While Americans attempt to process the horrific killings of five police officers in Dallas, some of the internet’s worst people — that familiar coalition of Anime Nazi trolls, white supremacist “race warriors,” and assorted fellow travelers — have taken to Twitter to spew their familiar brand of hatred and make occasional Kennedy assassination jokes.
Despite knowing virtually nothing about the attackers or their motives, members of this Coalition of the Terrible blame the attacks on everyone from FBI director James Comey to the Elders of Zion; their proposed solutions to our country’s racial divisions include violent race war and/or the election of Donald Trump.
Quite a few of these lovely people seem to think that best the solution to the sort of violence we saw in Dallas is … more violence.
Quite a few think that we’re headed for some sort of vast civil war, if not an outright race war. Most of them seem perfectly fine with this.
There are occasional references to “the day of the rope,” a violent day of “retribution” against white ‘race traitors” that featured in the neo-Nazi novel The Turner Diaries, a vile book that was also an inspiration to Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.
Among those calling for — or at least predicting — some sort of violent race war was former Illinois congressman and talk radio host Joe Walsh:
Walsh later deleted the tweet, insisting that he wasn’t really saying what he pretty clearly was saying:
I wasn't calling for violence, against Obama or anyone. Obama's words & BLM's deeds have gotten cops killed. Time for us to defend our cops.
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) July 8, 2016
Cries of “White Genocide” filled the air.
Separation is the only solution. How many more lives must be sacrificed on the bloody altar of #diversity? #Dallas #BLM #WhiteGenocide
— Trainspotter (@Trainspotter001) July 8, 2016
#Diversity means chaos & death. Whites need to mark & hold areas of our own. #Dallas #dallasprotests #WhiteGenocide
— Trainspotter (@Trainspotter001) July 8, 2016
Others dropped the alt-right’s favorite c-word: cuck.
Non Consumer was not the only one who used the shootings as an excuse to call people cucks:
As the members of the Coalition of the Terrible see it, there is plenty of blame to go aroud. More than a few pointed their fingers at Obama for the shootings:
Looks like Obama provoked the Chimp Out he desired. https://t.co/Yi6quD56ol
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 8, 2016
Obama has incited the murder of 4 Dallas police officers. He must immediately be removed from office and arrested. #Dallas
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 8, 2016
At least one tweeter suggested that Obama was literally involved in planning the attack.
Barry knew this was going 2happen & helped plan it. #dallas #DallasPoliceShooting #SummerOfChaos #BLM #MAGA #DallasPolice #DallasShooting
— ❌Les Deplorable❌ (@xinemd) July 8, 2016
One ingenious tweeter figured out a way to blame FBI director James Comey:
Breitbart “journalist” Milo Yiannopoulos, meanwhile, claimed with no evidence that BlackLivesMatter members were the shooters:
Black Lives Matter now gunning down police officers. Time to classify it as a terrorist organization. We need President @realDonaldTrump.
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 8, 2016
And went on to blame so-called “Social Justice Warriors” as well.
Race-baiting social justice warriors got the action they wanted. https://t.co/QVD97Nqdrx
— Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) July 8, 2016
The excitable Mike Cernovich — reactionary internet activist, fitness enthusiast, juice peddler — blamed everyone he could think of:
And then he retweeted this brief report — his own — from an alternate universe:
Some blamed “black culture.”
And others blamed Martin Luther King:
Unsurprisingly, quite a few alt-rightists and Anime Nazis alike managed to pin the blame on their favorite target — THE JEWS.
Jews foment race war through heir media. Dallas blood is on the hands of the Jews who invented WHITE GENOCIDE.
— Lorenz Kraus (@Lorenz_NY20) July 8, 2016
Others hailed what they saw as good news for their boy Donald Trump:
Donald Trump just won the election.#Dallas
— Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) July 8, 2016
Teenage Hitler-lover and internet sensation Evalion even managed to work in a Kennedy assassination joke.
And she wasn’t the only one. Indeed, her joke seems rather mild compared to this one:
What a comedian.
Is there a good way to convey “strangled screaming noises mingled with tears” in text? Because that’s the sentiment I want to get down.
I’m just so angry. Two shootings have just hit really close to home. First Orlando which was against a community I am a part of, and then Dallas, which is my home. Something needs to change. Can we just please stop killing each other?
Viscaria, I’m struggling with that question myself right now.
I also get the same sick feeling in my stomach that I had after Orlando. I know that many of the people I know are going to use the deaths of these people to justify their preexisting hatred and distrust of certain groups. I hate that I’m going to have to sit here arguing with people about how we shouldn’t round up a whole ethnic group, while I’m dealing with my own anger. Screw this. I hate that these idiots derailed a protest, a good and peaceful protest that dealt with two tragedies that needed real recognition. I can already see the battle lines being drawn. Screw this.
Kind of surprising none of the Terrible Crowd seems to have blamed ‘da Muzzies’… I suppose it’s not too late though.
Or maybe they rate ‘da Nigg*z’ even lower than ‘da Muzzies’?
They’re ‘only’ tweets, right? And yet this resurgence of populist, racist Reich wing sentiment right across the Western hemisphere is deeply worrying.
I’m confused. They’re talking about one shooter, but a few hours ago it sounded like there was more than one. I’m aware that there’s bound to be conflicting reports so close to the events.
I notice Trump is being remarkably restrained for once, he’s even postponed a speech he was due to give in Miami. My guess is he can’t come out sounding at all sympathetic to BLM, in case his Nazi fanboys turn on him, but if he actually voices racist sentiments or tries to make this about himself he’ll be finished in the eyes of moderate Republicans?
Btw, I am not remotely surprised by the above neo Nazi bs. This shooter has just paved the way for even more atrocities against people of colour.
Something terrible and terrifying happens and Internet extremists call for either a race war or just a genocide of a specific “other” group. Must be a day that ends in “y”. 🙁
I think that 2016 is pretty much chock full of horror and I’d like this year to just end, please.
I’ll go back inside my safety cocoon and I just dearly hope that we have a week without a massacre soon.
Gert, they are more than content to blame black people and/or liberals/Obama.
Snork maiden, they arrested 3 people.. The one that they are talking about is the one that actually got into a standoff with the police. He got blown up.
What lovely people.
Okay, Rosario, I will: I’m on the side of peace and human decency. I guess that makes me “the enemy” as far as you and your fascist friends are concerned.
P.S. As an Aspie, I need to get this off my chest: Fuck off, FreelanceAutist. You do not speak for me, or the overwhelming majority of people on the spectrum, in ANY way.
Do these people even read what they tweet?? This was caused by Hillary? By MLK?? They’re all over the place, with the only link being their awful hatred. I don’t know why, but this aspect chills me.
Can I trade in my country? Please?
Hey Nazi assholes, when will the epic apocalyptic race war start already? Any day now.
BiG_SH0T_ROB really needs to update his twitter account. His picture still uses a obsolete flag.
Mind you, since he’s agitating for Brexit several weeks after it stopped being an issue, he’s probably just behind the times. No wonder he uses a flag we stopped using in 1994.
4channers have been trying to start another one of their moronic false flag troll hashtags that only other 4channers are stupid enough to fall for. It’s called #CutForBlackLives. The idea is to get “white cucks” to cut themselves in support of BLM.
As per usual, they’ve fucked it up by:
1) coming up with a ridiculous idea that no non-4channer could ever buy into.
2) only using a bunch of brand new twitter accounts.
3) pretending to be women, while having never talked to a woman in real life, making the fraud painfully obvious.
4) using stock photos for profile pics.
5) announcing their plan on a public message board where literally anyone can read it.
Really, Rotondo? The people at the Portland BLM rally who were held at gunpoint by Trump supporter and “right-wing agitator” Michael Strickland would like a word with you.
Well, I can see making an argument for that statement, as long as its clarified to mean that violence gets done to black people, whenever we go somewhere.
So yeah, Its not an inaccurate statement, although I don’t think the original person meant it that way, maybe.
That photo montage that Níkoç has…who is the guy superimposed over that? Bernie Sanders, or someone else? And where did those photos originally come from? They look a tad too ‘pretty’ to all be news shots. Movies/TV show, maybe?
Fuckin shitlords, yo…
I feel like my worry of the violence from these alt-right guys just escalating further and further as the election approaches is coming true. I know that shootings in the US are really nothing new at this point, over the past few years we’ve had more shootings than days, but it just seems like the rhetoric is getting ever more hateful, and Christ does it tire me out.
@Superstitious Skeptic
They’re apparently NOT content with blaming blacks/liberals/Obama since they find it necessary to blame The Jews as well … |:-p
At this point, they’re just looking for an excuse. They’ve been holding this bike in for so long, and Drumpf and Dallas and all these other shootings has just given them an excuse to spew it everywhere.
I’m losing hope for humanity.
We’re safer, healthier, better fed, richer, more justly treated, better informed than ever before. According to an optimistic view of human nature, the one I’m setting aside, all that good should be spreading like wildfire and becoming harder and harder to take away from us. Privileged people should be happily joining the effort to make the world better in droves. That’s the obvious thing to do when you learn about stuff and are no longer just subsisting, right?
Instead we’re inciting hatred and violence for fun. Because that’s what all this is to these fucking people. Entertainment.
@lkeke35: Yeah, you’re right. Of course, what I meant was that any person of any race is capable of violence, but bigots can’t (won’t?) understand that. I’m afraid we both have valid points.
Reimalebario lol of course! Blaming the Jews goes pretty much without saying. /s *slams head into a desk*