antifeminism delicious chicken sandwiches douchebaggery entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA straw feminists why can't men punch women?

This dude freaking out over a chicken sandwich is a Men’s Rights Reddit thread come to life

All he wanted was a chicken sandwich
All he wanted was a chicken sandwich

The scene: A McDonald’s in Ottawa. A man orders a chicken sandwich. The woman behind the counter tells him they’re out. He calls her a bitch.

And then this happens:

[VIDEO REMOVED. Several people have come to me with information that made me question whether it was appropriate to post this video, and so I have removed the link. –DF]

It’s a little confusing, I’ll admit, but this is a film worth multiple viewings. Some of the highlights, in case you were thrown off by all the shouting.

  • Dude trying repeatedly to “explain” to the woman behind the counter, who is calling the cops, that “bitch” is in fact a “proper English word.”
  • Dude raising the important Men’s Rights issue of how come he can’t hit women but he can hit men?
  • Dude raising the equally important Men’s Rights issue of how come women get all mad when men hold doors open for them?
  • The unseen guy who tells angry dude “don’t even look over here for help” when angry dude turns to the crowd for support. “You’re on your own, buddy,” the unseen fellow adds.
  • Dude positively AGHAST that someone would call the cops on him “cause I wanted proper service. And you’re not properly servicing me.”
  • Dude realizing that “servicing” sounds vaguely salacious. and adding “maybe you should get on your knees.”
  • The inevitable shout of “Worldstar” near the end.

I only wish we’d been able to see the guy get escorted off the premises by police, but, hey, they have to save something for the sequel, right?

That old Married To The Sea cartoon turned out to be pretty uncannily accurate, huh?

comics-married-to-the-sea-auto-217800H/T — Thanks to r/againstmensrights for bringing this lovely video to my attention.

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8 years ago

WWTH: ooh do you think that kind of power works in supermarkets? Tesco stopped selling their Mexican Bean Soup that I used to have for lunch semi-frequently. I want it back.

PeeVee the Sarcastic
PeeVee the Sarcastic
8 years ago

“I’d like a McChicken.”

“I’m sorry, sir, we’re out of those at the moment.”

“Oh. I’ll have a _________ instead.”

Sheesh. Learn how to adult.

In other news, the jalepeno mac and cheese guy was arrested for assaulting a police officer after running away from rehab in Florida.

I fear we haven’t heard the last of him.

8 years ago

@ LinuxLea

Conversely, there is a recurring urban legend regarding McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants using worms instead of beef in their burgers.

The Ray Kroc quote at the end was what really stuck out to me.

Also the oldish joke about Kentucky Fried Chicken changing it’s name to KFC because the food wasn’t really chicken. What animal it was is never specified, I guess because it would be hard to find a bird (with that bone structure) that wasn’t going to be more expensive than chicken.

8 years ago

One time a guy standing right at the elevator door valiantly flung his arm across the threshold of an elevator so that I would have to walk past him to get in. Of course, I was standing a distance away from the door and at an angle, so (unlike arm-flinging guy) I was unable to see if there was anyone inside trying to get out. In my rush to pass him and reestablish a social script I could understand, I almost walked straight into someone trying to get off. I just… I can’t… I try really hard to minimize my stress in social situations by following the rules, and one of the rules is first person in elevator holds the door for those who follow, and one of them is let people off the elevator before you get on, and I need these things to function.

8 years ago

Our trains actually have signs with graphics that say, “If they can’t get off, you can’t get on” with reference to crowded trains. People literally need to be told efforts to shove onto full trains prior to allowing passengers to get off of them will be unsuccessful.

8 years ago

@Ohlmann, the narrator *does* end up killing the cashier in that song!

Eitan rosen
Eitan rosen
8 years ago

I think there is a McDonald’s that serves rice but the one I am thinking is in the American territory of Guam and comes with the spam. I remember seeing the screenshot from a cracked article.

8 years ago

@Visceria omfg thats annoying. If people try to rush in on me when Im trying to get off a train or something, I will scold them like their mom after a long day. and I have massive social anxiety.

I routinely try to hold doors for men and let men go first, and I get a LOT of hositlity for it, so I dont think its about being nice.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

It’s one all-beef bratty “special rice” pettish sleaze, picking unfun Says Me fights with everyone.

I love how the photographer didn’t even attempt to make the chicken sandwich above look appealing. Off-center blob of ranch dressing, throw on three haphazard shreds of lettuce, click, done. (Arranging food nicely is deceptive and misandric.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Whoops, the editor thingy ran out. Original commercial (for non-USians and people under 35)

8 years ago

Are we sure that he wasn’t actually trying to say ‘extra rights’ but slurred his words?

8 years ago


I believe the conspiracy was that KFC was using mutant franken-chicken, because EVIL.

8 years ago

Yeah he said “extra rights”, I think 3 or more times.

8 years ago

@ Tovius

If that means quadruped chickens and that translates to no more drumstick shortages, I am all for it.

8 years ago

@Queex and Oogly
Yeah, he keeps repeating over and over that she wants extra rights because she refused to serve him after he called her a bitch. And before that he kept repeating over and over that “bitch” is in the OED and is proper English. Classy dude, that one. Personally I didn’t hear it as extra rice but I have a hearing loss so I don’t know that I hear much difference between rice and rights to begin with.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

PeeVee the Sarcastic | July 18, 2016 at 4:55 pm
In other news, the jalepeno mac and cheese guy was arrested for assaulting a police officer after running away from rehab in Florida.

I fear we haven’t heard the last of him.

Florida Man is the worst superhero.

Viscaria | July 18, 2016 at 5:04 pm
In my rush to pass him and reestablish a social script I could understand, I almost walked straight into someone trying to get off.

I had to read that twice, because it sounded like you turned the corner and some person was just masturbating and I was horrified and very, very concerned.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ pitshade

If that means quadruped chickens

Yeah, but they’d probably be able to run so fast you couldn’t catch them.

8 years ago

I’m honestly surprised it took five whole minutes for someone to yell “Worldstar”. Which the person recording this actually said they were just waiting for…

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

The talk of social awkwardness and doors is giving me all kinds of cringe. I know the feels. The worst is when someone holds the door open and, all of a sudden, starts with the small talk. I just wanna turn around, walk outside, and breathe again

Worldstar is the greatest! Not the actual website, but the fact that people yell it out when shit goes down. Even when it’s lowkey, jerk at a Canadian McDonald’s shit

I started reading your comment out loud. By “pettish sleaze”, it was all just high pitched laughing noises ?

Eyes on the Right
8 years ago

Going OT again: Leslie Jones is being harassed by alt-right Twitter trolls who are spamming pictures of gorillas and furry porn. Oh and a ton of racial slurs, natch. She’s posting pictures of the harassing comments and people are working to report the accounts. This was clearly coordinated.

8 years ago

Haha, PI, thank you for reminding me that it could have been worse!

8 years ago

@Eyes on the Right

Is what I’m hearing from these types of posters. Seriously the projection is astounding. I’m glad for one thing though, that twitter’s addressing it, not so much when I realize that they won’t correct this systemic problem and probably wouldn’t have if she wasn’t a high profile comedian.

8 years ago

I own a restaurant in a relatively poor, very small town. There are no real fast food places here, and most of the community are hourly workers who only have a half an hour for lunch.

So, I have a lunch special every day (today was prime rib sandwiches from the leftover prime rib on Saturday) that is mostly pre-made so it can be on the plate fast enough for folks to get their meal eaten and be back to work in 30 mins.

Because this is all pre-made, there’s a limited supply. Most days it’s gone by 12:30 or 1.

You would not believe the guys (and some women, but it’s mostly young guys) who come in and are absolutely livid that the lunch special is sold out. I can’t imagine living in a world where you don’t understand that resources are limited.

I further can’t imagine living in that imaginary world and then assuming that it’s a woman’s fault that said resource is limited.

8 years ago


Conversely, there is a recurring urban legend regarding McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants using worms instead of beef in their burgers

Psssshh, don’t even mention. I didn’t eat it for 3 years when I was a child cause I thought it was a fact.
You think I only started eating again when I discovered it was a lie? No way. I started again because I just didn’t care anymore – worms are edible, anyway… it tastes good, never made me sick, I rarely get it cause it’s relatively expensive, so bring it on!

8 years ago

Alan Robertshaw
July 18, 2016 at 11:47 am

Brit mamotheeers are no doubt familiar with the

10. “After you”
20. “No, after you”
30. GOTO 10

routine. But that’s not a gender thing, it’s just the doorway equivalent of not taking the last After Eight Mint.

It’s a Canuck thing too, everybody holds the door open for everybody, to the point of pedantry, so I’m questioning whether this guy is really Canadian or not.

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