alpha males creepy do you even lift has possibly never spoken to a woman internet tough guy lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny my hot girlfriend post contains sarcasm red pill reddit rhymes with roosh

Gotta Neg ‘Em All: Pickup artists claim they’re using Pokemon Go to “catch” real women

Pikachu, PUA
Pikachu, PUA

So you’ve heard of this Pokemon Go thing, right? It’s the massively popular new mobile game that uses your GPS to lead you to virtual Pokemons hanging out at countless locations in the real world; with a quick toss of a virtual Pokeball, you can catch them for your collection.  (If none of that makes sense to you, watch this.)

Now one pickup artist on Reddit says he’s been using the game as a pickup tool, luring young hotties playing the game to his location and, well, collecting them. Or at least, he says, collecting their alleged phone numbers and Facebook pages.

Bsutansalt, a mod on the Red Pill subreddit, shared his secret with Reddit’s would-be pickup artists in a post yesterday.

I went for a bar crawl the other night and EVERYONE was playing it, my friends and I included. Before long we were meeting women left, right, and center and the impact of this little game was not lost on me from a [Red Pill] perspective.

Do tell.

I strongly recommend installing the app and finding a Pokestop or 2 near a bar or some other venues you like. Drop a Lure and just hang out playing the game and enjoy yourself as people start to arrive.

“Will you walk into my parlor?” said the wannabe Spider to the HB8,

You’re going to meet a TON of women, likely surrounded by very weak, young, nerdy guys, and approaching them is as easy as pie.

Because naturally every Pokemon-playing woman will drop her nerd friends to run off with a dude so alpha he spends much of his time moderating one of Reddit’s most pathetically terrible subreddits.

All of the hard work, such as breaking the ice, is already done for you. All you have to do is show up and spit your favorite day game.

You could always go with the Roosh favorite “do you know where I can find the pet shop?”

Lastly, holy sh*t the quantity and quality of women this game will put you into contact with is astounding. I was debating even posting this thread so I’d have them for myself and to keep this under the radar, but it’s too good not to share.

What a public-spirited fellow!

More people installed this game 1 week than have installed Tinder in the entire 5 years it’s existed! … This isn’t your standard pimply faced nerd game. Oh no, this is big, so big you’d be a fool not to leverage it to its full potential.

He ended his little testimonial with a joke that managed to link the most famous Pokemon catchphrase with sexually transmitted diseases.

Gotta catch ’em all indeed! Just be sure to wrap it up so you don’t, you know, actually catch ’em all.

Naturally, some in the subreddit were a little bit skeptical. “You didn’t pull a single one did you,” one Red Pill Redditor challenged.

Bsutansalt proudly acknowledged that well. no, he technically hadn’t. “Facebook and phone numbers only, he explained, as if pressuring a woman you don’t know to give you a quite possibly fake phone number is some sort of heroic achievement. Oh, and did I mention that they were half his age?

“All 18-26,” he announced proudly. “I’m 39.”


Some readers reported their amazing successes with this exciting new method of lady pestering.

Someone called maxbrooksmacbook boasted that

I literally downloaded this game twenty minutes ago and a young (20) woman already talked to me about it for five minutes at a pokespot

2legion327 said the he too had also completed the “talking to female human” quest.

Can confirm. A buddy and I did this in the middle of the square in our downtown area on Saturday. Dropped lures on two side-by-side pokestops with a pokegym situated within range as well. It was just us there when we started. Within 20 minutes, over 40 people had shown up with about a 50/50 M/F ratio. We chatted up several of the women.

Someone called Synzael went a bit further, laconically declaring that he had incorporated two new Pokeladies into his Pokeplate Pokeharem. “Ez.,” he assured his fellow Red Pillers, “already closed 2 new plates in 2 days.”

“No, you didn’t,” replied corsega, unconvinced by Synzael’s Pokebullsh*t.

She’s not a plate unless you’ve slept with her twice.

You got two leads. 

Synzael insisted that he had too made the intercourse with two human females.

I mean I f*cked them once and already made plans to f*ck them again. They could totally flake but I doubt they will so yeah I labeled them plates. I’m not bullsh*tting… lol

Pressed for details, he added

I’m driving atm but I f*cked one earlier in the day then her mom made her come home the second was late around 1 am

I’m sorry, but all I can think of is Vincent Adultman from Bojack Horseman, the suave ladykiller who is actually two kids in a trenchcoat with a broom for an arm.

__ZEAL__, meanwhile, declared that he’d scored two new hotties and like a bunch more numbers without even trying that’s how cool he is.

In the past two days, 5 numbers(this is being lazy with it as well, not even bothering to put effort in), and two new girls I’m f*cking. I originally thought that the game was dumb as fuck, and people were childish for playing it. Still kind of do. But, as I saw all the pictures of people congregating due to this game, I realized just how crazy easy it becomes to be around women, without spending any money whatsoever, and having an easy in.

Also these women are super hot as this spreadsheet will show.

I now have two new women to f*ck, who are in the top ten hottest of the 60+ I’ve fucked already. I don’t even care what people think, this shit makes it so easy to get laid with no resources besides time.

Not everyone was convinced that using a silly little video game to pick up women was a truly masculine Red Pill thing to do.

“Playing video games is for man children,” one wrote. “This is a complete waste of time.”

In a followup comment, he went all cultural critic on Pokemon Go fans, telling them that they were

playing a part in the marketing machine that is destroying western society as we know it. The people who designed this game want nothing more than for you to hand your money/personal data over to them, thus raising their SMV, and lowering yours.

Apparently game designers can literally drain your Sexual Market Value through your phone.

Another cynical sort said that the original poster, despite being a mod of the subreddit, sounded a lot

like a paid marketer trying to infiltrate one of the most notoriously rigid communities to me. … Nice try, though, Nintendo.

Yeah, I’m sure Nintendo would just love to be associated with the dudes in the Red Pill subreddit.

Meanwhile, a fellow with the lovely name killxorxbexkilled took aim at those saying that Pokemon Go is promoting physical fitness by encouraging couch potato gamers to go for walks.

Ha ha ha ha…if you think shuffling around looking at your phone is in any way related to “health and fitness” you have got a LOT to learn. Tell you what u/inmemorieswetrust how about you post 3 or 4 pictures of yourself and I’ll post 3 or 4 pictures of myself and we’ll see whose idea of fitness is more in line with this sub? Seriously. Let’s see if your body can cash the check your mouth is writing.


H/T — Thanks to @cerebral_artery on Twitter, who alerted me to the Red Pill thread.

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8 years ago

Good grief. This is so beautifully illustrative of how utterly pathetic these guys are. They entirely wittingly behave like well-adjusted people for once in their lives and are rewarded with a little polite conversation…and they think they’ve discovered the Holy Grail of Pickup Artistry.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

In other words, creepy men are using this to hit on teenage girls.


weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Oh, and if enough men use this game to sexually harass women, they’re just going to stop playing. One more aspect of culture we’ll be chased out of 🙁

8 years ago

MRA get out of my pokemon. It’s meant for integration of pokemon into the real world, not for picking up underage girls. Nintendo is not going to tolerate people literally getting into car crashes while playing their game, what makes them think that they’ll be okay with a group of dudebros sexually harassing half the player fanbase.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I can prove that all their little stories are lies right now: The servers don’t work yet. For every person who can get the game running, there are five who can’t.

And even when they do try to work, if only for a moment, the game immediately hard-crashes. *rolls eyes*


8 years ago

Red Pillers can make absolutely anything creepy and misogynistic and gross, can’t they? They have taken something healthy and fine — do an activity you enjoy –> meet other people who are also doing that activity –> form connections with some of them based on your mutual interests — and made it horrifying.

Silver lining: I feel slightly less disappointed about the whole “this game is not available in your area” thing now. Way to ruin it, skeeves!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut–This-Is-Why-We-PL0p.gif

Why can’t they just have a hobby outside of being a creepy fucking shitlord who preys on teenaged girls? Why can’t they act like decent fucking people for five minutes and enjoy themselves without thinking about how they can use it to get their dick wet, and how they’d like to bang someone half their fucking age?

They literally cannot do anything without masturbating to the thought of teenaged girls. It’s fucking gross.

Although, there’s already been stories of people being mugged at gunpoint by criminals who are using this same tactic that this guy’s using, so I imagine it’s only going to get harder for him to “pick up girls” from here on.

8 years ago

a young (20) woman already talked to me about it for five minutes at a pokespot

A woman talked to you for five whole minutes? And that’s impressive?

Such alpha. Very game. So impress.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Well, I’ve annoyed myself now. I need cats.

Much better.

8 years ago

They can’t even imagining just enjoying something and being a part of a fun community.

Fuck these creepers. They probably creeped out several teens trying to enjoy themselves already.

8 years ago

More people installed this game 1 week than have installed Tinder in the entire 5 years it’s existed!

Yeah, and the people who downloaded Tinder are the ones looking to score with people they haven’t met yet. And still you insist on trying to convince the ones who have no interest in scoring with you that they should get in your pants when all they wanted was a squirtle.

Edit: @SFHC I’m not surprised. Ingress is buggy as hell, too.

8 years ago

Every time I read these inner monologues of men like them, I have a strange sense of disconnection from my gender. I have to wonder “Is this the kind of language the guy at my workplace or my old schoolfriend or my roommate thinks in?” The idea that women and relationships are so important to one’s self-esteem, but that treating the women like individuals just doesn’t occur to them…

The idea that the MRA and MGTOW are basement dwellers who just snipe at women online while fearing them in real life is easier to accept then the idea that the bartender or the guy in the corner on his phone or the nice guy on a date with a girl later get online and talk about women with such contempt and misogyny.

But knowing how many of them actually blend in as people who can put on the appearance of caring enough for girls to sleep with them, while not really feeling anything for them, makes me think it’s time to accept these kinds of attitudes are not uncommon.

They just know how to hide well because everything they feel and say is considered “normal” to certain men…

(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
8 years ago

The servers are working fine where I am. And Niantic isn’t exactly a “crappy third-party dev”. I had server problems yesterday, but today isn’t bad, and I’ve never had a hard-crash.

Niantic does Ingress. They based PoGo on Ingress data. I think it’s kind of amazing that they didn’t anticipate the demand, but everything else works fine. (Which is faint praise, I know.) Ingress was fun, and based on how Niantic works with that, I’m confident that PoGo’s hiccups will be resolved in a reasonable amount of time.

I saw quite a few people out playing it yesterday, and I will probably see more if I go out today. (Chances of that are falling, since it’s hot and getting to the time where I won’t have access to the car.)

That said, EW. These guys can ruin ANYTHING, can’t they? Fortunately, I probably won’t have to deal with them, because I generally have my kids with me and I’m not “hot enough” for them. But it makes me sad that something like this, intended for (non-sexual) fun for people of many ages, is being used like this. It’s also sad that these women will talk to these guys and get the impression that they’re decent people until the Pillers show their true colors.

8 years ago

I’ve been having lots of problems with the servers not loading. It also takes a long time to load a stop sometimes, and my game crashes all the time when I catch a pokemon, and I have to restart. :C

(Granted it’s technically not out here yet, so maaaybe it’ll be better when they release it?)

I’m a pretty social person, and I definitely talked to random people who are catching pokemon. It’s such a ridiculous game, I love the idea that people are out being silly together.

On the other hand, ewwwww why are you trying to use this like tinder ewwwww I’m just trying to catch pokemon and chat about pokemon.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
8 years ago

Paradox, I’ve been thinking about this for some time, WHY do men have such an obsession, and seem to take such joy from pursuing, bragging about, and sorting women into categories they laud over.

They have a choice, but they act like they don’t. They act like their desire to find sex is not a choice, but a natural root to follow. Ironically they see words like decency and respect, and they don’t mean the same thing to them, they see them more as “choices” that they aren’t required to follow, instead of aspects of human society that result in pain and ruin (For all genders) if we ignore them (Brock fucking Turner, anyone?)

What it reminds me of is this mindset that’s not uncommon in men, which is “alpha,” but only occurs in response to profound insecurity and fear. We don’t imagine any of these douchecanoes as having been extremely scared of nervous, but I’ve come to believe that it’s this combined with a culture that tells them it’s part of natural masculinity to see women first and foremost as objects (either to be coveted or for the relationships and happiness they promise) and when they get frustrated and confused at how women don’t fit this picture, they resolve simply to dismiss and treat women as unnecessary in their lives, even while regularly trying to hook up with them. (Because a REAL man needs sex to feel accomplished, or he’s a beta etc…)

This is all leading up to something obvious, that unless young men are taught EARLY ON about gender expectations, particularly how much pressure girls have on them and the dangers that come from treating them as objects, the most likely result is a lesser version of this. If you want to see the beginnings of people like this, check out the stories written by guys in the “How I Lost My V Card” twitter and how boys as young as 14 already see girls as like the man in this post does.

Boys will be boys sure, but what happens to those girls who encounter those boys…

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

In related but less horrifying and more hilarious news:

Chuck Tingle strikes again!

8 years ago

On the one hand, they *are* pathetic.

On the other hand…actually I’ve got nothing. I just don’t get these people.

8 years ago

On a side note, it’s said the game has been used to lure victims to be robbed:

8 years ago

This is extraordinary. Those trolls had so few positive social interactions in their life that they forgot the best, and pretty much only way, to ever meet, seduce or form any sort of positive social bond with a women (or a men) is by sharing a pleasent activity with her (or him). Good god! Will they discover that if they weren’t self centered, hateful and ignorant dicks they would have more success too?

8 years ago

The younger ones have a chance of growing out of it, it’s the older ones and die hards that are most likely not going to change.

8 years ago

They are not just pathetic. They are dangerous.

I hate the concept of cops overseeing a group more because of a supposed greater propensity for a particular crime, but there is some strong arguments for thoses bozos.

Eva Vavoom
8 years ago

This is a game developed by people who harvest big data and have been financed by In-Q-Tel (CIA Venture Cap) so I am never installing that on any of my phones…

8 years ago

Yes they are, and sadly enough I have a good idea to see on the news “Men Using Pokemon App to Pray on Underage Girls.”

8 years ago

I have had it up to HERE with these fake geek guys pretending to like geeky things just to get attention from women. It’s just ugh.

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