This was the big weekend, folks! The weekend of the historic International Male Issues Conference in London!
Wait, that’s not right. International Male is the clothing company with that famous catalog. I meant the International London Men Conference. No, that’s not it either. Oh, wait! The International Conference on Men’s Issues in London. I’m pretty sure that’s it. Catch the excitement on the conference’s official Twitter hashtag!
Now, it’s true that the event this weekend did not draw a ton of media coverage.
Or any, actually: As of Sunday afternoon, a Google News search reveals that the only media outlet, and I use that term loosely, to report on the conference was Breitbart. Last fall. (The conference got a brief mention in the Jewish Chronicle online, and someone mentioned it in a comment on The Guardian’s website.) Indeed, media interest in the event was evidently so tepid that the organizers cancelled their press conference at the last minute.
The lack of media interest might have something to do with the fact that the conference organizers — led by political failure Mike Buchanan of the Justice for Men and Boys party — refused to give out press passes to the event, instead demanding that reporters shell out £265 for the privilege of hearing a bunch of idiots talk nonsense about the supposed oppression of men.
Not even the prospect of getting autographs from “Janet Bloomfield” and/or Paul Elam was enough to lure the media there.
But one wily media outlet was able to sneak a photographer into the event — We Hunted the Mammoth, the very blog you are now reading.
And so I present to you these EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS of ICMI16 from our man in London. Who might possibly be a cat.
Wait, is that Tiger Woods? Sitting next to Rod Stewart? With Ozzy Osbourne, Madonna, and Sean Connery behind them? Except that none of them look quite right?
Sorry, folks, I think this is just some picture of a bunch of celebrity impersonators.
Wait, is that Austin Pow…
Never mind, it’s more celebrity impersonators. Besides, I can’t imagine that this many people made it to the ICMI.
All right, that’s just a bunch of dudes dressed as Abraham Lincoln.
And that’s a bunch of people dressed as Albert Einstein. What the hell.
I’m beginning to think that our photographer didn’t actually go to the ICMI at all.
Luckily, one Youtube doofus who did attend the conference posted this footage of some of the conference goers milling around awkwardly outside of the venue.
Ah well. At least that’s more than the zero who attended their conference last year.
As cookie cutter as this is, it was still less tedious to make than reading his cookie cutter rants.
EDIT: There now he has two degrees, someone stop him!!!
No, no, no! I insist that we marry.
Please, Mark, I promise that I’ll stop hating men. . . .
Nicole! Thanks, PI and Ooglyboggles! Might as well save those. We’ll probably have future assdoctoral candidates stopping by.
Claiming that men created everything makes me think of the Usenet Neonazi(I think it was Alex Vange) who told me years ago that white people invented everything. You have to be really clueless to believe either claim.
Why are you talking to other women and ignoring me!
My biological clock is ticking.
Why the fuck did my autocorrect change nice to nicole?
I think it’s still appropriate.
OT time:
Day two of taking my antidepressant, I can’t be sure if it’s working, but I haven’t felt things like anxiety and tiredness. I’m doing more burpees, feel more drive in drawing and learning japanese and math.
@Oogly: sounds like it’s working.
@Oogly Wow. Mine took 4 weeks before I felt anything. 🙂
antidepressants arent meant to work immediately like that, it will have a more gradual and subtle effect.
Yeah everything from what I read said that too. I’m just glad that so far I haven’t had any of the side effects yet.
My husband (whom I married out of evil) has a rule of thumb: “I will watch the YouTube rant video you linked to if at the end of it you eat a light bulb.” Otherwise it just isn’t worth the time.
I… I what? Mark what are you doing?
I mean first of all suffragettes were literally injected with insulin to put them in coma’s to cure them of their “Hysterical” ideas that women should be equal.
Also woman have fought in almost every single war on record, disguised as men, because that was literally the only way they could.
Gynocentric Media? So Ovid was Gynocentric was it? Old Testament? Hell even the Victorian Era tended to kill off any female literary character who showed the slightest bit of independence or sexual agency by giving her TB. You can’t just spit out a giant list of crap that you say literature pushes and not give a single example from anywhere. If I had the time and inclination I could find a different influential book from history that contradicted every single one of those “PHD level claims”
And then the “WRA hate marriage” thing. As far as I know feminist have no problem with any sort of marriage. They love male and female, two males, two females, even know some ok with open or poly relationships as long as everyone involved can stand on their own two feet and is healthy and co-operating. Mind you historically marriage was the only way for European women to advance in station because we blocked off every single other avenue for them (Including the spoils of those wars you talk so much about.) However, most of them were arranged by men, as property deals with other men, to gain status for a family often led by a man. Like sorry if you had a bad divorce or something dude but this drained dry thing you spout does not happen. I have never seen it.
In summery, Mark your opinions are bad and you should feel bad and I had to get it off my chest before the wrongness of everything you said lowered my IQ a couple of points.
We need to take this conference seriously. A zero to couple-dozen increase is an infinityfold jump, and if this keeps up next year there will be INFINITE MRAs in one place, causing an instant infinite mass black whole and destroying the universe.
Wait, was that Jordan Owen in 6oodfella’s video?
We feminists were discussing a very important world event: the international male issues conference, which is about to punch a hole in the space-time continuum or something.
Suddenly, here you are among the feminists, talking about how men shouldn’t marry. Maybe you can’t see it, Mark, but it’s plain to everyone else that you are very interested in marriage. You are a marriage-minded man.
Don’t you think that it’s time you admitted what’s so very clear to everyone else?
And as long as we’re on the subject, my biological clock is ticking.
Uh-oh. I think that I scared Mark away.
Maybe the fact that I began talking about my biological clock as soon as I ascertained that he was male drove him off?
Pompous howling douchewaffle?
I have to read the comments more often – by the time I get to the trolls, the rest of you have picked all the meat off the bones.
Reading back through the comments I realize I missed the troll visit, ah, never mind. My favorite part was where he refused to provide a single scrap of proof to back up any of his tired assertions.
Regarding the conference, I saw some images of the speakers posted to the AVFM web site, but strangely, no pictures of the audience. Why is it that I suspect that the attendees were outnumbered by the speakers?
My god. Being a speaker at ICMI is pretty much my worst nightmare situation. I just imagine getting up on stage with a prepared speech, realizing there’s NOBODY in the audience. I’m forced to pretend as if everything’s going great and the movement is growing. Ughhhh.
Mark is one of those conspiracy theorists – the ones who take the complete lack of any evidence supporting their conspiracy theory as proof of the existance of a conspiracy that censores all evidence of itself. It’s like SCP-055, only way more annoying and patethic.
Like, he claimed that women not wanting to be married is proof of a devilish plan to get men to marry them. I’m standing here going “Waaah..?”
@ snork and IP
I’m curious as to how many people actually turned up. There was a post on their website implying that all but 9 of the 200 available tickets had been sold; but colour me sceptical. Unless of course all the tickets were snapped up by eager journalists.
@ snork and IP
I’m curious as to how many people actually turned up. There was a post on their website implying that all but 9 of the 200 available tickets had been sold; but colour me sceptical. Unless of course all the tickets were snapped up by eager journalists.
even if they had sold every ticket, netting them £53k, they would still have struggled to break even given how many speakers they had, whose costs they presumably had to cover; and while they only booked a small room at Excel, those spaces don’t come cheap. On the web site they were requesting attendees buy their sandwiches and bottled water at the venue so that they could make the minimum spending requirements.
I will genuinely be interested to hear from people who actually shelled out for this echo chamber event.
@ snork maiden
A bit of snooping suggests that the cheapest you can hire those rooms for is £5733.
ETA: I used my posh voice so maybe I sounded like I had more brass than sense. If anyone else wants to try for a better deal…. 0207 069 4602