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Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff, July 2016 Rabbit Squad Edition

This can't be good.
This can’t be good.

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An Open Thread for Non-Personal stuff! No MRAs. no trolls, etc. (The Open Thread for Personal Stuff is here.)

You can continue posting uplifting stuff in the GROUP HUG thread, if you want. Or here. You can also post depressing political stuff here. Or anything, really.

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Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

One, those rabbits look like nightmare fuel.

Two, the rabbit (and the egg) is a pagan symbol of fertility, and that knowledge makes Easter celebrations a bit awkward.

8 years ago

Oh boy, here come the furry jokes.

8 years ago

Caption: Say, “Trix are for kids one more time…”

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

Wow. The Purge franchise is getting really weird.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Creepy! Looks like Anya was right about the bunnies!

comment image

8 years ago

In “cool shit I just found news”, I was recently introduced to an all-transwomen hardcore band called GLOSS (Girls Living Outside Society’s Shit). Their music touches on a variety of different topics, all radically pro-social-justice in nature. Oh, and they kick a ton of ass. They only have 1 EP out, but it rocks hard. Definitely check them out here: 😀

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I just wanted to share one of my favorite gymnastics floor routines from the Dutch-Icelandic gymnast Eythora Thorsdottir.

I especially encourage any USians who plan on watching the Olympic gymnastics on NBC to watch it because there’s a good chance they won’t show it. It’s a shame because although the tumbling is not anywhere near as difficult as Simone Biles, Aly Raisman or Gulia Steingruber, it’s artistically speaking probably the best one in the world. It’s so unique. It looks nothing like the cookie cutter routines you usually see.

I don’t know if anyone else cares, but Eythora has become one of my favorites since the Dutch team made the team finals at last year’s worlds and I first discovered her. So I’m gonna just spam the video.

8 years ago

Is the bunny pic a deleted scene from “The Warriors”?

8 years ago

The Australian election cont…

Oh, how we larfed.

It’s likely to be the end of the week before anyone knows whether either of the major parties will have a majority in the lower house of parliament. There are weirdos, numpties and nasties galore gaining independent seats in the upper house because of a particular quirk of this election – the double dissolution – halving the number of votes required to gain a seat.

Labor is behaving like winners regardless of whether they finally win. The nastier elements of the Liberals have the knives out already for their leader and for some policy proposals – like same sex marriage. There’ll be tears before bedtime on Friday.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

When the whole warren lookin fresh af

Anywho, is this OK? Cos I’m thinking this is definitely not OK. Like Social Autopsy style not OK. Am I off base here? Or is this the kinda thing that only ends badly for everyone involved?

8 years ago

Those rabbits are terrifying – have a look at the Anthrocon parade from yesterday in Pennsylvania 🙂

I’ll be there today – after everything recently, diving into a world full of giant talking badgers is sounding even more appealing than usual.

On that subject, here’s a picture of a big rabbit and a very confused dog.

8 years ago

Wait, so to submit something where you’re outing the real name of a bigot you have to also provide your own real name, but the creator wishes to remain anonymous? Wow.

But yeah, I agree that doxxing is bad no matter who does it and this Hello Bigot thing is another social autopsy level failure. Though social autopsy had this extra level of irony to it by using a bullying tactic to fight bullying.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

The Social Autopsy Twitter account has been set to private, I noticed recently.

Icecream For Breakfast
Icecream For Breakfast
8 years ago

This is such an own goal for the coalition, it’s a thing of beauty. If they scrape through with one seat majority they will be crowing “we have a mandate” for the whole union corruption thingy they want to do. One seat. Well done Mal!

I was lucky enough to get home from work just in time to pour a whisky and listen to Turnbull’s very much delayed election night speech, in which he spent most time talking about the Labor party and how eeevil their campaign was. Also, they will totally be able to form a majority government. Any time now…

Sorry, I very much dislike the conservatives. We still don’t have same sex marriage and yet Mal is going to lead Australia into THE FUTURE! How about we start with catching up to a whole bunch of other countries first?

8 years ago

You’re not going to believe this but this things genuinely happen in the merchant navy. My ship is just passed brisbane at the moment on our way to Sydney and I saw on our AIS a ship called Fedora!

I’m not sure but since we are also near to Balls Pyramid, one of the islands David suggested a while ago, maybe it’s a man going his own way!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


but the creator wishes to remain anonymous? Wow

On the 1 hand, yeah, the irony is bountiful here. On the other hand, the internet has accepted certain disincentives. Don’t do anything about harassment or risk finding yourself harassed. Can’t blame em. At least not for maintaining their privacy. Definitely everything else tho *shrugs*

She’s been silenced! Cryptoreptiloid Jeff Bezoz finally got to her. Funny you never see him and Brianna Wu in the same room, eh? Or maybe we’re looking at an inside job. A double, reverse, socjus false flag! It’s all a conspiracy. Buy gold!1! Looking-glass.jaypeejee

(Too much?)

8 years ago

Looks like the MGTOWs are advocating going on a marriage strike. Does this mean they’re finally starting to go their own way?

(Link goes to the Blue Pill post that highlights the original Red Pill one).

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago
8 years ago

@ sunnysombrera

I was reading the… manifesto (manurefesto?) and saw this at the end:

Demand 5: End all marital rape laws

Marriage just ain’t worth it it you can’t coerce your wife into servicing your boner on demand! *shudder* Please, go your own way already, guys! Surely , if there are so many of you, you could all pitch in and buy yourselves your own He-man Woman Haters island!

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


It’s no different from the usual MGTOW whiny manifesto, but there’s some good mockworthy stuff in there nonetheless.

To most women, the notion of not having a workhorse provider marry them up after they are done stretching their minds, morals, and everything else between their legs during the party years when the girls play roulette with a small minority of the most attractive men.

Unfinished thought here. What’s the notion supposed to be? And how is having sex like playing roulette? Do one out of every six penises ejaculate bullets instead of semen? What does stretching their minds and morals mean? It kind of sounds like he’s saying that delaying marriage until you’re a little older and having some life experiences makes you more open minded and sophisticated. That seems like a good thing to me.

As usual MGTOWs don’t know how vaginas work. They don’t get a little bigger with each partner. They bounce back! They also don’t get how basic common sense works. Most women are slutty but only with a small minority of men. That would make most men virgins until they get married and become a beta provider. That’s not true in any study I’ve every seen. That would also mean that the small minority who is getting laid would have an absurd number of partners. I’m not sure it would even be physically possible. This particular MGTOW and Incel argument always cracks me up.

Like musical chairs when the music stops, it must be a terrible thought to realize that more and more chairs are being removed. Well guess what ladies, the chairs are being removed.

They are? According to who? This assumes that more women than men want to get married. Which isn’t actually true.

The marriage strike is, in its current phase a covert, very often passive aggressive action on the part of men towards an institution that openly favors one side over the other.

It favors men in just about every way, actually. So why would men go on marriage strike?

In the past, this favoring of women was justifiable given that men controlled the spending and income, and were the (largely) undisputed master of their own home. Such is no longer the case, and the more recent changes in favor of women are no longer palatable and no longer make for a viable institution.

Oh. That’s why. Here we get to the real reason he’s mad. It’s no longer legal to rape and abuse your wife and the law no longer traps people in abusive marriages. This constitutes a terrible oppression of men!

False domestic violence allegations and nebulous standards of “emotional abuse” that favor women’s shifting emotional caprice are standard in divorce cases today and there are no consequences. False “Rape” allegations have been expanded to a husband nagging his wife for sex while a wife continually nagging the husband is normalized.

Yup. That’s it. He’s definitely mad that you can’t rape or beat your wife anymore.

Women have complete control over whether the man they are currently sleeping with gets to have sex or not, even when they are married.

Okay. Now he’s not even just implying it anymore. He’s straight up saying that it’s an outrage that married women can still say no to sex.

we need to consider PRECISELY what our demands are before we will consider repealing the marriage strike.

This ought to be good. By good, I mean horrifying.

Know all ye men and women present and accounted for or who may later come upon these words that men are not happy with the prevailing laws and social conditions.

Alright. That’s more hilariously pretentious than horrifying. I’m sure he’s just getting warmed up though.

Abolish No Fault Divorce laws and practices.

Of course. Just as I suspected, he wants to trap women in abusive marriages.

Alimony must depend solely on the fault of the payer and not the income or earnings of the payer.

This doesn’t even make sense. That’s not what alimony is for. What I suspect he wants here is for husbands who are the breadwinner in an abusive marriage to be able to use him greater money to be able to hire the superior attorney and get the wife declared at fault so he can financially punish her for leaving. This would make a woman in this situation essentially unable to leave her abuser because she would have to pay alimony even though she doesn’t have money.

Abolish presumed custody laws and practices and implement an equal child visitation and support system. The Tender Years Doctrine is well established in Western jurisprudence, as well as biology, that in most cases the mother is better suited to raise a very young child of tender years. We demand that if this practice continues, then an equal amount of time later in child development be afforded to fathers. If the Mother is presumed to be the better parent for a child for the first 7 years of life, then it MUST be presumed that the father is the better parent for a child for the next 7 years of life and that there should be no presumption for the either party on any balance of child minority years remaining.

Wut. I guess he’s saying that the mothers should be stuck with all the diaper changing, getting up in the middle of the night, dealing with the tantrums etc. Then despite being the primary caretaker for the first seven years of life, she should have custody taken because – reasons? Why is the father presumed to be the better parent? He doesn’t even lay out a case for why that would be. The most common time for a divorce to occur is when the kids enter school. So I suspect he’s just trying to say that men should get default custody without having to do any of the actual parenting.

Then there’s some whining about yes means yes being taught in schools and men being disempowered by strong female movie characters. I don’t know what that has to do with marriage. I guess he just felt like squeezing in all the whines he could. All the while saying things like this

It is not in men’s nature to continually whine about false and damaging messages so we will act instead of complain

Has there ever been anything less self aware than this statement? All MGTOW ever do is whine!

End all marital rape laws and customs encouraging women to withhold sex from their husband

Oh my. If marrying an MGTOW means agreeing that he can rape me and I can do nothing about it, I’m actually not interested in marrying them. Strike away, assholes.

We acknowledge the problem of sexual violence and do not advocate forcibly assaulting any unwilling woman. However, we do so only if you acknowledge that men’s desires are also important and that denying men sex is capricious and cruel and should not be the social norm. If a wife wishes to use the sexual denial nuclear weapon then the law should firmly inform her that this is grounds for a divorce where she will be found at-fault and required to pay alimony to the innocent party. We also acknowledge the need for a medical condition exception to the conjugal rights of matrimony and that both parties are equally liable regardless of gender and share equal consequences for the crime of failing or refusing to fulfill the marital and conjugal vows.

This is so incredibly disturbing. Of course rape is bad, but if you don’t want us to rape you, you have to realize that you can’t say no to sex! And if you do say no to sex, we’ll divorce you and take your money. That’s not rape at all! What the actual fuck?

Okay, sorry that got tl;dr. I have nothing better to do on a Sunday morning than dissect a MGTOW manifesto apparently!

8 years ago

Bioshock taught me that people in Rabbit masks are never up to any good. and an whole rabbit suit, thats even worse. that picture looks like something from an horror movie.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Know all ye men and women present and accounted for or who may later come upon these words that men are not happy with the prevailing laws and social conditions.

Worst Christmas carol ever.

8 years ago

All MGTOW ever do is whine!

I’ll have you know that some can hold their breath and stamp their feet.

8 years ago

Whilst the whole pageant thing leaves me cold, this is something that I can applaud.

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