a voice for men andrea hardie MGTOW mike buchanan MRA oppressed men

Exclusive photos from the International Male Issues Conference in London!

The official  We Hunted the Mammoth photographer, possibly.
The official We Hunted the Mammoth photographer, possibly.

This was the big weekend, folks! The weekend of the historic International Male Issues Conference in London!

Wait, that’s not right. International Male is the clothing company with that famous catalog. I meant the International London Men Conference. No, that’s not it either. Oh, wait! The International Conference on Men’s Issues in London. I’m pretty sure that’s it.  Catch the excitement on the conference’s official Twitter hashtag! 

Now, it’s true that the event this weekend did not draw a ton of media coverage.

Or any, actually: As of Sunday afternoon, a Google News search reveals that the only media outlet, and I use that term loosely, to report on the conference was Breitbart. Last fall. (The conference got a brief mention in the  Jewish Chronicle online, and someone mentioned it in a comment on The Guardian’s website.) Indeed, media interest in the event was evidently so tepid that the organizers cancelled their press conference at the last minute.

The lack of media interest might have something to do with the fact that the conference organizers — led by political failure Mike Buchanan of the Justice for Men and Boys party — refused to give out press passes to the event, instead demanding that reporters shell out £265 for the privilege of hearing a bunch of idiots talk nonsense about the supposed oppression of men.

Not even the prospect of getting autographs from “Janet Bloomfield” and/or Paul Elam was enough to lure the media there.

But one wily media outlet was able to sneak a photographer into the event — We Hunted the Mammoth, the very blog you are now reading

And so I present to you these EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS of ICMI16 from our man in London. Who might possibly be a cat.


Wait, is that Tiger Woods? Sitting next to Rod Stewart? With Ozzy Osbourne, Madonna, and Sean Connery behind them? Except that none of them look quite right?

Sorry, folks, I think this is just some picture of a bunch of celebrity impersonators.


Wait, is that Austin Pow…

Never mind, it’s more celebrity impersonators. Besides, I can’t imagine that this many people made it to the ICMI.


All right, that’s just a bunch of dudes dressed as Abraham Lincoln.


And that’s a bunch of people dressed as Albert Einstein. What the hell.



I’m beginning to think that our photographer didn’t actually go to the ICMI at all.

Luckily, one Youtube doofus who did attend the conference posted this footage of some of the conference goers milling around awkwardly outside of the venue.

Ah well. At least that’s more than the zero who attended their conference last year.


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Professor Snugglesworth
Professor Snugglesworth
8 years ago

Funny thing about doctoral-level knowledge: it is incredibly specific, often to one aspect of a subset of a field, itself representing a fraction of a subject. No one writes a dissertation on “the patriarchy”, for the same reason that no biologist writes a paper on “plants”, no physicist writes a paper on “stars”, and no chemist writes a paper on “acids”. Those topics are all too ridiculously broad to qualify for doctoral research.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Petrified hotdogging doofus?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Mark | July 10, 2016 at 8:11 pm
Why are you so afraid of admitting that women use men for financial gain?

“Women” do not exist as a monolith. Just like men are individuals and have individual tastes and experiences and personalities, women are individuals in the same sense.

Therefore, saying “women” do a thing is factually incorrect, unless you’d like to provide sources for your claims? (But we all know you won’t, because you’re a chickenshit who likes to strut about like he’s a rooster.)

Why are you so afraid of admitting that majority of child support, asset division and alimony is forcefully transferred via man hating white knights and the state to women?

Men actually can get child custody when they seek it.

Women are more likely to seek child custody, that’s why they’re more likely to get it.

And I don’t think it’s unfair to ask a man to take care of children he fathered, considering those are his children, and he should have a responsibility to take care of them.

As for alimony, that’s only transferred to the spouse with the least amount of assets. So, when you spend your life telling your wife her place is in the home caring for the children, guess who’s going to have the least amount of money when the split happens? The wife who hasn’t been employed.

Why are you afraid of admitting that women on average get far lessor or no sentences for equal crimes to men?

Actually, that’s because of male judges, who tend to view women as being weaker or less intelligent, or assuming they have kids to take care of.

Female judges tend to be more equal in their judgements.

So thanks for admitting we need more female judges in our court system.

Why are you so afraid of admitting that the vast majority of women’s rights were gained by the deaths and suffering of foolish men sacrificing their lives for women that cared nothing for them?

Why are you so blind to the fact that women fought and died for our own rights as well? Why do you ignore the thousands of pacifist feminists who hate war? Why do you ignore that most leaders in the military are men who send other men off to war to die for their profit?

Why are you afraid of learning some damn history?

Why are you afraid of the fact that women brainwash their own sons to carry on this man-hating paradigm – forcing their own sons into death for the gynocracy and white knights?

I’m not afraid of it because it’s bullshit. Teaching men to respect women isn’t “brainwashing”, nor is it “man-hating”.

And I’ve seen plenty of women lament that their sons had to go to war at the orders of other men.

Women’s bodies are women’s choice – are they not? Why are you so afraid of admitting that men should have the same right to abortion or non-parenthood that women enjoy over men? Why should women have the right to abhor parenthood but not men? I’ll tell you why. Because it works in women’s financial favor.

I’ll tell you something interesting: Men are already pretty damn good at denying responsibility for a child. I’m living proof of that, as my father was just like you in a way.

He decided I wasn’t his, DNA tests be damned, all because I wasn’t born with a penis to carry on his family name. So he lived off of his father’s money, and never paid a dime in child support.

What a fucking hero. Leaving a child he fathered and a woman he dumped because she couldn’t provide a penis baby without any means to support themselves.

Tell you what Mark, you don’t want to pay child support? Wear a fucking condom instead of putting the onus on the woman for not getting an abortion, especially when it’s still so stigmatized and not always available. Go demand better male birth control. Go have serious discussions about vasectomies and male pills and shit.

Don’t have fucking kids. The world will be grateful.

I’m not the one in fear here, darling. You are.

You keep typing that one-handed fantasy, Mark. Keep pretending that we’re afraid of your copypasta pixels.

I’m not afraid of an internet coward who won’t even accept the fact that he’s misinformed, bigoted, and straight up wrong. I’m not afraid of some rando jack-off who thinks that by coming into a comments section and dropping a steaming load of horse shit (that we’ve seen billions of times before) he’s “disrupting an echo chamber” and being a big badass.

Much slacktivism. Such men’s rights. Your fellow men must be so proud of your bravery, shouting at women over the internet about what awful harpies we are.

A newborn kitten would be more intimidating than some internet wanker who lives in his own little fantasy world where he’s so oppressed but at the same time he’s the obvious successor of the world who built everything because he’s got a penis.

8 years ago


You’re all wrong. I expected you to respond exactly as you did. I’m not the least bit surprised by your comments. Thank you for the confirmation. It further proves my thesis.

“I totally meant to be a chew toy for the WHTM comments so I’m totally winning1!11!”

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
8 years ago

Throwaway’s new game is indeed fun!

I will now attempt to discern what PhD stands for.

Presumptuous half-witted dunce?
Pocket hamster dildo?
Penis-having dudebro?
Partially Hydrogenated dingleberry?
Perilously hairy doofus?

Pretentious horrific dingbat?
Pizza-hating downer?
Pillbox-hatted dumpster?
Pretty hateful diatrible?
Phony hack doctorate?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

If I had photoshopping skills, I’d make a doctoral certificate from the University of Assfax for Mark.

8 years ago

Just throw together something that’s barely half assed,you know, like the memes MRAS like to make. sort of appropriate don’t you think.

8 years ago

Just find one from Liberty University.

8 years ago

Doctoral level knowledge on the facts of life! Aaaaahahahahahahaha. That is too good. ?

8 years ago

Have a heart, some terrible anti-misogynist seems to have caused them to have their FB page bannned on the eve. How cruel!

8 years ago

Sigh. Why don’t we get any good trolls? Mark, that was just sad. You’re far too far up your own butt to expect reasonable conversation with on the topic, but I’ll leave you with this: your views run in conflict with our fundamental understandings of human nature. Your explanations are unfalsifiable, self-refuting, circular garbage, and you embarrass the term “PhD” by your having used it in a sentence.

Be a dear and shoo, would you?

8 years ago

Oh man, the comments section on that Breitbart article.

these folk are hard left intel shills who do not deserve your patronage. they are actively doing tavistock level HAL inspired psych warfare on the global population. Z mob. Z mob rule

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Going way back to the first page here…

Anyway, in other news, first reviews for Lady Ghostbusters are in. Got a solid 76% on Rotten Tomatoes after 41 of them. Consensus seems to be that it’s decent, if not quite as good as the original. Can’t wait for the manosphere fury when it actually does well.

Holy shit, I just read a summary of it – the villain is a fucking MRA.

comment image

(I know I posted this before, but I’m breaking in my new GIF.)

8 years ago

So I’ve been playing Pokemon Go and I named my male Nidoran “idiot MRA” and my female Nidoran “Feminist” just because I could keep the gender symbols in their names. :U

Yep, I’m going to see the new Ghostbusters eventually. I really like two of the actresses in it, I don’t care if the movie is that great, at least they are.

8 years ago

I wonder if someday trolls will post speedruns of getting banned from a forum on YouTube

“Banned on WHTM – 2 mins 43 secs”

Though you’ll likely not read it, and if I’m not already blocked, here’s the synopsis.

Poor Mark, always a bridesmaid, never a bride.

8 years ago

Have a heart, some terrible anti-misogynist seems to have caused them to have their FB page banned on the eve. How cruel!

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

Trolls like to get themselves banned because they can tell themselves that it’s not that they lost the debate, it’s that we couldn’t handle their truth bombs. That’s why I’m more in favor of troll moderation challenges than banning.

8 years ago

the villain is a fucking MRA.

Oh. Oh my god. I was only mildly excited for the movie before, but now

8 years ago

The fact that I can’t tell if Mark is a troll or serious is a rather bleak commentary on the state of the manosphere.

8 years ago


Honestly, I don’t think any manospherians come here with the intention of not trolling. They’re certainly not interested in actually reading what anybody here says.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Dang, I’m always too late for pigeon chess. All the good pieces have been knocked over and pooped on already.

From way back on Page 1:

building everything you see when you drive down the road.

You know, on my commute to work, I see any number of things that women built and actively maintain. Gardens. Farms. Sculptures. The road itself (there are a couple road crews doing improvements this summer, and there are at least two women working in them). I personally have designed and spec’d bike paths, rooftop gardens, urban parks, and downtown renovations. I’ve helped build houses and playgrounds. I’ve worked with architectural, city planning, and civil engineering teams that were a mixture of men and women.

Oh, and let’s not forget pedestrians. Rumor has it women were heavily involved in birthing, raising, and educating them.

Really, I hate this stupid competition MRAs always have of “Which gender built ALL THE THINGS?” You can’t take a single object and say “men built that”. So much goes on behind the scenes, from assembly to mining to support – roles that are filled by a variety of people, men and women alike. The larger the object, the more it’s a team effort.

8 years ago

Hey Mark, since you like YouTubes so much, here’s some real doctoral-level knowledge for YOU:

8 years ago

these folk are hard left intel shills who do not deserve your patronage. they are actively doing tavistock level HAL inspired psych warfare on the global population. Z mob. Z mob rule

I uh…wow. It’s like something Trashcan Man from The Stand would scribble in blood over the mark of the Crimson King. Between that and Mark, I think my WTF meter is filled for the day.

At least the Breitbart commenter was creative. The troll was as tedious as ever.

8 years ago

Is JKTY (Just Keep Telling Yourself) a thing yet? Because I wish it to be. Like for those “conversations” where you know the other person just ain’t listening.

JKTY, Markie. JKTY all that… stuff… you KTY.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo | July 10, 2016 at 9:04 pm
If I had photoshopping skills, I’d make a doctoral certificate from the University of Assfax for Mark.

Ask, and ye shall receive:

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