a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture the c-word threats

Chanty Binx speaks up after 3 years of harassment, capped by bizarre privacy breach

Thanks, memegenerator, for contributing to the harrasssment of a private citizen
Thanks, memegenerator, for contributing to the harassment of a private citizen

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A little over three years ago, a Canadian feminist with bright red hair confronted some Men’s Rights Activists outside of an event at the University of Toronto.

The woman, known as Chanty Binx, was trying to argue a point; they kept interrupting her; she raised her voice, told them to shut up, dropped the f-bomb. She was, as she admits, a bit rude to them — more than a bit, really. But being rude is not illegal, nor even uncommon, when people who disagree fundamentally encounter one another in person at a demonstration. Much worse things have happened at demonstrations.

The one thing different about this confrontation? It was caught on video, and uploaded to YouTube, at which point a vast army of the world’s worst people decided to do their best to make her life a living hell. Footage of her at the event was posted and reposted and spliced into countless antifeminist videos on YouTube; it’s been watched literally millions of views.

Binx was besieged with insults, misogynistic slurs, and grotesquely violent threats; her image was appropriated for who knows how many creepy memes. She was doxxed. “Artists” drew pictures of her engaging in sex acts. Think of any way a woman can be harassed and bullied online, and chances are it was done to her.

Binx has laid low for three years, hoping that this onslaught would pass. And, she says, the direct harassment had died down somewhat in recent months.

Now one of her haters has put her back in the spotlight again, and in a supremely creepy manner. Not long ago, you see, Binx stopped by a government-run liquor store in the Toronto area to pick up a bottle of wine. A seemingly friendly employee offered her help.

In fact, he claimed later, he had recognized her from the internet, and was hoping to hear her speak to make sure she really was who he thought she was.

After she left, he somehow accessed the store’s surveillance footage, took a screenshot of her visit to the store, and put it up on Facebook (without the blurs you see below):


No, liquor store creep, it hasn’t been two years. It’s been three. THREE YEARS of hateful, disgusting, privacy-invading harassment. Because THREE YEARS AGO a woman yelled at a couple of MRAs, and they filmed her doing it.

This time Binx has decided not to lay low. She spoke with CityNews about the latest twist in the internet war on her. The report is chilling, and well worth watching.

“[I feel like] I’m being watched constantly,” she told CityNews. “No matter what I do, I’m under a monitor.”

Now that the CityNews segment has run, the hate campaign against her has predictably ramped up again. On YouTube, a video about the CityNews segment from “Rekt Feminist Videos” has racked up 47,000 views, and generated 1900 comments, since it was posted earlier today. Here are a few of those comments:



Several commenters “jokingly” discussed staking out the store she was filmed in.


I spent only a few minutes reading the comments; I’m sure there are many more along these lines in the 1900 posted so far.

The discussion took a similar turn on LiveLeak:




A Voice for Men, meanwhile, complained that CityNews had quoted threatening posts on its website in order to construct “yet another threat narrative” aimed at … MRAs. The comments to the AVFM post did not exactly reinforce the site’s claim that MRAs are the real victims here:



Naturally, Binx’s haters are mocking her for allegedly bringing this latest wave of harassment on herself by, well, speaking up about the vile harassment she was still getting, three years on, before she spoke up for herself.

This, from the CityNews segment, is some of what she was getting BEFORE she spoke up for herself. CONTENT WARNING: Rape, violent threats.



Apparently, as the haters see it, she has only two choices:

She can remain silent about the ongoing harassment, and pretty much everything else in the world, for the rest of her life.

Or she can risk getting “deservedly” beaten or raped or killed. For the “crime” of yelling at some MRAs once, three years ago.

But they’ve been threatening to do that anyway, without her saying a word to them for three years. Being silent hasn’t protected her from harassment or threats or someone literally posting surveillance footage of her that lets the world know where she lives. 

I’m glad she’s speaking up and reclaiming her voice. She deserves all the support in the world for it.

If anyone here has good ideas on how to show this support, post them below. If anyone wants to explain how Binx really does deserve harassment, go to hell.

NOTE: I’ve been in contact with Binx and she is ok with me identifying her by that name; it’s all over the internet already.

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8 years ago


U say feminists don’t hurl abuse? CB mocks victims. #KillAllMen Feminists driving a male victim to suicide.

8 years ago

You lies are tired and your attempt to cast a victim as deserving abuse is shitty.
Fuck off.

8 years ago

More lies, Chris?
Tsk tsk

8 years ago

She mocks male victims of suicide. She harasses peaceful MRA meetings. She shouts death threats towards religious people. Yet, she’s the ‘VICTIM’????

Even if she did do these things (she doesn’t), yes. Yes, she is still a victim of abuse, because women you don’t like are still people and can still be victims. It’s actually not ever okay to treat a human being the way she has been treated.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Peaceful MRA and meetings. Three words that do not go together.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Um, thank you for your, uh, contributions, Chris. Very, um, very… very insightful.

Greg Enright
8 years ago
Reply to  Chris

She’s not “the victim” for those reasons. She’s been a victim of stalking, spying, harassment and bullying. Even rape and death threats. She deserved SOMETHING in the way of a confrontation for her behaviour, but this was WAY beyond the reasonable. Being guilty of things doesn’t mean you can never be considered a victim of future things.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

She deserved SOMETHING in the way of a confrontation for her behaviour, but this was WAY beyond the reasonable.

She yelled a swear word. What exactly does she deserve for that? Why are you so upset at something so mundane? Haven’t you ever seen people be angry and rude before?

Men shout worse fucking things at women every day. Street harassment. Look it up.

Rude customers say worse fucking things to retail/food/customer service every day.

Trump supporters have been shouting much worse fucking things at people of color, immigrants, Muslims and LGBT people every day.

None of those people end up receiving harassment and threats for years over it.

Get the fuck over it and stop insinuating that she deserves some unspecified amount of harassment. Nobody is going to be fooled by you. Nobody is going to give you a cookie for being a “moderate” who things women should be harassed by hordes of angry misogynists only just a little bit.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I would want the coward Chris should get specific about their version of Chanty Binx’s behavior. I see no quotes, I see no analysis of body language. I don’t really like rumor-mongering…

…but that smells of another cess-pit of bias related to sex and gender. It’s far better to note that Chris thinks any of that excuses distracting from the treatment of a person that this blog entry is about. I want to know more about what it was that inspired Chanty to react the way that they did. Their social treatment justifies concern about society.

Chris should just fuck off.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@Good Guy Greg

She deserved SOMETHING in the way of a confrontation for her behaviour, but this was WAY beyond the reasonable

What does “something” mean? Be specific. In fact, quantify it. Exactly how much abuse should she hafta deal with? Show your work

Greg Enright
8 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo,

Love the screenname, but you seem really upset and I don’t know why, and you seem to have trouble telling when someone is in agreement with you. Like me.

She yelled a swear word. What exactly does she deserve for that?

Probably something similar. Isn’t that what you’d do?

Why are you so upset at something so mundane?

I’m not. I’m mentioning my thoughts on it. I have every confidence that if you try REAL hard, you can tolerate the onslaught of my comment 😉 You seem “so upset at something so mundane” actually. We’re just talking here.

Haven’t you ever seen people be angry and rude before?

Yes. Haven’t you ever confronted someone for being rude before?

Men shout worse fucking things at women every day. Street harassment. Look it up.
Rude customers say worse fucking things to retail/food/customer service every day.
Trump supporters have been shouting much worse fucking things at people of color, immigrants, Muslims and LGBT people every day.

… and you would… um… NOT criticise that behaviour or confront it, given the opportunity? You’d tell people who would confront them that “No, no, don’t say anything”? I don’t know you, but it seems to me that you have no problem with confrontation. Just misdirecting it.

None of those people end up receiving harassment and threats for years over it.

Get the fuck over it


stop insinuating that she deserves some unspecified amount of harassment.

I wasn’t doing that, so… not a problem.

Nobody is going to be fooled by you. Nobody is going to give you a cookie for being a “moderate” who things women should be harassed by hordes of angry misogynists only just a little bit.

Sigh. I’m tired….

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Greg, you’d have an easier time if you’d just do as Axe suggested:

She deserved SOMETHING in the way of a confrontation for her behaviour

Provide an example of what you think she deserved, and who you think ought to have given it to her. Explain why she deserves the punishment you’re outlining.

Let me venture a bit into the philosophy of punishment for you. There are two basic principles that can be used to justify punishment. You’re speaking in terms of deserts: she deserves to be punished in some nonspecific way. The people harassing her are using an instrumentalist perspective: they are punishing her in order to terrorize other women and deter them from speaking up themselves. Instrumentalism doesn’t require anyone to be guilty of any transgression, and it doesn’t require the punishment to fit the transgression. In fact, it is more efficient to not bother wasting any time determining guilt, and the more outlandish the punishment, the better the deterrent effect.

Just something for you to keep in mind going forward.

8 years ago

Greg, I suggest you pull your head out of you ass before you chew through your tonsils.

Although it’s probably already too late . . .

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I wasn’t doing that, so… not a problem.

You necro’d an old thread to scold the behavior of woman who’s been harassed for three years by misogynists and you’ve focused just as much, if not more on her behavior as you have on the harassers as if there’s a remote equivalence. Come on now.

Yes. Haven’t you ever confronted someone for being rude before?

Sure. What I don’t do is is harp on it three years later on a blog post about how said rude person is being stalked and harassed.

you seem really upset

Oh, the hysterical woman gambit? Original. I’m not upset so much as irritated that every time a woman is harassed and/or threatened, a collection of dudebros always, always have to crawl out of the woodwork to imply that she had it coming.

and I don’t know why

Really? Because I’ve already explained it in the very post you’re replying to. I’ve explained it again now. Hopefully you know now.

8 years ago

@Greg #2

embarrassingly unhinged

rolls eyes


CB mocks victims.

CB is one person, not the majority of the movement. My point was that we’re not ineffective, we’re just not a movement of abuse, so you can’t measure how well we’re doing by how much abuse we hurl, as the previous comment implied.

#KillAllMen Feminists driving a male victim to suicide.

Feminists don’t don’t believe in killing men no matter how much you try to paint us that way. But aside from that, where are you getting this information about suicides? Do you have a source? I’ve never heard of it, though it’s truly awful if someone has been driven to suicide. Feminists are working hard to try and help men and women who feel suicidal.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

@Greg Enright
Speaking of what Chanty deserves in a social space that is emphasizing what she endures is unsightly. When one cares about changing a social pattern that leads to social harassment, one is willing to accept criticism on how one is subtracting from the overall social context when it comes to social strategy.

That’s for basic human interaction, if someone cares about harassment in a general sense that is.

You are getting criticized, deal with it. At worst you get drilled like the more “colorful” subjects of this blog. At best you are well meaning and don’t have much social experience in this area.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Wasn’t #killallmen one of the 4chan troll campaigns anyway? These hashtags are just anti-feminist lulz trolls arguing with gullible and earnest anti-feminists. At no point are actual feminists involved with that shit.

8 years ago

Who farted?

Oh…a necrotroll. Possibly two. Christ, somebody light a match.

And no, Chanty Binx did not deserve anything but to be left alone. She was heckled while reading off a prepared statement, as I recall, and that’s when she told the MRA heckler to fuck off. Maybe not “ladylike”, but who the hell cares? He got what HE deserved. She did not deserve what came after.

But then, women aren’t supposed to tell men to shut up ever. Not even when men SHOULD shut up and listen for a change.

Got it!

8 years ago

@ weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

They fight with straw men,
wrestle against their shadows,
Facts need not apply.

No more false anguish.
It’s even less convincing
Than a purple sky.

8 years ago

Oh good, a man has come to this old Chanty Binx thread to do the important man job of telling a woman that she’s too upset.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

C’mon, y’all, Greg is tired. He wasn’t welcomed with open arms for taking a toxic golden mean tactic, and now he’s tired. Poor Greg. Let’s all do a ton of free emotional labor for this total stranger and make him feel refreshed and appreciated.

8 years ago

I think the angry deranged people should be rejected from both Femiinist and Men’s Rights groups. They do nothing but alienate people from these groups. Allowing these individulas to speak for these groups only damages the groups and people run from them. I personally stopped calling myself a feminist after seeing Bynx on Youtube.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
8 years ago


It was necessary to resurrect a seven-month-old thread to point this out?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think the angry deranged people should be rejected from both Femiinist and Men’s Rights groups.

Well, that’s original. Never heard that one before.

I personally stopped calling myself a feminist after seeing Bynx on Youtube.

8 years ago

Both sides very bad.
South Park said it so it’s true.
Ignore swasticka.

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