So our dear old friend Matt Forney, the neo-Naziesque internet doofus, has found himself suspended from Twitter (again), shortly after posting an assortment of tweets so wildly homophobic they even managed to offend the lovely Milo Yiannopoulos and his internet horde.
According to noted free speech expert Matt Forney, Matt Forney was suspended “because I was guilty of Being Conservative on Twitter.”
Evidently the powers that be decided at their latest meeting that Forney constitutes A SOMEWHAT SMALLISH THREAT TO THE NARRATIVE, and thus must be silenced, sort of, by not being allowed to use one of the many social media platforms available to him.
Twitter may be picking on me because I’m popular enough to be a threat to the leftist narrative yet small enough that they can silence me without causing much of an uproar.
Naturally, the rule-abiding Forney, who insists he “wasn’t doing anything that could be considered a violation of the Terms of Service” has violated these same Terms of Service by setting up a new Twitter account to get around the ban. Just like he did the last time he was banned, if I recall correctly.
As for Milo, Forney insists that
I like Milo … but I question how much longer a guy who brags about having gay sex with black men can call himself a conservative.
Here’s some examples of the kind of TRUTH* that Twitter will be shielding us from.
NOTE: aforementioned TRUTH* should not be confused with real truth.
How will the world’s Twitterers survive being deprived of these insights, at least if said Twitterers don’t bother to subscribe to Forney’s “backup” Twitter account?
Nightmare, sweetie.
Sorry. I just wanted to use that gif again.
And speaking of gifs, in case any excessively literal-minded hostile readers are reading this, please note that this post contains
Hugs if you want them.
Oh? Mentally ill people are no longer oppressed, villified, abused and murdered? That’s news to me, Gert.
Also, yes, shaming Hitler for missing a nut does shame all people who have one nut.
You need to stop.
Chubsters and redheads are adorable. I have proof.
If you ever think we have come so far that a little racism or ablism is OK, stop. If we’d gone that far you wouldn’t use the color, size, injuries etc of other people’s bodies and minds to insult someone.
Arrived at WHTM, saw this post had 200+ comments and knew instantly that I would find some boring jackass expending thousands of innocent words in service of inadvertently demonstrating they have no fucking clue what they’re talking about.
Come on now folks. Surely you can see that Gert’s words only ever affect the people Gert has determined ought to be affected by them because, clearly, Gert is the arbiter of these things because that’s how language and communication work because Gert says so. Obviously the rest of us (i.e. those Gert magnanimously exempts from the effects of Gert’s words) should be able to divine via our non-existent telepathic powers that we are the lucky recipients of this exemption and be duly grateful to almighty Gert. Further, nobody within metaphorical or actual earshot of Gert’s words will understand them or be influenced by them in any way other than that which Gert intends because that’s the way Gert says it works and, as established above, Gert is the arbiter of these things because Gert says so. If, by some anomaly, someone does misuse Gert’s words or an unintended target is affected by Gert’s words, Gert bears no responsibility to either regret their words or use different words in the future. Because Gert says so.
@ kupo & viscaria
So this snail wins the lottery and goes to the Ferrari dealership.
“I’d like that Testorossa but with a custom paint job. I want a big “S” on the bonnet, an “S” on the roof, a big “S” on each of the doors, all against a background of “S”s. Can you do that?”
“Certainly sir”, says the dealer, “but may I enquire why?”
“Because when I drive past I want people to say “Look at that “S” car go””
Well, it’s just a side effect of living in the world for awhile. Here, have a cold washcloth and a fainting couch.
Look, I’ve made my share of thoughtless idiotic comments on WHTM, and been (rightly) called out on them, and I understand the frustration of trying to explain what you meant. It’s easy to think that everyone else is just willfully misinterpreting you and being hypersensitive. But when a whole bunch of people say to me “hey, wait a minute, wtf?” I’ve learned to listen, and accept that I was either clumsy in my wording, or unclear. Either way, it’s on me to try to fix it, but it’s not on me to dictate how other people process the bad feelings I might have stirred up, if that makes sense…some people aren’t able to forgive right away, and I would never try to impose my own timetable on them. “Just get over it already!” tends to undo the effects of an apology and casts doubt on whether one is really acting in good faith.
FWIW, I share your annoyance over the way people like Forney judge women on appearances and then not only exempt themselves from that standard, but expect women not to have similar standards. There’s a way to make that point with a scalpel rather than a machete, though.
Omg, that expression. How adorable.
Let’s see if this works, dang it my gravatar has the image but it won’t show on my thing.
What, it’s still here?
@kupo: That is the best. The best!
And lo, loud groaning on the train did ensue.
Edit: @Ooglyboggles, I see the thing! It’s adorable!
On a not-particularly-related note, AHAHAHAHAHAHA:
I can’t take credit. It comes from Emm Roy. If you ever need a good place to get into a positive head space, check out her blog.
It would appear the alt-right doth protest too much.
So, we’re talking about games upthread. I love myself some modded Fallout 4, got Modern Firearms, Hardtimes, and Green in the Commonwealth, among many others. I want to build a big settlement, but don’t know how. Anyone else here play modded Fallout?
Please point out where I wrote that or words to that effect. This:
… is what I did write.
Another good one:
And for all the wonderful people here:
Why thank you! I feel like it fits, take something potentially sad and make something good out of it.
Pardon me for meme speech,
[ L I T E R A L L Y P R O J E C T I ON ]
I knew it alll along. Oh the sweet, sweet, delicious irony. .
You also said this.
Which is why people here really wish you would follow your own quote and stop using those terms.
I see a line drawing of a plant on a sleeping cat’s head. Is that the avatar? If so it works.
I have listened and continue to do so. I’ve learned too.
But don’t expect the accused to behave like an obedient choirboy when some of the accusers make the vilest of comments, not to mention deeply irrational and conspiratorial accusations, as well as outright damned lies. They just keep coming.
Where am I imposing a time-table on anyone? I’m trying to rebut some of the more ridiculous stuff levelled at me, as anyone should.
Yep, it the space allowed for it you’d see a cat in a pot with a plant growing on its head. If I remember right the story behind it was that the artist was depressed after the loss of his cat, so his niece went up to him and said “seeds grow into plants so you don’t have to worry because because she’ll grow into a catplant!”
In this world, the feelings of other human beings are the only thing that matters. As such, what you said is unimportant; what matters is what people heard you say. If everybody heard you say A, then the fact that you tried to tiptoe around A without stating it implicitly does not matter.
Also, hi Sevenofmine! Good to see you again. Your analysis is basically mic-drop perfect.
Hey, Dark Lord, can we get an IP check between Gert and Mr Al?
Just to refresh your memory, when you made the initial fat blob comment, you got two responses. One from me saying fat shaming isn’t necessary. One from Kupo sharing her experiences with fat hatred and asking you to cut it out. Nobody insulted you. Nobody accused you of anything. You were just asked not to attack someone based on their weight.
This was your response
You didn’t apologize. You denied that you fat shamed and then doubled down. You acted like there was no middle ground between using insults that damage innocent bystanders and writing out an essay critiquing Forney’s bullshit.
As it happens, we can go back and see what you said.
Stop trying to pretend like you’re innocent and we all just dog piled you for no reason. You were not treated like a troll until you started acting like one. Maybe next time you say something hurtful you’ll just apologize right away instead of acting all aggrieved about it. I’m not holding my breath though.
@Gert: I haven’t weighed in on this yet (no pun intended), so perhaps you’ll allow me to put in my two cents:
Had you actually apologized instead of trying to ‘splain away your intentions, this would have stopped right then and there. We would have accepted it and moved on.
Because, as many here have explained to you, Intention isn’t magical.
When you double-down and get openly hostile about being called out (especially when plenty of people were actually rather polite about it and even explained why it wasn’t okay to say what you said), you’re going to be dismissed as a troll, regardless of your intentions.
You have a right to be upset about being called out, I understand it can feel personal, but you have to understand that it’s just so much better to err on the side of not acting like a jerk and just admit to when you’re wrong, and take steps to not do it again.
That’s the price of being part of the community here. You might not agree, and you’re free to act however you wish outside of blog, but we have guidelines for a reason.
And if you’re as much an ally as you proclaim you are, then please take this into consideration.