antifeminism evil wives evil working women gender policing mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings

Return of Kings: “Like small children, most modern women have no skills”

Every Red Piller's not so secret fantasy
Every Red Piller’s not so secret fantasy. Also, that’s clearly an older Davis Aurini in the white turtleneck.

So everyone’s favorite woman-hating garbage site Return of Kings has a new post up detailing “4 Signs That Modern Women Have Become Petulant Children.”

After explaining why women are “attention whores” (sign 1) who think that they can have jobs and family at the same time (sign 2) and who all turn into cheating sluts after you marry them when they’re teenagers (sign 3), RoK contributor Michael Sebastian drops the TRUTH BOMB that despite having vaginas women have no skills. Except for the ones who do, but these mannish girls are also bad.

Sebastian, proud author of the self-published book Staying Married in a Degenerate Age, tells men that, sadly, women don’t have the skills to pay the bills:

Like small children, most modern women have no skills.

Back while I was in the dating market, I noticed that most girls were useless.

Of course, in the very next sentence Sebastian informs his readers that women shouldn’t actually have any skills that might be worth something on the job market:

Men should not expect women to have the same marketable skills that men have.

Except the allegedly totally unmarketable skill of cooking:

Women are supposed to be complementary. In the past, this meant that girls would have the skills necessary to be homemakers. But most modern women are not able to boil water, much less cook a meal. They are often slobs. They often do not want children and those who do want children think motherhood consists of laying by the pool while sipping Kahlua mudslides.

To be fair, motherhood can involve that sometimes, as can fatherhood, but never mind.

Most modern women don’t have the skills that would allow them to earn a lot of money. They might have a degree, but it is in something useless like avant-garde poetry, or gender studies.

Ha ha! No one ever hires anyone with a Gender Studies degree, except perhaps all those people who do hire them.

But ladies, don’t even think about majoring in some MANLY major that’ll score you the big bucks. Because that’ll make you even ickier!

On the other hand, the few women who do have marketable skills have jettisoned anything that made them feminine: charm, the capacity to nurture, and the ability to be receptive.

A charmless man complaining that women are charmless.

In other words, most modern women, like very small children, have no skills. The only thing they bring to a relationship is their vagina. Unlike children though, they have no excuse.

That last bit is … really … badly … worded.

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8 years ago


More or less. I learned to cook when I got tired of being hungry and sick of only microwavable foodstuffs, I don’t have a cleaning service or maid so I have to clean up after myself, and after finishing law school without any student loan debt I have managed to build a career in family law as a solo practitioner. Mr. Exception and I are fine not having kids that are our species, we’re quite happy with the four legged and fuzzy variety – now, we don’t know exactly what’s being said in the language of bark, but it’s probably not “I hate you, leave me alone!” or “Drop me off here so my friends don’t see you! You’re so embarrassing!”…they won’t ever want to borrow the car, or do something that results in having to go pick them up from the police station*, plus they’re generally cheaper over their lifetime all things considered.

*Unless you have a fence jumper or digger-under, maybe leave the gate open, and after escaping they get picked up by animal control which operates from a building complex that also houses the police station.

8 years ago

I bet this guy can’t paint like any of the feeeemale artists I know. I know a woman who is a great graphic designer and tattoo artist. I know a woman who will probably work for Blizzard, designing characters and game art men live so much.

I’m not a woman, but he would think I’m a woman, and I can paint and draw well enough to get a job. I will learn how to storyboard this semester, and that can bring in a shit ton of money. I could help make commercials, movies, tv shows, etc, and they won’t be able to do it without me. Same goes for my storyboarding, comic making, sharpie snorting peers who are actual women.

Female artists make the art world go round. But of course this is a “useless” degree and an “unmarketable” skill.

Artists contribute more than we are given credit for, and I’m proud to stand with women in my field.

8 years ago

Tell that to the female workforce of nurses, doctors, teachers, engineers logistics for military, oh and all forms of art and design. Return of Kings is a failing website bleeding more members because they can’t keep up with open nazis.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Hey I have a Masters in Misandr – I mean Women’s Studies. I don’t use it now because health reasons mean I can’t work but I still use it every now and then when I write my comics blog. Also I have lived independantly for 21 years. I have had serious relationships in that time but a preference for having my own space means I have never lived with someone. Somehow I have managed to keep myself fed and in clean clothes etc. I’m not like a character in The Sims who sets themselves on fire if you have them barbeque without being skilled enough. Gah *headdesk*

8 years ago

After reading the article and the comments, I began imagining the perfect woman for this guy.

She would have to be receptive, act like a personal servant to him at all times, have a lot of kids with him, take good care of them, yet still somehow also know, that she is basically subhuman. Also, that knowledge wouldn’t stop her from being a good mother and a cheerful, sex-receiving, good looking woman.

And, she’d have absolutely no skills, of course, yet be able to manage everything related to the kids and the house. Sounds doable.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

Ah, yes, we lose our charm and ability to be receptive. Like last night, when I was crossing the street and some doofus tried to block my way in a sort of playful manner (I assume he thought so) and went ”Oh, which way you gonna go now” and moved side to side. Truly, I should have let out a polite giggle and accept this charming man and not tell him to piss off. Yes, when you’re having a bad day you must absolutely tolerate the annoying childish stuff these Alpha Men do, otherwise you’ve lost your charm and ability to be receptive to bovine excrement.
What were they saying about childish behaviour now?

Maximilán (they/them)
Maximilán (they/them)
8 years ago

I like (and by that mean I find it hilarious) how these people hold up traditional gender roles (I belive, because searching for these mystical women an/or coercing women to aspire to be like this, makes it easier for them to prey on women and hurt them) as the only thing women should aspire too, but they still shit on these women, bc they are “useless”. They also hate women who are “masculine”. They are so hatefull and whiny it is almost tragic

8 years ago

@ Maximilán (they/them)

It’s the ur fascism view of women, ur waif if you want to be punny. I did not realize that waif was an actual term.

They despise the self reliant and want a doll, but don’t want the doll because it’s useless, but want the doll to do all things he wants, but he can’t because that would mean the dolls has skills, and then the doll wouldn’t be a proper waif.

Seriously why does Ur fascism literally pops into their world view so consistently? I’m not even mad just astounded at how Ur fascism just works along their viewpoints, it’s like a cypher key to misogyny.

8 years ago


So it’s become increasingly clear that when these scrublords say “most women” it really just means “at least one woman that I’ve made up”.


8 years ago

Plus children also have marketable skills. They can pick fruit and operate simple machinery. They can be taught to spin, weave and sew either by hand or machines. Just because in the developed world we legislated children out of the workforce a century ago doesn’t mean they magically stopped being capable of work. We just decided that they had more important stuff to do. Like pretty much every woman these guys have ever tried to talk to?

dust bunny
dust bunny
8 years ago

@ Axe

considering who he works for, asswipe mayn’t be the best insult

Made my morning!

But you’re right, asswipe isn’t a good insult to this guy. Asswipes, after all, sacrifice themselves to provide a valuable service to mankind. Comparing RoK dudes to actual asswipes is more like insincere flattery. Yeah yeah, you are totally worth the same as an asswipe!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Asswipes are useless and have no marketable skills as far as RoK readers are concerned.

Notice how he only venerates skills that make money. Not skills that help other people feel better, or healthier, or smarter, or more at ease. Not skills that make the world more beautiful. Nope, it’s only what the marketplace demands and will compensate handsomely.

Lots of people aren’t paid what their actual contribution to society is worth, as the salaries of teachers and nurses vs. professional athletes demonstrate. There are other reasons besides money for choosing a profession.

those who do want children think motherhood consists of laying by the pool while sipping Kahlua mudslides.

Don’t mudslides have Kahlua in them, by definition? That’s like saying “while eating an egg omelet”.

Like “slobs” and “can’t boil water”, this is pure projection. Nobody I know thinks this is how parenthood goes down (but then, the people I know interact with other real-life people every now and then, rather than getting all their ideas about human behavior from video games and Fox News). Clearly he thinks this is what moms do all day, so why should he support that?

Dude, just stop beating around the bush and say it: you think moms are lazy welfare cheats.

Reggie, the neighbour's cat
Reggie, the neighbour's cat
8 years ago

So basically women have no skills which is horrible except the women who do have skills bu those skills are meant to be the preserve of men so those women are bad too and all women should just self immolate except that would probably be bad too because some poor menz would have to put out the fires.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ buttercup

“while eating an egg omelet”

One of my friends is partial to fried bread sandwiches.

(We though he was weird, but then he made us some and they’re actually quite nice. You can practically hear your arteries hardening though)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ buttercup

“while eating an egg omelette”

One of my friends is partial to fried bread sandwiches.

(We thought he was weird, but then he made us some and they’re actually quite nice. You can practically hear your arteries hardening though.)

8 years ago

@Kat – old-timers (or at least rerun-watchers) unite! 🙂
8 years ago

Dear Michael Sebastian,

Do you know how to cook? How to clean the house? Or are you a slob? Do you believe that whether or not a man is a slob is a nonissue?

epitome of incomprehensibility

Is that ad making a joke? “Stacked for convenience” because the woman in it has big boobs? That’s not only gross, it’s also really silly.

Even the ads I write for the tutoring centre aren’t THAT bad. And I’ve made some very silly puns in my time.

Oops. Did my useless English degree somehow give me a marketable skill? Uh oh. I guess that means I lost some of my femininity. See, I don’t have big breasts, which is clearly due to genetics… er, I mean, doing unfeminine work. Yup. Logic!

8 years ago


Ah, yes, we lose our charm and ability to be receptive. Like last night, when I was crossing the street and some doofus tried to block my way in a sort of playful manner (I assume he thought so) and went ”Oh, which way you gonna go now” and moved side to side. Truly, I should have let out a polite giggle and accept this charming man and not tell him to piss off. Yes, when you’re having a bad day you must absolutely tolerate the annoying childish stuff these Alpha Men do, otherwise you’ve lost your charm and ability to be receptive to bovine excrement.


Exactly why we would WANT to be receptive to that is a mystery to me. Unless they seriously think we’re so devoid of the ability to look after ourselves that we’d be desperate enough to take any old cowflop that comes along. And that ain’t happenin’! Hence all the whining under an increasingly flimsy veneer of knowing sexist pontification. This guy isn’t stating what he knows about us, he’s just wishing hard with his eyes squinched shut, and hoping it comes out sounding like simple declarative statements.


Oops. Did my useless English degree somehow give me a marketable skill? Uh oh. I guess that means I lost some of my femininity. See, I don’t have big breasts, which is clearly due to genetics… er, I mean, doing unfeminine work. Yup. Logic!

Heh. I have an “unmarketable” English degree, too. And I do some very unfeminine work in the garden (heaving clay soil around that would wilt these machos in their boots). AND I have big boobs, still, after all that. Don’t know how I managed it all, but thanks, Mother Nature, for giving me brawn, brains AND boobs all in one package!

8 years ago

I wish one day society would stop coding behaviours or personality traits as masculine and feminine and tell people they’re “not a real man” or “not a real woman” because they have the “wrong” traits.

I recently had a conversation where a friend said that in order to survive in a male-dominated world, women have to take on more and more “male” traits. While it’s true that you might need certain traits for professional advancement, such as ambition, assertiveness, a willingness to make sacrifices for your career and maybe even a thick skin and ruthlessness, why on earth are those “male traits”? Why don’t we just think of them as human traits? Some people have them, some don’t, both is perfectly fine. Why do we have to say a woman is acting “male” by behaving in a certain way? Maybe she’s just being herself. And she’s still a woman! Does “woman”/”man” have to be the category that rules all other traits a person has? There are all kinds of women with all kinds of character traits and they’re still women. And most of the time they have what seems to confuse our original poster the most: a combination of “masculine” and “feminine” traits. Surprise. As if those were actually human traits and women were actually widely different individuals and not just some kind of clones, like he apparently imagines.

By the way, I don’t want to imply that being a woman doesn’t have a huge impact on experiences in a patriarchal society. But that’s not a natural thing in my opinion, it’s a result of oppressive structures, history and cultural conditioning.

Speaking of this, there is something else which came up in the same conversation which I think you might have some input on. The question was: If you think of yourself, of your identity, is your sexual or gender identity* one of the first things that come to mind? If it is, is that because that identity caused you negative experiences in your life or just because it’s “there”? In our group there were 2 women and 1 guy who immediately answered no and 2 women who immediately answered yes and we were all pretty surprised that the others had such different experiences which how much their sex/gender mattered to them personally. Up to that point I always thought I was a bit strange because it never mattered to me, but now it seems that people have very different experiences in that regard and that made me curious.

Do you think maybe if your identity isn’t the “default” (cis and male) in our society it matters more because you constantly see it influence the way you’re treated and such?

* I know there are a lot of non-binary identities. What is a respectful, inclusive way to refer to them in English? Would you call them “sexual identities” or “gender identities” or something else?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ littlelurker

Your main point (about stereotypical male and female attributes) very much tallies with my thoughts.

But it’s your secondary question that got me thinking.

I think one of the reasons I joke about my ‘Yorkshireness’ is that I don’t have an identity as such. Or rather it’s because my actual ‘identity’, straight white male, is the default one in society. So if I feel the need to identify as anything, then I need to come up with some additional arbitrary attribute.

I suspect if you asked other SWMs how they identified themselves they’d similarly come up with random things like ”Everton supporter” or “environmentalist” or similar. It would as likely be be something they’d chosen rather than something inherent.

That make sense?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Bina | July 14, 2016 at 9:14 pm

Women are supposed to be complementary.


And of course, this scrub doesn’t think that he should “compliment” women, in any sense of the word. (But we should still totes line up for the GLORIOUS opportunity of sucking his dick and being his second mommy.)

I would imagine that most people in relationships “compliment” each other. I mean, “opposites attract” is a thing for a reason.

Of course, I feel like that should apply to stuff like “They are spontaneous and outgoing, and They like to plan things and like to stay in”, “They like to cook, and They like to clean”, “They like to be a little messy, and They like to be neat!” and things that can find balance.

Not “They’re a nice, socially-conscious person, and they’re a soul-sucking neo-nazi who hates women for breathing, but still expects them to cook, clean, have his kids, and take full responsibility for them!”

8 years ago


that makes sense, yes. Inherent vs chosen is something I hadn’t really considered. The first thing coming to my mind about myself would be something inherent but not the fact that I’m female… maybe because being neuroatypical is more non-default than being female? But that would go against what I know of intersectionality, so I can’t really put it like that either. I really need to think about it a lot more. Thanks for your answer.

8 years ago

Okay, sorry for the double post, I think I should correct what I said. It sounds far to general and universal as it is.

What I meant to say was, for me personally, my disorder influenced my experiences much more than being a woman did, therefore it is probably one of the first things I think of when I try to define myself. Not the disorder as such, but my personal experiences with it. The fact that it did influence me so strongly is probably related to but not solely caused by society’s attitude towards such conditions.

There, this sounds a lot less presumptious.

8 years ago

Re: Richard Deacon

I recognized him from other roles but didn’t know his name. I think he was the really sarcastic clerk on the Jack Benny show. “yeeeeesssss?”