So our dear old friend Matt Forney, the neo-Naziesque internet doofus, has found himself suspended from Twitter (again), shortly after posting an assortment of tweets so wildly homophobic they even managed to offend the lovely Milo Yiannopoulos and his internet horde.
According to noted free speech expert Matt Forney, Matt Forney was suspended “because I was guilty of Being Conservative on Twitter.”
Evidently the powers that be decided at their latest meeting that Forney constitutes A SOMEWHAT SMALLISH THREAT TO THE NARRATIVE, and thus must be silenced, sort of, by not being allowed to use one of the many social media platforms available to him.
Twitter may be picking on me because I’m popular enough to be a threat to the leftist narrative yet small enough that they can silence me without causing much of an uproar.
Naturally, the rule-abiding Forney, who insists he “wasn’t doing anything that could be considered a violation of the Terms of Service” has violated these same Terms of Service by setting up a new Twitter account to get around the ban. Just like he did the last time he was banned, if I recall correctly.
As for Milo, Forney insists that
I like Milo … but I question how much longer a guy who brags about having gay sex with black men can call himself a conservative.
Here’s some examples of the kind of TRUTH* that Twitter will be shielding us from.
NOTE: aforementioned TRUTH* should not be confused with real truth.
How will the world’s Twitterers survive being deprived of these insights, at least if said Twitterers don’t bother to subscribe to Forney’s “backup” Twitter account?
Nightmare, sweetie.
Sorry. I just wanted to use that gif again.
And speaking of gifs, in case any excessively literal-minded hostile readers are reading this, please note that this post contains
Lookit the Martyr Complex on this one.
MRAs fail history yet again. Opinions on same sex relations in history don’t often conform with the “traditional” view they talk about. The example I know the most about being Ancient Rome where banging other dudes was totally fine as long as you topped, and bottoming was fine for young or lower class Romans.
Another case of an MRA confusing his preferences for reality. Is that a bingo square?
Well at least now he’ll be able to pursue his hobbies, focus on his dreams, and learn to become a non-shitbag decent human.
Wildly amusing that he accuses the “alt right” of “never shutting up about their sexual habits” while being a member of the alt-right and never shutting up about his sexual habits of being super duper straight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, Matt is jealous that Milo is a bigger celebrity to the dregs of the internet. That’s it, right?
And nothing of value was lost.
Having gay sex with black men is the only good thing Milo has ever done.
Perish the thought you fool.
I think every time an account is banned, all of their followers should get a demerit point. If you get ten of those, you are given a 72-hour time out. This way, people won’t be so quick to follow toxic twitter users. Without their audiences, these people will lose a lot of their power.
Wait, did he just call ISIS-occupied countries “Successful societies”?
Somehow, I don’t think the millions of refugees would agree.
Expect an ‘essay’ about ‘press freedom’ on RoK, by Fat Blob Forney, in 5, 4, 3…
When your hate is too hateful for even GomerGuys, you’d think that would be the time for self-reflection, not doubling down on your bigotry. Geez.
OT: @AsAboveSoBelow:
I’ve wanted to ask, what’s your nym referencing? I always think of Tool’s “Lateralus” whenever I read it, heh.
There’s plenty to criticize about Matt Forney. No need to bring fat shaming into it.
dslucia: It’s a principle of hermeticism. The microcosm reflects the macrocosm, and vice versa.
I’ve never heard of Hermeticism before, and have just now discovered that that Hermes is apparently the reason for the existence of the phrase “hermetically sealed”. Fascinating!
If only there were someone else on Twitter who could post the exact same stuff as Forney
How long ya think before these assholes throw out their token gay? Wouldn’t be the 1st time. Strike 1, be gay. Strike 2, disagree, even a bit. Strike 3, catch a little jungle fever. He’s on borrowed time now. I mean, Milo wins that fight easily, but that’s never stopped a bro from startin shit
But go on, Matt, keep telling yourself that who Milo has sex with is the problem. That is, instead of everything else! Of course, then you’d hafta admit that you’re even more despicable than he is, so never mind…
Matt struck me as rather cannibalistic for some time, as in he had a habit of going after other alt-righters or allies he perceived as insufficiently far-right. That he’s going after Milo, even if relatively gently, is incredibly telling.
But what if Forney meets another hot girl dying of cancer happy to spill the beans on women’s secrets?
HOW WILL WE KNOW??????????????????
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Popular yet unknown.
“Superstar of the internet” yet underdog.
Victorious yet oppressed.
This Twitter ban couldn’t have happened to a more deserving rape instructor and all-around neo-Nazi.
Forney’s just raising a question about the alt-right schedule.
But isn’t the schedule included in So You Want to Be a Nazi?
Wait wait wait wait HOLD UP. I just heard something extremely concerning. Is it true that Matt Forney is only 26-28 years old?
Not trying to appearance shame or anything, but he looks like he’s been smoking 2 packs a day for at least 20 years. The dude has two teeth, both piss-colored. I would’ve guessed he’s at least 40, and the whole online Nazi hullaballoo was his way of finding some joy in life after having tried every single Domino’s topping combo.
Is Matt Forney really several years younger than me? He looks like a fucking egg that’s been rolled through a patch of caviar. He looks like Wario did a face swap with Yoda. If someone told me that Matt Forney was 85 years old, I would think they were only slightly exaggerating. The guy looks like a 3 year old drew a monster on a fucking bowling pin.
Again, I’m sorry for commenting on his appearance. I’m in shock. Can this really be true?
What WWTH said. My whole life I’ve been told I’m a worthless fucking human being by almost everyone I’ve ever known or trusted: my parents, my teachers, my doctors, the media, my first long-term partner, every kid I went to school with, the list goes on and on. When someone like Forney, who we could find a million things to use to describe how horrible he is, is described only as a fat blob, that tells me that the worst possible of all of his traits is the one I share with him. Not bigoted douchebro Forney. Not hate-filled snot puppet Forney. No, the first insult used is fat. It reinforces the thing I’ve been told my whole life: by simply existing in my body, I’m more awful than any action I take that could harm others might make me out to be. I don’t deserve love because I’m hideous.
Please stop using fat as an insult.
Jeez more contradictory speech than a Trump rally. Why can’t they be more entertaining to listen to like this remix.
It’s incredibly bigoted but at least I can laugh in its absurdity. Back to his twitter rant of classic Ur fascism. Too big to stay but small enough to delete. However I do have to agree with him that a traditionalist/tribalist society cannot coexist with open sexuality. Because mainly they’re third against the wall. First is the enemies, then the traitors, then the allies of convenience and then finally each other.
Though I wonder how he can say successful society shuns gays when the Greeks and Romans, the two titular groups that white male supremacists draws from, are alot more open to homosexuality. Common Filth, what’s this, yet another stream of consciousness for two hours based on hate with comments that clearly wish for the death of those who only wish to marry who they want.
Bloat doesn’t equal worth, if that were true my 100k fever dream of puppets and siege warfare must be a masterpiece.