In the wake of the horrendous attack in Nice last night, Internet Nazis and their enablers on the right took to Twitter to tell their followers and anyone else who would listen that they had been correct all along: Islam is our enemy, Trump is our savior, and any white person who disagrees with these propositions is a terrorist-loving traitor — and a “cuck” to boot.
Never mind that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Africa and the Middle East hate ISIS (the heinous group that mostly likely planned or inspired the Nice attacks), or that Trumpian “solutions” to terrorism like his famous “Muslim ban” are not only abhorrent but would also, almost certainly, be a recruiting bonanza for ISIS in the West.
For many on the “alt-right,” only an immediate ban on Muslim immigration or, better, the deportation of all Muslims in Western countries will be enough to protest our fragile Western civilization from these alleged “savages.”
Breitbart “journalist” and alt-right apologist Milo Yiannopoulos conjured up as much gravitas as he could muster as he warned his 330,000 followers about what he sees as the possible death of Western Civilization.
I don't know if the West can be saved. Europe seems lost. America is our last hope, but it too will fall if Hillary wins.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
Concern about Islamisation is not white nationalism. It is self-preservation.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
You can't embrace Islam. It's like putting a scorpion in your child's bed.
This is why I'm going to Sweden. https://t.co/yHI0Ps63Ky
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
Save us, @realDonaldTrump. Please.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
But @Nero couldn’t help but fiddle a little as the West (allegedly) burned.
Who the fuck gave Caitlyn Jenner keys to a truck
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
@PizzaParlorBen, Milo’s young swain and ideological compadre, sent some strikingly similar thoughts to his 54,000 followers.
Mike Cernovich, the endlessly self-promoting juice seller and “mindset” guru, offered some similarly blunt and ridiculous thoughts on the matter.
Racist fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale agreed:
Meanwhile, the neo-Nazi hacker known as Weev managed to make the subtext text, as they say:
Other Internet-famous white supremacists jumped aboard the train as well:
You may remember that Mr. Heimbach’s organization, the Traditionalist Worker Party, organized that recent demonstration in Sacramento in which five anti-Fascist protesters were literally stabbed by neo-Nazis.
Remember, Hillary wants to mass import these people to America. Hillary is OK with your children dead in the street. #PrayForNice
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 14, 2016
Pray for mass expulsions. https://t.co/U3Xj9Ze3dc
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 14, 2016
Mr. RAM-Z was not the only one saying this little prayer:
And of course there were those who called not just for expulsions but for literal genocide:
While most of the hatred in right-wing circles on Twitter was directed at Muslims, some directed pointed tweets at the people they see as the real enemies:
Others took swings at another favorite alt-right enemy: the mighty “cuck.”
How many of the #PrayForNice tweeters are actually praying and how many are just virtue signalling while they cuck for Islam?
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) July 14, 2016
Mr. Watson, just so you know, has 189,000 Twitter followers.
While most of the rabid Islamophobes on Twitter today — or at least those who live in the US — are Trump fans, it’s clear that for some of them Trump is just a stand-in for the leader they’d really like to see.
Occidental Odinsson, for example, made clear he’d prefer the Nazi-occupied France of 1942 to France today:
Fash McQueen, meanwhile, just went with a direct Hitler endorsement.
You may have noticed that some of the worst Tweets in this bunch sport the hashtag #FightForWesternCivilization. In my next post, I’ll take a more detailed look at that hashtag, which is quite possibly the worst thing on Twitter today.
I’m not a Donald Trump supporter, but I see absolutely no problem with critiquing religious fanatics who use outdated fundamental religious beliefs as a reason to murder, rape or terrorize people. I don’t care what religion it is or what race or culture the person/people come from. If this gets me labeled anti-Muslim then so be it.
I don’t understand feminist or liberals who try to defend or make up excuses for Muslims. Everytime a Muslim rapes or murders someone, liberals and feminist deny it has anything to do with religion or whine about not blaming all Muslims for those crimes. Yet on the other hand if some Christian guy flips out and murders or rapes someone, they do the exact opposite, not only will they put direct focus on him being a Christian, but they will also blame the whole of Christianity for one mans actions.
The idea is that every single Christian should be blamed for a single guys actions, but Muslims should be coddled, given consideration and treated with kindness, no matter what they do. Nope, I don’t work that way. I will harshly criticize any person or group who rape, murder or commit other violent actions in the name of some outdated religion.
Muslim immigrants commit murder, rape and other violence in the name of Islam every day all across Europe, many of the victims are women, yet the feminist won’t touch it with a ten foot pole.
Muslim crime has become such a problem that I have no problem with European countries banning immigration or deporting Muslim criminals to cut down on crime. If that’s what Europe has to do to keep there people and women safe, then that’s just what they have to do
If feminist want to live in denial, then go right ahead, but I won’t.
Oops, sorry about the typo. That’s supposed to be their, not there
Good thing none of us do either! Check it out *ahem*: “Abubakar Shekau is a religious fanatic, whose outdated religious beliefs are a piss poor justification for terrorism. Fuck him.” You’re welcome, rando!
If not engaging in collective blame is whining, then consider me a Merlot
Muslims just murder and rape. If a Christian does it, they musta “flipped out” 1st? I’m sure you didn’t think that thru, but one learns the most interesting things about people that way
1 of those is singular, and 1 is plural. Again, interesting…
There are 770m people in Europe, 74m are immigrants total. 11m of those come from Muslim majority areas. Let’s assume all of them are practicing Muslims. There are 8m violent crimes committed every year in Europe. Now, this is incomplete information, but I have a hard time believing that a Muslim immigrant specifically commits a violent crime everyday, let alone to the point that it poses a specific problem separate or bigger from those of other religious groups
So fuckin interesting…
Appreciate the permission. Be lost without you!
Comrade Malala is fantastic. It makes me laugh how the MSM like to whitewash her political beliefs tho. She is a member of International Marxist Tendency and has been a keynote speaker at our youth events. When you see her on TV playing the role of ‘Mother Theresa Jr.’ with heads of state like Obama and captains of industry like Bill Gates, wouldn’t it be cool if she came out that she was a Marxist!? They would poop themselves! Here’s a picture of her speaking in Pakistan. Note funky hammer and sickle on the lecturn, along with Lenin and Trotsky. 🙂