alpha males creepy do you even lift has possibly never spoken to a woman internet tough guy lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny my hot girlfriend post contains sarcasm red pill reddit rhymes with roosh

Gotta Neg ‘Em All: Pickup artists claim they’re using Pokemon Go to “catch” real women

Pikachu, PUA
Pikachu, PUA

So you’ve heard of this Pokemon Go thing, right? It’s the massively popular new mobile game that uses your GPS to lead you to virtual Pokemons hanging out at countless locations in the real world; with a quick toss of a virtual Pokeball, you can catch them for your collection.  (If none of that makes sense to you, watch this.)

Now one pickup artist on Reddit says he’s been using the game as a pickup tool, luring young hotties playing the game to his location and, well, collecting them. Or at least, he says, collecting their alleged phone numbers and Facebook pages.

Bsutansalt, a mod on the Red Pill subreddit, shared his secret with Reddit’s would-be pickup artists in a post yesterday.

I went for a bar crawl the other night and EVERYONE was playing it, my friends and I included. Before long we were meeting women left, right, and center and the impact of this little game was not lost on me from a [Red Pill] perspective.

Do tell.

I strongly recommend installing the app and finding a Pokestop or 2 near a bar or some other venues you like. Drop a Lure and just hang out playing the game and enjoy yourself as people start to arrive.

“Will you walk into my parlor?” said the wannabe Spider to the HB8,

You’re going to meet a TON of women, likely surrounded by very weak, young, nerdy guys, and approaching them is as easy as pie.

Because naturally every Pokemon-playing woman will drop her nerd friends to run off with a dude so alpha he spends much of his time moderating one of Reddit’s most pathetically terrible subreddits.

All of the hard work, such as breaking the ice, is already done for you. All you have to do is show up and spit your favorite day game.

You could always go with the Roosh favorite “do you know where I can find the pet shop?”

Lastly, holy sh*t the quantity and quality of women this game will put you into contact with is astounding. I was debating even posting this thread so I’d have them for myself and to keep this under the radar, but it’s too good not to share.

What a public-spirited fellow!

More people installed this game 1 week than have installed Tinder in the entire 5 years it’s existed! … This isn’t your standard pimply faced nerd game. Oh no, this is big, so big you’d be a fool not to leverage it to its full potential.

He ended his little testimonial with a joke that managed to link the most famous Pokemon catchphrase with sexually transmitted diseases.

Gotta catch ’em all indeed! Just be sure to wrap it up so you don’t, you know, actually catch ’em all.

Naturally, some in the subreddit were a little bit skeptical. “You didn’t pull a single one did you,” one Red Pill Redditor challenged.

Bsutansalt proudly acknowledged that well. no, he technically hadn’t. “Facebook and phone numbers only, he explained, as if pressuring a woman you don’t know to give you a quite possibly fake phone number is some sort of heroic achievement. Oh, and did I mention that they were half his age?

“All 18-26,” he announced proudly. “I’m 39.”


Some readers reported their amazing successes with this exciting new method of lady pestering.

Someone called maxbrooksmacbook boasted that

I literally downloaded this game twenty minutes ago and a young (20) woman already talked to me about it for five minutes at a pokespot

2legion327 said the he too had also completed the “talking to female human” quest.

Can confirm. A buddy and I did this in the middle of the square in our downtown area on Saturday. Dropped lures on two side-by-side pokestops with a pokegym situated within range as well. It was just us there when we started. Within 20 minutes, over 40 people had shown up with about a 50/50 M/F ratio. We chatted up several of the women.

Someone called Synzael went a bit further, laconically declaring that he had incorporated two new Pokeladies into his Pokeplate Pokeharem. “Ez.,” he assured his fellow Red Pillers, “already closed 2 new plates in 2 days.”

“No, you didn’t,” replied corsega, unconvinced by Synzael’s Pokebullsh*t.

She’s not a plate unless you’ve slept with her twice.

You got two leads. 

Synzael insisted that he had too made the intercourse with two human females.

I mean I f*cked them once and already made plans to f*ck them again. They could totally flake but I doubt they will so yeah I labeled them plates. I’m not bullsh*tting… lol

Pressed for details, he added

I’m driving atm but I f*cked one earlier in the day then her mom made her come home the second was late around 1 am

I’m sorry, but all I can think of is Vincent Adultman from Bojack Horseman, the suave ladykiller who is actually two kids in a trenchcoat with a broom for an arm.

__ZEAL__, meanwhile, declared that he’d scored two new hotties and like a bunch more numbers without even trying that’s how cool he is.

In the past two days, 5 numbers(this is being lazy with it as well, not even bothering to put effort in), and two new girls I’m f*cking. I originally thought that the game was dumb as fuck, and people were childish for playing it. Still kind of do. But, as I saw all the pictures of people congregating due to this game, I realized just how crazy easy it becomes to be around women, without spending any money whatsoever, and having an easy in.

Also these women are super hot as this spreadsheet will show.

I now have two new women to f*ck, who are in the top ten hottest of the 60+ I’ve fucked already. I don’t even care what people think, this shit makes it so easy to get laid with no resources besides time.

Not everyone was convinced that using a silly little video game to pick up women was a truly masculine Red Pill thing to do.

“Playing video games is for man children,” one wrote. “This is a complete waste of time.”

In a followup comment, he went all cultural critic on Pokemon Go fans, telling them that they were

playing a part in the marketing machine that is destroying western society as we know it. The people who designed this game want nothing more than for you to hand your money/personal data over to them, thus raising their SMV, and lowering yours.

Apparently game designers can literally drain your Sexual Market Value through your phone.

Another cynical sort said that the original poster, despite being a mod of the subreddit, sounded a lot

like a paid marketer trying to infiltrate one of the most notoriously rigid communities to me. … Nice try, though, Nintendo.

Yeah, I’m sure Nintendo would just love to be associated with the dudes in the Red Pill subreddit.

Meanwhile, a fellow with the lovely name killxorxbexkilled took aim at those saying that Pokemon Go is promoting physical fitness by encouraging couch potato gamers to go for walks.

Ha ha ha ha…if you think shuffling around looking at your phone is in any way related to “health and fitness” you have got a LOT to learn. Tell you what u/inmemorieswetrust how about you post 3 or 4 pictures of yourself and I’ll post 3 or 4 pictures of myself and we’ll see whose idea of fitness is more in line with this sub? Seriously. Let’s see if your body can cash the check your mouth is writing.


H/T — Thanks to @cerebral_artery on Twitter, who alerted me to the Red Pill thread.

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8 years ago

@EJ (T.O.O.)

I asked the Mr. what he’d think if a young lady told him her mother was demanding she go home, and he said “well first I’d want to know why a 16 year old would randomly be telling me this and where exactly am I during this scenario…?”

Yeah I probably should have provided him with a little more background scene setting but…:P

Of course if the PU(ke)A-dude is also 16 then this is just a Niagara Falls story being told to dudes who also aren’t really meeting/having sex with chicks, on the internet. I can’t help but feel an eyebrow twitching upwards when reading some guy who is at least a legal adult (18) and with this particular bunch they’re usually older (sometimes WAY older..ugh) talking about his success with underage young ladies, calling them plates is especially gross, and the fact that they’re thrilled to have a chance to be all creepy through a game and not have it cost them ‘anything but time’ is just…I need to go check the mirror to make sure my eyebrows are still on my face and get some assistance pulling my shoulders back down where they belong rather than hiked up by my ears like they are now.

8 years ago

Don’t know if it’s been raised already, but there was an article on The Mary Sue by a woman being a bit put off with Go because of guys skeeving on her and her friends that’s worth a read. Odds are that’ll get more pronounced if more puas get involved…

8 years ago

My prediction:
1) Currently people of all genders are enjoying Pokemon Go.
2) More and more men will start using it to hit on women at pokestops or meetups.
3) Fewer and fewer women will be playing Pokemon Go.
4) People will forget 1) and 2) and Pokemon Go will be used as evidence that pokemon is a guy thing.

8 years ago

These guys are disgusting. Especially if they are mostly 30+ and going after teenagers or very young women as msexceptiontotherule said. Their attitude would still be terrifying if they were teenagers or young men (18-20) themselves, but the age difference they seek just makes it extra creepy in a predatory way. I mean they say themselves that it’s not just looks that make them want young girls/women, but literally the power differential inherent in such a relationship. I don’t mean to say that young women are weak, but most are more insecure and have less life experience/experience dealing with men and realtionships so it would likely be harder for them to stand their ground and defend themselves against creeps. And that seems to be exactly what these guys want. Ugh.

Part of me hopes that most of their “success stories” in this regard are just bragging and not true. I thought about it, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a relationship with such an age difference… I mean, when I was in school (in a rural part of Germany though) I was never part of the “in-crowd” who had boyfriends and went to parties, so I just watched from the sidelines. But, from what I remember it was like having a boyfriend was cool. Older boyfriend from one of the higher schoolyears was maybe even cooler, but someone older than highschool age was considered completely icky by most of my 15-16 year old classmates.

So, from your experience, do these creepy guys actually manage to pull off their “game” in some or most cases? Or do the girls they’re after tell them to f*ck off? Assuming they’re employing manipulative tactics of course, and not outright harrassment… 🙁

varalys the dark
8 years ago

@dust bunny: She does look like someone in her early twenties so I shall arm her with a pointed stick to fend off creeps just in case.

I was in my 20’s when Pokemon first hit. I played it before it came out in the UK via a gameboy emulator. Bought two gameboys and a copy of both Red and Blue so I could trade with myself and attended an official pokemon event in a different city so I could have an official Mew uploaded to my Red and Blue carts.

Yeah I got a bit obssessed there for a while! I still play Pokemon though I need to upgrade to a 3DS now, it’s still an awesomely addictive game when the fancy takes me to play it, though I think HeartGold has been my fave of the post Red/Blue games. Being able to see my little Furret following me around always makes me smile.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

From the sound of that, mrexceptiontotherule is a wise man.

I think that’s an amazingly cogent prediction and applies to so many things. May I quote it elsewhere?

I totally agree about the power differential (part of which is due to her lack of experience, because knowledge is power) being a major element in that. It makes it even creepier, if that’s even possible.

The point you make about the stories being bragging is a good one, I think. I suspect that like many nonfeminist male spaces, Red Pill is overrun with alpha-male-itis and one-upmanship. On the web it’s easy to lie, there’s no benefit to telling the truth, and you’ll never be found out. More importantly, the audience identify with the male character and want to believe that such things happen, so they will suspend their disbelief unless the story is massively out of step with the others.

Because of this, I suspect that year by year, their stories and theories grow slowly less and less tethered to reality.

8 years ago

“Hey, guys! There’s this great new video game that makes it possible to talk to women!” = “Please know that I am wildly exaggerating the amount of sex I’m bragging about having.”

8 years ago

@PI: The WBC thing is absolutely hilarious to me.

(Content note for discussion of anti-gay slurs; I hope this is OK in this space.)

There’s a part of me that wants to do all kinds of reading into it, because Clefairy and Jigglypuff are both Fairy-typed (I’m sure the person who set up the clefairy chose it for that reason, it’s always fun to turn slurs on their head).

Except… Clefairy is a pure fairy type, while jigglypuff is normal/fairy. So WBC are literally saying normal/fairy is superior to fairy/fairy. I can’t help but interpret this as a reference to the execrable gay conversion therapy, or the various Christians who say it’s okay to be gay as long as you never ‘act on it’… I can’t decide whether I think WBC have the capability (or the knowledge of pokemon, for that matter) to do something that subtly obnoxious deliberately.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Do any other Brits read these MRA ‘sexual conquest’ tales and immediately think of Jay from ‘Inbetweeners’?

I am however willing to believe the “I met a girl the other day and in the 90 seconds before she realised I was a creep and ran away, we exchanged three words. Result!” stories might be true.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

RedPill is basically a cult, with the mythical Chad Thundercock as the leader who everyone is trying to curry favor with. It can never fail, it can only be failed. All those unverified (and likely fake, judging from their awful grasp of how social interactions and anatomy work, plus their amazing ESP ability to know what women are thinking at all times)…

No! BAD sentence! Don’t run away into traffic! Come back here!

….all those unverified field reports only confirm in their minds that it works. People who are heavily invested in a system are always eager for confirmation that they’ve made the right choice. Doesn’t matter whether it actually happened or not.

It’s creepy that these guys look at this game and think “wow, it gets women out in public!…” and then their next thought is “…where I can hit on them!” It’s one thing to frequent places that are designed for flirting and hooking up, like bars and nightclubs and Tindr, and another thing to hijack things that are not designed for that. Invading groups of people enjoying some innocent childhood nostalgia (Pokemon, My Little Pony) adds an extra luridness factor, particularly in light of RedPillers’ stated preference for young girls.

I mean, this

You’re going to meet a TON of women, likely surrounded by very weak, young, nerdy guys, and approaching them is as easy as pie.

is just “ugh”. It assumes that women are pliant sitting ducks who won’t avoid them on sight, or give them a fake phone number, or just straight up tell them to get lost. It assumes that others in the group will just stand there meekly allowing a random stranger to harrass their friend.

So many of their fantasies revolve around strong alphas stealing women from weak betas. I’m starting to think they have some kind of cuck fetish.

@WWTH Nice! I had a Firefly. Applejack was always my favorite.

8 years ago

Does anybody remember the My Little Pony movie with the smooze? I think I wore out that VHS entirely through repeated viewings. And I definitely had some scratch’n’sniff ponies.

8 years ago

Oh god, so I somehow wandered onto “Rational Male” and into the comments area of a post about sugar babies being the new ‘dating’ thing that young women are doing (ostensibly for cash and prizes, paying for their college education, blah blah blah gross asshole talk etc etc yuck)…and a 39 year old dude is talking about how the age of consent in Texas is 17, he doesn’t bother looking at the over 25 crowd for dates anymore, and everyone on there thinks its peachy keen that he’s into 17-20 year olds. Because he doesn’t have to ‘game’ them, etc etc. A 39 year old MAN is chasing after 17-20 year old young ladies.

Must go bleach my brain and see a doctor about this creepy-crawly thing my spine is experiencing.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

I must confess I have appropriated the name “Chad Thundercock” as my name for the interchangeable boyfriends of the protagonists of most 70’s and 80’s horror flicks who end up being first to get knifed by the villain. I’ve got some similarly horror loving men friends using it now, so can I thank whoever it was who originally came up with the name? It’s hilarious apt.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

What about when the boyfriend is the villain? Like in Scream.

8 years ago

Ur all just jealous the pokebros are getting all the pokefucking.

8 years ago

I’m more convinced than ever that most of the glorious sexual conquests claimed by MRAs and PUAs are completely imaginary.

8 years ago

I just assume the ones where it’s a glorious conquest are made up and wildly exaggerated, and the ones where they’re preying on barely legals to be the ones I watch out for.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

@wwth: That was a 90’s deconstruction horror, it doesn’t count 😀

8 years ago

Unrelated to pokemon, but otherwise relevant to the site…

Nottinghamshire police now apparently treat misogyny as a hate crime. It’ll be interesting to see where this goes in future.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

People in their late teens and early 20’s still lack some critical reasoning skills and they’re more easily manipulated. Predators know it’s a lot harder to manipulate someone who’s 25-26 or older. Probably people in the 30-45 age range who are dating can tell they’re creeps.

8 years ago

Cue the manchildren crying into the night about PC culture ruining their “good fun.”

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

It’s kind of sad that Go doesn’t fucking work in any way, shape or form isn’t compatible with the main game. If it was, I’d love to troll these paedophillic dumbfucks by challenging them to a battle… Without mentioning that I’m twice as old as I look and a national championship winner.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ pie & ooglyboggles

Re: Nottinghamshire Police

It’s good that that police service is now recording misogynystic incidents separately, but they haven’t actually created any new offences.

Basically there was a change recently that allowed individual police forces to decide for themselves (subject to some limits) on how they recorded crime. Nottingham police have defined hate crime thusly:

“any incident which may or may not be deemed as a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hatred”.

So an incident could be recorded as a hate crime (with misogynistic hate crimes having their own separate categorisation) but they can only initiate a prosecution if the incident amounts to an actual offence known to law (they can still give someone a talking to though).

So if you’re assaulted because you’re a goth then that would be an offence in itself and also recorded as a hate crime.

However the downside is that anyone could ask for an incident to be categorised as a hate crime, even if they weren’t the ‘victim’ or there was no actual offence committed. So if a feminist in Nottingham posts something that an MRA disapproves of, then the MRA can ask that it be recorded as hate crime motivated by misandry.

So, worthy idea, but really open to abuse.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

@SFHC: Wow that’s cool! I wanted to compete in the first UK championships held during the release of Red/Blue, but was rejected as Too Old. I had a sad. I just have my free Mews and Boulder Badge necklace they gave me out of sympathy to keep me warm at night ;_;

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Coming soon: PokemonGoingTheirOwnWay.

The object of the game is to obsessively hunt down pokemon, then tell them they’re pathetic and the game is a financial trap and you don’t want anything to do with them HA HAAA

(and then immediately run off in search of the next one)