So our dear old friend Matt Forney, the neo-Naziesque internet doofus, has found himself suspended from Twitter (again), shortly after posting an assortment of tweets so wildly homophobic they even managed to offend the lovely Milo Yiannopoulos and his internet horde.
According to noted free speech expert Matt Forney, Matt Forney was suspended “because I was guilty of Being Conservative on Twitter.”
Evidently the powers that be decided at their latest meeting that Forney constitutes A SOMEWHAT SMALLISH THREAT TO THE NARRATIVE, and thus must be silenced, sort of, by not being allowed to use one of the many social media platforms available to him.
Twitter may be picking on me because I’m popular enough to be a threat to the leftist narrative yet small enough that they can silence me without causing much of an uproar.
Naturally, the rule-abiding Forney, who insists he “wasn’t doing anything that could be considered a violation of the Terms of Service” has violated these same Terms of Service by setting up a new Twitter account to get around the ban. Just like he did the last time he was banned, if I recall correctly.
As for Milo, Forney insists that
I like Milo … but I question how much longer a guy who brags about having gay sex with black men can call himself a conservative.
Here’s some examples of the kind of TRUTH* that Twitter will be shielding us from.
NOTE: aforementioned TRUTH* should not be confused with real truth.
How will the world’s Twitterers survive being deprived of these insights, at least if said Twitterers don’t bother to subscribe to Forney’s “backup” Twitter account?
Nightmare, sweetie.
Sorry. I just wanted to use that gif again.
And speaking of gifs, in case any excessively literal-minded hostile readers are reading this, please note that this post contains
It was Axe who told me to shut up. That’s equivalent of banning someone. Learn to f*cking read.
Nor did I say “you’ll miss me when I’m gone”. I’m not going anywhere.
@ Gert
You have an obligation to treat me like an individual if you wish me to treat you like one.
It is literally irrational for you to act like the content of my post depends on the words of others here. You can be insulted by others and refuse to address the substance of my words until I address what others here said, it’s your right.
But I’m not your fucking attack dog. If you are not willing to respect me as an individual AND complain about the behavior of others in parallel you can fuck right off (and I did mention the reasons). I won’t care, it’s your flawed ability when in a conflict situation (which is the underlying concern that we all have with you).
I won’t lose any sleep over it.
You seem to think that qualified apologies count.
I wish Bloodborne would come to PC *le sigh*
For the horror fans out there, I can really recommend a game called SOMA. It deals with the end of the world, robots, and what it means to be human. It’s really good, has a good story and a good atmosphere, it’s well made, and it’s really scary. Check it out if you haven’t.
As an aside to the whole Gert business: I have never understood why some people write “G-d” instead of… well, God. I’ve heard it claimed that it’s because you shouldn’t write God’s name out of respect but… God isn’t God’s name or any god’s name for that matter, so… I do not get. And as a follow-up: how do pronounce that?
Er…”which is an underlying concern that we all have with you”
That was a little dismissive.
Off to work. I’ll look in later.
“The Left,” capitalised.
You really suck at this “How do you do, fellow SJWs” thing.
Right? #BloodborneForPC!
SOMA seems really good, too, I’ve been wanting that one for a while now. Being poor and also looking to go to university doesn’t mix particularly well with playing new games.
And I’ve always read “G-d” as “Gee Dee”, or how people who don’t want to say “goddamn” will say… well, “goddamn”.
I hear you with the being poor. I usually lurk around on Steam or GOG and wait for a good deal before I snatch something up. SOMA was a present though, so that was nice 😀
I guess “Gee dee” is better than the Klingonesque “G’d” that I’ve been doing, hehe.
Gert, you’re far more invested in “proving” to the world at large (especially lurking MRAs) that we’re all mean meanie pants, than in repairing the genuine hurt and damage you’ve caused to individuals on a blog that you claim to read and enjoy every day. That’s not ally behavior. That’s not even adult behavior.
What’s your agenda here? Because from where I’m sitting, it looks like you’re a little too eager for a gotcha moment, and a little too giddy about the prospect of MRAs/RoK fans getting off on this. You’re not the first to try DARVO tactics here, but it’s a pretty dead giveaway that you’re not one of us.
I haven’t bought a full-price game in a while, though I’ve managed to bum a few still-high-priced-games-on-sale from my SO, because she’s the best. Latest was The Witcher 3, hnnnnngh.
I mean, I won’t have time to actually play it until probably 2020 or so, but still.
Another very cool Horror thing, but this time Pen And Paper, was “Kult”.
Very different, takes the whole Gnosticism thing and runs with it, adds a good dose of Crowleyan magic and goes for a very Barker feeling overall.
It is very explicit in the depiction of sexuality, so be warned. It is sadly abandonware right now, but there should be torrents around.
Uh, you came here. We aren’t going to line up and take turns disagreeing with you. You could easily just… not read the comments. Nobody is going to seek you out. But like, nice try re-framing yourself as a victim.
Semi off topic : I absolutely hate the ally word in the context of social rights.
My main concern is that it’s a war word. But despite what the extrem conservatives want people to believe, it’s not a war. It’s a society who try to figure out how to behave correctly, and a good majority of people aren’t extremist, but are people who have misunderstood some things, or have some old prejudices that they never identified, or are small-time bigots.
Gert is the logical extrem of that war logic. “I am against them so I am with you !”. It don’t work like that, you can be an asshole even without being an homophobe or a misogyne, and here nobody won’t like assholes regardless of whether they agree with some key points.
My secondary concern is that it’s often used as technical jargon. I don’t want to explain to people what’s the fine print between a feminist and a feminist ally when the big work is to convince them that feminist isn’t a slur.
@LinuxLea : didn’t Kult got reedited somewhat recently ? Not sure. It’s a very, very, very, *VERY* disturbing RPG. I can’t actually advice it to people through the internet ; I need my personal, eye to eye judgement to see if anyone is in the mood for it. It have the potential both to be a very bad experience to player, and the potential to reveal the inner creep in people.
That being said, it’s the top end horror RPG, existential or mundane variety. I do hope nobody will ever top it.
Uh-oh. Sounds like Gert might go over to the MRM because we’ve been so mean. We’d better be a lot nicer.
I can’t blame Gert. I’ve been to 4chan and ROK. So I know just how well-thought-out their arguments are and how nicely they treat each other.
As a fat woman with a psychotic mood disorder that means I can literally snap and “go nuts” when subjected to stress, Gert is really making a friend here. /s
Horror videogames are more my preferred topic. I first played an import US copy of Silent Hill (it was censored for it’s PAL release) with a girlfriend who I am no longer in touch with but who lingers in my thoughts to this day more than any other. I was gutted when Silent Hills got cancelled and Resident Evil isn’t much of a horror game anymore. The makers of Dead Space shat the bed with the third game after the second became one of my favourite games of all time. I am considering Dark Souls but am worried I might become frustrated with it. Funnily enough the scariest game I played most recently was Minecraft, nothing like the prospect of losing that sweet, sweet gold on your way back to the surface and getting chased by those fucking exploding hedges >_<
That’s only 4 years away! Well on time to still jump on the bandwagon, haha!
G-d is often used by those who don’t want to write out “God,” especially on an ephemeral medium.
It’s not strictly a “horror” game, but Inside deals with some “horrifying” scenes and does a great job with suspense and creating “fear,” so horror fans may enjoy it. Though heck, it’s such an overall amazing game that I’d recommend it to pretty much everybody. It’s sort of a spiritual successor of Limbo (same devs) – and as much as I love Limbo (which is a lot) I have to say that Inside is even better. Similar sort of 2.5d sidescrolling game, but refined to a remarkable degree.
There was a second edition, but it went away after the rulebook. That and the fact the publisher went bellyup with all rights up in the air makes me think it’s dead.
But I agree with you on the “disturbing” part, which is a good point in my book, this is a horror rpg after all, and it should be disturbing.
I think mentioning Crowley and Barker should scare people who are not into that kind of stuff off.
But to be perfectly clear: Kult is some disturbing shit!
You have been warned!
I love it dearly though, and I can’t imagine it ever being topped.
Did anybody here play Eternal Darkness back in those days? :p
Addendum to thoses confused by my post : I did not know that they were a video game of Kult. My post talked of the tabletop RPG Kult, from which the video game come.
I have no opinions on the video game, apart that I hope it’s not as creepy as the source material.
Putting up with fat hatred and ableism in the name of group cohesion is counterproductive. A feminist community that is hostile to fat and neuroatypical people is inherently divisive. If the thin & neurotypical members of this community were to tolerate that kind of thing, what they would be saying is “sorry friends, but I would rather exclude you on the basis of marginalized aspects of who you are than risk excluding those who have chosen to harm you.”
There was a videogame?!
Do you have a source for that?!
Because I was talking about the P&P game too, and now I hope there is a videogame, and that it is as creepy as the P&P!
@IP: I am a huge HP Lovecraft nerd and love Eternal Darkness! I fried my Gamecube last year while I was replaying Zelda: OoT for the billionth time (so I restarted on the N64 instead :D)and now I have had my incapability for work benefit reassessed and actually put up by £25 I can finally afford a replacement and Eternal Darkness will be the first game that gets a go in it! Ulyaoth, Xel’lotath, Chattur’gha and Mantorok are names I like to bust out sometimes now Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep are mainstream. I wish the makers hadn’t bankrupted themselves in a legal battle with Epic, ED 2 was looking like it might be a awesome sequel.
The discussion surrounding Dark Souls always is a bit intimidating because, unfortunately, the thing people tend to talk up is the difficulty, but honestly it’s more that the game takes a certain mindset to play. It’s not difficult in the way that, say, old Nintendo games were. Dark Souls still has nothing on classic Mega Man, for example. However, it is still a relatively punishing game that highly rewards spacial awareness and attack pattern recognition.
But yes, the thing that makes me love it so much is the unrelenting atmosphere soaking in every inch of the game’s world. It does so much right with regards to environmental storytelling, and I would truly consider it to be a “survival-horror” game in its own right, despite the fact that it’s rather different from what people usually bring up.
Hello, fellow gamers, did you hear about that great game, “Witches Third”?
I’ve always kinda wanted to play it, but have never really had the opportunity, sadly.