a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture the c-word threats

Chanty Binx speaks up after 3 years of harassment, capped by bizarre privacy breach

Thanks, memegenerator, for contributing to the harrasssment of a private citizen
Thanks, memegenerator, for contributing to the harassment of a private citizen

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A little over three years ago, a Canadian feminist with bright red hair confronted some Men’s Rights Activists outside of an event at the University of Toronto.

The woman, known as Chanty Binx, was trying to argue a point; they kept interrupting her; she raised her voice, told them to shut up, dropped the f-bomb. She was, as she admits, a bit rude to them — more than a bit, really. But being rude is not illegal, nor even uncommon, when people who disagree fundamentally encounter one another in person at a demonstration. Much worse things have happened at demonstrations.

The one thing different about this confrontation? It was caught on video, and uploaded to YouTube, at which point a vast army of the world’s worst people decided to do their best to make her life a living hell. Footage of her at the event was posted and reposted and spliced into countless antifeminist videos on YouTube; it’s been watched literally millions of views.

Binx was besieged with insults, misogynistic slurs, and grotesquely violent threats; her image was appropriated for who knows how many creepy memes. She was doxxed. “Artists” drew pictures of her engaging in sex acts. Think of any way a woman can be harassed and bullied online, and chances are it was done to her.

Binx has laid low for three years, hoping that this onslaught would pass. And, she says, the direct harassment had died down somewhat in recent months.

Now one of her haters has put her back in the spotlight again, and in a supremely creepy manner. Not long ago, you see, Binx stopped by a government-run liquor store in the Toronto area to pick up a bottle of wine. A seemingly friendly employee offered her help.

In fact, he claimed later, he had recognized her from the internet, and was hoping to hear her speak to make sure she really was who he thought she was.

After she left, he somehow accessed the store’s surveillance footage, took a screenshot of her visit to the store, and put it up on Facebook (without the blurs you see below):


No, liquor store creep, it hasn’t been two years. It’s been three. THREE YEARS of hateful, disgusting, privacy-invading harassment. Because THREE YEARS AGO a woman yelled at a couple of MRAs, and they filmed her doing it.

This time Binx has decided not to lay low. She spoke with CityNews about the latest twist in the internet war on her. The report is chilling, and well worth watching.

“[I feel like] I’m being watched constantly,” she told CityNews. “No matter what I do, I’m under a monitor.”

Now that the CityNews segment has run, the hate campaign against her has predictably ramped up again. On YouTube, a video about the CityNews segment from “Rekt Feminist Videos” has racked up 47,000 views, and generated 1900 comments, since it was posted earlier today. Here are a few of those comments:



Several commenters “jokingly” discussed staking out the store she was filmed in.


I spent only a few minutes reading the comments; I’m sure there are many more along these lines in the 1900 posted so far.

The discussion took a similar turn on LiveLeak:




A Voice for Men, meanwhile, complained that CityNews had quoted threatening posts on its website in order to construct “yet another threat narrative” aimed at … MRAs. The comments to the AVFM post did not exactly reinforce the site’s claim that MRAs are the real victims here:



Naturally, Binx’s haters are mocking her for allegedly bringing this latest wave of harassment on herself by, well, speaking up about the vile harassment she was still getting, three years on, before she spoke up for herself.

This, from the CityNews segment, is some of what she was getting BEFORE she spoke up for herself. CONTENT WARNING: Rape, violent threats.



Apparently, as the haters see it, she has only two choices:

She can remain silent about the ongoing harassment, and pretty much everything else in the world, for the rest of her life.

Or she can risk getting “deservedly” beaten or raped or killed. For the “crime” of yelling at some MRAs once, three years ago.

But they’ve been threatening to do that anyway, without her saying a word to them for three years. Being silent hasn’t protected her from harassment or threats or someone literally posting surveillance footage of her that lets the world know where she lives. 

I’m glad she’s speaking up and reclaiming her voice. She deserves all the support in the world for it.

If anyone here has good ideas on how to show this support, post them below. If anyone wants to explain how Binx really does deserve harassment, go to hell.

NOTE: I’ve been in contact with Binx and she is ok with me identifying her by that name; it’s all over the internet already.

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8 years ago

Trez, you’re just soooo brave! Necro-sneaking takes guts.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I think the angry deranged people should be rejected from both Femiinist and Men’s Rights groups

2)both sides
3)tone policing
All in a single sentence. Most impressive…

They do nothing but alienate people from these groups. Allowing these individulas to speak for these groups only damages the groups and people run from them

Fair enough. Who’s the alternative? Name 5 not angry, not ‘deranged’ feminists. And the same for antifeminists. This’ll be good…

I personally stopped calling myself a feminist after seeing Bynx on Youtube

I was totes a feminist, furreal, but Chanty got mad oo-oo-oo
I praised Katie before each meal, but Chanty got mad dah-da-da
I gave up my moral convictions, but that’s not bad yeah-heeey
Cos Chanty got mad, Chanty got mad, Chanty got mad lada-da-da-lada-da

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

I love necro threads resurrected by “former feminists.”

It just cracks me up.

8 years ago

Trez, you have yet to turn in your Official Feminazi Card. If the cats at Feminazi HQ don’t receive it within 48 hours, we will have to take drastic measures. If someone barfs in your shoe or leaves half a mouse on your pillow, you have no one to blame but yourself.

8 years ago

Re: Axecalibur

For the convenience of everyone else who now has it stuck in their head

Speak Centurion
Speak Centurion
8 years ago

I don’t like what Chanty Binx stands for, not one bit, but I think people on my side – which includes anti-feminists and Trump supporters – should acknowledge that that one infamous outburst that was caught on camera does not represent everything there is to know about Chanty Binx. Everybody has bad days and that was one of her bad days.

There’s only one other video of Chanty Binx that I’ve seen, and that’s of her talking to street preachers (it’s a one-hour video on YouTube) and in that one although she says some things that annoy me, for the most part she’s quite fair and reasonable. It lacks the titillation value of the old “shut up I’m speaking fXXk face!” video but it’s a better representation of Chanty Binx on a normal day.

8 years ago

@Speak Centurion
You know your Olive Branch would mean alot more if not for being on the side of nazis, racists, classists, sexists, ableists, bigots, rape apologists, genocide advocates, harassers, death/sexual assault threat advocates, sea lionists, etc.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Yeah… no. ‘A woman who’s angry is unreasonable’? Same shit as everybody else. It’s no less bullshit, just cos you’re being very mildly charitable

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

What cesspool linked this post and prompted it to get necro’d twice in less than 24 hours?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

Frau Andrea Hardie was just linked on the front page, WWTH, I’m sure that’s more than enough to make some of their eyes go red.

7 years ago

I don’t like what Chanty Binx stands for, not one bit

In your estimation, what does Chanty Binx stand for?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

what does Chanty Binx stand for?


7 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes

comment image

7 years ago


I suppose we should keep an eye on the glossary thread, since they may turn up there next.

7 years ago

Binx is my worst nightmare. I considered myself a feminist until I witnessed her hateful, rude, angry and narcissistic rant. She would be completely unable to list the challenges of men in society because it is all about her. Women have left the feminist movement in droves because these man-hating spokespersons have hijacked the word FEMINISM. The movement will fail so long as the leaders rant on like these do. Until feminists can experience compassion for women and men, their message will ring hollow. If Binx has any aspirations to grow as a human being, she will set out to find a very competent psychiatrist.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
7 years ago

So, that was all nonsense and vaguery. Let’s try again. How’s about you answer @kupo’s question for starters:

In your estimation, what does Chanty Binx stand for?

and maybe mine as well:

Fair enough. Who’s the alternative? Name 5 not angry, not ‘deranged’ feminists. And the same for antifeminists. This’ll be good…

I’ll wait

7 years ago

Please cite examples.
Make a specific critique
Not vague “she is bad.”

7 years ago

@Trez: Because men never get angry, right?

Oh, wait.

So if you can’t be a feminist because sometimes feminists get angry, you would have the same problems with being an MRA, right?

Or human? I mean, humans get angry. Maybe you should just go and be something else.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
7 years ago

Binx is my worst nightmare

Mine is being in the supermarket in just my pants.

(It’s not so much the nudity; more about not having anywhere to put my wallet)

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

@Trez, so that we’re clear here, the actions of one woman made you give up your beliefs?

Here’s a hint for you – the only people who know about Chanty Binx in the context of feminism are MRAs. She’s not a feminist icon, she’s a single woman who had the misfortune of coming onto the MRA radar. The only way you’d encounter Chanty Binx and know her by name is if you were already watching MRA nonsense on youtube or reading their blogs.

If you’re gonna lie, at least make it a good one.

I mean, hell, guys, why is it always the same lie from these MRA clownfish? Why can’t it be “Chanty Binx is the leader of an anti-man conspiracy that wants to end all Y-chromosomes” or something, you know, fun! Nah, it’s always “I was a feminist until this ONE SIMPLE TRICK!” They always read like a goddamn spamvertisement.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
7 years ago

@Rhuu, it’s that same old alt-right whine as ever was. We have to be perfect angels and never get angry or emotional, but their anger and violence is totes justified.

7 years ago

of course the guy who left the disgustingly detailed violent rape and murder threat’s name is chad. of course it fucking is. fucking chads.

7 years ago

This article was completely free of bias.

Feminism has never demanded anything unreasonable.

Islam is a religion of peace.

Barack Obama was the greatest president ever.

7 years ago

This article was completely free of bias.

sounds like bill (commented on mar 27) is completely free of pussy.

as in: bill’s not getting any, and he’s very angry about that.

Mark from Pensacola
Mark from Pensacola
7 years ago

I’m sorry but am I the only one who thinks Ms. Binx is drop dead gorgeous? She is beautiful!