alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies homophobia literal nazis matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever milo racism red pill

World weeps as noted humanitarian Matt Forney is suspended from Twitter

Matt Forney: Voice of a Degeneration
Matt Forney: Voice of a Degeneration

So our dear old friend Matt Forney, the neo-Naziesque internet doofus, has found himself suspended from Twitter (again), shortly after posting an assortment of tweets so wildly homophobic they even managed to offend the lovely Milo Yiannopoulos and his internet horde.

According to noted free speech expert Matt Forney, Matt Forney was suspended “because I was guilty of Being Conservative on Twitter.”

Evidently the powers that be decided at their latest meeting that Forney constitutes A SOMEWHAT SMALLISH THREAT TO THE NARRATIVE, and thus must be silenced, sort of, by not being allowed to use one of the many social media platforms available to him.

Twitter may be picking on me because I’m popular enough to be a threat to the leftist narrative yet small enough that they can silence me without causing much of an uproar.

Naturally, the rule-abiding Forney, who insists he “wasn’t doing anything that could be considered a violation of the Terms of Service” has violated these same Terms of Service by setting up a new Twitter account to get around the ban. Just like he did the last time he was banned, if I recall correctly.

As for Milo, Forney insists that

I like Milo … but I question how much longer a guy who brags about having gay sex with black men can call himself a conservative.

Here’s some examples of the kind of TRUTH* that Twitter will be shielding us from.

Matt Forney ‏@basedmattforney 21h21 hours ago The alt-right is eventually going to have to come to terms with the fact that a pro-homo traditionalist movement is a contradiction. 2 retweets 16 likes Reply Retweet 2 Like 16 More Matt Forney ‏@basedmattforney 21h21 hours ago Same thing happened with the manosphere years ago. People easily swallow the red pill on women and race but choke when it comes to gays. 0 retweets 9 likes Reply Retweet Like 9 More Matt Forney ‏@basedmattforney 21h21 hours ago Forney's Law of Degeneracy: the number one preoccupation of sexual deviants is justifying their deviance to other people. 5 retweets 17 likes Reply Retweet 5 Like 17 More Matt Forney ‏@basedmattforney 21h21 hours ago It doesn't matter what their politics are. Left, right, alt-right: homosexuals, bisexuals etc. will never shut up about their sexual habits. 3 retweets 11 likes Reply Retweet 3 Like 11 More Matt Forney ‏@basedmattforney 21h21 hours ago There is no such thing as a traditionalist, tribalistic society that tolerates open homosexual hedonism. The very concept is oxymoronic. 8 retweets 16 likes Reply Retweet 8 Like 16 More User Actions Follow Matt Forney ‏@basedmattforney Every successful society discourages homosexuality, whether it's by social shunning or the ISIS method of throwing gays off of rooftops. RETWEETS 7 LIKES 21 MontyThe Digital Womble.Communism=failurePatrickcybertwerkFreelance AutistsebastianoJenn ReddChristian 5:14 PM - 11 Jul 2016 7 retweets 21 likes Reply Retweet 7 Like 21 More (((David Futrelle)))Tweet text Reply to @basedmattforney Matt Forney ‏@basedmattforney 21h21 hours ago Anyone who thinks open homosexuality is a-ok needs to spend a few hours watching Common Filth videos or perusing My Posting Career.


NOTE: aforementioned TRUTH* should not be confused with real truth.

How will the world’s Twitterers survive being deprived of these insights, at least if said Twitterers don’t bother to subscribe to Forney’s “backup” Twitter account?

Nightmare, sweetie.

giphy (19)

Sorry. I just wanted to use that gif again.

And speaking of gifs, in case any excessively literal-minded hostile readers are reading this, please note that this post contains


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8 years ago

Ugh I wanted to avoid this, but here we go.

I’ve notice gert only uses fat as an insult, instead using overweight or obese to describe fatties gert approves of. Which shows, on some level that ‘fat’ is still a bad word.

And that’s part of the problem.

I’m fat, a fattie mcfatterson, my ass needs it’s own zipcode, FAT.

When fat is used as an insult instead of as a neutral descriptor it ADDS to the stigma fat people face every day.

Kupo deserves better than that.

We’re supposed to be better than that.

We HAVE to be better than that.

8 years ago

I wanted a separate comment for this, I hate the word obese because it turns my butt into a medical condition. I have a couple of medical conditions (vit d deficiency being the most wtf) but my GLORIOUS ASS isn’t one of them.

Joel (@deathtothefilth on twitter)
Joel (@deathtothefilth on twitter)
8 years ago

Re: calling oneself either a feminist or a male feminist. I was unaware that me calling myself a feminist was a problem. I’ve been calling myself that for years. So I guess I should switch to pro-feminist or male feminist? Which oNE is the more well accepted term?

8 years ago


The Saboteur is one that’s sort of been on my radar but I’ve never looked too deeply into it. I’ve heard more and more good things about it over the years, though, so perhaps I should rectify that.

In mostly unrelated game anecdotes, I just recently finally played Life Is Strange. I know people have issues with it, but wow, I haven’t been affected that deeply by a game since Persona 4.

8 years ago


I think it’s kinda context dependent – why do you even need to use a label in the first place? Among non-feminists it can be useful for challenging their assumptions, but otherwise, how often is it even necessary to apply a label? Just be a feminist. Do feminist things. That is usually enough.

8 years ago


To those who’ve made thoughtful points, they’ve been read and noted.

I won’t be further commenting on this thread. I might comment on future threads.

@kupo, again apologies for any hurt I caused. I hope you’ve considered my PoV; but doing so doesn’t obligate you to anything.


Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Where am I imposing a time-table on anyone? I’m trying to rebut some of the more ridiculous stuff levelled at me, as anyone should.

When you’re trying to rebut accusations of being a hostile troll, it helps to not behave like a hostile troll.

An important component of apologizing, and moving on beyond the incident, is listening and acknowledging (which you keep starting to do, but then you slip back into attack mode). It goes beyond being defensive. You’re going out of your way to be hostile and interpret what we say in the most uncharitable light – exactly what you accused us of.

Wasn’t hypocrisy your original complaint against Mr. Forney?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Well. That was an awkwardly timed post.

8 years ago

I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but men can be shitty sometimes.

Before we met, and while I was getting to know her, my girlfriend was involved with a long string of manipulators, abusers, gaslighters, and generally awful people. I say “people” because they weren’t *exclusively* male, but most were men and all the men were doms. The last one had crushed her spirit in a really horrible way. She had a few positive experiences, but not many, and generally not with men from her old BDSM club.

When we met, she was seeing a few other people once in a while. Some of them faded out, some turned out to shitty and manipulative and were shut out, and for a while we had a de facto monogamy.

She recently joined a new club. Sometimes we go together, sometimes she goes alone. Her very first night there, she attached herself to a guy who turned out to be scummy and manipulative, and developed strong feelings for him. She became confused and unhappy, the drain on her energy affected our relationship, and we had a big fight about it. Eventually she figured out what he was up to and we made up.

I’ve never set down actual rules to structure non-monogamy before. Very few things trip a visceral jealousy switch for me, and I’m pretty independent. I prided myself on not being an obstacle to excitement. This is the first time I’ve worried about what a partner does with other people. We sat down and worked out the kind of rules lots of couples do, about where and how to meet other partners, when to play with them, allowed and disallowed activities.

The crisis seems to have passed. She took a couple weeks off from the club while sorted this out. She’s going back this weekend and I’m sure it will go fine. Still, this all has all left with with certain amount of despair and self-doubt.

The despair: being poly and active in kink is really important to her. It’s clear that she wants to press on and keep trying no matter how many times she gets burned. If we could find a her a good-hearted, attractive, dominant guy to be a side partner, I’d be ecstatic, but I have trouble believing it’s really going to happen. The rules we set up, and our d/s dynamic, demand that I spend a lot of my time and energy keeping watch over her and looking out for her well-being. Sifting through all the creeps sounds exhausting and likely to unrewarding.

8 years ago

Apology accepted. Please consider how the continued use of “fat” and “crazy” as slurs negatively affects marginalized groups.

I want to get a t-shirt that says, “I have a couple of medical conditions but my GLORIOUS ASS isn’t one of them.” Or maybe pants with that on the ass. Yes, the latter. In rhinestones.

Sidney Jay
Sidney Jay
8 years ago


You’re aware that Forney lives relatively close to you, right? Please, be careful!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

158 emails? This is what I get for sleeping. No! Bad, Axe! Stupid…

Flounce decidedly unstuck, I see. Maybe this time…


Can’t help you in any way, just wanted to tell you I sympathize. Good luck. You 2 deserve nice things 🙂

8 years ago


It is unfortunate how easily scummy dudes can find a place in the kink scene. The line between “dominant” and “manipulative” is easy to blur in that sort of context.

Is there anything in particular you’re looking for advice on? If you’re concerned about the amount of energy required of you to help facilitate her exploring new partners in a safer manner, maybe if you’re comfortable sharing the rules you’ve established I could offer some ideas in that direction. Polyamory in general – and rule/boundary/agreement negotiation in particular – are big topics of interest to me.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
8 years ago

Dinner break.

You have no idea how apologies work do you?

The people who insulted don’t have to care about you mitigating circumstances. It’s entirely up to them of they should care about your circumstances. The only thing such circumstances affect is what you need to do to make up for what you did, it’s entirely up to the people you insulted if they want to care. What you are doing and can’t admit is that you are making a social appeal that we not consider what you did to be insulting, and it’s not up to us either, it’s up to the people you insulted.


On top of that your “mitigating circumstances” are shit. You get to insult other people and keep on propagating something this preexisting rationally hates because you think MF is a bad enough person? That’s pathetic.

1) You don’t get to make that calculation for anyone but you.

2) The insults don’t have a damn thing to do with why MF is a piece of shit. Note that POS does not either but does not have splash damage. There is a formula for this if you stop whining about getting yelled at and making excuses and listen. Your distinction is irrelavent to why people are upset.

1) If someone is entitled to feeling hurt, and you are told a part of the problem is social message that being fat is shameful, the directness does does not matter. Learn 2 relevancy. Seriously, this community places a high priority on functionally changing society. If you want to post here you will respect this. At the very least honestly face the fact that you are participating in keeping the social shame associated with being fat in place.

2) Again, you get to make that calculation for yourself and not other people. If your gamble fails apologize and don’t make excuses. They get to decide they should be insulted or not, not you.

Not just a duck, a veritable flock. You simply don’t care about these ducks that bother people, which on top of everything else means you have no basis for complaining about being bothered by the criticism (if you can’t take the criticism don’t do the action). If you continue to laugh you will likely not last here long, and it’s a good indicator of your lack of empathy.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Just saw your comment re: IPs looks

If you’re still around, quick question. Don’t answer if it’s too weird of me to ask (I say too weird, cos it most definitely is weird). I’m kinda curious, what do I look like to you? In jpg form if possible. Thanks or apologies in advance 🙂

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
8 years ago

I just noticed that the relavent people considered the matter closed before I posted. If I overstepped any boundaries by advancing the argument I apologize. I’ll be more careful when phone posting.

8 years ago

I’ll make another post when I have a minute, about the bit I think I couid most use advice on.

8 years ago

You didn’t overstep any boundaries. I accepted the apology because I have felt the whole time that Gert is just unaware of how language affects people and society, and that Gert got defensive at the idea that he hurt someone with a descriptor that’s fairly accepted in society, so I recognized that he’s starting to learn and I accepted the apology. That doesn’t mean the discussion can’t continue or that it’s not constructive to do so. I know when I was first getting into FA I didn’t understand some of the nuance around when it is and is not okay to use “fat” and when I first started reading on here I did not yet understand why “crazy” is such a bad word. We all make mistakes and I was willing to give Gert the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Personally I’m glad he gave an unqualified apology and seems to be taking some of the criticism into consideration, even if he’s still kind of tone policing a bit. 😛

Besides, I’m not the only one he offended, so my acceptance of his apology is just a drop in the bucket.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite
8 years ago

@ Kupo
Thanks for letting me know. I focused on all the underlying stuff. I’m glad I did not annoyongly act on anyone’s behalf when unwanted.

8 years ago

@kupo – you = awesome. Wow.

@Axe – kinda like … this?

Also, IP – your description of yourself is pure adorbs.

8 years ago


Your avatar gets the better of me and I always just picture you as Mayuri.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

*Cough, sputter, fall over laughing, nearby dog unfazed*

I’m exactlly Sam Jackson! That is, if I were 40 years older, 8 inches taller, a bit darker, bald, clean shaven, less ugly, and if my teeth weren’t a disaster area…
Actually, now that I’m running thru image search. Less your pic, and a little more:

ETA: Like, if he and Steve Buscemi fused. Kept all the cool blackness, but added ‘interesting’ features and a hyperactive, unsettling weirdness

8 years ago

@Axe, well, you did ask :P. I know there’s a bit of an age difference, but you sound like him. I always read your comments in his voice. That’s a compliment, by the way.

@dslucia – I do wonder if having Mayuri as my avatar is likely to give people fatal disappointment if they ever see me irl. But then, what human could hope to live up to that standard of adorability, anyway?

(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
8 years ago
Reply to  Jenora Feuer

Once again Slacktivist overlaps someplace else I hang out. This makes me very happy. XD

8 years ago


It’s k, elsewhere on the interwebs I’ve been known to wield weaponized adorable in the form of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu gifs as avatars.

I’m pretty far from being a Japanese pop artist.