So our dear old friend Matt Forney, the neo-Naziesque internet doofus, has found himself suspended from Twitter (again), shortly after posting an assortment of tweets so wildly homophobic they even managed to offend the lovely Milo Yiannopoulos and his internet horde.
According to noted free speech expert Matt Forney, Matt Forney was suspended “because I was guilty of Being Conservative on Twitter.”
Evidently the powers that be decided at their latest meeting that Forney constitutes A SOMEWHAT SMALLISH THREAT TO THE NARRATIVE, and thus must be silenced, sort of, by not being allowed to use one of the many social media platforms available to him.
Twitter may be picking on me because I’m popular enough to be a threat to the leftist narrative yet small enough that they can silence me without causing much of an uproar.
Naturally, the rule-abiding Forney, who insists he “wasn’t doing anything that could be considered a violation of the Terms of Service” has violated these same Terms of Service by setting up a new Twitter account to get around the ban. Just like he did the last time he was banned, if I recall correctly.
As for Milo, Forney insists that
I like Milo … but I question how much longer a guy who brags about having gay sex with black men can call himself a conservative.
Here’s some examples of the kind of TRUTH* that Twitter will be shielding us from.
NOTE: aforementioned TRUTH* should not be confused with real truth.
How will the world’s Twitterers survive being deprived of these insights, at least if said Twitterers don’t bother to subscribe to Forney’s “backup” Twitter account?
Nightmare, sweetie.
Sorry. I just wanted to use that gif again.
And speaking of gifs, in case any excessively literal-minded hostile readers are reading this, please note that this post contains
“…instead of having insulted one of the biggest Internet bigots on the planet.”
I’d like to be an ass here and say… no, you haven’t. I am pretty sure Forney ain’t here reading the comments and thinking how hurt he is by your sick burn of calling him a “fat blob”. I’m also pretty sure that, on the off chance he were to come here and spot your comment, he probably wouldn’t even be much bothered by it or reflect on the notion that he’s a hypocritical turd.
I’m a “fat blob” and “nuts” and I think you should shut up before you make this worse for everyone.
ETA: And now a flounce! For once I hope it sticks.
Don’t bother coming back.
Alas, today we have lost a powerful ally.
oh wait what i meant to say was
Holy shit! That’s only 1-3 years older than me…and I too would’ve guessed late 30s, early 40s. Not that there’s anything wrong with looking older, it just happens in some people…like looking younger (first-hand experience–hell, I always get carded when it comes to getting drinks).
@ IP
Well at least that’s a better title than “Mostly Cretaceous Park” 🙂
Of course, as all “2000AD” fans will recall, Judge Dredd was battling cloned dinosaurs in a poorly maintained theme park back in the 70s.
On a personal note, I’m currently setting up my brand new pink gold Samsung Galaxy S7. Woo hoo!
To all the resident evil and silent hill fans commenting here:
In my day, we used to play “Alone in the dark” on a 486, and by the gods we were scared (being 10 years old at the time might be a factor there)!
All these kids today with their “Resident Evils” and “Silent Hills” and their good graphics and sound design know nothing about horror games!
NOTHING!, I say!
Seriously, though, my favorite creepy game of this generation is probably Bloodbourne. Really good atmosphere, and tight controls.
I’m sorry you got hurt. Fatshaming thinking and all the prejudices associated with it are really toxic and hurtful. I experienced them myself, so I completely understand why you’re upset, especially since we get to hear these things quite often.
But, I also want to add that I think your pointing it out and articulating how you feel toward the person who hurt you was very brave and in my experience the best thing to do. I find it very difficult to do what you did , but ever since I’ve started doing so and not just taking every hurtful thing people say to me, my self-worth and my sense of feeling safe in social situations got a lot better. Because once you start to speak up and say: “You crossed a line there, I don’t want you to do that. Stop.” you start to feel…less defenseless somehow.
I just thought I’d add this so maybe you have something positive to comfort you. You handled this well, despite being clearly and understandably hurt. When something like this happens to me, I always focus almost exclusively on the part of the situation where I was hurt, but when you look at this thread I hope you can also see that you were no longer just a defenseless victim of someone saying hurtful things to you, you fought back and it worked. Well, he didn’t give you the apology you had hoped for, but everyone else here immediately stood up and took your side. That’s at least a partial success, I think. Maybe this can serve as some kind of comfort, too.
Of course what’s been said about me being a sock-puppet, a troll and a ‘lurking MRA’ are effective ways of dealing with that ineptness, right?
These aren’t just insults, they’re paranoid beliefs expressed to try and punish someone who was indeed wrong about the use of a word. Highly counter-productive as a strategy.
This has become a mini-storm in a teacup and for no great reason.
Tell me about it. I’m 31 and I still get carded every single time. I don’t get it. I don’t think I look young, but apparently everybody else does.
Gert: Way to stick the flounce. Now clean up after yourself.
Maybe they are paranoid. But there have been sock puppets, trolls, and lurking MRA’s looking for ways of gaining advantage in social conflict terms.
None of that takes away from the substance of what people have mentioned.
And none of that takes from the fact that you think that I needed to justify all the other stuff I said by addressing things that other people said to you here (I chose to do it anyway) instead of addressing the content of my post having to do with your behavior.
So here is another insult then. Group-think prone coward.
Well, given that you are the reason, you’ve got that right at least.
So much for the flounce.
Edit: Oops, ninja’d.
Also nthing request for a ban on Gert. They’ve done enough damage.
@LittleLurker, I really liked your comment.
@ IP: There was a recent study that seemed to show that natural redheads (and those who carry the red hair gene) tend to age slower and thus look younger. Yes, I have reddish hair too.
Thank you, that actually helped a lot.
Hugs to everyone. <3
I don’t actually have reddish hair on my head. It’s just the facial hair that turns slightly red, especially in the summer.
Maybe coward was too strong. It’s possible Gert was motivated towards pointing out the insults of others instead of away from addressing the rest of the content of my post. Still, for someone so aggressively insisting that they get to maintain the idea that being fat is shameful regardless of the feelings of others, Gert did avoid things inconvenient to them.
The group-think sticks fine though.
@VioletBeauregarde, IP
Boyfriend is 41, and he is still IDed all the time for drinks. Magical baby-face Peter-Pan portrait-that-ages-for-you genes, that one.
(BTW, I sort of feel like this needs a disclaimer: I tend to refrain from mentioning the 14 year age gap between Boyfriend and me in this space, just because we talk about so many creepy PUAs in their 30s targeting women and teenagers half their age, and I don’t want to seem like I’m in support of that particular brand of manipulative fuckery. I am very much NOT.)
What unpleasing fellow, that Gert.
His answer to being called out on not following the chart is some of the vilest thing I have seen. Someone who categorically refuse, regardless of how damning evidences are, that he could have done anything wrong.
Also, Gert : you’re acting like a sockpuppet or a MRA, and people who are better than me showed you why. If you’re not that indeed, you might want to try to not act like a sockpuppet or a MRA ; barring that, you could at least not be offended that people notice the common points.
@ ‘Gert’
Someone set us up a logic bomb!
So we have appeal to being the reasonable one, being the first to bring up the subject of banning, “you’ll miss me when I’m gone”
Yeah, I think we’re fine without you.
@ kupo
Cats with celery, is there anything they can’t do?
Fat isn’t shameful. You’re not reading what I wrote or that I apologised.
Just look at your little posse’s behaviour. And how a fellow progressive gets treated even after issuing two apologies. G-d know how many site rules have been broken alone.
Sad to see even progressives are capable of mounting a mob. Not the first time either. The REAL MRA’s/fascists/misogynists/RoKfans should be lovvin’ it.
Well done.
The Left’s notorious for it’s dividedness. I was wrong on something but didn’t deserve this kind of treatment.
If you’re still around, then for the record, this would be far from the first time a manospherian-type had come to this blog under the pretense of pretending to be a feminist ally. Considering that, the number who come to outright troll, the ones who don’t come with the intention of trolling but are just hopelessly oblivious and don’t care about anyone else’s feelings, the number who endlessly return here even after they’ve been banned, and then the number of non-manospherians who are also pretty oblivious to how harmful casual shaming can actually be…
Suddenly-new commenters with good intentions who make problematic comments tend to be far outnumbered by suddenly-new commenters with bad intentions. I say that as someone who is probably still considered a suddenly-new commenter myself, and who has had to make pretty radical changes to the way I conduct myself in order to be more considerate to others. Is it really so surprising that after your double-down upon being called out, you would be assumed to not be here in good faith?
I wish that I had a PS4 (or that Sony didn’t hold the rights to Bloodborne/would port it to PC). I love Dark Souls, and I love Lovecraftian environments/monsters. There aren’t many games that I want more than that one.