a specific case with a correlation, it’s just muddying waters, and propagating bad stereotypes.
<3 to all of you. It's been a tough few weeks for the world. Let's not let it seep into here too much!
Thanks, but I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what you said. And you probably know it, too.
I wouldn’t complain if you were banned, but I’m notoriously ban-happy. I’ll note that if you want to get banned, you should probably just keep doing what you’re doing right now.
Also, your ableism definitely puts you in those 90% of people who are, allegedly, assholes. Calling people special snowflakes for having autism? Seriously? That’s something Sargon of Akkad or Davis Aurini would say.
A couple of my friends are autistic and, far from ‘capitalising’ on that, they feel under enormous pressure to ‘hide’ it because of the stigma. They hold down good jobs and are considered perfectly ‘normal’ members of society, until people find out they’re autistic. Then it all changes. Even people who are trying to be ‘nice’ suddenly start treating them differently and other people can be downright assholes as if autism is contagious or people with autism are simpletons (my friends appreciate it when people accommodate them by restricting use of metaphorical language or sarcasm; but they don’t need people to start…speaking….very….sloooowly, with all the head nodding and smiling)
My friends aren’t ‘ashamed’ of having autism or want any special sympathy, but to suggest that there’s any benefit to be had, they’d find laughable (yes, people with autism laugh)
(Sorry, WWTH, I know you’ll know all this, this is aimed at people generally )
A couple of my friends are autistic and, far from ‘capitalising’ on that, they feel under enormous pressure to ‘hide’ it because of the stigma. They hold down good jobs and are considered perfectly ‘normal’ members of society, until people find out they’re autistic. Then it all changes. Even people who are trying to be ‘nice’ suddenly start treating them differently and other people can be downright assholes as if autism is contagious or people with autism are simpletons (my friends appreciate it when people accommodate them by restricting use of metaphorical language or sarcasm; but they don’t need people to start…speaking….very….sloooowly, with all the head nodding and smiling)
My friends aren’t ‘ashamed’ of having autism or want any special sympathy, but to suggest that there’s any benefit to be had, they’d find laughable (yes, people with autism laugh)
(Sorry, WWTH, I know you’ll know all this, this is aimed at people generally )
Why, in spaces like this (mostly feminist), do we have to repeat the same seemingly obvious stuff about ableism, racism, etc, DAILY?! And it’s not even difficult to swallow stuff, it’s stuff I learned when I was 6, like “if someone doesn’t like being called a name, don’t call them of that name or they’ll take offense” or “never mimic and mock the way disabled people act or talk” (sorry, the “speshul snewflaik” thing was really low for me). It’s frustrating. It’s like we try, try, try, but people, both individually and collectively just refuse to understand, and peaceful talk doesn’t change anything.
The man in this video has suffered brain damage. A friend of his has told me that ‘This man has brain damage from years of seizures and within the last year had open brain surgery to remove a tumor.’ and also that ‘It has severely effected his impulse control and behavior.’
This is seriously not the guy’s fault – brain injuries can dramatically alter people’s behaviour and it’s incredibly sad.
For the man’s sake and his family’s sake, please remove this page.
@ LinuxLea
I know you were unaware that you were being obnoxious and ableist and othering disabled people, and that because of that Axe’s, Petal’s and Hard Chairs’ tone seemed uncalled for to you. So that’s why you’re being defensive instead of listening to them, seeing your mistake and apologising. But I think you should know that they are right, and you are wrong. You were being ableist, and you were othering.
You have no more reason to listen to me than to them, but maybe read what you wrote again on another day with fresh eyes and give it some thought. Think about why you wanted to make the case that disabled people sometimes behave badly in a way that can be seen as characteristic of or may be symptomatic of their disorder. You cannot possibly be saying it because you think we don’t know. We’re left with the interpretation that you wanted to affirm and reinforce the cultural association that currently exists between bad behavior and disabled people. You wanted to, in essence, say that it is true, and that this defines and should continue to define neurodevelopmentally disabled people as a group. At least it is very hard to come up with another idea of what you may have been trying to say.
“Blunt” implies that you say something that is true and fair in an insufficiently polite, indirect or considerate way. That does not describe your behavior, at least not here. You said things about disabled people that are offensive precisely because they are so unfair, and yet so widely believed. You hedged them, which shows that you knew they needed hedging, and is also not bluntness.
Hedging, by the way, doesn’t really count. It will, at best, absolve you of the consequences of what you say. It will not soften the impact on the targets of your speech one bit:
LinuxLea, not cool. Please reread the comments directed at you in this thread and take them to heart. And maybe don’t say anything for a while.
I’ve worked customer support in the geek space, and I did that for over a decade. I know it’s not the same as face-to-face, but that also means that people are less likely to hold back because they’re screaming at me from the comfort of their own homes. It feels like 90% of people are assholes, I get that. But it’s not actually true. You remember the assholes vividly and the assholes take up more of your time, but they’re in the minority, even in geekdom. The people with mental and physical health concerns were some of the nicest people I dealt with. I’m sure some of them were assholes. More often their parents were assholes and they were apologetic about it, though.
The problem is you’re looking for a group of people to blame for the behavior of individuals. It’s not autism or geekdom that’s the problem; it’s people feeling entitled to things (not thongs, tyvm autocorrect).
kupo kupopo
Saw this on my fb feed..not sure if it has been mentioned in the comment thread, but apparently the guy has a literal brain injury that has severely damaged his impulse and emotional control. Not an excuse but an explanation.
Banana fana fo fupo
Fee fy mo mupo, kupo!
Petal pepeta
The naaaame game!
Sorry, couldn’t resist, feeling silly today. Ignore.
There’s a site, notalwaysright.com, where workers in customer service positions share their experiences. Reading it has reinforced my desire to be a Good Customer whenever possible – and it’s almost always possible. I especially enjoy being recognized by someone as ‘oh, there’s Robert, this is going to be pleasant’.
Also, my younger son’s therapist (who he’s been seeing for ten years) thinks I may be on the high end of the spectrum. In retrospect, that explains some things*, including some of the early problems he and I had. Fortunately, a decade of therapy and lots of concerted effort have helped tremendously.
*I’ve joked with friends who would get the joke that I’m what happens when you have ASD and can’t do math.
It’s all good! :p
Someone else reported the same thing about the guy in the video. I’m not sure if it’s true, but in case it is, I’ve removed the link to the video.