antifeminism kitties memeday memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA red pill

Memeday Monday: Ian Ironwood sure ain’t marrying no feminists nohow!

Eh, you get used to it.
Eh, you get used to it.

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We’ve met Ian Ironwood before, a Men’s Rights Activist and sexbot enthusiast with retrograde views on gender and a taste for similarly retro art from the fifties. Ironwood is a prodigious meme-maker, but one with a tendency to repeat himself.

One of his primary themes — you might even call it an obsession — is the notion that HA HA FEMINISTS, NO MAN WILL EVER WANT YOU. Today, we’ll examine just how Ironwood conveys this totally super original notion with the help of old magazine illustrations.

Wait, didn't we just do this already?
Wait, didn’t we just do this already?


I'm pretty sure "Men of Quality" don't spend their days making up imaginary reasons why women they dont like are going to be sorry one of these days I'm teling you!!1!
I’m pretty sure “Men of Quality” don’t spend their days making up imaginary reasons why women they don’t like are going to be sorry one of these days I’m telling you!!1!


Wait, I thought that all these feminist gals had cats? If they've got cats, they are definitely not waking up alone.
Wait, I thought that all these feminist gals had cats? If they’ve got cats, they are definitely not waking up alone. They’re waking up because a cat is sitting on their head.


You can put words in a delicate font over a complicated background, or you can have a readable meme. You can't have both!
You can put words in a delicate font over a complicated background, or you can have a readable meme. You don’t get both!
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8 years ago

@Ooglyboggles – yep, poor Ryuji. Doomed to a life of happiness. Blue pill, right there.
You know, thinking about this show again – all the 5 main people are pretty amazing, and um, human in their complexity. Even Ami is much more than a stereotype. How Toradora ever gets compared to Haganai is beyond me.
PS you deserve a medal – or a kitten – just for those gorgeous gifs 🙂 🙂

8 years ago

@Fabe – yes, exactly! And he can cook. And he has a single mum. Eek.

8 years ago
8 years ago


OH, and his single mom was also a Hostess if I recall correctly. I bet they would have some nasty things to say about that.

8 years ago
8 years ago

just did a check, Crunchyroll has the whole series. guess what I going to do.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Seems to me, if Yankee Candle were going to make a scent called “Future Mrs. MRA”, it might conceivably also smell like cat pee. Or diaper pail. Or garlic and eel and unwashed %#~$, with top notes of despair.

Feminist scented candles have the heady aroma of freedom, and that’s why they continue to be best sellers despite Ian Ironwood’s little “Just World” fantasy that all women must suffer (either by being under his thumb, or having to inhale LITTERBOX).

varalys the dark
8 years ago

varalys: it took one of my cats six months to accept that the floozie taking her spot in the bed she graciously allowed me to sleep in was here to stay. Six months of pooping in inappropriate places while I was present just to show me the error of my ways.

numerobis: hee! Cat’s can hold a grudge can’t they and make damn sure you know why as well. He could probably accept her day-to-day after a while, but the bed thing could end up being a big fight. Although my baby sister and her boyf usually end up with both their cats snuggling with them at night so it can be done.

Loving the GIFs!

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
8 years ago

It is easier to get men to treat women as equals than to get cats to treat humans as equals.

8 years ago

And some dogs. I swear you give some head pats and such for a few hours and suddenly they think they own you or something.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago

I wonder if the drawing he uses for his stuff are really in public domain. I know that the web allows a certain amount of anonimity, but it would be strange for him to be woken up by someone pounding at his door, calling for a big load of money as infringement of copyrights…
Anyway, if being a man of quality is just the ability to put phony texts on pictures with an everlasting angriness about something you do not have even a little grasp at, i prefer remain a man of no quality (and marrying a feminist woman, if it is her way).
Always speaking for the others like if they know what the others think, those guys. That is pretty annoying, in the long run.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

I really like the casual curses other people come up with! XD Keep ’em coming!

“May you always have to pee right as you get comfy while watching a movie”

“May your dryer never run out of socks to eat”

“May your favorite pair of shoes always be just uncomfortable enough for you to notice”

“May your noodles always be slightly overcooked for your taste”

“May your pizza always have too much crust”

“May your eyeliner always be just uneven enough for you to notice”

“May your dog drop your slippers in their water dish”

8 years ago

These guys think being single is *the worst thing ever*!!! I know you all already know it’s better to be single than to be in a terrible relationship, but I came across an article that put some more details to that thought. (Disclaimer: It does seem to assume a heterosexual audience though.) Enjoy:

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

“May your dog whine to go out, then you take her, but she does nothing, so you bring her back in only for her to whine again”

“May your bedroom be full of hiding spiders”

“May it be just too hot to sleep”

“May you find your remote only after you get up to change the channel manually”

“May the movie you wanted to see be already half over when you remember it’s on”

“May the store run out of FrostedFlakes, so you hafta settle for Honeycomb instead”

Real talk tho, the little stuff does add up, don’t it?

8 years ago

I’m mostly concerned with the damage done to the woman’s clothing in that 1st (or was is the 2nd?) meme…did she upset the cat or something? It looks like her dress is shredded in multiple places and there’s a cat off to the side looking bored/smug…Poor cute fuzzy thing, that terrible woman should entertain the cat better!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

“May you always forget your earbuds are attached every time you get up from the computer.”

“May your bananas always split down the side”.

“May a 6’8″ person with a bushy mad-scientist hairdo and an endless supply of criiiinkly candy wrappers always sit right in front of you at the movies, even if the theater is empty.”

“May your life be as pleasant and rewarding as you.”

(That last one is probably a self-fulfilling prophecy)

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago

Being alone with cats is preferable to being married to an MRA supporter any day of the week. Just saying.

8 years ago

“May your wifi cut out just as you’re about to level up.”

“May you remember it’s rubbish collection day just as the truck turns into your street.”

“May you forever miss the bus/train by 5 seconds.”

@Axe – your curses are … all about you, aren’t they? XD

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

“May your every left sock develop a big-toe hole within days of first wearing them.”

“May moths infest your laundry basket.”

“May the handrail on every escalator you ride go just slightly too slowly, so you’re forced to keep moving your hand every so often in order to prevent it moving away from your body.”

“May your internet connectivity on your phone die momentarily every time you hit “submit comment.”

8 years ago

When they’re not going on about how no man will ever want a feminist, they’re insisting to feminist men that none of those feminist women will ever really fuck them.

Do…do they think that’s going to work?

I must be doing it wrong, then. But this is very much one of those “wrongs” that feels decidedly right.

8 years ago

May you always forget to put the bed sheets in the dryer until you’re ready to sleep.

May you never remember if you’ve already brushed your teeth, shampooed or locked the door.

May you not think of The Really Cool thing to do until the weekend is over.

May you always pick up everything you need from the grocery store except the one thing that you went there for.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

May you forever forget to click out with your Oyster Card.

May you always decide you now need a wee just after you’ve snuggled under the duvet.

No matter how many times you adjust your wing mirrors may they always be just not quite right.

8 years ago

“May your toilet paper’s perforations never go all the way across”

“May your browser frequently move a link just before you click on it”

“May your washing always be badly unbalanced when your machine’s spin cycle starts”

“May your games console insist it needs updating every time you power it on”

“May the first music you hear every morning be Coldplay”

8 years ago

“May you think of a really amusing curse, then utterly forget it before you can post it”