So our dear old friend Matt Forney, the neo-Naziesque internet doofus, has found himself suspended from Twitter (again), shortly after posting an assortment of tweets so wildly homophobic they even managed to offend the lovely Milo Yiannopoulos and his internet horde.
According to noted free speech expert Matt Forney, Matt Forney was suspended “because I was guilty of Being Conservative on Twitter.”
Evidently the powers that be decided at their latest meeting that Forney constitutes A SOMEWHAT SMALLISH THREAT TO THE NARRATIVE, and thus must be silenced, sort of, by not being allowed to use one of the many social media platforms available to him.
Twitter may be picking on me because I’m popular enough to be a threat to the leftist narrative yet small enough that they can silence me without causing much of an uproar.
Naturally, the rule-abiding Forney, who insists he “wasn’t doing anything that could be considered a violation of the Terms of Service” has violated these same Terms of Service by setting up a new Twitter account to get around the ban. Just like he did the last time he was banned, if I recall correctly.
As for Milo, Forney insists that
I like Milo … but I question how much longer a guy who brags about having gay sex with black men can call himself a conservative.
Here’s some examples of the kind of TRUTH* that Twitter will be shielding us from.
NOTE: aforementioned TRUTH* should not be confused with real truth.
How will the world’s Twitterers survive being deprived of these insights, at least if said Twitterers don’t bother to subscribe to Forney’s “backup” Twitter account?
Nightmare, sweetie.
Sorry. I just wanted to use that gif again.
And speaking of gifs, in case any excessively literal-minded hostile readers are reading this, please note that this post contains
My SO is a HUGE DS fan, almost as much as I am with Fallout, and he agrees. I’ve heard so many rants about the director for DS II, I just smile and nod at this point.
That said, I played… III, I think? Either I or III, and even though I thought it wouldn’t be my type of game, I liked it and I think I’ll continue playing it.
SO is massively unhappy that Bloodborne isn’t on PC.
I do, I do! What do you want to know?
If you want to email me, seppuku.kitty is my gmail address. 🙂
Damn, now I need to convince the director to let me wear a pair of pants that say “GLORIOUS ASS” in rhinestones on the next episode of our webseries. . .
I double dare you, muthafucka, say ‘what’ 1 more goddamn time! Any comparison to Samuel L is a compliment indeed. Thank you 🙂
I flip flop between seeing you as your profile pic or Julia Gillard. 1st Aussie woman that comes to mind, if you can believe that. I don’t know much about her politics, so sorry if it’s not a nice comparison. I remember that one speech of her’s being pretty baller…
ETA: Dammit, Phryne. Again!?
@dslucia: YISSSSSS.
Apparently I can’t reply directly, so the email address is for whoever was asking about modded Fallout 4. Fallout is my JAM, as the kids… probably don’t say anymore, actually. I’ve played every one of them, and I’m working (slowly) on a mod for F4. And I so want the Pip-Boy for my birthday, but AHAHAHAH yeah ok as soon as we win the lottery.
Apparently SO is going to buy me DS. I’m not quite sure why, since I could just play his copy, but whatever.
ETA: Any of the regulars on here can email me, too, y’all are good people. Just let me know who you are, plz. 🙂
my avatar is 100% accurate, am literal dog
I’m totally the real GLaDOS. Yep.
For all those here interested in Dark Souls and Bloodborne, I cannot recommend Matt Lees highly enough. He’s done some phenomenal content for both.
He’s done “First playthrough diaries” for both Dark Souls 2 as well as Bloodbourne, some comedic stuff, but the piece de la resistance has to be “Pants Man”. It’s a Let’s play of the Dark Souls games in which he only wears pants.
In the game, that is!
The first series was on VideoGamerTV, the rest is on his own Channel, Cool Ghosts.
Seriously check him out!
That S-car-go joke is the bad pun that refuses to die. I first heard it in the 70s, and then in the movie “Trading Places” (1983).
@Phryne, @FrickleFrackle, do either of you mean Fallout 4 mods on the console? Or PC? Just saw that you can get mods for the Xbox and we are interested 🙂
@dslucia, that’s a serious weapon of gorgeous. You be careful!
That’s … better than figurative or metaphorical dog?
@Axe – I don’t look anything like Julia Gillard but it’s not a completely insulting comparison 🙂 I’m ambivalent re her politics, but she did some good stuff while in power (national disability scheme for one). She has lovely red hair, too. Plus being our first female PM, and unmarried and atheist to boot.
I use Mayuri as avatar ’cause she’s so cute, plus Steins;Gate is in my top 5 anime of all time.
Sorry everyone for the long comment, and the multiple ‘@’.
@Phryne, Axe already noted this, but you’re doing that amazing dropping to the end of the comment thread thing again. It’s VERY impressive, especially now you’re doing it with multiple comments 🙂
@Mish, I play on PC but the console mods apparently can be imported from PC to console pretty easily; there’s been a few mod authors who have taken their mods down because people have been putting mods on beth.net that they didn’t make and didn’t have permission to do so.
Also, I saw… apparently when I click “reply” from my email it does that. Or I’m magic, that would be ok too. 🙂
I am a small gray cat sticking my tongue out, so my avatar is accurate too. (Don’t ask how I type; that’s specialized knowledge.) 😛 And yet I manage to have Orchid hair… https://ionathome.com/product/ion-color-brilliance-semi-permanent-neon-brights-hair-color-sbs-405045/ Might go with a mix of Lavender and Purple next time, though.
I am a conundrum.
All my support to your girlfriend. I have a number of female friends for whom being poly and kink-community active is important, so I think I understand where she’s coming from. I can see how what happened is exactly the worst thing for her, and as a fellow human being she has my empathy.
In my opinion, the issue is always with the party organisers. If assholes are allowed to come, then they will ruin the event for everyone. This means that the organisers have to be ruthless with men, particularly with men identifying as dominant, and have to bar a lot of people for what they might see as trivial reasons. They’ll have to have a lot of those conversations where said men attempt to entitledly wheedle their way into being treated as a special case and not be barred. Sadly, because organisers are human, they don’t enjoy such conversations and so might avoid them and not bar people as often as they should. In the long run this results in people getting hurt, like your significant other; but if the organisers don’t see this as their problem or see it as something that needs to be handled after-the-fact, then it will keep happening because they’ve built an environment that allows it.
I agree with Justin Trudeau, Canada’s heart-stoppingly gorgeous prime minister: Men should call themselves feminists until it stops being remarkable.
Sorry, but I have to dredge this up again.
You don’t need to not use those words because of someone’s “predicament”, we have rules that say you can’t call people crazy and shit. Like, it’s the comment policy. It also says there’s no body shaming, i.e., using the phrase “fat blob”. It doesn’t give exceptions, it just says plainly “no body shaming”, which means you can’t use that against people you don’t like here.
You say you’ve commented on here before, which I definitely remember you doing, so you must have been AWARE of the comment policy or when everyone always brought up the use of ableism in threads because I know you commented in threads like that. Not only are you being an ass by not properly apologizing and dropping it, you’re deliberately breaking the rules I know you know.
Honestly, I don’t know what your game is, but if you’re trying to stir up trouble by making an ass of yourself, it’s working.
Can we get a fucking pop up or have some bullet points below the comment box for posters that forces them to read the goddamn policy so they can’t do this shit or at least not have an excuse? Because you KNOW people are gonna use the “I didn’t know” excuse even if the link to it is fucking everywhere. Nobody fucking voluntarily reads the goddamn comment policies.
Also, (((Her Grace Phryne))) comments are slipping to the bottom. Like, has anyone figured out why this happens yet?
It’s caused by, IIRC, people commenting on the site through wordpress viewer software rather than through a normal browser. I think lkeke35 had the same issue before.
@ Joel
I don’t think there’s any kind of consensus on how it’s appropriate for men to engage with feminism.
With regard specifically to men calling themselves feminists, the Gerts of the world are sadly not uncommon. A lot of men are happy to say they’re feminists and wring their hands over how badly women are treated in certain contexts but if the subject comes around to their own behavior it turns out they’re just using the feminist label as another means to exert their privilege.
Notice how Gert expected to simply announce he’s a feminist and pronounce his fat shaming and ableism to be harmless because he says so and have the rest of us go “oh, ok, when you put it that way Gert, we withdraw our objections”? That’s privilege at work. That’s a person accustomed to being able to say “oh I didn’t mean it that way” and having people let them off the hook. He’s used to using words as if they’re magical incantations and he feels as though he’s been mistreated when he encouters a group of people (us, in this case) who remind him that words mean what others understand them to mean and not what the speaker intends them to mean.
So TL;DR I don’t have any objection in principle to men calling themselves feminists. I do, however, tend to be suspicious of men who do label themselves as such until they show that they can walk the walk too.
The appeal of the Dark Souls games is that they’re minimalist and combat-centered. They’re especially great for people who are put off by fantasy games with absurdly over-written, trope-laden plots; shit-tons of boring lore; and/or endless inventory management. (Basically, they’re the anti-Skyrim.) One of my favorite games on the original PlayStation was King’s Field. I only found out relatively recently that it was also by FromSoftware.
@Her Grace Phryne:
Slacktivist shows up a lot of interesting places. I first got linked there from Bruce Schneier’s security blog, of all places, when somebody made a joking reference to the security aspects of locked airplane cockpits if your co-pilot gets raptured, and linked to the Left Behind takedowns.
Same here. I feel like that has to be an earned label when it comes to cis men. Not because “all men are bad!” or something, but because they have the most toxic shit to unlearn when it comes to feminism, if that makes sense.
And then there’s the many men who use it as Pick-Up “artistry”.
“Hey, let me pretend that your struggles are actually meaningful and worth my time so I can try to trick you into lowering your guard just enough to sleep with me, and then I’ll reveal myself to be a toxic person who is soul-suckingly awful!”
Handsome Jack with the Pretzels: I read the comments policy before I started commenting!
Also the floating reply thing is because I read primarily through email and I kept hitting “reply” but it apparently doesn’t work right.
The Dark Souls games have TONS of lore, but it’s subtle. EpicNameBro does a lot of exploration of the lore as well as various other things related to the game. (I may not have his name formatted right; I know it through hearing, not reading.)
Slacktivist is my internet home. 😀
Oh hey, I can use the “quote” button! That’s nifty, I don’t know why I didn’t see it before.
That’s how most people come across Fred’s writing. It’s probably how I did. I actually enjoy his other posts more, and the commentariat is great. It’s one of the few places I encourage people to read the comments, like I do here.
@Her Grace Phryne:
Unfortunately, I don’t read the comments at Slacktivist so much anymore. That has nothing to do with the commentariat, and everything to do with the fact that the DisQus commenting system is a bloated piece of JavaScript crap that causes my browser to slow to a crawl, and one of the reasons I have NoScript installed. Even after the move to Patheos, for a while it was possible to read the comments without enabling DisQus. Not anymore.
Disqus has gotten… better? Sort of? I still have problems with it, but I put up with it because the community is worth it. YMMV, of course. 🙂
Matt, I follow an account called FursuitButts. It’s exactly what it says on the tin. It has more than three times as many followers as you.