So our dear old friend Matt Forney, the neo-Naziesque internet doofus, has found himself suspended from Twitter (again), shortly after posting an assortment of tweets so wildly homophobic they even managed to offend the lovely Milo Yiannopoulos and his internet horde.
According to noted free speech expert Matt Forney, Matt Forney was suspended “because I was guilty of Being Conservative on Twitter.”
Evidently the powers that be decided at their latest meeting that Forney constitutes A SOMEWHAT SMALLISH THREAT TO THE NARRATIVE, and thus must be silenced, sort of, by not being allowed to use one of the many social media platforms available to him.
Twitter may be picking on me because I’m popular enough to be a threat to the leftist narrative yet small enough that they can silence me without causing much of an uproar.
Naturally, the rule-abiding Forney, who insists he “wasn’t doing anything that could be considered a violation of the Terms of Service” has violated these same Terms of Service by setting up a new Twitter account to get around the ban. Just like he did the last time he was banned, if I recall correctly.
As for Milo, Forney insists that
I like Milo … but I question how much longer a guy who brags about having gay sex with black men can call himself a conservative.
Here’s some examples of the kind of TRUTH* that Twitter will be shielding us from.
NOTE: aforementioned TRUTH* should not be confused with real truth.
How will the world’s Twitterers survive being deprived of these insights, at least if said Twitterers don’t bother to subscribe to Forney’s “backup” Twitter account?
Nightmare, sweetie.
Sorry. I just wanted to use that gif again.
And speaking of gifs, in case any excessively literal-minded hostile readers are reading this, please note that this post contains
And so the tortured logic persists.
I haven’t declared myself a feminist up to this point. But I am one. And I don’t need your thousand ridiculous characters to state that fairly simple state of affairs.
The only ‘treason’ you commit is against straightforward thinking.
I always like greatswords and heavy shields, so I ended up turning my Souls character into a very paladin-like character. I was wearing Ornstein’s armor for the longest time, wielding a Divine Zweihander until I got the Greatsword of Artorias. Finished the game with Leeroy’s actual Paladin set, both versions of Artorias’ Greatsword and his Greatshield, plus an assortment of miracles to zap those dastardly demons from afar!
Thank you, I appreciate that. Nevertheless, if you believe anyone deserves to be dismissed as “nuts” or “crazy,” that is harmful to me, because you are supporting the idea that crazy=wrong. That’s what I was originally trying to say to you. I don’t know if I expressed it very well.
@Brony, Social Justice Cenobite:
Not necessarily all qualified apologies, no.
But mine should. There are clear, mitigating circumstances here. ‘Fat shaming’ Matt Forney, given the context you don’t seem to deny, is really quite different from generically and deliberately shaming obese people. It’s much more similar to jokes about Hitler’s one testicle: one could claim these too could be offensive to people with testicular problems but they’re still a world away from stereotyping people with testicular problems.
Kupo, entitled to feeling hurt as she is, wasn’t directly targeted by the offending words, words that were reserved for an exceptionally excremental individual.
That’s why the apology was ‘qualified’.
Arguments by others that it ‘doesn’t sound sincere’ just make me laugh. Not everything that quacks like a duck, is in fact a duck.
Yeah, a lot of those games are ones that I barely even need to do anything more to clear out. Arkham City, for instance, I’d be able to 100% if I could just beat all of the challenge maps, but the hard-mode stealth maps keep kicking me around.
I’ve been meaning to play Sleeping Dogs again, actually. It’s one of the few GTA-style games that didn’t end up boring me, I think largely because of Hong Kong.
Gert, just stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.
Because you were being an asshole, and when asked to stop, your response was to be a bigger asshole. Even though that first comment was inadvertent, you haven’t shown any genuine remorse or ownership of it, just a willingness to dump your own discomfort at the situation onto all on us. First rule of holes…
Had I known your predicament I would OF COURSE not have chosen those words.
But it’s a general expression, often of desperation. People like Milo Yiannopoulos are ‘crazy’ because I find them so frustrating but it shouldn’t be seen as an insult to those genuinely affected by mental health issues. Again, context matters. And that context is mostly clear.
Please, go ahead. We can move the conversation elsewhere if you prefer. My blog, or yours?
Please, stop sounding so damn civilised. You’re making me blush.
I also tend to lean towards the tank-y builds as well; my first DS1 playthrough ended up with a BK Great Axe (it doesn’t bounce off walls!), Black Iron Greatshield, and the heaviest piecemeal outfit I could still keep under 50% encumbrance. This was before Iron Flesh got nerfed, so I generally just put that up and waded through bosses without any need to dodge or block.
Ableism is ableism regardless of context. It shouldn’t matter if you know that someone who is personally effected by it is within earshot. Don’t do it.
If anyone would rather read something hilarious than read more of Gert’s wankery, have I got the treat for you!
I’d call it ironic, but I actually really expected it.
I appreciate that, thank you. Just so you know, I’m definitely not the only person in this space who can be targeted by the word “nuts,” and that’s going to be true pretty much everywhere you go, online and off.
Yes, I know. These sorts of expressions are very common. I used to use them all the time, and I still slip up and use them sometimes. But I’ve tried to excise them from my lexicon as much as possible, because they’re harmful to people other than my target. That’s what splash damage is.
Should it not? That’s not really your call.
Here’s the context we’re living in: the world hates neuroatypical people so much that we invented a bunch of phrases that mean “this guy is so awful, he’s just like those crazy fuckers!”
I think before I got Ornstein’s armor I had just been using the Elite Knight set; perhaps unsurprisingly, I’ve never been one to excessively utilize rolling in Dark Souls. XD
Context matters, but only Gert’s context. Any other context is just crazy or fat blobbish.
@dslucia: I’m shit hot at the stealth maps in the two Arkham games I have played but I suck hard at the combat. Same reason I can’t ace the karaoke songs my rhythmn is awful. Sleeping Dogs is a great game. I’m a huge nerd about John Woo and Ringo Lam’s films so the setting and plot was like playing one of their films with added kung fu goodness.
On the topic of Silent Hill: Is it just me, or had P.T. replaced Silent Hill 2 as the “Always imitated, never replicated” game now-a-days?
I can’t tell you how many “inspired by P.T.’ games I’ve seen recently, deliberate or not.
Hell, even the ResiEvil VII demo wasn’t immune to the P.T. comparisons.
It wasn’t as good, IMO, and it lost its teeth after the first playthrough. It was a very interesting concept, even if the fact that people still don’t know what the dummy finger is for (despite the fact that the entire ResiEvil fanbase on the internet was working on it) is highly suspect.
It feels like Capcom deliberately put in some unsolvable puzzle to drum up the same kind of mystery that P.T. had with the number and the trailer reveal.
Hmmm. Gert’s not sticking the flounce. That’s surprising.
Gert, there are scintillating conversations over on Return of Kings. And they won’t demand that you apologize.
Also, A Voice for Men. They’re a bunch of intellectuals. And you can be yourself.
Actually, I have it on good authority that every individual in the manosphere has taken a vow to never
apologize to a woman or a lefty. Not even Mom or Santa Claus. Check it out!
I’m pretty much the opposite, I’m great at the combat in the Arkham games, and I’m good at the basic stealth, but as soon as they throw in trying to mix in all of the gadgets it just throws me all off. Though, with City in particular I can do the individual maps, it’s the three-map campaigns with their difficulty modifiers that always do me in.
I’m not a pro enough gamer for that stuff, apparently.
And yeah, I love Sleeping Dogs. The interesting location, the undercover cop drama, and the fact that it didn’t focus on shooting as its primary gameplay element all really drew me in. I want to see more big city games that aren’t just New York or Chicago or LA, or expys of them.
I can’t argue with that. Stigmatisation of those with mental health problems continues almost unabated.
Language is full of throwbacks though. ‘Crazy’, ‘nuts’, ‘nutters’ are some of these, referring to a time when mental health sufferers where seen as dangerous, to be isolated and worse. We’ve come some distance away from this by now.
The only comment I ever placed on RoK tried to demolish their virulent antisemitism. It didn’t make it through and earned me an IP ban. Lifelong, I think. Try again. RoK are my daily dose of belly laughs. Rootepetoot’s doing an AMA vid, should be hilarious.
Already dealt with above. The idea that I’m somehow an MRA is so preposterous it says so much about you, yet so little about me. Perhaps you’re the resident Alex Jones of WHTM?
I like Sleeping dogs because it showed a location open world games don’t take use of too often.
Well, I’m tapped. This was exhausting.
@ dslucia: The Saboteur is set in Paris a couple of months after the Nazi’s take it over. You’re character is an Irish mechanic working with the Resistance. You have to do a lot of clambering like Assassin’s Creed as well as blowing stuff up and racing cars. It’s undeniably rough around the edges and the graphics are passable (although it does have some striking design choices, Paris starts off black and white, as you “inspire” people in each area they turn full colour) but it is charming and climbing all the Parisian landmarks is good fun. Put it this way, I bought it for £3 second-hand and have already sunk over 50 hours in it doing the totally optional side quests and challenges.