antifeminism delicious chicken sandwiches douchebaggery entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA straw feminists why can't men punch women?

This dude freaking out over a chicken sandwich is a Men’s Rights Reddit thread come to life

All he wanted was a chicken sandwich
All he wanted was a chicken sandwich

The scene: A McDonald’s in Ottawa. A man orders a chicken sandwich. The woman behind the counter tells him they’re out. He calls her a bitch.

And then this happens:

[VIDEO REMOVED. Several people have come to me with information that made me question whether it was appropriate to post this video, and so I have removed the link. –DF]

It’s a little confusing, I’ll admit, but this is a film worth multiple viewings. Some of the highlights, in case you were thrown off by all the shouting.

  • Dude trying repeatedly to “explain” to the woman behind the counter, who is calling the cops, that “bitch” is in fact a “proper English word.”
  • Dude raising the important Men’s Rights issue of how come he can’t hit women but he can hit men?
  • Dude raising the equally important Men’s Rights issue of how come women get all mad when men hold doors open for them?
  • The unseen guy who tells angry dude “don’t even look over here for help” when angry dude turns to the crowd for support. “You’re on your own, buddy,” the unseen fellow adds.
  • Dude positively AGHAST that someone would call the cops on him “cause I wanted proper service. And you’re not properly servicing me.”
  • Dude realizing that “servicing” sounds vaguely salacious. and adding “maybe you should get on your knees.”
  • The inevitable shout of “Worldstar” near the end.

I only wish we’d been able to see the guy get escorted off the premises by police, but, hey, they have to save something for the sequel, right?

That old Married To The Sea cartoon turned out to be pretty uncannily accurate, huh?

comics-married-to-the-sea-auto-217800H/T — Thanks to r/againstmensrights for bringing this lovely video to my attention.

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8 years ago

@ Alan

I walked into that one.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ chiomara

worms are edible, anyway

Worms are a popular staple on survival courses. The instructors always harp on about how, to avoid the risk of food poisoning, you have to ensure that “the worms are healthy”. The instructors supervise your efforts.

One guy made us (if not the instructor) laugh by holding his first worm in the palm of his hand and asking “Is there any history of heart disease in your family?”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ pitshade

I walked into that one.

Well, you should have let me hold it open for you 😉

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

This is some very impressive alpha male-ing.

And shared just in time for the start of the RNC!

@ Tabby Lavalamp

Mind. Motherfucking. BLOWN.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ radiojane

It’s a Canuck thing too

The Americans could probably have kept us both out in 1814 by erecting a series of doors along the border.

8 years ago

@ (((Chiomara)))

it tastes good, never made me sick

That’s always been one of the selling points of fast food (or any sort of franchise – restaurant or hotel or whatever) is that the customer mostly always knows what to expect. I travel a lot in my work and am also a bit picky/hesitant to try out new places but in a pinch there’s usually a fast food place around and barring the odd exception, you know what you’re getting in to.

Bill Stewart
Bill Stewart
8 years ago

Of course she’d have made a chicken sandwich for a woman customer, because a woman would have known to reply “sudo make me a sandwich with special rice on it”.

If only we’d gotten to see the cops show up and take him away.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Republican Representative Steve King just said that nobody has contributed more to civilization than white people. Tried to weasel out afterwards. Chris Hayes was trying so hard to be diplomatic, but even he was like ‘yo, is you serious right now?’ the whole time. The party that nominated Romney last time has gotten even more exclusionary. It’s actually, mildly impressive

8 years ago

The smugness with which he keeps repeating that bitch is a Proper English Word! As if that means it can’t be insulting.

Dude, the F word has been a Proper English Word since at least the fifteenth century. The C word has been a Proper English Word since the freaking thirteenth century. This does not mean that it would not be insulting if I called you an Effing Cee.

And just so you know, that very Proper English Word cuckold first appeared in writing in 1250. So I’m unclear why MRAs think calling people cucks is an insult. It’s a Proper English Word! OR IS IT once it’s been abbreviated? Get an linguist here, STAT!

What an idiotic, faux-intellectual loser. All the props to the woman who just ignores his nonsense, completely blanks him and calmly calls the cops to get him thrown out of her life.

PeeVee the Sarcastic
PeeVee the Sarcastic
8 years ago

@ kupo:

Yeah, he keeps repeating over and over that she wants extra rights because she refused to serve him after he called her a bitch.

And then he keeps saying “She said it! She said it!” I’m mystified as to how he equates “I’m going to have to ask you to leave” with demands for extra rights, and I listened to this multiple times to try and find where she stealthily snuck a demandy demand in…

@ Paradoxal Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut:

I get the best rabbit holes to fall down into from this site!

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

The Americans could probably have kept us both out in 1814 by erecting a series of doors along the border.

Oh, but you could repel our door attacks by erecting a bunch of National Health hospitals and clinics.

Pictured below, an American coming into contact with socialized medicine

8 years ago

So a manospherian walks into a McDonald’s and orders a chicken sandwich.

Next thing you know, the server is calling the cops and the crowd of privileged women and their cucks are yelling at him! Also, one privileged woman gets between him and a cuck.

If that isn’t misandry, I don’t know what is!

Sadface that I couldn’t see the arrest. :C

PeeVee the Sarcastic
PeeVee the Sarcastic
8 years ago

I cannot believe King did that. I cannot believe he just did that.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

@Axecalibur – 😀

Is there any English language insult that’s not a Proper English Word? I guess you could call someone an ain’t, or an alot, but that just doesn’t have the same impact.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Seditty and bougie?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

ah, but it isnt really legal to hit men and hasnt been; whereas it WAS legal to hit your wife.

Yes, but: it was never legal to hit random women at McDonald’s (they were other men’s property, after all); and, although it’s illegal for men to hit one another, this frequently occurs with no consequences entailed for anyone involved. I want to think that this is the imaginary injustice that fools like this one have in mind, not that they are thinking about domestic violence. While that would not be any more or less horrible of an idea than men beating up any woman who displeases them, it would make even less sense.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I cannot believe King did that. I cannot believe he just did that.

Sadly, I really can believe it.

8 years ago


Sorry for the OT but I noticed you had an avatar now and I had seen you ask about that in another thread and I had the same question, but when I came back later I just couldn’t find the thread! Do you mind passing on the info of how you did this Internet magic?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

@Axecalibur – I’m sorry, Marquess of Queensberry rules have to be strictly adhered to when insulting food service workers.

In fact, Rule #6 states that you literally get to bludgeon them with the rulebook itself.

8 years ago


Is there any English language insult that’s not a Proper English Word? I guess you could call someone an ain’t, or an alot, but that just doesn’t have the same impact.

If Mister Chicken Sandwich weren’t busy being fingerprinted by smirking cops with Canadian accents, I’m sure he would explain to you that “ain’t” is in the dictionary (in fact, says that it’s in 15 dictionaries), so it’s a Proper English Word.

Could it be that you’re an already privileged woman who wants even more extra rice?

Extra rights?

Something something?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Gravatar. PI explains it on the bottom of page 4. Follow the instructions, and watch the magic

‘Speak the Queen’s English, damn you!’
*Huddles, rocking in a corner, reciting ‘The rain in Spain’*

8 years ago

It’s a Canuck thing too, everybody holds the door open for everybody, to the point of pedantry, so I’m questioning whether this guy is really Canadian or not.

Co-signed as a Canuck; I hold the door open for whoever’s coming behind me, if anyone is. This guy sounds like a bumptious Yank on vacation.

PeeVee the Sarcastic
PeeVee the Sarcastic
8 years ago

Sadly, I really can believe it.

I know I should not be shocked at this crap, but holy crap, that was fucking blatant.

8 years ago

When I read this title, all I could think of was this song:

If only this man had better utilized his time by writing a ballad and uploading it to Youtube instead of this ridiculousness.

Pavlov's House
Pavlov's House
8 years ago

I hold doors for Mrs. Pavlov’s House and she appreciates it and, astonishingly, neither she nor I think that means she has “extra rights”.

Mainly we’re more concerned with the fact that the door is often to a museum because we like museums (especially ones that in some way relate to destroying fascism, like WWII museums 🙂 🙂 )

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