antifeminism delicious chicken sandwiches douchebaggery entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA straw feminists why can't men punch women?

This dude freaking out over a chicken sandwich is a Men’s Rights Reddit thread come to life

All he wanted was a chicken sandwich
All he wanted was a chicken sandwich

The scene: A McDonald’s in Ottawa. A man orders a chicken sandwich. The woman behind the counter tells him they’re out. He calls her a bitch.

And then this happens:

[VIDEO REMOVED. Several people have come to me with information that made me question whether it was appropriate to post this video, and so I have removed the link. –DF]

It’s a little confusing, I’ll admit, but this is a film worth multiple viewings. Some of the highlights, in case you were thrown off by all the shouting.

  • Dude trying repeatedly to “explain” to the woman behind the counter, who is calling the cops, that “bitch” is in fact a “proper English word.”
  • Dude raising the important Men’s Rights issue of how come he can’t hit women but he can hit men?
  • Dude raising the equally important Men’s Rights issue of how come women get all mad when men hold doors open for them?
  • The unseen guy who tells angry dude “don’t even look over here for help” when angry dude turns to the crowd for support. “You’re on your own, buddy,” the unseen fellow adds.
  • Dude positively AGHAST that someone would call the cops on him “cause I wanted proper service. And you’re not properly servicing me.”
  • Dude realizing that “servicing” sounds vaguely salacious. and adding “maybe you should get on your knees.”
  • The inevitable shout of “Worldstar” near the end.

I only wish we’d been able to see the guy get escorted off the premises by police, but, hey, they have to save something for the sequel, right?

That old Married To The Sea cartoon turned out to be pretty uncannily accurate, huh?

comics-married-to-the-sea-auto-217800H/T — Thanks to r/againstmensrights for bringing this lovely video to my attention.

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

This whole sad situation could’ve been avoided if only this upstanding gentleman had known how to make MGTOW chicken.

To think, he could have had chicken and harassed feminists on Twitter instead of being cruelly deprived of gynocentric McDonald’s poultry!

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
8 years ago

Re: Door opening idiocy

Worse even than Big Production Door Opening Man is Elevator Waiting Guy, who is prepared to wait for a woman who is three times farther from the elevator to enter it first, even if that means the doors close.

Proper etiquette for elevators was originally for a man to enter first and hold the doors back for others, including ladies, to enter. Having someone hold back the doors was quite important with the heavy old cage type elevators, and also the next generation ones with the rubber bumper that stopped the door closing when it got pushed in. It made sense for stronger people to assist the more frail, which is often interpreted as men helping women (*sheesh*), but that’s about it.

Anyway, in these days of laser beam technology what makes sense is for the closest person, male or female, to enter the carriage first and hold the doors so farther away people can get in before they close. I’ve held the doors open for many men and women, and they’ve almost all said a polite “thank you”. (There are impolite jerks everywhere – like the drivers who don’t give a little wave of acknowledgement when you let them into the traffic. There’s a special place in hell, I like to think…)

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Pounded in the butt by my chicken sandwich cravings.

Scaly Llama
Scaly Llama
8 years ago

@Tabby Lavalamp – there’s a similar set up in my office building so usually whoever holds the outer door open, has the inner door held open for them. It’s quite democratic. I’ve only ever had one person rush past me to open the inner door as well and he did that because I had my arms full.

8 years ago

@PoM, Shouty Man
ah, but it isnt really legal to hit men and hasnt been; whereas it WAS legal to hit your wife.

8 years ago

Wait, chicken sandwich recipe so good succubi use it to lure men, this is supposed to sound like a bad thing to MGTOW’s because, uh…

I’m just saying that title sounds like something you’d see in Hooters.

Verily Baroque
Verily Baroque
8 years ago

By the way, am I the only one who is a bit uncomfortable with “Mitch” uploading the video to YouTube without covering/pixelating the guy’s face?

There are arguments to whether his identity should (even symbolically) be hidden or whether it should be revealed and I have no idea of what Canadian laws are regarding this, but at least I don’t really like the idea of uploading videos of people to internet without their permission. It is, after all, impossible to get all the copies down and 42 000+ people laughing at this seems like a bit of an overkill when compared to what he actually did. Although it’s obvious from the video that the guy knows (at least towards the end) that he is being filmed, but at that point it’s a bit too late for him to even start saving his dignity.

It just honestly leaves a bad taste to my mouth.

8 years ago

omg. get a load of that dweeb. I hope that poor lady received just recompense

although, this did get me wondering if you can get a chicken sandwich with no lettuce and extra mayo at Mickey D’s

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ linuxlea

Irn Bru, official drink of Scotland.

In all fairness they actually admit in the adverts it’s made from girders.

(Heh, now I really fancy some)

8 years ago

I’ll tell you what’s not going to happen to that guy. He will likely not be doxxed. He definitely won’t get all sorts of vile death threats or rape threats (or vile combinations of both) from irate feminists. He won’t be stalked and harassed online by feminists.

BTW, the best comment under the actual video on Youtube went something like this (I laughed for half an hour after reading it):

“Looks like a redditor came out of his cave.
Fuck you Pokemon Go!”

8 years ago

I would like to acknowledge the awesomeness of the dudes pointing and laughing. Also the ones who try to get him to calm down.

*thumbs up*

(Edit: Of course, the one guy says some nasty and unnecessary things.)

8 years ago

My, so emotional! Clearly, it was past lunch and nap time.

The sad part about it all is that this clueless idiot thinks he’s the logical one there.

8 years ago

Dude positively AGHAST that someone would call the cops on him “cause I wanted proper service. And you’re not properly servicing me.”
Dude realizing that “servicing” sounds vaguely salacious. and adding “maybe you should get on your knees.”

Does this dude think he’s Spike from Buffy: the Vampire Slayer or something?

8 years ago

One more thought…. I don’t get how he can’t realise that just because the word bitch is a “Proper English Word,” it doesn’t mean it’s not rude as hell to throw it around at people. There’s LOTS of “proper english words” that are absolutely inappropriate to call people or to shout in public venues.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Now that I’ve finally watched the video: Holy shit. This guy went from 60-120 real quick.

Policy of Madness | July 18, 2016 at 12:41 pm
If this guy actually cared about men’s rights, he wouldn’t be upset that men can’t hit women. He would be upset that there is a legit social license for men to hit other men.

This is the best way I’ve seen it put (and this guy does a lot of really good vines that discuss feminist issues, and a bunch of cute videos about how much he loves hugs and would hug anything if anyone wants to go watch more of his vines):

8 years ago

@Verily Baroque
Agreed. I decided against commenting to that effect because I felt like we’ve had that discussion here before, but it bothers me, too.

Edit: just noticed that autocorrect changed ‘delurked’ to deluded above. Sorry, PteroNychus, I don’t think you’re deluded!

8 years ago

Semi related : the thing in the photo look *gross* to me.

Then again, I litteraly could not eat an hamburger even if I starved. So there is some logic here.

8 years ago

Ive got a proper English word for him.


EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

This is the best comment thread ever. I love you all so very much.

8 years ago

The MRA Rants,
his spiel approved by Reddit
was not received well.

A single Alpha
asserts his rage over chicken
but gets no upvotes.

8 years ago

My favorite part is where he says he wants to be treated the same as a woman. Does he think they would have magicked a chicken sammich out of thin air for a woman?

8 years ago

Count me in the “What menu item does McDonald’s serve that contains rice” crowd.

8 years ago

Now I’d like a chicken sandwich, but I refuse to go to McDonald’s or Chik-Fil-A, so I’m out of luck. I made a turkey reuben instead.

I was kind of a dick today at a bank, because I was trying to transfer my leftover Canadian cash and nobody seemed to be able to do it. But I was generally angry at my town in general for being so backwards.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I wish I’d known that being female meant food service employees could magic things out of thin air for me. One of the restaurants I frequent took a drink I really like off the menu. Next time I’m there I’ll have to tell them “I am feeemaale and I demand a chocolate orange martini. And I’m not going to pay for it either because pussy pass!”

8 years ago

Ive got a proper English word for him.


And it’s not even a gendered slur, because virtually everyone has one*! Well done!

*with the exception of some Crohn’s and colitis patients, who’ve had theirs removed along with most or all of their large intestine, and who use ostomy bags to dispose of their bowel-waste.