This was the big weekend, folks! The weekend of the historic International Male Issues Conference in London!
Wait, that’s not right. International Male is the clothing company with that famous catalog. I meant the International London Men Conference. No, that’s not it either. Oh, wait! The International Conference on Men’s Issues in London. I’m pretty sure that’s it. Catch the excitement on the conference’s official Twitter hashtag!
Now, it’s true that the event this weekend did not draw a ton of media coverage.
Or any, actually: As of Sunday afternoon, a Google News search reveals that the only media outlet, and I use that term loosely, to report on the conference was Breitbart. Last fall. (The conference got a brief mention in the Jewish Chronicle online, and someone mentioned it in a comment on The Guardian’s website.) Indeed, media interest in the event was evidently so tepid that the organizers cancelled their press conference at the last minute.
The lack of media interest might have something to do with the fact that the conference organizers — led by political failure Mike Buchanan of the Justice for Men and Boys party — refused to give out press passes to the event, instead demanding that reporters shell out £265 for the privilege of hearing a bunch of idiots talk nonsense about the supposed oppression of men.
Not even the prospect of getting autographs from “Janet Bloomfield” and/or Paul Elam was enough to lure the media there.
But one wily media outlet was able to sneak a photographer into the event — We Hunted the Mammoth, the very blog you are now reading.
And so I present to you these EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS of ICMI16 from our man in London. Who might possibly be a cat.
Wait, is that Tiger Woods? Sitting next to Rod Stewart? With Ozzy Osbourne, Madonna, and Sean Connery behind them? Except that none of them look quite right?
Sorry, folks, I think this is just some picture of a bunch of celebrity impersonators.
Wait, is that Austin Pow…
Never mind, it’s more celebrity impersonators. Besides, I can’t imagine that this many people made it to the ICMI.
All right, that’s just a bunch of dudes dressed as Abraham Lincoln.
And that’s a bunch of people dressed as Albert Einstein. What the hell.
I’m beginning to think that our photographer didn’t actually go to the ICMI at all.
Luckily, one Youtube doofus who did attend the conference posted this footage of some of the conference goers milling around awkwardly outside of the venue.
Ah well. At least that’s more than the zero who attended their conference last year.
These guys don’t need us to mock them. They do a great job by themselves
They look soooooooo alpha.
Disclaimer: NOT!
Most British MRAs are about thirteen years-old.
Presumably their parents wouldn’t let them go up to London on their own.
Can always count on MRAs to overestimate their own interest in activism.
Anyway, in other news, first reviews for Lady Ghostbusters are in. Got a solid 76% on Rotten Tomatoes after 41 of them. Consensus seems to be that it’s decent, if not quite as good as the original. Can’t wait for the manosphere fury when it actually does well.
This is like a miserable birthday day party for shitty people.
At first you’re all “Awww” because it’s kind of sad…then you remember who it is and you’re all “AHAHAHA! The karma, it has arrived.”
The WRAs don’t think the MRAs should have any rights beyond fighting and dying for the WRA’s rights and privileges over men. Well, that and building everything you see when you drive down the road.
Men need to stop dying and fighting for women’s rights. Men also need to stop committing financial suicide for women through that most anti-male of WRA inspired, man-hating contracts we call “marriage”.
WRAs have the right idea but the wrong oppressor. Nothing could be worse for men than marriage. Why? The man-hating matriarchy, don’t cha know. Nothing could be better for men than if all women started refusing to get married.
Once upon a time, a prince proposed to a princess. The princess refused. The prince lived happily ever after.
I wish so much that they had all gone to the conference dressed as Abraham Lincoln.
Oh, good old Mikey Buchanan. You can always count on hilarious incompetence from him.
I wonder if he’ll come back and comment? We had such fun with him last time!
Wow, a whole twenty people. I’m glad to see they’re packing them in. It really is great to see men taking serious interest in their god-given right to complain about those evil wimmens who want equality. Since attendance was up so drastically from last year, I’m willing to bet next year’s conference will be filled to the rafters as well.
How many times has this been copy-pasted in comments on this blog, now? I can recall at least five myself. Are they all from different people, or the same person sockpuppeting over and over again? Because if they’re all different people, this really reinforces my thought that MRA-types just get a form letter sent to them that dictates everything they should ever say in any internet forum.
Is Mark the same Mark that was just here a couple of weeks ago? If you’re going to sock, at least come up with a new name!
And I remain as ever confused by the MRA assertion that feminists want men to go fight in wars for us. Every feminist I’ve known leans anti-war.
You’ve made your presence known, you can go home now…
I had to commit the mortal sin of linking someone to Rice-A-Rooni, Dunderf00t, and Rebel Media videos about Ghostbusters to prove that all of the sexist complaints weren’t just being made by 12-year-old trolls.
Somehow, I have a feeling this person isn’t going to see what’s wrong with those videos.
What man ever died for women’s right to vote? Or to have health care? Or to join the military? I’m not saying it’s not possible, but you’d think we’d have heard of them since men are apparently so damn important to us for that. Also –
Are you forgetting that the princess lived happily ever after too? Or do you just ignore that because women aren’t supposed to be happy without being attached to another human being?
“How many times has this been copy-pasted in comments on this blog, now? I can recall at least five myself…”
Women need to stop weighing men down and they need to stop exploiting men’s suffering and deaths for their rights and privileges over men. We’re long past the time when women should have learned to stand on their own two feet.
WRAs need to recognize and admit how horribly they’ve exploited men’s naivete, how monstrously they’ve used men’s naivete with regard to women and how deeply sociopathic they are by continuing in their exploitative destruction and usury of men.
Stop attacking MRAs – WRAs. We’re just trying to free ourselves from your oppression.
I hear that whining again. Do the citronella lamps need topping up?
@weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
Or were pissed they couldn’t participate they way they wanted because of sexist policies. I went through the Navy Nuclear Program with a young woman who put a great deal of effort into getting a Submarine volunteer form into her record even though they were just starting to allow female officers on subs and even now, several years later, are only putting senior enlisted on to only Virginia class subs.
Other branches are slowly making similar advances.
Flat assertions is no way to convince anybody.
I think every Mark we’ve had since Mr Conservative Dress Code has been the same one. Either that, or those giraffe-necked cloners from Star Wars have some serious explaining to do.
….Sure. Men are currency now? We lend and borrow them among ourselves? I can only dream…
I mean, it’s not like feminists have helped de-stigmatize the idea of women in the workforce, and it’s not like most feminists praise the idea of a woman being financially, emotionally, and physically independent without having to rely on a man simply to survive.
And, Mark, if you feel like we wimmens are “weighing you down”, you’re more than welcome to fuck off. Seriously, I encourage it. Go away.
CMH, that cracks me up because I was just looking at this manga in the store today and wondering what MRAs would make of it. “大奥 Ōoku?) is an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Fumi Yoshinaga. The plot follows an alternate history of medieval Japan in which an unknown disease kills most of the male population, leading to a matriarchal society in which the Ōoku becomes a harem of men serving the now female shogun.”
Apparently status rests on one’s ability to please women sexually, and there’s all kinds of intrigue, etc.
Oh fuck, he (sort of-not really) responded to me.
I’ll admit I’m not the world’s best advocate for feminism, but as far as I’ve been led to understand, feminism is pretty much about “women [learning] to stand on their own two feet.” Or rather, women showing that they’re entirely capable of standing on their own two feet without men assuming that they need a man’s help all the time. And they’re not trying to take away any rights men have, because as gets mentioned pretty regularly, rights aren’t a zero=sum game. You don’t take rights away from men to give them to women, or from white people to give them to black people, or from heterosexuals to give them to homosexuals et al. It’s entirely possible to give everyone else the same level of rights that straight white men have while straight white men still have those rights.
Are you accusing men of being stupid? ‘Cause it sounds like you’re saying that women are evil because they’ve been taking advantage of the poor little man’s underdeveloped little brain, which… I mean, I guess it goes without saying around here that the people who hate men the most tend to be MRAs, but wow, try to be a little less transparent.
Also love the little dig at how women are “sociopathic”. Classy.
Fuck, if this was a parody comment I’d be bowled over with laughter right now. As it is I’m pretty close.
Why argue with me? If the end of marriage is great for women – why not just agree? Women can have all of the military as far as I’m concerned. It’s long past the time when an all female force – rather than all male force – sacrifice their lives on the front lines for their rights.
I know why. Marriage is nothing more than an advanced and more lucrative form of prostitution for women.
Any thinking person can see straight through your hypocrisy. Why keep up the charade?