So everyone’s favorite woman-hating garbage site Return of Kings has a new post up detailing “4 Signs That Modern Women Have Become Petulant Children.”
After explaining why women are “attention whores” (sign 1) who think that they can have jobs and family at the same time (sign 2) and who all turn into cheating sluts after you marry them when they’re teenagers (sign 3), RoK contributor Michael Sebastian drops the TRUTH BOMB that despite having vaginas women have no skills. Except for the ones who do, but these mannish girls are also bad.
Sebastian, proud author of the self-published book Staying Married in a Degenerate Age, tells men that, sadly, women don’t have the skills to pay the bills:
Like small children, most modern women have no skills.
Back while I was in the dating market, I noticed that most girls were useless.
Of course, in the very next sentence Sebastian informs his readers that women shouldn’t actually have any skills that might be worth something on the job market:
Men should not expect women to have the same marketable skills that men have.
Except the allegedly totally unmarketable skill of cooking:
Women are supposed to be complementary. In the past, this meant that girls would have the skills necessary to be homemakers. But most modern women are not able to boil water, much less cook a meal. They are often slobs. They often do not want children and those who do want children think motherhood consists of laying by the pool while sipping Kahlua mudslides.
To be fair, motherhood can involve that sometimes, as can fatherhood, but never mind.
Most modern women don’t have the skills that would allow them to earn a lot of money. They might have a degree, but it is in something useless like avant-garde poetry, or gender studies.
Ha ha! No one ever hires anyone with a Gender Studies degree, except perhaps all those people who do hire them.
But ladies, don’t even think about majoring in some MANLY major that’ll score you the big bucks. Because that’ll make you even ickier!
On the other hand, the few women who do have marketable skills have jettisoned anything that made them feminine: charm, the capacity to nurture, and the ability to be receptive.
A charmless man complaining that women are charmless.
In other words, most modern women, like very small children, have no skills. The only thing they bring to a relationship is their vagina. Unlike children though, they have no excuse.
That last bit is … really … badly … worded.
I think contrast is also an issue. I’m a member of the South African diaspora, so my South Africanness sets me apart from the people I meet in my daily life. Being white in a country that’s 81.9% white (and a profession that’s whiter still) doesn’t really contrast in any way, so my whiteness could be invisible to me if I chose. Similarly, my maleness is only a matter of contrast when I’m in feminist spaces.
Have you ever been in spaces where neuroatypicality was not only unremarkable, but normal? If so, once the initial euphoria had passed, did you notice your identity drifting?
S@ littlelurker
You didn’t sound presumptuous 🙂
I think that might be a key thing. Maybe influence can only occur when you are aware of a characteristic? For an SWM you hardly ever will need to be aware.
I think what I’m trying to say is, because the world is pretty much set up for us, we never have occasion to think about ourselves. That would be different for people who aren’t the default.
Let me try a rubbish analogy. Imagine a world where the dominant group was 4 feet tall. And then imagine you were in a minority group of 6 footers. If you asked a 4 footer what their main attribute was they’d probably not mention height, but the 6 footer would as they’d be reminded of that everytime they banged their head on a doorway.
Enh. If being charming and nurturant and cute (for about 5 years, between the ages of 13 and 18) were enough to see women through in a Darwinian sense, no doubt we’d consist of a corps of female Eloi, laughing and blushful and capable only of yearning for the day of the birth of our first child (after which we’d be programmed to die like a salmon after spawning, and would ritually be consumed by our families at a ceremonial meal). But it’s not, so we’re not. Nature is a harsh mistress, but her saving characteristic is that she’s impartial: she gives everybody the shaft.
Deal with it.
And what marketable skills does the average RoK writer have? Basic literacy?
I can’t remember if it was RoK or Heartsie that told their
suckersreaders to just sort of read/watch/think about whatever was popular at the time, so they had a better chance of hitting it off with theirpotential rape victims“marks”.So, I guess their “skills” would be whatever they need them to be at the time (as long as it’s sufficiently manly by their standards)?
Kind of like the special kind of asshole who, when they ask you about your job or your hobby, suddenly are a goddamned expert and will attempt to bullshit you into thinking they actually know what they’re talking about in a very blatant attempt at one-upsmanship with the idea that them constantly one-upping you is an “attractive” quality.
For instance:
Man: “So, what do you like to do in your spare time?”
Woman: “I’ve been taking some cooking classes. I really love Korean food, so I found a workshop.”
Man: “Oh, I make the best kimchi! My Korean friend says it’s better than his mom’s!”
Man: “So, what do you do for work?”
Woman: “I work for a non-profit organization.”
Man: “Oh, I tried starting a non-profit years ago, and it didn’t work out. I think the whole model is just flawed.”
Or, to add on examples to my last post because the timer ran out: This guy.
You’re right about the defaulting thing. People are biased towards the thing that’s most present. If you’re a black trans girl, you’ll more than likely always be the black trans girl in any situation. Both cos of rarity, and cos everyone else will keep bringing it up (and often not in a nice way)
Women are a majority, but since people keep harping on em, it seems the opposite. A woman dominated job field is considered girly work, while a woman who has a ‘normal’ job is exemplified. ‘Ain’t she cute, she thinks she’s people’
As far as mental illness, it’s not considered bad to be put off by atypical folks. It’s perfectly fine to mock or generalize them, where gender or ethnicity might get you some looks. Might
To your actual question, on the list of my immutable personal identifiers, New Yorker is the highest. I live in the South (multiethnic enclave, so ‘black’ isn’t rare), and that’s what stands out most
@EJ (The Other One)
Excellent question.
When I find out that what I’ve been struggling with on my own or an unpopular opinion that I hold is actually pretty common, I’m relieved. Then sometimes I start to feel not special.
I have to remind myself that it’s not my problems or my opinions that make me unique. It’s just being me that is unique. No effort required. Although it’s a good idea to work on myself so that I’m unique in a good way.
That ad with Richard Deacon in it is truly awful.
But I’m going to cut it some slack because Richard Deacon was a hilarious (usually inoffensive) guy and because he looks so smug and she looks like she’s trying to go along to get along but she’s grossed out.
Smug PUA + grossed-out potential victim = truth.
He’s an actor playing a role. In this case, the role is Roger Ailes.
“Back while I was in the dating market, I noticed that most girls were not prepared to be completely submissive to me and accept that they are inferior in every way to me, so I deemed them useless.”
There, fixed it for you Bozo.
I like that the conclusion isn’t that women aren’t receptive to him & what he’s selling, it’s that women have lost the capability to be receptive.
I didn’t fail to understand the material presented to me, the material simply lost its ability to be understood.
I never make mistakes. Things just fail to work out for me.
“Most modern women…”
Wow, Sebastian must have spent years and possibly decades to comprehensively testing the skill sets of ‘most modern women’. How else could he make such sweeping claims? No wonder he hates women so much, he must be sick to death of them at this point.
Most modern people, not just women do not have skills. The reason for this is the Division of Labour. Men are as much victims of this as women are. People who could have been educated or learned a trade are now victims of the capitalist system becuse their right to free education has been taken away, their skills have been taken away, and they are kept on the conveyor belt working up to 60 hour weeks for less than a living wage doing monotonous unskilled labour, risking their health, eyesight and RSI to make money for somebody else. Who can even expect to create a meal from scratch or sew their own clothes, when microwave meals and catalogues are so simple? Nobody has time to rest and create at their leisure any more, it’s just a rat race, and it’s unsurprising that many women become single mothers as a means to escape, but even then, costs of childcare and fathers refusing to pay CSA makes it impossible not to have to take on a waiting job or factory work. Not even counting those who fall into prostitution, sex, like everything else is a “commodity”. Drink and drugs are a momentary relief from the drudgery and panic of day to day life. We are basically living in the nineteenth century again, because all our ‘American Dream’ and post war labour saving devices have back fired, let us spiral into debt and complacency and made us slaves to the system, we have produced too much, but we have too little.
So much salt on this site. Yet no one provided one skill that make people desire to hire them, they blamrd everything on domeone else (taking responsibility for yor own actions is what adults do), never answered the question of what they bring to the table. Also the world feminists and cucks dream of cannot truly be because of how biology and especially estrogen and testosteron work.
This sentence is false.
Dude, if you’re going to take over a year to think of a response, at least spell check it at some stage, m’kay?
FreeThoughtBlogs just somehow acquired this weird glitch where any comments on older threads (over two weeks old) don’t show up in “recent comments”. It’s inconvenient for the long-running open treads on FTB, whereas here it’d be *just* perfect.