In the wake of the horrendous attack in Nice last night, Internet Nazis and their enablers on the right took to Twitter to tell their followers and anyone else who would listen that they had been correct all along: Islam is our enemy, Trump is our savior, and any white person who disagrees with these propositions is a terrorist-loving traitor — and a “cuck” to boot.
Never mind that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in Africa and the Middle East hate ISIS (the heinous group that mostly likely planned or inspired the Nice attacks), or that Trumpian “solutions” to terrorism like his famous “Muslim ban” are not only abhorrent but would also, almost certainly, be a recruiting bonanza for ISIS in the West.
For many on the “alt-right,” only an immediate ban on Muslim immigration or, better, the deportation of all Muslims in Western countries will be enough to protest our fragile Western civilization from these alleged “savages.”
Breitbart “journalist” and alt-right apologist Milo Yiannopoulos conjured up as much gravitas as he could muster as he warned his 330,000 followers about what he sees as the possible death of Western Civilization.
I don't know if the West can be saved. Europe seems lost. America is our last hope, but it too will fall if Hillary wins.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
Concern about Islamisation is not white nationalism. It is self-preservation.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
You can't embrace Islam. It's like putting a scorpion in your child's bed.
This is why I'm going to Sweden. https://t.co/yHI0Ps63Ky
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
Save us, @realDonaldTrump. Please.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
But @Nero couldn’t help but fiddle a little as the West (allegedly) burned.
Who the fuck gave Caitlyn Jenner keys to a truck
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 15, 2016
@PizzaParlorBen, Milo’s young swain and ideological compadre, sent some strikingly similar thoughts to his 54,000 followers.
Mike Cernovich, the endlessly self-promoting juice seller and “mindset” guru, offered some similarly blunt and ridiculous thoughts on the matter.
Racist fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale agreed:
Meanwhile, the neo-Nazi hacker known as Weev managed to make the subtext text, as they say:
Other Internet-famous white supremacists jumped aboard the train as well:
You may remember that Mr. Heimbach’s organization, the Traditionalist Worker Party, organized that recent demonstration in Sacramento in which five anti-Fascist protesters were literally stabbed by neo-Nazis.
Remember, Hillary wants to mass import these people to America. Hillary is OK with your children dead in the street. #PrayForNice
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 14, 2016
Pray for mass expulsions. https://t.co/U3Xj9Ze3dc
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 14, 2016
Mr. RAM-Z was not the only one saying this little prayer:
And of course there were those who called not just for expulsions but for literal genocide:
While most of the hatred in right-wing circles on Twitter was directed at Muslims, some directed pointed tweets at the people they see as the real enemies:
Others took swings at another favorite alt-right enemy: the mighty “cuck.”
How many of the #PrayForNice tweeters are actually praying and how many are just virtue signalling while they cuck for Islam?
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) July 14, 2016
Mr. Watson, just so you know, has 189,000 Twitter followers.
While most of the rabid Islamophobes on Twitter today — or at least those who live in the US — are Trump fans, it’s clear that for some of them Trump is just a stand-in for the leader they’d really like to see.
Occidental Odinsson, for example, made clear he’d prefer the Nazi-occupied France of 1942 to France today:
Fash McQueen, meanwhile, just went with a direct Hitler endorsement.
You may have noticed that some of the worst Tweets in this bunch sport the hashtag #FightForWesternCivilization. In my next post, I’ll take a more detailed look at that hashtag, which is quite possibly the worst thing on Twitter today.
From the reports I’ve read the first victim of this attack was a Muslim woman, so these people can go bugger themselves even more than usual.
I was immersed in this story for hours yesterday on a drive back from a training seminar and it is beyond awful. It is no surprise that the internet’s worst people see it not as a tragedy, but as an opportunity.
Aside: WTF is up with Milo’s tweet about Caitlyn Jenner? Is there some subtext there that I’m unaware of?
Is human compassion such an alien thing to these people that they can’t even pretend to have it? It doesn’t seem to matter to them how horrifying an atrocity it is, they will only see it as a chance to promote themselves.
Sigh. So Milo is trying to get attention by going to some unnamed Swedish “muslim ghetto”? The racist party here tried the same stunt last year. I could summarize the story if anyone’s interested. For now I can just say that the alt-right narrative about this event bears no resemblance to what actully happened in reality.
Yiannopoulos, Cernovich and VoxDuuuuuuh are full of shit as usual are they? Well, what a surprise. What a lovely surprise.
@BecomingAndi re: Jenner, dunno, maybe a women can’t drive joke? That confused me, as well. Perhaps they’re feuding.
It’s a “joke” about a car accident that Jenner was in a couple of years ago that had one fatality. Typical right-wing “humor”.
Thank you. It makes a kind of awful sense now.
Yeah-Nope is going to Sweden to pretend he’s some kind of gay-rights icon? What, don’t they have any local ones? I hope they pelt him with rotten lutefisk.
Isn’t “rotten lutefisk” a tautology?
In more pleasant Swedish news, a mate has just posted a picture of some Swedish cakes for me (which is pretty cruel as it’s in response to me mentioning I’m trying to cut down on sugar)
They do look pretty tempting though. Not sure why they’re explicitly Swedish (other than that’s where they’re located) but maybe IP can explain.
The irony of sneering “Cuck” at people while simultaneously fantasizing about Trump fucking over immigrants/Muslims while you watch.
I’m guessing members of the alt-right have conveniently forgotten how many Muslims were murdered by Daesh during Ramadan, the worst being the bombing in Bagdad, or don’t care.
Well, according to this, it’s already rotten (or as good as). You may be right…
In any case, I hope they bring plenty to pelt him with.
Oh! And while I was trawling through Juicebro’s feed to find evidence against him, I learned that he has (a) mega delusions of grandeur, and (b) a possible female fetus in utero. Poor little thing.
“)))michael(((‘s” waifu is a boy who crossdresses to help deal with his anxiety, and who was beaten to death by another boy who was jealous of his inner strength.
This has been your daily dose of pointing out an alt-right dork’s cognitive dissonance.
(1) Yes, let’s act like France has had no colonies in No. Africa and the fact that a lot of these Muslims have families that came over at that time. Let’s act like France does not have a fraught relationship with its Muslim population. Let’s ignore the ghettoization of populations of African descent. Let’s pretend like there is no Islamophobia in France. Yes, let’s act like all the French were just so thrilled to “open their border” and be all multi-cultural and marxist and shit.
(2) How does saying “Not all Muslims are terrorists” the equivalent of “Open the border wide open and let everyone in!” False dichotomy alert!
#let’s stop the black and white thinking
#let’s stop the logical fallacies
#NotAllMen, but somehow #YesAllMuslims. Funny how selective they are with their “not all” narrative.
Not all narratives, I guess?
Why is Ryan McMahon trying to inspire us with a picture of Dale Gribble?
@[email protected]
I’m sorry, what is it you’re saying here?
These tweets are #NotNice.
@snork maiden:
Probably they either don’t care or never heard about them in the first place.
It’s not like they hate Daesh. They hate anyone from the Middle-East (and probably South Asia). Muslims being bombed is a net positive to them, regardless of who does it.
@Viscaria, that guy’s Twitter avatar is Chihiro from Danganronpa, whose story arc is very much not in keeping with the alt-right party line.
Ah, gotcha. Thank you ^_^
Have to love mr. Sun Giant over here: “I hate Muslims and brown people, so I’m declaring war on them using this artwork made by Egyptians, a brown people who have since converted to Islam.”
I know he probably thinks of ancient Egyptians as white, but I like to revel in the irony.
ScarlettAthena,Yes! France a colonising power with dirty blood stained hands. Truth hurts for some but chickens come home to roost.
Still though, innocent blood is a shame and no justification at all.
Innocent deaths a sad day for all.
Harsh and horrible world. How to stop this?
@ tererabeau Too many repeat viewings of The Ten Commandments? 😉