If you’ve been wondering what you could do to support Chanty Binx, the feminist activist who has endured three years of harassment for the “crime” of yelling at a couple of Men’s Rights activists at a protest in Toronto, consider donating to her legal fund via this GoFundMe.
Here’s the pitch from the GoFundMe page:
Three year ago, while protesting a men’s rights activist (MRA) talk, Chanty Binx was accosted by a group of MRA’s who proceeded to record her without her permission. She believed that would be the end of things, but Chanty was wrong; the horrific nightmare was just beginning.
Within 12 hours of the video’s upload she received 500 hateful abusive and threatening messages in her blog inbox alone, and her personal information was doxed including what they believe to be her address, phone number, and license plate.
For the past 3 years she’s has received over 30,000 hateful and threatening comments on YouTube, and thousands death and rape threats, and other abusive messages on her blog and Facebook. For the past three years she has lived in nonstop fear for her safety and life, and despite all of this law enforcement has done nothing.
The harassment reached a new level of creepiness last month when an employee at a liquor store took a screenshot from surveillance footage of Chanty at the store committing the dastardly act of buying a bottle of wine and put it online, effectively telling the world where she lives. When she spoke to the local media about this bizarre breach of privacy, it unleashed yet another wave of harassment against her.
With law enforcement unwilling to help her deal with the harassment, Chanty has decided to pursue other legal options. But that will require a lawyer, and lawyers cost money. Hence the GoFundMe, set up by a friend of Chanty’s (but that Chanty has confirmed to me is legit). Please donate, if you can!
Hi again Chanty,
This is unofficial advice, but please consider it. Our Criminal Code covers criminal harassment, which includes (non-specifically) “cyber-bullying” or online bullying and “cyber-stalking”. At the very least, charges could include voyeurism, defamation, wilful promotion of hatred, and intimidation.
You should contact Legal Aid Ontario for advice, today. You will likely need to file charges with the Toronto Police, the OPP and the RCMP asap for any legal action to be considered, even though the news report supports your claims (can you get a copy of the report from CityTV?). I know it’s a hassle for you because your life is complicated at the moment, but you need to get your ducks in a row. Good luck and all the best.
Apparently there’s some vague hope the government might be trying to do something about this sort of thing: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/gender-violence-women-1.3668361 Not that that would be much help in the here and now.
Hi Chanty, I hope you’re doing well. I will donate as soon I can (whether I get a job or unemployment benefits). And I will stay anonymous, thanks for the tip and I’m rooting for you all the way.
Chanty, if you’re still reading this, you’ve probably heard of this by now, but it might be worth getting in touch with this once the consultations start: https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2016/07/15/ottawa-takes-aim-at-unacceptable-online-abuse-against-women.html
Trying to convince police that online threats do indeed count as threats can be a frustrating and often useless endeavor. At one point I tried to report a harassing phone call I got in the middle of the night; as soon as the officer found out that it might have some connection with something online, he basically said, well, get off the internet. I spent literally half an hour on the phone with him and he refused to even take a report.
Sorry to hear that discouraging piece of info. Apparently, “online” we’re all just avatars with no connection to real life.
Stay strong.
I know it may not be worth your time, but I would consider escalating. Your phone is not really the internet anymore.
I’ve donated (and remained anonymous) I know it is not much but hopefully it helped.