In the wake of the horrendous attack in Nice last night, Internet Nazis and their enablers on the right took to Twitter to tell their followers and anyone else who would listen that they had been correct all along: Islam is our enemy, Trump is our savior, and any white person who disagrees with these propositions is a terrorist-loving traitor — and a “cuck” to boot.
Never mind that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Africa and the Middle East hate ISIS (the heinous group that mostly likely planned or inspired the Nice attacks), or that Trumpian “solutions” to terrorism like his famous “Muslim ban” are not only abhorrent but would also, almost certainly, be a recruiting bonanza for ISIS in the West.
For many on the “alt-right,” only an immediate ban on Muslim immigration or, better, the deportation of all Muslims in Western countries will be enough to protest our fragile Western civilization from these alleged “savages.”
Breitbart “journalist” and alt-right apologist Milo Yiannopoulos conjured up as much gravitas as he could muster as he warned his 330,000 followers about what he sees as the possible death of Western Civilization.
I don't know if the West can be saved. Europe seems lost. America is our last hope, but it too will fall if Hillary wins.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
Concern about Islamisation is not white nationalism. It is self-preservation.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
You can't embrace Islam. It's like putting a scorpion in your child's bed.
This is why I'm going to Sweden. https://t.co/yHI0Ps63Ky
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
Save us, @realDonaldTrump. Please.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
But @Nero couldn’t help but fiddle a little as the West (allegedly) burned.
Who the fuck gave Caitlyn Jenner keys to a truck
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
@PizzaParlorBen, Milo’s young swain and ideological compadre, sent some strikingly similar thoughts to his 54,000 followers.
Mike Cernovich, the endlessly self-promoting juice seller and “mindset” guru, offered some similarly blunt and ridiculous thoughts on the matter.
Racist fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale agreed:
Meanwhile, the neo-Nazi hacker known as Weev managed to make the subtext text, as they say:
Other Internet-famous white supremacists jumped aboard the train as well:
You may remember that Mr. Heimbach’s organization, the Traditionalist Worker Party, organized that recent demonstration in Sacramento in which five anti-Fascist protesters were literally stabbed by neo-Nazis.
Remember, Hillary wants to mass import these people to America. Hillary is OK with your children dead in the street. #PrayForNice
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 14, 2016
Pray for mass expulsions. https://t.co/U3Xj9Ze3dc
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 14, 2016
Mr. RAM-Z was not the only one saying this little prayer:
And of course there were those who called not just for expulsions but for literal genocide:
While most of the hatred in right-wing circles on Twitter was directed at Muslims, some directed pointed tweets at the people they see as the real enemies:
Others took swings at another favorite alt-right enemy: the mighty “cuck.”
How many of the #PrayForNice tweeters are actually praying and how many are just virtue signalling while they cuck for Islam?
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) July 14, 2016
Mr. Watson, just so you know, has 189,000 Twitter followers.
While most of the rabid Islamophobes on Twitter today — or at least those who live in the US — are Trump fans, it’s clear that for some of them Trump is just a stand-in for the leader they’d really like to see.
Occidental Odinsson, for example, made clear he’d prefer the Nazi-occupied France of 1942 to France today:
Fash McQueen, meanwhile, just went with a direct Hitler endorsement.
You may have noticed that some of the worst Tweets in this bunch sport the hashtag #FightForWesternCivilization. In my next post, I’ll take a more detailed look at that hashtag, which is quite possibly the worst thing on Twitter today.
@Funkula: Ha! That’s exactly what I thought: “Isn’t that Dale?”
Rather than lutefisk, may I suggest surströmming? A Norwegian colleague once described opening a can of it submerged in a bucket of water to keep from being knocked over by the stench.
According to my local news: Six Trump supporters are suing San Jose because they said the police didn’t protect them from violent protesters.
As for the article: I wish I could say “Fuck ’em” and ignore them, but we can’t. These people are out stabbing people and are planning to elect a fascist to run my country.
And it’s fucking appalling.
Multiculturalism kills. Close the borders. Deport the invaders. #Nice
— Supreme Dark Lord (@voxday) July 14, 2016
Wake up White man.
The other races want to exterminate you and take your country.
They always have.#Nice06 #Nice #PrayForNice #NiceAttack
— Fash McQueen (@Fash__McQueen) July 15, 2016
I’m sure Native Americans/Canadians feel the same way.
These idjits are giving me more reasons to vote against Trump this November.
… People are fucking scumbags. That’s the only thing I can think to say.
I couldn’t even bring myself to read all those tweets.
If anyone needs a laugh, check out the new logo for Trump’s campaign, now that he’s picked a running mate.
Seriously? Nobody noticed? Nobody raised any concerns before this got released?
We don’t even know which “this” we’re supposed to be trying to stop! I’m getting majorly pissed off with people (even people who consider themselves “liberal”) knee jerking about “Islamist extremism”with nothing more to go on than that the guy was called Mohammed. It’s fucking disgusting. Absolutely despicable, that Muslims are getting persecuted and murdered by fanatics in the the Middle East, as well as caught up in these attacks on the West and simultaneously having to defend themselves from accusations of guilt or complicity. This, THIS, is what radicalises people!
The number of Muslims who commit terrorist atrocities are a tiny, tiny fraction of the total. So tiny as to be negligible. I’d bet there are far more extreme right-wingers who commit violent crime as a proportion. Look at Jo Cox’s murder. Look at Breivik. Look at Eliot Rodgers. No one is wringing their hands and saying “What can be done about these hate-fuelled neo-Nazis?” The truth is, very little can be done to stop men full of hate taking up arms against the innocent. But the ONE thing we can do is not jump to prejudicial conclusions about what motivates them and thereby demonise entire groups of other innocent people.
These people have very short memories, and weak critical skills. Attacking and de-stabilizing Middle Eastern states (“civilizational collapse”?) created this problem. Most of the countries (if not all) that have been attacked by ISIS connected terrorists have been involved in the war against ISIS. ISIS sees itself as a legitimate state, and the attacks against it as acts of war. Reprehensible as it is, this is their way of fighting back, bringing the war back to their enemies. They don’t have fighter jets, drone bombers, cruise missiles or any of the tools of terror that their enemies have so they’re hitting Western states and their allies with what they do have at their disposal (terrorism). Also, France’s problems with terrorism are ugly, but its not the “fall of western civilization”. If anything, they’ll vote in a far right wing government and continue doing what they’ve been doing intermittently for the last couple centuries – killing the people of their former colonies left and right all in the name of “liberté, égalité, fraternité”.
Oh, hey! Some literal projection! The term gets thrown around a lot on the internet, but it’s rare to come across such a flawless example.
It’s funny how some white people are so very scared that poc will some day treat us as terribly as we treated them in the past.
Even funnier how they use any sign of legitimate resentment from poc to vilify them. Or how they deny that they have excellent reasons to be afraid and suspicious of us. Poc should be able to put their unease with us aside, give us the benefit of the doubt and conduct themselves civilly in their interactions with us. But the same can’t be expected of us. All of this despite our respective track records.
Ha ha ha.
OH DEAR GODS. On the one hand, I guess that means Pence isn’t running for governor again? (GOOD.) On the other hand… like I needed more reasons not to vote for them. Pence is an infected ass-pimple at best.
But that logo!!! Great Cat, that’s freakin’ priceless!
So Trump is supposed to use his magic ESP powers to prevent terrorist attacks before they happen? How does that work?
Even if the US did the unthinkable and closed its borders to immigrants, we still have the problem of angry white militia types armed to the teeth and backed by SYG laws. Walls aren’t going to stop the mass slaughter of our citizenry from within. Statistically, I’m more likely to get shot by a mass shooter with alt-right ties than an ISIS recruit.
@Pol “how to stop this?”
Actually, this was entirely avoidable. The guy had a history of domestic violence and illegal use of weapons. (As did the men who attacked Paris). A proper custodial sentence, (instead of the deferred 6 mths he actually got) would have saved all those lives. But addressing problems in the justice system is a bit trickier than throwing up our hands and wailing about “terrorism”, eh?
Well, everyone starts out as female in-utero until the hormones start several weeks into pregnancy.
Twitter was a mistake, everyone. And Milo can go lead a pride march in Antarctica. Permanently
I wonder if Milo Yiannopoulos will ever get a clue and realise that, being a gay man, the people he supports will throw him under the bus if they ever get into any sort of position of power.
The hard right seem to not read any history books. What was the result of Hitler’s rule of Germany? Millions of Germans and other Western Europeans dead, large chunks of Western Europe, including most of Germany, destroyed, and Communists controlling large swaths of territory they didn’t prior to WW2, including much of Germany. Yeah, a great person to emulate.
I think the picture Ryan McMahon posted came from a far right pamphlet from the ’80s, as there’s something familiar to me about the art style. And if that’s the case I wonder if Mike Judge didn’t run across it at some point and steal the character design for Dale Gribble. After all Dale is a believer in various conspiracy theories, although he never falls for the racism that a lot of conspiracy believers get sucked into.
@ axe
Hey, I know there are a lot of gay penguins but it’s not fair of us to foist Milo on them.
Anyway, if there’s one thing penguins don’t need help in organising, it’s marching.
Oh, I forgot about the pengays! They’re my favorite animal (penguins in general). The famous ones (Roy and Silo) even adopted a baby girl. It’s like an episode of Modern Family!
I couldn’t read all of those because it was too distressing but I’ll pick apart the ‘Hitler could’ve prevented this’ meme just to make myself feel better.
They may have a point, but not in the way they think they do. Hitler had a treaty with the Ottoman Empire who were pretty big at the time, spanning much of the middle-east, including Syria and what is now Israel and Palestine. The Nazis weren’t mandated to persecute Muslims, from what I understand it was quite the opposite. There are records of Muslims in Europe saving Jews, right down to incidents where Nazi soldiers were humiliatingly identifying Jews by stripping them down to check for circumcision and Muslims stepped in and schooled them on how poor a test that would be, as Muslims are also circumcised. Had the Axis forces won the war, the Ottoman Empire would have likely have gained more territory and power. The power balances we have today would be very different but there most likely would be a very large Muslim empire with a hefty throne at the table and a lot of influence. The US previously had a very good relationship with the Ottoman Empire to the point that there is at least one old document discussing religious freedom in the US that states Muslims (specifically, as the example) are welcome in the US; this was apparently due to the Ottoman Empire being very supportive of US independence (they weren’t too keen on the old British Empire).
So yeah, maybe Hitler could’ve prevented this but the world would not look how white-supremacists want it to; in fact, they wouldn’t have their shitty white-supremacist opinions at all coz Muslims would’ve been incorporated into the winners ‘us’ side of the narrative instead of ending up simultaneously downtrodden and vilified.
Sorry for wall of text
Posting this here, as the other thread (“Is the hashtag” etc.) is being dominated by a Holocaust denier.
@Phryne, if you’re still around – I had exactly the same visceral reaction to the stuff about “mixed-race” kids. I’m white Aust. and my partner is a Sikh from Punjab, so our boy is … beautiful and perfect, that’s what he is. Stay the fuck away from my kid, assholes. You don’t deserve to breathe the same air.
ETA: pengays and penguins generally are GORGEOUS plus they’re right ‘beneath’ us here in Aust so pls no Milo
Sorry, my brain farted and sort of merged the 2 world wars. Turns out Hitler actually liked Islam for terrible reasons. I’ll go take my frustration out on the washing-up instead of ranting about white-supremacists
Ninja’d by the correction. Had me confused for a moment, since the Ottoman Empire formally dissolved in 1922. ^_^
To be fair, most of the Nero’s tts were about Islam, he IS right that Islam is horrendous and all that. He is a hypocrite because he supports many of the atrocities the Koran teaches, though. So maybe he should shut up. And that Jenner thing… I just couldn’t comprehend it, sorry.
An attack happened against people in France. People died. It has nothing to do with colonies, ghettos, “islamophobia” (as if being against Islam was a bad thing; as a feminist it’s a given I’ll be against misogynistic ideologies, duh) or anything else you said. NOTHING justifies what was done. The attacker is the only one to blame and his motives are still being investigated.
France did wrong in the past and still does wrong right in this moment, just like basically all countries in this world. People should NOT protest by killing people; coming from the ghetto, being poor, etc. doesn’t make anyone a mass murderer. Twisted ideologies or/and psychopathy can usually do, though.
I guess you are forgetting, by the way: Europe did “open the border wide open” and let many people in without properly knowing who they are. Many immigrants in Europe live with fake IDs and receive way too light to no punishment for their crimes; a very high number of them are Muslims. It is chaotic.
It’s sad most leftists won’t bother with these problems and let the conservatives/hard right deal with it in the worst ways possible. You see, some problems affect BOTH the left and the right, they are affecting everyone and will keep affecting us even more if we don’t at least start talking about it, offer solutions and criticizing it harsher. We don’t have to be black and white with everything.
What happened needs solution. It will keep happening, unfortunately, but we can try to make it more difficult for it to happen. The victims deserve respect. It’s not the time to blame innocent people for it, blame it on past mistakes or defend those who weren’t the direct victims.
Both the right and the left are doing it wrong. It’s a general problem.
Yeah, it is the middle of the night here but that was so glaring a fustercluck I don’t think tiredness even justifies it
‘I’m a feminist, so my bigotry is OK’ is so… well, literally yesterday. And “leftists”, cos ‘both sides’. Islamophobia in scare quotes, check. Marcia’s going for the bingo here!
BTW, the prison population of France has been estimated to be 70% Muslim. Now, I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t seem like they’re “receiv[ing] way too light to no punishment for their crimes” to me