The We Hunted the Mammoth Second Quarter 2016 pledge drive ended yesterday.
So let me offer a gigantic THANK YOU to all of you who contributed, whether the amount was big or small! Your donations literally keep this blog going; I couldn’t do it without you!
If you have been meaning to donate, but haven’t gotten around to it yet, click that button below! We ended up a little bit short of my goal for this fundraiser but I have faith. During past pledge drives you folks have made up the difference with donations coming in a day or two after the “official” end of the pledge drives.
Nudge nudge say no more!
It’s so, so easy to donate. You don’t need a PayPal account. And all non-American currencies will be automatically converted.
Of course, if you’re a fan of this blog but can’t afford to donate right now, don’t worry about it; so many of you contribute to the blog in other ways — through your comments, your graphics assistance, your story tips; by sharing posts on Facebook and Twitter, and so on and on. I’m grateful for all this support!
And let me remind you once again of a way to help WHTM without spending any (extra) money: If you’re a regular Amazon customer, use the link below (or any of the other Amazon links on this page) every time you shop there, and I’ll get a little kickback for referring you. This costs you nothing extra, and helps me out a lot — especially if you’re making a big purchase. (If you don’t see the Amazon ads, unpause adblock.)
Oh, and while I will refrain from posting my usual long parade of ridiculous “thank you” gifs, since some readers have complained that it screws up their browsers, I really can’t resist posting this one.
And again, a big thank you from me and my cat interns!
I’m glad you got the money you needed! Keep amusing us with cat pictures! Oh, and misogyny mischief… Shrug. I prefer cat pictures
Thank you for working with Google Contribute so I can leave my ad blocker off and still not have to see tons of ads!
Just a little off topic.
Expect MRA heads to explode. via The Independent Ghostbusters reboot: New footage reveals female Slimer
Thanks, everyone!
You are welcome! Thank you for everything!