antifeminism kitties memeday memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA red pill

Memeday Monday: Ian Ironwood sure ain’t marrying no feminists nohow!

Eh, you get used to it.
Eh, you get used to it.

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We’ve met Ian Ironwood before, a Men’s Rights Activist and sexbot enthusiast with retrograde views on gender and a taste for similarly retro art from the fifties. Ironwood is a prodigious meme-maker, but one with a tendency to repeat himself.

One of his primary themes — you might even call it an obsession — is the notion that HA HA FEMINISTS, NO MAN WILL EVER WANT YOU. Today, we’ll examine just how Ironwood conveys this totally super original notion with the help of old magazine illustrations.

Wait, didn't we just do this already?
Wait, didn’t we just do this already?


I'm pretty sure "Men of Quality" don't spend their days making up imaginary reasons why women they dont like are going to be sorry one of these days I'm teling you!!1!
I’m pretty sure “Men of Quality” don’t spend their days making up imaginary reasons why women they don’t like are going to be sorry one of these days I’m telling you!!1!


Wait, I thought that all these feminist gals had cats? If they've got cats, they are definitely not waking up alone.
Wait, I thought that all these feminist gals had cats? If they’ve got cats, they are definitely not waking up alone. They’re waking up because a cat is sitting on their head.


You can put words in a delicate font over a complicated background, or you can have a readable meme. You can't have both!
You can put words in a delicate font over a complicated background, or you can have a readable meme. You don’t get both!
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8 years ago

I love the smell of kitty litter in the morning

varalys the dark
8 years ago

I’m trying to figure out why a life spent living on your own with just a cat/cats for company is bad? I have stayed deliberately single for years because I find sharing my space with humans stressful and unhappy making. Me and the cat do just fine.

Also, both my sisters are feminists and are still with the men they hooked up with in university and they have cats too! Explain THAT Mr. Mememaker.

8 years ago

varalys the dark
I’m trying to figure out why a life spent living on your own with just a cat/cats for company is bad? I have stayed deliberately single for years because I find sharing my space with humans stressful and unhappy making. Me and the cat do just fine.

Yeah, the punishment for me would be being forced to cohabitate with another person. But what do I know, being an extreme introvert and aromantic?

As an aside, I kept seeing the cat in the top picture as an odd hat before my brain finally processed that it was a cat.

8 years ago

This reminds me of the Monty Python sketch where prisoners are threatened with the Comfy Chair.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

@chesselwitt: Yeah it’s weird it’s almost as if people don’t automatically fit into a small number of predefined boxes. Hrrrm 😀

I do sometimes wake up with my cat sleeping sprawled across the top of my head, that bit is true.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

My cats are charming, intelligent and affectionate, so I’ll take them over being married to Mr. “Women-were-made-to-serve-me-dammit,” any day of the year.

Strangely, my being married hasn’t changed that fact.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

I find it interesting that feminists in MRA memes are usually young, white and conventionally beautiful.

I think that’s by far the most available option, if you want to find stock photos of “women” with whatever additional specifications.

Assuming many manospherians are relatively detached from social interaction with women, and heavily inundated in commercial imagery, they might not be even much aware that non-young non-white non-pretty women exist.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Another happily married feminist here. With cats. My husband brought two to the marriage.

8 years ago

However will I continue to struggle on in my happy, fulfilled life without an entitled whiny dickbag like Ironwood bleating his grievances at me. World without sunshine!

8 years ago

Cats: MUCH easier to care for than whiny manchildren.

8 years ago

I like how almost none of the Women in the actual memes look unhappy with there situation. the women waking up alone looks comfortable and relaxed, The woman with the cat on her head doesn’t look unhappy that its there, and the woman in the “cat pee” meme looks like a cool rebel.

He can’t even make the women in his own angry memes look unhappy to be free from him.

8 years ago

Ok, but more importantly, are those high-heel slippers that yawning woman has next to her bed or am I parsing that image wrong?

The cat is helping by being a hat.

8 years ago

Just a PSA for the mememaker:

Some women are deeply introverted and don’t want people. Cats are fine.

Some women are gay. They don’t want men.

Dogs exist too. Sometimes cats are not an option.

Married people (men, women, and everyone in between) have cats too. Sometimes they have dogs.

Sometimes people (an I’m referring here to people) have friends and other family, like nieces, nephews, parents, sisters, brothers, or sometimes just people their own age that they like to hang out with.

Some women have jobs and businesses, which will keep them plenty busy, along with all of the above.

Its almost like there are other options in this world besides ” no man, with cat”.

8 years ago

Shorter him: Feminists! Obey misogynists or be cursed with happiness!

Gee, that doesn’t sound like much of a curse to me.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

“A quality man”

“A happy life with a man who loves you”

Cue Inigo Montoya: Those words, I do not think they mean what he thinks they mean.

8 years ago

I don’t care what anyone says. That first illustration is godhead (or Basthead), and I wish I could make out the artist’s name.

Also, kitty litter doesn’t smell if you remember to scoop the box. I know, I know, my bizarre female logic at work here. Damn me. 😮

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Of course there is the problem of the Possessive Cat. Even if I did want a relationship all of a sudden, we wouldn’t be able to live together due to my eleven year old male moggy. He isn’t a lap cat at all, but if I have friends visit he’ll lie next to me holding onto my leg and scowl at them until they leave.

This is mainly my fault. For ten of those eleven years we haven’t been apart for longer than 24 hours. I’m the person who takes her cat on holiday with her. I can’t imagine how badly he’d act out if he suddenly had to share me with someone else, lol.

8 years ago

Better to wake up next to a cat than waking up next to an abusive arsehole.

8 years ago

Why do these men so desperately want feminists to love them?

I have no interest in anti-feminist, racist, Trump-adoring women as romantic interests — we are completely incompatible, and it would just be a bad situation for everyone involved. Why would I try to convince them that they’ll be sorry when their hyper-macho husbands start cheating on them after they “hit the wall”, or when the luster of being partnered for life with a perpetually angry rage machine wears off?

(((Hambeast))) now with more parentheses!
(((Hambeast))) now with more parentheses!
8 years ago

Emma – that needs to be a meme:

ETA: drat, won’t embed!

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Feminism is pretty diverse. There are single feminists. There are partnered and monogamous feminists. There are partnered and non-monogamous feminists. Some feminists are happy with their relationship status and some are not. One thing we do have in common is that we don’t believe a woman’s worth is tied to her marital status. It’s just so incredibly useless to insult us with “oh yeah, well you’re going to end up single!”

I suspect that these memes aren’t meant for us though. They’re aimed at other angry misogynists who console themselves and each other by pretending that we’ll be sorry if they don’t want to marry us. They so desperately need to believe that we’d secretly rather be oppressed and married to a misogynist than free and potentially single.

8 years ago

Also, kitty litter doesn’t smell if you remember to scoop the box. I know, I know, my bizarre female logic at work here. Damn me.

But you have to do that every day! Taking the trash out once a week is enough work as it is! Not to mention all the effort it takes to wipe your own ass! Plus, some people insist on cleaning the litter multiple times per day! Who has time for that?!

8 years ago

As a feminist who just married the most wonderful man in the universe, I can’t help but give a big HAHAHAHAHA to all of these memes! (And yes, we do have a cat. 🙂 )

8 years ago

No longer married or cohabiting, living with gatos, perros, y una gallina. Some zorro ate el gallo. Much happier than when I had men around (though I value them as friends). If I could do it from this Galaxy, I would upload a picture of Yvette.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

This guy has some really weird ideas of how relationships go. I know a bunch of people who I find appalling and wouldn’t date if they were the last members of the human race on the planet. And I don’t complain that they are so bad that I can’t date them. Nor am I somehow happy at the thought they won’t get to date me. I don’t care. Because I don’t like them and dating them if out of the question. So why does he thinks about dating feminists so much?

Does he thinks relationships should be built on mutual resentment or something? Or that people are worthy of love if they think exactly the same way as you and treat you like some gift to humanity?

No wonder he’s a fan of sexbots. (In his ideal world) they wouldn’t be able to call him out on his crap.