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We’ve met Ian Ironwood before, a Men’s Rights Activist and sexbot enthusiast with retrograde views on gender and a taste for similarly retro art from the fifties. Ironwood is a prodigious meme-maker, but one with a tendency to repeat himself.
One of his primary themes — you might even call it an obsession — is the notion that HA HA FEMINISTS, NO MAN WILL EVER WANT YOU. Today, we’ll examine just how Ironwood conveys this totally super original notion with the help of old magazine illustrations.

I’m sure feminist women everywhere will be DEVASTATED to learn that this man isn’t interested in them.
It’s funny because he thinks he’s “quality”.
For a group that’s constantly accusing all feminists of being gay, they sure do tend to forget that actual gay (and bi/pan) feminists exist.
*throws rainbow glitter on MRA Who Named Himself After His Dick #9123*
Is ‘Ironwood’ himself married, I wonder?
…If not, I’m sure it’s going to be because “you can’t find a good woman these days, they’re all corrupted by the EEEEEVIL feminists, blah blah blah Ginger”.
Or maybe he’ll pick door B: “why would any man get married, it’s a sure trip to divorce court and lose all your assets and never see your kids, etc.”
Yet if a woman isn’t married, it’s because no man would have her. Hmm.
Well, at least they graduated from Screaming Lady stock photos. The art on these is actually quite nice.
Note that he is curiously silent as to whether or not cat pee will give you superpowers. That would be a pretty sweet consolation prize for the unmarried ladies, right?
Married for 26 years…staunch feminist, raising three feminist daughters and a very feminist son.
Idiots have no idea who feminists actually are.
…sex bot enthusiast.
I just can’t get past that.
Also, I like cats. Why can’t we have girlfriends (‘xcuse me, sometimes I forget about heteros over in the movement) who like cats too?
Cat pee: Still better than MRAs.
Bitter men projecting their loneliness on feminists. It never gets old.
I think we define quality men quite differently. My husband is an intelligent, educated librarian who does dishes and washes clothes because he didn’t get married until 47, and hadn’t been spending his life expecting a woman to do it for him. He had to wait until 47, because his standards were too high – he insisted on a true feminist…one who makes more money than he does and doesn’t require him to be some sort of macho jerk. (And one who had a cat? No, he would have preferred no cat, but love me, love my cat, you know how it goes).
Ugh. Men calling women “cupcake” really stumps my Trumps.
The insecurity is strong with this one
(also hi, I never commented before)
Dear Ian:
Feminists ARE quality. You’re not. We don’t need you. And nobody wants you. Face facts: You’re past your sell-by date, and you’ve gone rancid. Please go buy your damn sexbot already and STFU.
Love ‘n’ kisses (ha ha, not really),
Women in General.
PS: Waking up alone or with a cat is not a fate worse than death. It’s quite nice, and I can heartily recommend it. Marriage to the likes of you, on the other hand…
“Watch out, girls! If you don’t agree to do exactly what I want you to do for the rest of your life, an adorable kitten is going to balance on your head!” Oh no. Quelle horreur.
Not being in a relationship is 1) not a nightmare; 2) far preferable to being in a relationship with an abusive rape apologist, which, let’s be honest, is how most of these dudes prefer to present themselves; and, 3) not the same as “being alone” or even “waking up alone.”
It’s so weird that they think otherwise!
I’m a feminist with a boyfriend, a girlfriend, and two cats. Guess I’m doing feminism wrong. 😛
Its like he’s threatening us with a good time.
By being feminist I can avoid the nightmare of an abusive marriage to a misogynist douchebag?
There will be kitties?
Good. That’s awesome.
Ironwood claims to be married.
He also claims to edit porn for a living.
Also, “Ironwood”.
I find it interesting that feminists in MRA memes are usually young, white and conventionally beautiful. I’m not saying that we live up to other sexist stereotypes of ugly crones, but I think we cover the average spectrum of age, race and appearance. It’s another one of those tells that “feminist” equals “woman I am bitter about not owning”.
Yup. Just like Roosh the other day, telling his minions (all two of them) to “punish” us by withholding their LIQUID FUCKING GOLD.
I buy* a walnut-based kitty litter, so it smells rather nice, actually.
As for cat pee, the worst smelling has to be from intact toms going around marking their territory. There might be a parallel to MRAs somewhere in that…
*I initially wrote “use,” but that seemed somewhat awkward…
Whenever MGTOWs start gloating about all these feminists who will supposedly die alone, how are they planning to end their days? Unless they truly are holding out for sexbots that is.
Can someone please make actual sexbots? I would be thrilled if these guys could just have nonsentient slaves and leave us alone.
What MRAs find to be sour grape juice, my husband would call champagne.
And I know that what men want from a woman isn’t the most important issue here, but I doubt he, or any other “quality” man, would want to marry a woman without basic feminist principles whether she called herself a feminist or not. He doesn’t want someone who thinks she should be totally dependant on him, or constantly submissive, or offer no opinions of her own on anything. It would be boring and oddly constrictive.
This just proves once again that MRAs live in a different universe. I don’t know any feminist that isn’t successful in relationships.
If some MRAs are reading this, some advice for you:
Spending your lifes in your rooms hate-mongering on the computer gives many of you a distorted view of real life. You have to get out more!