
Once upon a time, or so the story goes, a reporter asked Gandhi what he thought of Western civilization.
“I think it would be a good idea,” Gandhi is said to have replied.
This story kept popping into my head as I worked my way through the seemingly unending torrent of horrendous Tweets that comprise the #FightForWesternCivilization hashtag on Twitter. I discovered the hashtag last night while looking at the reactions of assorted Internet-famous Nazis and their fellow travellers to the horrific attack in Nice yesterday. (You can see the results of this investigation in my previous post here.)
Even a quick glance at the #FightForWesternCivilization hashtag reveals that these would-be defenders of Western Civilization have a very strange notion of what civilization consists of, with some taking inspiration not just from Donald Trump, their lord and master, but from such historical figures as Adolph Hitler and Augusto Pinochet. The hashtag is lousy with raging Islamophobes and white supremacists, full of violent fantasies of retribution against the Muslim “invaders.”
Never mind that we don’t even know if the apparent killer in Nice was even motivated by radical Islam; neighbors told a French television station that Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was less into religion than he was into women and salsa dancing. Local mosques say he never stepped through their doors.
But his name is Mohamed, so to those posting in the #FightForWesternCivilization hashtag he is not only a radical Islamist but the representative of all of the world’s Muslims.
As many of these self-declared civilization-defenders see it, Muslims are “savages” who need to be expelled from Europe and the US.
#FightForWesternCivilization Deport them. Burn their mosques to the ground. Let them live in the sand and filth best suited to savages.
— Ed Draper (@eddraper) July 15, 2016
#FightForWesternCivilization means one thing: Expel Islam from the West.
— StoneFree2Rant is a Semi-fascist(Same on Gettr) (@StoneFree2Rant) July 15, 2016
You're either with the #FightForWesternCivilization and Trump, or your with the savages. pic.twitter.com/Uyx7j4zhe4
— Memelord 🐸🇺🇸 (@AltRightMemes) July 15, 2016
One Twitter Nazi suggested that expelling “kebab” would only be the beginning of a broader ethnic cleansing.
Others directed their animus at “the Jews.”
Regardless of their opinions about Jews, most of those using the hashtag seem to see”western civilization” as synonymous with “white culture.” Some tried to wake the “white man” to the alleged existential threat of Islam.
Others suggested that the honor and purity of white women were in danger:
David Duke — yes, that David Duke — weighed in with this photo of an angelic-looking young white mother with baby.
This Tweeter Nazi-signaled by quoting the famous fascist “14 words.”
And let us not forget hot white chicks, who could easily turn into hot white mothers:
Others gave big thumbs-up to white people in general:
Some warned ominously of the alleged dangers of “diversity.”
Others talked excitedly about taking up arms and/or fists against Muslims and various alleged Islamophiles.
#FightForWesternCivilization we are in a war even if the politicians try to convince us to accept Muslims. Get a gun and learn to shoot.
— Infidel Investor (@Free_True_North) July 15, 2016
And if you can’t be with the gun you love, just grab a sharp pencil and aim for the eye:
One Trump fan suggested that if the Donald failed to win the election in November they would be willing to help him shoot his way into the White House:
Some looked back fondly on the original crusades:
While others call for a new one:
#FightForWesternCivilization stop islam 2016. Start the crusades
— BuildThatWall (@wall_that) July 15, 2016
Naturally, there were more than a few clucking about cucks:
Brainwashed beta male cucks saying #FightForWesternCivilization is racist are why we are in this spot in the first place.
— Stan Zbornak, Jr (@SouthernDandy55) July 15, 2016
One inventive fellow argued that to win the war for Western civilization, right-minded right-wingers need to take aim not only at Islam but also such wily enemies as Buzzfeed, the long-defunct Soviet Union, Israel, Planned Parenthood and My Little Pony.
We must uncuck the CUCKED. #FightForWesternCivilization pic.twitter.com/7WjnPQ8nLO
— Memelord 🐸🇺🇸 (@AltRightMemes) July 15, 2016
This imagined Western Civilization that these people think they’re fighting for isn’t a place I want to live.
Ah, Western Civilization, the Western part is relative and I have yet to see the civilized part of said Civilization.
Those people scare the hell out of me. Their hatred is just so thorough.
These people are the reason I stand with the “savages”. These self-proclaimed white saviors are fucking terrorists too, and the fact that they’re doing this to “protect” people with my particular skin pigment, and the fact that they’ll never be called what they are, Nazis and terrorists, by the media at large is fucking disgusting.
Though, I don’t know what makes someone more of a “savage”: Peacefully practicing a religion that has problems with violent radical terrorists and denouncing the violence and working with people to stop them, or demanding that people who aren’t your skin color or religion be fucking lynched and terrorized out of your country.
Yeah, tell me again how all of Islam is violent and you’re the “good guys”.
For some reason, it now seems more weird to me that someone would use Dracula as a role model on the internet than Hitler. Granted, he’s in the same category of mass-murdering monsters, but he’s really known as more of a fictionalized mass-murdering monster at this point.
Deport Taco? Deport Kebab? Deport Bagel? Christ man, your attempts at “saving” Western Civilization will not only hurt millions of people, but also deprive us of all the good food!
I had no idea that there are people living today who think the Crusades were a good thing.
There is no standing with these monsters, not even against actual Islamic terrorists. If you want individual freedom and social liberty, you are an evil feminist cultural marxist – and you are on their list.
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend – it is just someone else who want freedom gone and women subjugated.
Any Hashtag that is used to glorify Hitler automatically becomes disgusting, but these guys have really taken things up a notch.
I mean, they also believe the Holocaust wasn’t real, but if it was it would’ve been a great idea, so…
Me thinks they doth protest too much.
Ever notice how people rant and rail hardest against that which is their nature? Like the extreme homophob who is, deep down, a homosexual, all these cuck clucking cowards are, deep down, begging for a bull to take their women.
Becky Hopkins,
You wrote
These losers have no idea how boring our food would be without nonwhites. Spaghetti wouldn’t even have tomato sauce if not for native Americans.
10 Foods Natives Had Before Europeans
Unsurprising through. Many white racists refuse to accept the fact that non whites invented anything, or came up with any good ideas before white people.
“…diversity is a leftist attack…”
Gimme a break. These clowns know nothing about history except that once upon a time, guys wore armor and rode around “smiting” people. I wish they’d just go back to playing with their GI Joes and leave the rest of us alone.
Pride in one’s heritage doesn’t have to involve denigrating or destroying other people. Being born one nationality or another isn’t an achievement.
J^3 (@JoeKlemmer)
You wrote,
Or maybe they’re secretly attracted to people who aren’t white. I wonder how many of them watch hardcore interracial porn when they think no one else is looking.
I’m going to have a kebab tonight, just to spite them.
You wrote,
True. It also doesn’t have to involve believing in a past that never actually existed and pretending that everything was better back in the “good old days” when no one new about good hygiene. Also being of mixed race, doesn’t mean that being European, and European history can’t be part of your heritage.
@Terrabeau: I’m guessing islamophobes like Vlad the Impaler for fighting the Ottoman empire.
We’re not doing this shit again.
People can be assholes and not “secretly” be part of the thing they hate. Some people actually just fucking hate others.
Stop trying to make their bigotry someone else’s problem.
This is like the “he’s mean to you because he likes you!” bullshit, and no one here would tolerate that.
And I’m going to even ask that we SPECIFICALLY stop using the bullshit “hypocrite homophobe” thing.
That shit just absolves straight people of their contributions to homophobia and tries to make the hatred OUR problem. I’m not having it.
@Joe & Critical Dragon:
Can we not?
Homophobes aren’t all gay, cluckers don’t all want to be cucked, and Islamophobes aren’t all secretly pining after interracial relationships.
Sometimes a hateful person is just a hateful person.
Without social media like twitter, where would the dumb and uninformed be able to express their opinions? #FightForTheRightToBeAMoronInPublic
Yeah, it really just goes to show my own ignorance that I was surprised.
@Straight people everywhere: Homophobia is your fault. Stop trying to pawn it off on us.
Also, any comment which uses the word “methinks” is 63% more likely to be worthless. Fact.
@ moggie
I think you’re right perchance.
Their narrative is utter BS, like when you only see part of a photo and it conveys a different message to the whole picture.
The world is under attack from terrorists. Terrorists who murder people every day throughout the Middle East, terrorists from whom thousands of people are fleeing, terrorists who bombed a sacred mosque in Medina during Ramadan , terrorists who flout all the principles of the koran and who are out to exterminate/enslave all Muslims who do not subscribe to their death cult ideology. Sometimes these terrorists attack and murder people in Western countries.
We have a common enemy to fight, and it’s not #allMuslims.
I’m confused…Islam is part of ‘Western Civilization’. At least as much anything else.
Islam came out of territory that was only ‘Eastern’ in the sense of ‘Eastern side of the Mediterranean’. Territory that produced Jesus, Moses, and Roman Emperors. Territory that was integrated for thousands of years into European history and culture.
Islamic beliefs come from the same theological tradition as Judaism and Christianity
Islamic scribes preserved what would have been otherwise lost classical Greek and Roman; texts that formed the basis of the Renaissance
Islamic thinkers formulated (or imported to the west) most of the important mathematical concepts that underlay ‘Western’ science
Islamic rulers and merchant’s exorbitant markup (due to tax disparity between believers and non-believers) forced the search for new routes east and led to the discovery of the Americas (which were promptly indoctrinated into Western Culture)
I was thinking, it’s almost like none of these clowns apply any critical thinking to the larger picture of human history. Then I realized who this was we were talking about and remembered they never do that about anything. They are the poster children for “if you go looking to confirm your bias of course you’ll find it”
I had to stop reading a third of the way through. Mixed-race kids are kind of a hot button for me, since my youngest is mixed. (And absolutely adorable, I’ve been informed by numerous people randomly in public. Like, um… thanks? I guess? What do you want me to say?)
David, I don’t know how you manage, although probably you’re better at not taking things so personally.
I’m going to take my kids to hunt Pokemon now. Seems like a better use of my time than getting blindingly angry because my brain sees things like that as threatening my kiddo. MAMA CAT SMASH. Not a great state of mind.