This was the big weekend, folks! The weekend of the historic International Male Issues Conference in London!
Wait, that’s not right. International Male is the clothing company with that famous catalog. I meant the International London Men Conference. No, that’s not it either. Oh, wait! The International Conference on Men’s Issues in London. I’m pretty sure that’s it. Catch the excitement on the conference’s official Twitter hashtag!
Now, it’s true that the event this weekend did not draw a ton of media coverage.
Or any, actually: As of Sunday afternoon, a Google News search reveals that the only media outlet, and I use that term loosely, to report on the conference was Breitbart. Last fall. (The conference got a brief mention in the Jewish Chronicle online, and someone mentioned it in a comment on The Guardian’s website.) Indeed, media interest in the event was evidently so tepid that the organizers cancelled their press conference at the last minute.
The lack of media interest might have something to do with the fact that the conference organizers — led by political failure Mike Buchanan of the Justice for Men and Boys party — refused to give out press passes to the event, instead demanding that reporters shell out £265 for the privilege of hearing a bunch of idiots talk nonsense about the supposed oppression of men.
Not even the prospect of getting autographs from “Janet Bloomfield” and/or Paul Elam was enough to lure the media there.
But one wily media outlet was able to sneak a photographer into the event — We Hunted the Mammoth, the very blog you are now reading.
And so I present to you these EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS of ICMI16 from our man in London. Who might possibly be a cat.
Wait, is that Tiger Woods? Sitting next to Rod Stewart? With Ozzy Osbourne, Madonna, and Sean Connery behind them? Except that none of them look quite right?
Sorry, folks, I think this is just some picture of a bunch of celebrity impersonators.
Wait, is that Austin Pow…
Never mind, it’s more celebrity impersonators. Besides, I can’t imagine that this many people made it to the ICMI.
All right, that’s just a bunch of dudes dressed as Abraham Lincoln.
And that’s a bunch of people dressed as Albert Einstein. What the hell.
I’m beginning to think that our photographer didn’t actually go to the ICMI at all.
Luckily, one Youtube doofus who did attend the conference posted this footage of some of the conference goers milling around awkwardly outside of the venue.
Ah well. At least that’s more than the zero who attended their conference last year.
Aww. Still no answer. Come on, Mark. Tell me. What can a woman do to prove she is not an evil man hater.
Oh no, I was just hoping he’d use some permutation of “we hunted the mammoth” as an argument for why men are great and womz are icky.
“The disposable male” is another great one for getting bingo on, though. I actually just had a discussion the other week in which I had to refute that.
And to think at the start of my posting I was mistaken for a sock puppet. Well I’m glad my life choices kept me from being as repetitive as an MRA.
Prediction: Smug laughter at us “plebes” for not watching such enlightening videos of mental masturbation while also ignoring or outright denying the power he holds in favor of the femWO.
All proceeds will go towards finding more cute pics to post.
EDIT: Why must they always seem to have a lull period when I’m starting to get into it? I’m too spoiled on internet slapfights.
Careful, they might have to go against their complex that tells them that authority figures are right by definition.
The male disposability argument, from these people, always irritates me. Yes, it’s a problem, TO AN EXTENT. But it’s MEN who see other men as disposable. Because MEN expect other men to be ready to die like huge macho Badasses, and see women as dainty flowers in need of protection at all times.
I have decided that a group of Lincolns is called a “stovepipe”. That’s quite a stovepipe of Lincolns up there.
For Einsteins, I am open to suggestions, but I believe MRAs en masse are referred to as a “whinge”.
A relativity of Einsteins.
Don’t watch the video I poster here, ladies and white knights. That insight into your own soul will be something you can never undo. Probably should have included that up front as a ‘trigger warning’.
Though you’ll likely not read it, and if I’m not already blocked, here’s the synopsis.
Male Disposabilty, Cultural Misandry and Social Engineering – The Disposable Male, by Spetsnaz
Men and women have been conditioned to think:
Men must sacrifice their lives for women.
A man that doesn’t sacrifice his life and limb for a woman is a misogynist and coward.
Women are better than men – therefore – men should suffer.
Female empowerment is key in the redistribution of male power and wealth to women.
Only women’s empowerment is important.
Women are helpless, blameless victims with the minds of children and men are evil oppressors.
Women are entitled to privileges at the expense of men.
Male disposability benefits women.
Males are under obligation to women simply because of their anatomy.
Men are naturally disposable.
Women can have the expectation of equality without responsibility.
Women don’t have to reciprocate with regard to male disposability.
Women should feel entitled to act with condescension and indifference towards men.
Women should equate their indifference and condescension towards men with female empowerment.
Women are prized. Men are expendable.
Women aren’t as strong as men, so men should be the first to risk their lives for women.
Men are less than women.
Men are expected to take care of women and themselves. Those that don’t aren’t “real men” and aren’t worthy of female attention.
Men’s suffering doesn’t exist.
Men that don’t accept male stereotypes and prostrate before women aren’t viable men.
Male suffering isn’t important.
Male disposability is a sign of male privilege.
Male dominance has nothing to do with male sacrifice.
That males run into burning buildings and sacrifice their lives in war for women is male privilege.
Women are always the victims and the oppressed. Men are always the villains and never heroes.
Women are oppressed if they’re housewives – but men are privileged if they’re wage and tax slaves.
Women are innocent, blameless victims in an evil patriarchy.
When a man opens a door for a woman – that’s patriarchal oppression.
Women should have all of the rights of men – and men should be burdened with all of the responsibility.
Women should have all the rights and privileges that men don’t have.
The Role of Media:
Keep the stereotypes, hypocrisy and double standards against males in favor of women relevant.
Continue with the stereotype and hypocrisy that men are naturally disposable.
Chivalry is social control – use it.
Condition men and women not to care about male suffering.
Men’s value lies within their disposability.
Men’s willingness to forego their rights as a human being defines maleness.
Keep male disposability hidden.
Hide the fact that society thrives on male disposability.
Disavow male sacrifice in society past that of nameless statistics or empty medals.
Focus on male stereotypes and feminist propaganda.
Raise male disposability in discussions only when it can be swept aside.
Always blame men.
Never mention the millions upon millions of men that have sacrificed nearly their entire lives for women.
Never mention that men give up their basic human rights when entering contractual obligations with women.
Shame and attack any man that gives voice to the prejudices that men face.
Gynocentric men should attack any male that attempts to give himself a voice.
Men that don’t tow the gynocentric line should be painted as week, a chump, a beta, an outcast and not a viable candidate for employment or relationships.
The Result:
Men are choking on female and white knight hypocrisy.
The social contract between men and women is now null and void. Women broke the contract to empower themselves and marginalize men.
Feminism has eroded women’s accountability to the point that women can never be held accountable for their own actions.
Men’s sacrifices only benefits a system that oppresses men.
Women and the government are the only beneficiaries of male sacrifice.
Men don’t value their own lives and see themselves as secondary to women.
A “real man” sacrifices himself for a woman – regardless of who that woman is – or how she views him.
The Backlash:
Where’s the payoff for men?
Why would men wish to be a slave of women and government that care nothing for them?
Why do women and government see men as little more than disposable utilities?
Are women of today worth it?
When women walk away from the table, don’t men have to do the same?
When will women repay men’s chivalry (never)?
Rejection of male disposability.
Women’s rights were handed to women on a plate. Men fought and died for women’s rights – not women.
Unlike women’s rights, men’s rights have always gone hand-in-hand with huge responsibilities and accountability for their actions.
Women were handed their rights by men – minus the responsibilities.
Men are finally fighting for their own rights.
Men can change things – and they will.
The Modern Man:
Redefines male value through a new gender identity – one that isn’t defined by women.
Redefines male value that isn’t adhered to through male shaming.
Defines himself as a complete and free man – short of government and feminine servitude.
Changes consciousness to implement societal change.
Rejects chivalry as male disposability. There’s no equivalent to chivalry for women.
Because women have no sense of protection for men – men need not have a sense of protection for women.
Realizes that women have big daddy government to look after them. Men have no such protection.
Realizes that women and the government are anti-male puppet masters.
Knows that society doesn’t care about men and boys – so it’s OK for men to withdraw from women and society (mgtow).
Help me help you, feminists. Let us together end the nightmare of marriage, the gynocracy, the patriarchy and the white knights and cultural misandry that powers it all.
What you just read, if you’ve read this far, is the end to war.
What is the social contract between men and women?
If women’s rights were handed to us by men, why does feminism exist?
Mark is completely divorced from reality or decency.
Mark, when people don’t want you somewhere that is not your personal space and they don’t want to tolerate your hateful, dishonest, conspiracy theory, whiny-ass bullshit, you don’t have their consent be in that space. You do not have the right to sock puppet and force yourself back into the discussion you were uninvited from. We have told you “No”. There is nothing about interacting with you that is stimulating or edifying. This space does not belong to you. We don’t owe you attention. Fuck off, you clueless, repugnant, asshat.
No one cares. No one is seeking your utterly deluded ranting. Shoo.
Do you honestly believe that these talking points have a chance of convincing anyone of anything?
I’m curious as to the motives of MRAs and MGTOWs posting here. They almost always start from the claim that the world is some sort of dystopic fantasy land where all these ridiculous statements are true, and they just expect normal people to grant this premise.
I wonder if they have been in the bubble for so long that they actually believe this could convince normal people, or if they’re just trolling for attention. It seems so pointless.
When people tell you to stay out of they’re homes, Mark, do you break a window and go in and yell at them about how evil they are anyway?
David kicked you out. Stay out.
You’re behavior here is belong the fucking pale. Sort yourself out.
Imaginary Petal,
He isn’t here to sway. He’s here to bash women with one hand on the keyboard.
They’re abusive men who get off on lashing out at women, invading their spaces and having no accountability irl. No women are getting close enough to him to allow him an outlet, so he’s coming to us.
He’s wanking and knowing he isn’t wanted here only turns his crank that much more.
I mean I could be wrong…but I’m not. They come here and call us names because they can’t scream in a woman’s face tonight and grind away at her self worth to get their thrills. This is how they make do.
Even his synopsis is a gish gallop of bullshit
Whadya think would happen if we agreed with him? Not in a sarcastic ‘nobody wants to marry you anyhow’ way. I mean, actually agreed with him. Would he be happy or just find something else to whine about? It actually wouldn’t surprise me if he ran around MGTOW spaces, bothering them too…
Sigh. Mark, loudly asserting things over and over again isn’t constructing an argument. It’s also unlikely to be persuasive. As a rule, this approach to discourse only appeals to people who already believe such assertions.
You may think you’re displaying some grand edifice of logic, but this barely ranks as a house of cards.
Mark, we’re all big girls (and some boys and nonbinary peeps), we don’t want your help, and quite frankly, you’d only be a detriment to the cause.
We don’t view the patriarchy as: “men are all sent off to war to die, men are constantly told they’re not good enough, so let’s punish the women for being awful people by their non-virtue of femaleness, because this is somehow their fault”.
We view the patriarchy as: “This is an awful system of rigid bullshit gender roles (mostly created and enforced by men) that harms everyone involved, and while cisgendered men do suffer, women and gender-nonconforming/trans people tend to get the worst of it, so we need to get rid of it. This will benefit men, but it’s more for the benefit of everyone else.”
That’s what the patriarchy is. It’s not a buzzword meaning “everything we hate”. If you’re going to co-opt words, learn what they mean. Not just the dictionary definition, but their social definition as well. How we commonly use words is just as important as what they actually mean.
I’m glad you agree that the patriarchy is shit, but, quite frankly, your methods of fixing it are ass-backwards and mind-boggling. The answer to patriarchy and other forms of oppression shouldn’t be “Let’s oppress the people I don’t like!”, because that’s not going to fix shit. That’s just exchanging one shitty oppressor for another.
The offer for you to fuck off (out of a space that doesn’t belong to you) still stands.
Instead of watching Mark’s video (or reading that teal deer up there), I decided to watch Iron Jawed Angels again. Sure, it’s not 100% historically accurate, but it seemed like a better use of my time.
You’re all wrong. I expected you to respond exactly as you did. I’m not the least bit surprised by your comments. Thank you for the confirmation. It further proves my thesis.
Instead of watching Mark’s video, I’m gonna cuddle a puppy dog and enjoy some podcasts and white wine.
Later, I think I’ll take an evening stroll with my kids.
There are just so many thing to enjoy doing that are not watching Mark’s video.
What’s Mark’s thesis? That we’d be bored by talking points we’ve already heard and refuted a million times before? Bravo, Mark. You were right.
My goodness, Mark, if you don’t want to get married, DON’T GET MARRIED.
You’re under a whole lot less pressure to do so than women, so shut the hell up and be happy that “bachelor” is a positive term and “spinster” is a negative one.
For those who still care after the diatribe, the marriage argument is in reality something more like this:
“A major survey of 127,545 American adults found that married men are healthier than men who were never married or whose marriages ended in divorce or widowhood. Men who have marital partners also live longer than men without spouses; men who marry after age 25 get more protection than those who tie the knot at a younger age, and the longer a man stays married, the greater his survival advantage over his unmarried peers.” July 2010, Harvard Health.
Married men survive prostrate cancer longer, and other forms of cancer, though the benefits don’t seem to translate to women:
“Landmark research by University College London, the London School of Economics and The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that single women do not suffer the same negative health effects as unmarried men.”
It also benefits them financially – most men who are married are earning more money for a number of reasons: It has often been observed that married men have higher wages than unmarried men, in what is commonly referred to as the ‘marriage premium’ (Korenman and Neumark, 1991; Gray, 1997)
All that said, I certainly don’t advocate marrying if you don’t want to. I don’t advocate avoiding marriage if you want to be married.
But marriage as it currently stands in the west, where the research I quote has been done, has more long term benefits for men. Women also do not receive the financial advantage in general – married women don’t find their earnings going up, some groups found them going down regardless of child status. Married women don’t have the benefit of increased health – some studies have found the opposite, though those may not have been controlling for domestic violence.
Jury is still out on all the details, but some of the guesses appear to be that overall men benefit more from the unpaid work in a relationship than women, in an amount large enough to be statistically significant over a population.
Mark, why are you so afraid of providing proof of your assertions? Or is it that you’re afraid of honest debate?
“Mark, why are you so afraid of providing proof of your assertions? Or is it that you’re afraid of honest debate?”
Why are you so afraid of admitting that women use men for financial gain? Why are you so afraid of admitting that majority of child support, asset division and alimony is forcefully transferred via man hating white knights and the state to women? Why are you afraid of admitting that women on average get far lessor or no sentences for equal crimes to men? Why are you so afraid of admitting that the vast majority of women’s rights were gained by the deaths and suffering of foolish men sacrificing their lives for women that cared nothing for them? Why are you afraid of the fact that women brainwash their own sons to carry on this man-hating paradigm – forcing their own sons into death for the gynocracy and white knights?
Women’s bodies are women’s choice – are they not? Why are you so afraid of admitting that men should have the same right to abortion or non-parenthood that women enjoy over men? Why should women have the right to abhor parenthood but not men? I’ll tell you why. Because it works in women’s financial favor.
I’m not the one in fear here, darling. You are.
You don’t have a thesis, Mark. You a shitty personality and an ridge to force it on women. You are desperate for our attention. You’re like a fucking stalker who hopes he is disturbing some poor woman’s peace of mind. We said, “Bye, now” but you’re gonna lurk around and act all creepy anyway. I get it. You really, really want us to notice you. You really hope your rants are upsetting, but they’re just the same recycled bullshit we’ve all seen and debunked until we are so bored with guys like you.
One of you comes here to announce how little he wants us regularly. No one ever asks for his opinion. No one cares. But he really, really needs to tell us what ugly, dirty harlots we all are and how we are all gonna be sorry when he’s gone (wank wank wank)
You’re transparent. Go get your jollies elsewhere.
“One of you comes here to announce how little he wants us regularly.”
“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.”
Who’s the real attention seeker? I’m just laying out the facts of life. You on the other hand seek my attention.