Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos is less a journalist than a professional attention-seeker, building up his notoriety (and his Twitter followers) though an endless series of calculated outrages designed to delight his fanbase of garbage people while offending pretty much everyone else in the world. But even he seems to have gotten bored with this increasingly stale schtick.
His latest attempt at outrage — a Breitbart post titled “Why Women Should Leave The Internet” — is so predictable and pro-forma I wonder if he simply farmed the whole thing out to his alleged army of interns. Or cut and pasted it from some 4chan thread. It’s Internet Outrage by the numbers.
Milo and/or his minions start out with an old chestnut, sniping at women for allegedly “invading” the allegedly male spaces on the Internet.
Time for some honesty. Women are — and you won’t hear this anywhere else — screwing up the internet for men by invading every space we have online and ruining it with attention-seeking and a needy, demanding, touchy-feely form of modern feminism that quickly comes into conflict with men’s natural tendency to be boisterous, confrontational and delightfully autistic.
“You won’t hear this anywhere else?” Actually, you’ll hear it everywhere else.
Here’s my suggestion to fix the gender wars online: Women should just log off.
Aw, but Milo, then who would your fans have left to harass?
Given that men built the internet, along with the rest of modern civilisation, I think it’s only fair that they get to keep it.
We Hunted the Mammoth to Feed … Ourselves?
And given what a miserable time women are having on the web, surely they would welcome an abrupt exit. They could go back to bridge tournaments, or wellness workshops, or swapping apple crumble recipes, or whatever it is women do in their spare time.
I guess we have to give him a point for not mentioning cats in his hackneyed list of Dumb Lady Things That Dumb Ladies Like Because They’re Dumb.
I, Donald Trump and the rest of the alpha males will continue to dominate the internet without feminist whining. It will be fun! Like a big fraternity, with jokes and memes and no more worrying about whether an off-colour but harmless remark will suddenly torpedo your career.
And this would be different from the currently existing internet how?
Milo and other right-wingers love to go on about how “political correctness” is killing free speech, even as they make careers out of spouting “politically incorrect” blather designed to appeal to the Internet’s worst people. Meanwhile, harassers of women worry so little about having their careers “torpedoed” by saying something offensive online that they often post literal death threats under their own names.
Milo goes on to suggest that women should get their own separate-and-unequal internet, adding that “[w]e could probably throw in all of the low-T male feminists too, since they haven’t got any balls anyway.”
Evidently in Miloland this counts as some kind of EPIC BURN.
Apparently afraid he hasn’t offended enough people, Milo tosses in this random swipe at trans folks:
Transgender people won’t be able to use the internet at all because they won’t know which ethernet cable to plug in, but they’re generally too busy hacking away at their forearms to remember to check Gmail.
Oh, Milo, this is just plain embarrassing.
H/T — Thanks to @JoeKlemmer for the tip.
What a sad little man.
“No, you move.”
Well, although I would agree with you that Milo’s attention-seeking and self-aggrandizement occasionally becomes annoying, this woman thought his article was hilarious. Evidently, like many liberals, humor goes right over your PC head. Milo was being “ironic”. It’s a literary device, used to make a point. Look it up.
I’d spend MORE time on the internet just to spite him, but I think I’ve already reached the human limit for that.
Was… was that last comment trying to put down trans people by implying they self harm? That’s kind of fucking evil.
Obligatory mention that everything from wi-fi to the very concept of computer programming was invented by women.
What’s his opinion on safe spaces?
Cause he seems to be perfectly ok with them.
At least, for men.
You know, I don’t know of any real life woman who gets offended as often as these guys do. And I was a teenaged upper middle class girl in suburbia. I ate offended for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and always had room for seconds.
Also long time reader, first time commentator! Hello! 😀
Yo, Milo:
Also, “delightfully autistic”? Dafuq does that even mean? I better ask around among my friends. Some of them have autism, and none have ever described it as “delightful”.
@Vanir85, @Scented Fucking Hard Chairs, you’ve both inspired me
Without his blue check mark, how can we be sure it’s really Yiannopoulos?
Oh look. An idiot.
The smell of peroxide and hardcore stoopid is usually a dead giveaway.
Yes, and…?
Try “reading for comprehension.” It’s a cognitive skill, helpful when attempting to make sense of blog posts like Dave’s.
@Lichen Craig – huh? You’re not from around here, are you.
Yiannopoulos seems bored with his own existence.
@Chairs As a great big fan of Grace Hopper, I don’t think that it’s correct to say that she “invented the concept of computer programming.” She did a fucktonne of very early programming, coined the word “bug” to describe an error in coding, and invented and popularized both the first compiler and the first compiled language (A-0 and COBOL respectively, both while working for Remington-Rand), which is what made computer programs saleable products and computer programming something that interested laymen and -women could teach themselves.
ETA Unless you’re talking about Lady Ada Lovelace, in which case carry on.
Lichen Craig is just another Trumphead, parroting what all the other Trumpheads are saying. Yawn.
I’m coming around to the opinion that there’s no such thing as acting with irony. If you say something racist or misogynistic ironically, then you still said something racist or misogynistic. You’re just too cowardly to own it.
I think David might have a solid point, wrt the “Pasted straight from 4Chan” thing.
It’s got that same smug sense of superiority, the same type of language, and the same tendency to lash out at literally everyone it mentions.
Also, as a trans gal on the internet, I can confirm that I know how to access the internet.
Strange how that works.
But it could be one of his clown-car of understudies! Or one of the #JeSuisMilo goons! Or maybe just Donald Trump’s hairpiece when it detaches from his head and goes off in search of blood, like it does every night.
We have to be sure. If he doesn’t have the blue checkmark then it isn’t the real @Nero.
“If you say something racist or misogynistic ironically, then you still said something racist or misogynistic”
It doesn’t help that their form of “Irony” has no indicators that it’s ironic, except for whiny comments after they’re called out on it.
But is it satire? Cos we all know makes everything disappear
Oh, but it’s hilarious! We’re just too stupid to get the top notch humor on display. Says the woman, who, on the front page of her website, decries intellectual elitism… when it’s us. When it’s her, it’s our fault for not looking up literary devices. Apparently
Read the header. “THE NEW MISOGYNY, TRACKED AND MOCKED.” Which seems more likely? That none of us understand humor, or that we get it and we still don’t find this funny. Hmm…
1) “Being autistic” doesn’t actually mean “behaving like an asshole.”
2) Autistic women exist, you warm mayonnaise sandwich.
@Lichen Craig
Thanks Lichen! My pretty little girl brain is just not smart enough to understand things like that without your help.
But hey, you know, it looks like you forgot mention what point it is he’s trying to convey with his use of irony. Could you share with us what that point might be? Is it, wild guess: women are terrible, particularly trans women?
I personally would like to learn more about these liberals going over PC heads. Ziplines? Hang gliders? Personally broomsticks would be nice but I’ve lost all hope on that front.