While Americans attempt to process the horrific killings of five police officers in Dallas, some of the internet’s worst people — that familiar coalition of Anime Nazi trolls, white supremacist “race warriors,” and assorted fellow travelers — have taken to Twitter to spew their familiar brand of hatred and make occasional Kennedy assassination jokes.
Despite knowing virtually nothing about the attackers or their motives, members of this Coalition of the Terrible blame the attacks on everyone from FBI director James Comey to the Elders of Zion; their proposed solutions to our country’s racial divisions include violent race war and/or the election of Donald Trump.
Quite a few of these lovely people seem to think that best the solution to the sort of violence we saw in Dallas is … more violence.
Quite a few think that we’re headed for some sort of vast civil war, if not an outright race war. Most of them seem perfectly fine with this.
There are occasional references to “the day of the rope,” a violent day of “retribution” against white ‘race traitors” that featured in the neo-Nazi novel The Turner Diaries, a vile book that was also an inspiration to Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.
Among those calling for — or at least predicting — some sort of violent race war was former Illinois congressman and talk radio host Joe Walsh:
Walsh later deleted the tweet, insisting that he wasn’t really saying what he pretty clearly was saying:
I wasn't calling for violence, against Obama or anyone. Obama's words & BLM's deeds have gotten cops killed. Time for us to defend our cops.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) July 8, 2016
Cries of “White Genocide” filled the air.
Separation is the only solution. How many more lives must be sacrificed on the bloody altar of #diversity? #Dallas #BLM #WhiteGenocide
— Trainspotter (@Trainspotter001) July 8, 2016
#Diversity means chaos & death. Whites need to mark & hold areas of our own. #Dallas #dallasprotests #WhiteGenocide
— Trainspotter (@Trainspotter001) July 8, 2016
Others dropped the alt-right’s favorite c-word: cuck.
Non Consumer was not the only one who used the shootings as an excuse to call people cucks:
As the members of the Coalition of the Terrible see it, there is plenty of blame to go aroud. More than a few pointed their fingers at Obama for the shootings:
Looks like Obama provoked the Chimp Out he desired. https://t.co/Yi6quD56ol
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 8, 2016
Obama has incited the murder of 4 Dallas police officers. He must immediately be removed from office and arrested. #Dallas
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 8, 2016
At least one tweeter suggested that Obama was literally involved in planning the attack.
Barry knew this was going 2happen & helped plan it. #dallas #DallasPoliceShooting #SummerOfChaos #BLM #MAGA #DallasPolice #DallasShooting
— ❌Les Deplorable❌ (@xinemd) July 8, 2016
One ingenious tweeter figured out a way to blame FBI director James Comey:
Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos, meanwhile, claimed with no evidence that BlackLivesMatter members were the shooters:
Black Lives Matter now gunning down police officers. Time to classify it as a terrorist organization. We need President @realDonaldTrump.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 8, 2016
And went on to blame so-called “Social Justice Warriors” as well.
Race-baiting social justice warriors got the action they wanted. https://t.co/QVD97Nqdrx
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 8, 2016
The excitable Mike Cernovich — reactionary internet activist, fitness enthusiast, juice peddler — blamed everyone he could think of:
And then he retweeted this brief report — his own — from an alternate universe:
Some blamed “black culture.”
And others blamed Martin Luther King:
Unsurprisingly, quite a few alt-rightists and Anime Nazis alike managed to pin the blame on their favorite target — THE JEWS.
Jews foment race war through heir media. Dallas blood is on the hands of the Jews who invented WHITE GENOCIDE.
— Lorenz Kraus (@Lorenz_NY20) July 8, 2016
Others hailed what they saw as good news for their boy Donald Trump:
Donald Trump just won the election.#Dallas
— Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) July 8, 2016
Teenage Hitler-lover and internet sensation Evalion even managed to work in a Kennedy assassination joke.
And she wasn’t the only one. Indeed, her joke seems rather mild compared to this one:
What a comedian.
I need more information to make a judgement on the event. So for now I’ll just settle for the case that these tweets really want to have done rather than doing, as if these events involve them personally their cowardice would tell them to flee.
We seem to be having a long hot summer every damn year these days.
To those who need brain bleach, have one of my favorite cinnamon rolls:
Say what you want about his wrestling skill or the people he works for, but holy shit is Cena my (nearly*) unproblematic fave.
*He supports Susan G. Komen, but so does the rest of the WWE so I don’t know if it’s from a place of ignorance, or what.
But, but, but… Phyve Muuuves and PeeJee! 😛
Yeah, saw it a few days ago. Dude’s a legit presence and a bona fide cuddlemuffin. And I didn’t even ruin it by reading the comments!
Did you see his Chinese press conference too? Good fuckin lord. He’s not exactly 1 of my favorites (he’s alright), but he’s just the coolest guy. When people ask why Kevin Owens or Dolph Ziggler aren’t the top guy, ask em if either of those 2 know Mandarin or Hindi
Since the stuff with the Weather Underground and the Symbionese Liberation Army in the 1970’s, most left wing terrorism (mainly environmental or animal rights groups) in the US has involved economic sabotage or destruction of property but not direct physical violence against people.
It seems like one of the shooters recently got out of the military and didn’t have an activist background. It will be interesting to see more information released.
I will say that Ziggler is getting heavily shafted by the WWE, and last I heard it was because of some comments he made about the company that they weren’t fond of, and they forced him to take them down. He’s been one to really call out their shit when he sees it, and he’s been silenced quite a bit.
The WWE’s also been criticized recently for their shitty Wellness Policy, where a wrestler can be suspended for taking pills prescribed to them by their doctors (and many of their superstars have taken to twitter to air their grievances) and Roman Reigns was actually recently suspended over it (I will give the WWE props for being open about it this time though), and there’s also the concussion thing that’s been going on, and the fact that a wrestler, Ryback, recently left the company and aired a lot of WWE’s dirty laundry when it comes to how they pay their wrestlers and how unfair it is to them.
The long and short of it: You get paid better if you win matches, and if you lose matches, then you get paid worse. But, if you lose matches, then you get shuffled down to the bottom of the card, if you’re on the shows at all, and then you don’t get a chance to win matches and get back up to a better pay grade, so it’s shit all around because if you start losing, then you get no way to get back up.
Yeah, lots of problems in the industry, though I am still excited for the brand extension and the draft. I kind of miss the old Smackdown vs. Raw days when I had an excuse to actually watch Smackdown because it wasn’t the “Raw Recap Show”.
Being an expat in New Zealand and very happy with my experiences with peace officers here (who have not left the “peace” part behind), I can say from experience that you can indeed trade in your country.
good choices:
New Zealand
*siiiiiiiiigh* Every story I’ve heard covering this has emphasized this guy was acting alone, was not tied to #BLM at all, and that the Dallas PD was working closely with #BLM and supports it. More over, Dan Brown is is black himself. Yet somehow clearly the alt-right goes on this “See? #BLM people are violent and hate whites!” kick. It’s just…you know what? Fuck it, I’m done with it. That is too stupid to merit a well-reasoned response. Just going to ignore it going forward because I can’t even anymore. Ug.
Oh, they’re definitely fucking people over. That’s kinda Vince’s whole MO. Very much remember Ryback’s amazing Tumblr rant. Glorious!
I hafta disagree on the draft tho. Bleh. They just now settled on a single, entirely unified roster with a unified WHC. I haven’t watched in some time. Their treatment of women plus 3hrs of Raw and general burnout, ya know? My brother keeps me more or less in the loop tho. The product’s better than it was 3-4 years back, but I still don’t expect them to make this work *shrug*
But, again, I don’t watch anyway, so you have fun ?!
Is it Friday already?
I wasn’t able to get through the tweets, but I don’t think I need to. I have a feeling they’re all “When in doubt, blame TEH JOOZ!!” I wish it wasn’t 70 years to late for these asshats to be considered traitors.
(I’d post that cartoon of Daffy Duck bonking Hitler over the head with a mallet, but would that be appropriate right now?)
NXT is actually not run by Vince (It’s run by HHH and managed by William Regal), and it’s actually doing REALLY well, especially with the women’s division. Their then women’s champion (Bailey) and a competitor (Sasha Banks, who is now in the Raw Women’s Division) went for the first ever women’s ironman match a few months ago, and I actually sat down to watch it and got REALLY invested, and it was an amazing match.
Of course, there are some problems with NXT wrestlers going to Raw, because they have to suddenly conform to what Vince wants for them, because his head is so far up his own ass that he still thinks it’s 1985, and a lot of them have crashed and burned on Raw, and faded away before anyone noticed them.
And the same thing goes for the Tough Enough winners. We still haven’t seen any of the winners from that actually go on to become wrestlers, as was promised.
I’ll bet there are folks born in 1988 who get real irritated that they can’t include the “88” in their username for fear of being seen as internet nazis.
Also, that’s a lovely sketch of the president.
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ on a cracker, I couldn’t even make it to the bottom of those ugly tweets. Too busy reporting and blocking the twatwaffles. And then I just couldn’t stand to read any further. How do these people even stand their own smell?
When don’t internet nazis call for violence?
“Mom bought the wrong brand of peanut butter!?!?! Time for an ass-kicking!”
Extremely disappointed that some of these came from someone called ‘Trainspotter’. Those are MY people.
Of course, the fact that Mom bought smooth instead of crunchy must be the fault of
Anita SarkeesianMuslimsBarack Obama, 44th President of the United States of AmericaThe SJWsJewish people, and can only be solved bycomplaining on the interwebsharassing womencarrying guns in publicConfederate flagscalling for violence via anonymous Twitter accounts.This is like a game of Cards Against Humanity.
Funny how the “master race” always seem incapable of making an intelligent statement.
I’d get into NXT, but I know anyone I get attached to will get called up and ruined. My heart’s not strong enough for that…
Remember Andy Leavine?
@Metal Shoggoth
I vote yes . . . but get some other opinions too.
That is, as I guessed from the context, George Soros. His face seems to be taken from this image (in case that link doesn’t work, it showed up in the first few results for me on Google Images). He’s a pretty common target for claims of “rich Jewish person secretly funding things I hate.”
Edit: Okay, not sure why my HTML is being totally ignored and the image is just embedding…
F*ck it, it may only be a quarter of my heritage, but from now on, I am Cherokee. F*ck the people making the Tweets shown in this article. They make me ashamed of my white skin. If I could peel off the white and show what else I am, I would. I do not want to be part of an ethnicity, nor a nation, where such hatred as those asses spew is so prevalent.
@Paradoxical Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut
Hang on… I know next to nothing about wrestling, but I was rather led to believe that it was less genuine athletic competition than scripted performance. So, that sounds like paying the actor who plays the villain of the play less because they committed all those dastardly crimes, -then- went and got arrested at the end!
Funny how fast they toggle from “JUST PATRIUTS PROTECTING THEMSELFS FROM THE EVIL GUBMINT, SHUT UP LIEBRALS” to “OMG RACE WAR GUIZE” when the person taking up arms against the state is unheartlandishly-hued…
Pro “rasslin'” has always been an entirely scripted entertainment, with winners and losers determined before the match. The athletic part is the ability of these huge men to execute dangerous maneuvers without seriously injuring each other. It’s sort of like a fight in the movies — the punches look real but they are carefully set up not to connect with any force. A person who tried to “win” when slated to “lose” would be quickly out of a job. Basically “rasslin'” sets up little morality plays where “evil” wins for a while but is defeated by “good” in the end. This system requires a constantly changing array of “bad guys” but only a few rather constant “good guys” — there is thus more opportunity for villains but less chance for them to stay around very long. Success is obtained by (1) being able to perform the maneuvers competently and (2) developing a stage persona which engages the emotions of the spectators — if you are a really creative “bad guy”, you might be able to stick around for a while.