Once upon a time, or so the story goes, a reporter asked Gandhi what he thought of Western civilization.
“I think it would be a good idea,” Gandhi is said to have replied.
This story kept popping into my head as I worked my way through the seemingly unending torrent of horrendous Tweets that comprise the #FightForWesternCivilization hashtag on Twitter. I discovered the hashtag last night while looking at the reactions of assorted Internet-famous Nazis and their fellow travellers to the horrific attack in Nice yesterday. (You can see the results of this investigation in my previous post here.)
Even a quick glance at the #FightForWesternCivilization hashtag reveals that these would-be defenders of Western Civilization have a very strange notion of what civilization consists of, with some taking inspiration not just from Donald Trump, their lord and master, but from such historical figures as Adolph Hitler and Augusto Pinochet. The hashtag is lousy with raging Islamophobes and white supremacists, full of violent fantasies of retribution against the Muslim “invaders.”
Never mind that we don’t even know if the apparent killer in Nice was even motivated by radical Islam; neighbors told a French television station that Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was less into religion than he was into women and salsa dancing. Local mosques say he never stepped through their doors.
But his name is Mohamed, so to those posting in the #FightForWesternCivilization hashtag he is not only a radical Islamist but the representative of all of the world’s Muslims.
As many of these self-declared civilization-defenders see it, Muslims are “savages” who need to be expelled from Europe and the US.
#FightForWesternCivilization Deport them. Burn their mosques to the ground. Let them live in the sand and filth best suited to savages.
— Ed Draper (@eddraper) July 15, 2016
#FightForWesternCivilization means one thing: Expel Islam from the West.
— StoneFree2Rant is a Semi-fascist(Same on Gettr) (@StoneFree2Rant) July 15, 2016
You're either with the #FightForWesternCivilization and Trump, or your with the savages. pic.twitter.com/Uyx7j4zhe4
— Memelord 🐸🇺🇸 (@AltRightMemes) July 15, 2016
One Twitter Nazi suggested that expelling “kebab” would only be the beginning of a broader ethnic cleansing.
Others directed their animus at “the Jews.”
Regardless of their opinions about Jews, most of those using the hashtag seem to see”western civilization” as synonymous with “white culture.” Some tried to wake the “white man” to the alleged existential threat of Islam.
Others suggested that the honor and purity of white women were in danger:
David Duke — yes, that David Duke — weighed in with this photo of an angelic-looking young white mother with baby.
This Tweeter Nazi-signaled by quoting the famous fascist “14 words.”
And let us not forget hot white chicks, who could easily turn into hot white mothers:
Others gave big thumbs-up to white people in general:
Some warned ominously of the alleged dangers of “diversity.”
Others talked excitedly about taking up arms and/or fists against Muslims and various alleged Islamophiles.
#FightForWesternCivilization we are in a war even if the politicians try to convince us to accept Muslims. Get a gun and learn to shoot.
— Infidel Investor (@Free_True_North) July 15, 2016
And if you can’t be with the gun you love, just grab a sharp pencil and aim for the eye:
One Trump fan suggested that if the Donald failed to win the election in November they would be willing to help him shoot his way into the White House:
Some looked back fondly on the original crusades:
While others call for a new one:
#FightForWesternCivilization stop islam 2016. Start the crusades
— BuildThatWall (@wall_that) July 15, 2016
Naturally, there were more than a few clucking about cucks:
Brainwashed beta male cucks saying #FightForWesternCivilization is racist are why we are in this spot in the first place.
— Stan Zbornak, Jr (@SouthernDandy55) July 15, 2016
One inventive fellow argued that to win the war for Western civilization, right-minded right-wingers need to take aim not only at Islam but also such wily enemies as Buzzfeed, the long-defunct Soviet Union, Israel, Planned Parenthood and My Little Pony.
We must uncuck the CUCKED. #FightForWesternCivilization pic.twitter.com/7WjnPQ8nLO
— Memelord 🐸🇺🇸 (@AltRightMemes) July 15, 2016
This imagined Western Civilization that these people think they’re fighting for isn’t a place I want to live.
Can I show you what I mean? Here’s a Young Turks Video about a teenage boy reciting a poem about white privilege: . Without accessing it and looking at the comments, see if you can guess what the conservatives in the comments refer to the boy as. Hint: it begins with ‘C’. These people are like clockwork.
Yeah, I get it. I unsubbed from TYT (at least in part) cos of that nonsense. I like reading comments, but not when they’re seemingly designed to drain me dry of hope for humanity. The comments on videos with Hannah are a biblical flood of sludge 🙁
Weren’t the crusades just Catholics raiding the middle east? Like, they went in not because of a threat, but because they were racist as fuck and wanted jewels and shit?
@authorialAlchemy : it’s more complex than that. The Crusade were both a political operation to give something to do to nobles, and a way to gain territory. The one we commonly refer to are also the continuations of operations against Muslim country in Spain and heretic in Southern France ; there were a bit of “same player shoot again”.
They also were much more involved than just raid, since real states were instated, who stayed up for like 30-50 years. However, I am not sure the crusader ever actually got a great amount spoils, outside of the sacking of Constantinople.
(also, the crusade were a serie of pitched battle. On average, the middle easterner kicked the ass of the crusader, in no small part because the logistic of the crusaders were awful. But crusade were pretty long, and Crusaders did have some success at some point, hence the fact they could create countries. It’s worth remembering because a lot of alt right guy either don’t know that Saladin and co were actually well trained knight on another name, or don’t even know that Saladin was somewhat of an heroic figure to the crusader because he was both noble and a good warlord)
It’s also worth remembering that:
A) The Crusaders became heavily assimilated into local culture, especially in Sicily and Granada. It was less a matter of westerners conquering easterners, and more a matter of a Muslim society replacing its ruling class and then continuing to function as normal. Ironically, the place where the Crusaders were most successful in spreading western society was in the Baltic, against pagan Livonians and Lithuanians.
B) As the period went on, the Crusaders increasingly relied upon mercenaries and “Turkopoles” (Turkish and Arabic converts to Christianity) for their military muscle. The last battles of the coastal cities were mostly a matter of Muslim Arabs fighting Christian Arabs, with Turks and other ethnicities involved on both sides.
C) The Crusaders in the Levant were extremely bad at getting rid of Islamic influence, but were very good at getting rid of eastern Christians. Prior to the Crusades there had been very large Arab Christian sects (Maronites, Nestorians and Jacobians) plus the Armenian states in what was then Cilicia and is now southern Turkey and northern Syria. The Crusaders didn’t like cooperating with non-Catholic Christians, and by the time they were finally pushed out of the Levant they had weakened local Christianity significantly.
The closer you look at the Crusades, the less “east versus west” they appear.
@Austin Loomis
The Morgenthau plan (not Morgan, that nutsional socialist can’t even spell) actually existed, it was an initially somewhat supported plan for post war Germany.
Of course eradicating the Germans was never seriously considered, instead it proposed to divide Germany into two nation states (coupled with much more annexations than historically happened, mostly industrial areas) and destroy her industry to ruin any war potential forever and return Germany into a “pastoral” state.
It was criticized from the very beginning and got abolished for good post-WW, after it became clear that it wasn’t possible without causing a humanitarian catastrophe.
@Herbert West
Thanks for adding to the discussion.
Please note that we do not “Internet diagnose” mental illness, even when we talk about National Socialists. (See the comments policy.)
Sory for getting your name wrong! No excuses when it’s written in front of me XD
And no problem either. Mike is making this all tense and also my initial comments was a bit nonsense anyway XD
And Oogles
Yeah their hypocrisy is disgusting. Almost as disgusting as their ‘ironic’ worship of Putin. Mean while the man is a monster who crushes his own people and tells them they should love it. And crushes other counties too who want autonomy. He is trying to rebuild the old union. It’s no secret now
And their stupid fanboyness undermines it all and spits on the people who are suffering because of his government.
So apparently, I’m with ISIL…because I can’t stand Trump. He’s misogynist and ableist as hell and those are just two major problems with him. Plus that hashtag just reeks of aggrieved privilege. Jesus, everything really is black and white with these people. Sometimes I have black-and-white thinking but I am rapidly improving on that front.
EXACTLY! Also, two words: Bullshit. Bingo.
If it helps, make a drinking game of it.
Is anyone else getting a glitch where the browser goes to page 3 (instead of 4) when clicking on comments (usually goes to the last page) or even when directly clicking on a link from the recent comments sidebar? Also after making a post, it ‘returns’ me to page 3.
@ pitshade
I’ve noticed that a few times in the past. It seems to only happen on some threads (including this one).
Been seeing that glitch a lot recently. Also does it when clicking on a specific reply in recent comments. For example, click on the most recent comment, get dumped on the previous page.
I don’t think I ever saw anything new here if you look at it that way. I can’t exactly avoid this shit, seeing as I dare to be a feminist woman on the Internet, so even the spaces with awesome moderation get slammed so hard they can’t keep up quick enough to prevent us from seeing it. This place reminds me that that behavior is mockable. It brings new issues I wouldn’t have known about, like Chanty’s harassment, to my attention. It teaches me talking points I can use when people say bullshit like, “Gamergate is mostly just people who want ethics in journalism and those jerks don’t represent us.” It provides a community of like-minded people I can talk to about subtle sexism that most people don’t understand and I don’t always have the energy to educate on.
You don’t have to keep coming here if you don’t see a benefit, but I do see the benefit.
@ Alan and kupo
Thanks, at least I know it’s not on my end.
@EJ: I actually wasn’t fully aware about the eastern Christian bit (I was, of course, familiar with the role relations between Rome and Constantinople played, but I was under the impression that the older sects were further East).
One of my colleagues is actually a Maronite from Lebanon, and he claims that the Maronite church is in full communion with and subordinate to Rome. I’m guessing that this was after the crusades. Do you know more about that? You seem better educated in this facet of history than I am.
@Herbert West: Thanks for addressing Mikes error regarding the Morgenthau plan. I was going to address it earlier, but I got so deep into my wall of text that I forgot 🙂 Just, do be careful about ableist language. I understand that used to be a major issue here.
@everyone: I have ADHD, and I tend to both diarrhea of the keyboard and devils advocate. I’m also a physician, so I spend most of my time stifling my own impulses and riding close herd on myself. It’s rather exhausting, and I tend to use the internet as a release valve.
If my posts ever become a net negative to your community, please let me know. I won’t be offended. Believe me, there’s nothing I’ve seen any of you say to other commenters worse than what’s been said to me in real life.
@joekstra: Hey, no foul here.
You actually understood when you did something that wasn’t kosher around here, and you apologized, and are attempting to make right.
That’s much, much, MUCH more than I can say for some of the other commenters we’ve seen lately.
In fact, we had one double down just a few threads ago and insist that they should be able to do what they want because they’re on “our” side, despite us correcting them.
So, in comparison, you’re doing great.
You’re fine.
Speaking only for myself (also ADHD), the fact that you’re willing to change when someone corrects you goes a long way. It seems like you want acknowledgment that you’re cool to hang out here? Which isn’t something I’ve seen happen much, but if your ADHD results in social anxiety like mine does, I understand the impulse.
Basically, if nobody is telling you to get out or fuck off, I’m pretty sure you’re cool. Corrections don’t mean poodle don’t like you; it means people believe you can do better if you know what’s acceptable. So far, from what I see, you have.
I get where you’re coming from. You want reassurance that the community at least tolerates you. (Obviously I could be totally wrong, so if I am, please disregard this.) You haven’t been told off or told to go away; that’s the community accepting you. It’s not explicit, but it’s the best anyone gets.
However, especially in text, asking for reassurance, particularly more than once… That’s the part that can be read as self-pitying or passive-aggressive. I don’t think you mean it that way (and I hope I’m right!), so I wanted to let you know, especially in light of the ADHD.
That said: wow. I’m honestly impressed. 🙂 what kind of physician, if I may ask? Do you have any strategies for getting through that much school? I have so many questions and I don’t want to be rude! 🙂
Thanks, autocorrect. People, not poodle. Although maybe poodles like you too, I don’t know.
You are an awesome feminist woman on the internet, and you make the internet a better place by being on it. Your posts usually either make me laugh or teach me something, depending on what you’re going for.
I’m very glad that you choose to do it, not least because I feel that you (and others) help me be a better feminist.
Disclaimer: I am not a Maronite. If we have any Maronite readers or lurkers, I hope I have represented your faith’s history accurately and respectfully.
The Maronites are indeed in full communion with the Catholic church, and have been since the late 16th century. This is a very important piece of wording because it does not mean “part of the Catholic church.”
Pope Gregory XIII was an extremely capable diplomat and was very good at extending Catholicism to far-flung places; as well as Lebanon, he was also largely responsible for Christianity doing as well as it did in Japan and the Philippines. He worked out the diplomacy which let Maronites join the Catholic world rather than being a satellite of Orthodoxy or remaining a Syriac sect like Jacobite or Nestorian Christianity.
The reason I say “diplomacy” rather than “theology” is that the Maronite church hasn’t been theologically integrated into Catholicism at all. Amongst other things they pray in Syriac like other Eastern Christians rather than in Latin like most Catholics. Nowadays most Maronites live in South America (due to the Lebanese diaspora in the late 19th century) which is a Catholic part of the world, but still have their own churches rather than attending Catholic churches like their neighbours.
It’s an arrangement which seems to work well for everybody.
EDIT TO ADD: You fell down, you apologised, you acknowledged it, you amended your behaviour in future. In my opinion, that’s what a male feminist should do when they fall down.
Hey joekstra, so obviously I can’t speak for the whole community but I don’t think you need to worry that you’ll become a net negative. I don’t think that this is a space where perfect adherence to specific language is required at all times. What’s more likely to happen is that you might slip up, language-wise, get lightly reminded of the comments policy (Kat’s comment above is a good example), and then we will move on. We don’t expect perfection.
In the event that you make the same mistakes over and over, it is possible that people will start to get a bit annoyed, and you’ll have to make the call as to whether it’s too stressful for you to keep trying to communicate with us here. I hope that doesn’t happen, because the idea of the comments policy (afaict) is to make the space as accessible as possible, so it would be a real shame if it ended up being a barrier to participation in this case. But I really don’t think it’s likely. We have quite a few AD(H)D commenters here (hi!) and it hasn’t been a problem yet, as far as I know.
FWIW, it would be really hard to for your comments to become a “net negative” just as a result of them being a bit quick and off-the-cuff. My issues with the other Joe are ideological, not langiage-based. You could be the most perfect, careful writer in the world and you couldn’t make “homophobia is a product of teh gayz!” sound good.
Anyway i hope this came off as helpful and not condescending? Apologies if it’s the latter.
Paradoxy, Petal, etc say you’re OK, then you’re OK. However, I do feel the need to make a point here. Or, rather, revisit a prior point. Remember what I said about passive aggression? You have a habit of making us the ‘bad guy’. We don’t want you here or we’re not quite as bad as your bullies (Sorry you went thru that, BTW <3). I'm sure you don't mean it that way, but you've built up quite the defense mechanism, it seems. It's not a huge deal, and, ironically, I've seen worse. Keep an eye on it, is all
(PS, massive possibility I'm being oversensitive)
Oh, and:
Sure… Used to be… 😛
I actually addressed that in a comment on my phone that’s awaiting moderation. The way I read it is that joekster is looking for reassurance because of (possible) social anxiety related to ADHD, and I get it, cuz I do that too. It just comes across as the exact opposite, especially in text. For what it’s worth, I see how you could see it that way, and I see how he probably meant it.