Once upon a time, or so the story goes, a reporter asked Gandhi what he thought of Western civilization.
“I think it would be a good idea,” Gandhi is said to have replied.
This story kept popping into my head as I worked my way through the seemingly unending torrent of horrendous Tweets that comprise the #FightForWesternCivilization hashtag on Twitter. I discovered the hashtag last night while looking at the reactions of assorted Internet-famous Nazis and their fellow travellers to the horrific attack in Nice yesterday. (You can see the results of this investigation in my previous post here.)
Even a quick glance at the #FightForWesternCivilization hashtag reveals that these would-be defenders of Western Civilization have a very strange notion of what civilization consists of, with some taking inspiration not just from Donald Trump, their lord and master, but from such historical figures as Adolph Hitler and Augusto Pinochet. The hashtag is lousy with raging Islamophobes and white supremacists, full of violent fantasies of retribution against the Muslim “invaders.”
Never mind that we don’t even know if the apparent killer in Nice was even motivated by radical Islam; neighbors told a French television station that Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was less into religion than he was into women and salsa dancing. Local mosques say he never stepped through their doors.
But his name is Mohamed, so to those posting in the #FightForWesternCivilization hashtag he is not only a radical Islamist but the representative of all of the world’s Muslims.
As many of these self-declared civilization-defenders see it, Muslims are “savages” who need to be expelled from Europe and the US.
#FightForWesternCivilization Deport them. Burn their mosques to the ground. Let them live in the sand and filth best suited to savages.
— Ed Draper (@eddraper) July 15, 2016
#FightForWesternCivilization means one thing: Expel Islam from the West.
— StoneFree2Rant is a Semi-fascist(Same on Gettr) (@StoneFree2Rant) July 15, 2016
You're either with the #FightForWesternCivilization and Trump, or your with the savages. pic.twitter.com/Uyx7j4zhe4
— Memelord 🐸🇺🇸 (@AltRightMemes) July 15, 2016
One Twitter Nazi suggested that expelling “kebab” would only be the beginning of a broader ethnic cleansing.
Others directed their animus at “the Jews.”
Regardless of their opinions about Jews, most of those using the hashtag seem to see”western civilization” as synonymous with “white culture.” Some tried to wake the “white man” to the alleged existential threat of Islam.
Others suggested that the honor and purity of white women were in danger:
David Duke — yes, that David Duke — weighed in with this photo of an angelic-looking young white mother with baby.
This Tweeter Nazi-signaled by quoting the famous fascist “14 words.”
And let us not forget hot white chicks, who could easily turn into hot white mothers:
Others gave big thumbs-up to white people in general:
Some warned ominously of the alleged dangers of “diversity.”
Others talked excitedly about taking up arms and/or fists against Muslims and various alleged Islamophiles.
#FightForWesternCivilization we are in a war even if the politicians try to convince us to accept Muslims. Get a gun and learn to shoot.
— Infidel Investor (@Free_True_North) July 15, 2016
And if you can’t be with the gun you love, just grab a sharp pencil and aim for the eye:
One Trump fan suggested that if the Donald failed to win the election in November they would be willing to help him shoot his way into the White House:
Some looked back fondly on the original crusades:
While others call for a new one:
#FightForWesternCivilization stop islam 2016. Start the crusades
— BuildThatWall (@wall_that) July 15, 2016
Naturally, there were more than a few clucking about cucks:
Brainwashed beta male cucks saying #FightForWesternCivilization is racist are why we are in this spot in the first place.
— Stan Zbornak, Jr (@SouthernDandy55) July 15, 2016
One inventive fellow argued that to win the war for Western civilization, right-minded right-wingers need to take aim not only at Islam but also such wily enemies as Buzzfeed, the long-defunct Soviet Union, Israel, Planned Parenthood and My Little Pony.
We must uncuck the CUCKED. #FightForWesternCivilization pic.twitter.com/7WjnPQ8nLO
— Memelord 🐸🇺🇸 (@AltRightMemes) July 15, 2016
This imagined Western Civilization that these people think they’re fighting for isn’t a place I want to live.
@Joekster: the Mongols were very extreme. Immediate surrender meant just borrowing some craftsmen to build siege-works for them and taxes now went to them. Resistance meant the city being totally leveled and a detachment rolling through a few days later to kill anyone they had missed.
@joekster :
* Genghis Khan may not have been Napoleon, and have a completely ungovernable empire, but a lot of what he did actually stick on the conquered country, just like Napoleon’s empire crumbled even before his death but his civil administration advance were often still used by people.
* the mongol had not a snowball chance in hell to conquer Europe, who wasn’t a backwater continent either (not that prosperity help in that matter). It’s not about the quality of their army, it’s because European were *nuts* about fortification. Mongols had decent siege strategy, but they were just litteraly unable, and not exactly all that willing, to do the thousands of siege who they would have needed.
What stopped them is that it was too much effort. Their empire were already gigantic, their army weren’t out of resource yet but already extended a lot, and they were only okay at siege.
I won’t comment on the exact destructivity of it, mostly because it was great and somewhat debated, but Gengis Khan did not *just* slaughter populations. The eastern part tended to benefit more, because it was the one he actually really governed, instead of having a bunch of general doing expediency while they tried to organize.
As far as I know, the “level a city because it resisted” was way overstated. They did that. Sometime. But they did not have the will nor the manpower to do that to everyone.
… And three dead cop at Baton Rouge. That won’t end well.
Mixed reports but some reputable outlets saying it was a far right “Sovereign Citizen” activist.
@Sinkable John
That’s unnerving. I’m so glad that you and your friend are safe. Stay well.
Original Topic
A few weeks back Black Lives Matter held a protest at the Toronto Pride Parade over various issues, ie lack of representation for non-white LGBT people. But there was one point that I was unsure on, namely the removal of police floats. Recently Black Diaspora has called for Police Officers in the Ottawa Pride Parade not to march in their Uniforms: “Be there as yourself, but you don’t need to be as a representation of an oppressive institution. It doesn’t need to be that. For me at least, I don’t understand the need for people who work in the police to be in uniform to celebrate Pride ”
It’s a matter I feel torn on and I can’t decide if my issues with it are whitesplainy or not. On the one hand I understand that a lot of people of colour have had horrible experiences with the police and they have deep seated issues with systemic racism. Canada’s police force may not be anywhere close to as bad as the US’s, but that isn’t a high bar, we’ve still got the same problems.
But on the other hand it doesn’t seem like the best move to me to oppose the police as an institution making a show of supporting progressive causes because of problems in other areas. A matter of burning bridges where there might have been buildable. Having the police and Government institutions publicly supporting Pride seems like a good thing, trying to say “We don’t want to be LGBT people’s enemies anymore, we want to be on your side. We want to protect and serve you too now and for the sight of a Cop to no longer be a source of fear for you.” But on the other other hand It’s not my place to say if that message succeeds or is accurate for any non-white gay or trans person.
I feel I’m too much of a cis straight white guy to be properly sure on this issue, so I wanted to ask what people here think because I know the community here is great for topics like this.
Why not? That’s the very essence of solidarity. On top of that, the police are not a progressive institution (and intrinsically can’t be, pretty much), and it ill-behooves progressive organizations and movements to give them a fig leaf.
Even if they’re not raiding the drag bars anymore, the police are far from being friends of the TBLG community, especially the T portion of that, not even those of us who are white. PoCs get it worse, of course. In a lot of places, being a trans woman of colour is in and of itself enough to be arrested on prostitution charges. No police department is any ally of ours, nor is any movement that builds bridges with them a movement that represents me.
That’s nice. Actions speak louder than words, and their actions say something completely different. I don’t give a flying fuck what PR bullshit they spout, and never will.
SO many questions. I’m in school now and I have ADHD, and I have /years/ of school left (have to get a pHD to work on the stuff I’m interested in) and it’s so overwhelming sometimes! Also congratulations! Also also, joekstra sounds really familiar, I keep thinking I’ve seen that name around somewhere else. In any case, welcome. 🙂
We could make it a meme. 😛 “Poodle don’t like you” = ???
@Grumpy re: Pence
I think it’s smart on Pence’s part, because this way he can reframe the election. Instead of him not getting re-elected because people in Indiana hate him (at least around here they do), he’s not running for governor because he’s going for something so! much! better!
It’s still ridiculous, and he’s still a shitty person, but he can save his self-image, at least.
I think you’re on to something about Trump’s insecurity. When you look at his father and how his father treated him, I can totally see how he would be insecure and seek to mitigate that by dominance; that seems to be the only way his father ever related to anyone, and growing up with that sort of mindset…. ugh. I don’t /want/ to feel pity for him, not while he’s encouraging harm, but here we are.
Glad you’re ok. Be safe and be kind to yourself; that’s a hell of a thing to go through.
American cheese is too cheese! What else would it be!? An alien life form which has yet to figure out how to either stop replicating itself endlessly, how to stop people from eating those replications, or a combination of those?!
Someone get that wild haired scientist guy, the one who always says “That? Oh, totally Aliens.” kinds of stuff. The pyramids, electronic devices, probably American cheese…:P
Say safe, we’re all rooting for ya.
I really hope the institutions would go so far as to support these people with their actions, PR don’t work in a world where it’s inherently considered insincere/making excuses.
In other OT news the failed coup in Turkey, why is it that I get a feeling that a tyrant like Erdogan would intentionally create a small, ineffective coup like this, so he can use it as an excuse to administer even more power over his people? Maybe I’m just being paranoid here, since recently I’ve just been reading CIA documents that sound exactly like the plot of every supervillain ever.
SinkableJohn: if it’s any solace, you have to be pretty unlucky to get actually physically hurt by a random attack like this one. Of the tens of thousands of people on the promenade, “only” a couple hundred were actually hit. If you had been jolly drunk on the beach singing about watering your garden with blood (as one does) you’d almost certainly have been physically OK. Probably you wouldn’t have even seen anything.
Example: it seems my parents watched the fireworks a whole two blocks from where the truck stopped. They survived completely unhurt, though they’re a bit shook-up (and not answering their phone, though they are emailing and texting me).
Given the way the Turkish army leadership have felt about Erdogan for years now and how slow they’ve been to obey his orders, I’d be very surprised if they’re willing to do his dirty work in a thing like this.
@EJ (The Other One)
It’s just that Turkey has a history of successful military coups, so this one seems a little odd in comparison to the rest to me. Though once this is all figured out I might be able to see exactly what different circumstances would cause this one to fail comparative to the other 4 military coups, and the one soft coup.
One theory I’ve seen advanced is that Erdogan was planning a purge of the military, and a bunch of officers who got wind of it tried to stage a coup to forstall it. Being a spur of the moment thing, it wasn’t well planned, and didn’t work.
T@ ooglyboggles & EJ
It’s quite hard these days to plot even a small coup and keep it secret; and Erdogan does have a reasonably good internal intelligence service. I think it’s plausible (although I’m not suggesting it’s actually the case) that he did know about the coup in advance and allowed it to happen knowing he could nip it in the bud. That strengthens his position, identifies the major threats to his regime and allows him to purge those threats.
He may even have used a few agent provocateurs to ensure the coup went off early at a time of his choosing and before too many people expressed a willingness to take part.
Of course allowing such a thing is risky; he could underestimate the amount of support and it could gain a momentum he couldn’t control. But you don’t get to run a place like Turkey for 13 years without a bit of self confidence.
It would be interesting to analyse whether there had been any preparation for a counter coup. Were for instance police rotas changed in the days before? Were there preparations to control the media and comms such as Internet?
Of course it’s more likely it was just as it seems; an all or nothing attempt by elements of an increasingly frustrated military.
ETA: I like Dalillama’s theory.
Oh my goodness! I’m glad they’re okay after that nerve-wracking event.
Ohlmann, I’m glad that you seem to be all right too.
All best wishes to the French Mammotheers. Stay strong.
Poodle don’t like you . . . because you’re a fascist?
(Not you, obviously, but the ones that Poodle don’t like. Which means that Katie and Fluttershy don’t like you either. But I don’t mean you. You’re cool with Poodle, Katie, and Fluttershy.)
@ skybison-
I don’t want the police marching at Pride. I’m really iffy about them even protecting us because they can and have harmed us at Pride before.
They aren’t our friends, and they’re the clear enemy of PoC, who white lgbt+ people should be in solidarity with, especially in the issue of police brutality and abuse of power.
The secular guard, as the Turkish military likes to think of itself was already purged back in the early-mid noughties. The current stand is actually surprising a lot of people, since they thought that the military’s spine was already crippled to the point that it wouldn’t be able to do anything resembling an actual coup after the 2007?-ish failure. For a few decades though the Turkish military was quite similar in appearance and action to the old Varangian guard.
What you’re witnessing now is more likely a poorly planned thrashing of an already dead animal. The 80s weren’t that long ago, a great many people still remember those years and the coup then was much more bloody. You’ll note how they called for thrushing out people into the streets and plazas and general public assembly areas; Erdogan was playing a game of chicken and just like before the factions involved within the military aren’t going to come out and actually roll. There just isn’t enough of it left to do so, not without a really bloody go of it.
This is just a power grab for him now, and he’ll definitely act accordingly. He might have helped set the wheels in motion but it was more of a forest-level political scenario and not so much a tree-level one.
Off topic a bit – the really scary thing to me is how… accurate certain predictions are becoming. Prior to joining the military I was in some PS400 level classes that went over details such as China / Formosa Straights / Middle East action and reaction. And a lot of it is coming true. Okay, not exactly the Formosa Straights but… waaay too close for comfort. I can remember my instructors harping on “15 years from now” over and over again. Well, that was 2001. And the world is looking waaaaaay too similar to those scenarios, and that is daaaaaammmnnn scary. I wonder if the model about the de-escalation of world wars / conflicts that was thrown around to describe the ‘lay of the land’ in and following the Cold War will hold true or not.
I didn’t have time to keep on top of reading all the comments but regarding the coup; did anyone note Erdogan is said to be calling for the extradition of Gulen from the US in the wake of the coup?
I don’t know what to think really but nothing would surprise me
@skybison: i can understand how you feel. I know that i, as a cis-white queer girl, have never had any problems with the police. I always have problems not trusting people to do the right thing! I was terrible watching for shoplifters at blockbuster, waaay back in the day. It never made sense to me for someone to steal a game or dvd?
(I am trying to be aware of the privilege that i have that has let me live in this world still this naive. Everyone should feel like this. It’s bullshit that they don’t.)
On the other hand though… Carding is only going to stop come the new year. As a cis white girl, i have never been carded. Strange how that happens?
I would love to build bridges to the people who are supposed to be protecting us. But they need to actually be protecting all of us, and while i’m sad that my roommate’s first visit to the parade was mostly during the time they stopped, i can’t blame BLM for their actions.
It’s like when you have to deal with a problematic relative. Do you smile and pretend everything is fine, because they are currently making an effort with you? What if they are horrible to your partner? Do you let the event continue, because they are being awful to only one person?
Sometimes you need to draw attention to the bad behaviour. You probably wkn’t change the relative’s mind, but you have a chance of shaping someone else’s opinions, hopefully for the better.
Nothing ever seems to get done or change until people are loud in some way.
What authorialAlchemy said. At this point, anyone who’s still willing to wear a police uniform and carry a gun is not someone who should be allied with, regardless of the circumstances.
That’s very interesting, thank you.
@ dalillama
The Carnegie Emdowment for International Peace (who are usually pretty good at this sort of thing) are going with your theory that the coup was a last minute attempt to forestall a purge. They suggest that it was an ad hoc affair with no planning; hence the rather haphazard approach and the failure to take obvious steps such as trying to seize control of all media outlets and ensuring rapid mobilisation and deployment of their forces to key areas.
To be fair, it wasn’t that they failed in taking those steps, it’s that they failed in accomplishing them and completing the arrest. The military during the initial stage movement did go after utilities and media but it didn’t hold onto them. From the outside looking in, it looks as if the faction launching the coup kinda “gave up the ghost” after the arrest failed.
I’m also weary of the “prevent a purge” notion. They’ve been under ongoing purges for a long while, and there was a massive set after the last failed coup / political bullying attempt ( what is a lesser coup called anyway? I always just hear it referred to as a coup ). If the numbers of “arrested” military with Erdogan’s rhetoric of “bring them out and make them pay before everyone” are the going rate, you can’t think the military didn’t know the forgone conclusion for a failure; what was at risk.
It looks, again – from the outside – that they just gave up and accepted an “inevitable” when the arrest failed rather than push into full scale civil war that likely would have involved civvy massacre. Maybe if the faction had had more public support, but you would have needed a situation where two very dynamic groups were in collusion which is a bit difficult to do in Turkey right now.
I watched a video on BBCiPlayer last night about Trump and hate, very disturbing, it made me angry, and they have only scratched the surface. This hate is out of control. In my country, all the Nazis crawled out of the woodwork over Brexit. We’re seeing more and more clashes between brown shirts and antifas on the streets. We’re seeing nazis vandalise graves of dead Labour leaders. We’re seeing actual, real murder of MPs. I had to make my point clear to a friend last week that centrist politics is dead. He is a fence sitter, a Liberal Democrat. He does not agree with my Marxism. He thinks he’s in the right place, being neither fish nor fowl. I told him how quickly the U.S. Europe and Britain is sliding into fascism. He is slow to belive that, no matter how much evidence of hate crime, trolling and obnoxious behavior he can see. The Liberals are right wing, not centrist. They have no option but to be pulled into the prevailing political sphere. When we have a situation like the USA, only Torys and Whigs and no workers party, who will oppose Fascism?