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In case you had forgotten that Vox Day, fantasy author and “SJW’-hater, was a gigantic freaking racist, here’s a little reminder.
On his Alpha Game blog earlier this week, Day — real name Theodore Beale — offered his thoughts on the alleged murder of a Maryland woman by her boyfriend. The dead woman was white, and her boyfriend, now charged with murder, is black, leading Day to conclude, in his words:
Burn de coal, pay de toll
“Coalburner” is incredibly racist slang for a white woman who dates black men. It’s a synonym for “mudshark,” another bit of incredibly racist slang that Vox manages to work into his brief post, once in the title and a second time in this lovely paragraph:
I find it interesting that increasingly, in the case of these mudshark murders, the media is beginning to avoid showing pictures of the black murderer with the white victim. I suppose it puts a rather negative capstone on all those happy multiracial commercials they are showing these days.
Huh. White men kill white women all the time, but no one ever suggests that this is somehow a “negative capstone on all those happy white commercials” that have been on television from the start.
Naturally, Vox’s commenters offered thoughtful analyses of their own. A sampling:
Just another day in the life of Vox Day, defender of civilization against the barbarians.
I’ve probably said this before, but… Vox claims to be a Christian. I’m an atheist, and usually it pisses me off when other atheists try to say who is and who isn’t a Christian – it’s not a distinction they should get to make. But for me Vox is the exception to that rule. From everything I’ve read, he’s not a real Christian; he sounds like a man who has actively chosen evil.
There was a horrendous case in England a month or two ago where a mother kept her toddler in a cage, regularly left him alone without food while she was out, managed to slip past any social services inspections and he eventualy died. The most important aspect to this story, in the Daily Maul version at least was that she was a lesbian. In fact, they made that the headline as if her sexual orientation was some pre requisite to her being a child abuser.
I no longer identify as a Christian because of this sort of thing, despite still believing in God and seeing Jesus as a great teacher. Christianity and the label ‘Christian’ is too often used to claim moral superiority over others. Nothing they do is in keeping with Jesus teachings, this is why most of the Republicans like to use it to support their warmongering, prejudices and unbridled capitalism.
@ Virgin Mary – yeah I remember that case, it was horrible. It’s depressing but unsurprising that that was the spin the Mail put on it.
Is “coalburning” unpleasant slang for any interracial relationship or just for black man / white women?
Of course it’s about “protection”.
Specifically of the “nice white skin you have there. Pity something would happen to it” variety.
He literally calls himself the “Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil” and he used to have “cruelty artist” on his Twitter bio. One has to assume he’s never asked himself what the biblical Jesus would say about him.
That reasoning assumes that religion is about being good, rather than pretending/claiming to be good.
@ Imaginary Petal – oh, don’t get me wrong, all sorts of vile people were and are Christians. I think it’s just that Vox seems to so openly revel in being evil and openly opposed to so many values (the equality of humanity before God, the need for mercy, etc) that would be held dear by Christians, that I would take the step of saying ‘you ain’t no Christian’ (even though I don’t really have any right to say that)…
@ Sarah – how am I not surprised? I get the impression that he is ‘Christian’ in the same way Anders Breivik was Christian – i.e. someone who sees Christianity (or at least a certain, volkisch form of it) as a good religion for other people to follow.
@Imaginary Petal : that’s the problem I have with religion in general. They are one of the most often used excuse to be an utter asshole. Regardless of what a religion say, the only message that some people will retain is that it make them superior and have a free pass for douchebaggery.
On topic : I have a lot of actual hatred for Vox Day. My only solace in that he will very likely die alone and bitter.
@varalys the dark
It doesn’t surprise me that there are people out there who take issue with interracial relationships. What does surprise me is how many of them there are, how comfortable they are with voicing their complaints, and how little impact that has on them socially. I thought that was the type of thing that people would no longer tolerate, but sadly it seems like it’s actually growing in popularity. 🙁
The answer to the question ‘can they (MRAs and assorted far righters) be any more disgusting?’ is always yes.
What you have to take into account with Vox and Christianity, is that he believes that the devil is winning. I don’t think he particularly cares what Jesus thinks of him – he seems to be more into the God of the Old Testament. He is what John Scalzi calls “a Levitican”; i. e. he cares about the rules laid down in Leviticus, not what Jesus said. And, of course, he hates and fears anyone who is not like him, a straight, white, evangelical Christian male.
Hey David, have you seen this? http://www.citynews.ca/2016/06/30/feminist-says-lcbo-privacy-breach-fuelled-flood-of-online-hate/
Even if you totally disengage from the internet and feminism, MRA’s will continue to stalk and harass you because they are just stalkers and abusers who pretend to be a movement about men.
@kupo: Yes it did surprise me people were so blatant in their disapproval. And lets not get into the whole “Gay Agenda” Russell T Davies was supposedly pushing on people via Doctor Who. Facepalms all round there.
Out in the world preaching the Gospel to others, right?
Not mixing his fabrics (Leviticus 19:19).
Loving his enemies.
And my own favorite, should Vox Day have children: Having his son put to death by the men of the town if he is stubborn and rebellious (Deuteronomy 21:18-21). Daughters aren’t mentioned, so I’m going to just assume this rule doesn’t apply to them.
The Bible: a mixed bag!
There are definitely a lot of Christians who think the label of Christianity automatically makes them a good person. No introspection required. No care to behave morally and ethically necessary. Any time someone goes out of their way to make sure everyone knows how devout they are, I know they’re going to be the furthest thing from Christ-like possible. I’m sure in cultures with different dominant religions, the same thing happens.
Lest anyone thinks I’m going into smug atheist mode, I acknowledge that there are also lots of atheists who think being an atheist automatically makes you really rational and intelligent. No need to research and topic and actually be correct about it.
I am so pleased that Theodore’s chosen pseudonym is Vox Day as I get to then just refer to him as VD. True, venereal diseases have more class than him but I’ll take my jollies where I can.
@Jimbtho – Anders Breivik has since thrown Christianity (and Jesus) under the bus. He has now gone full-on Odinist and neo-Nazi.
@ varalys & kupo
I still maintain “Russell T Davies and his Gay Agenda” is a great name for a swing band.
Wait… maybe I am perusing other media than Day (kind of grateful for that, if so), but it is common to show photographs of murderers with their victims at all? In the case of domestic-abuse murders, I’ll usually see a mugshot or other unflattering picture of the murderer with eyes airbrushed flat and the victim looking as pretty and vivacious as possible (because it can’t be that an abuser appears handsome or charming, that would be too complicated for the public’s tiny brain to comprehend mutter mutter), but very, very rarely are they in the same photograph.
@Alan Robertshaw, you are quite correct about the band
@Aunt Podger
…unless it’s a white guy.
@ Hu’s on First – that’s interesting re Breivik, thanks for keeping me up to date 🙂
I think you may be wrong about black women catching flack for dating white men. It just that the flack often doesn’t come from white people, and when it does, its along the lines of “she made a step up from black men.”, ( or just general sneering) which is a backhanded insult to black men and women. No, the shit we most often get is from black men who say we’ve abandoned them for white men (or sometimes just general sneering.)
I see. That makes sense.
Well, no it doesn’t, but I can see the bigoted logic paths.