alpha males alt-right antifeminism evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism reactionary bullshit vox day

Burn de coal, pay de toll: Vox Day mocks white woman allegedly killed by black boyfriend

"Guys, wait up!" (Yes, I used this one once before.)
“Guys, wait up!” (Yes, I used this one once before.)

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In case you had forgotten that Vox Day, fantasy author and “SJW’-hater, was a gigantic freaking racist, here’s a little reminder.

On his Alpha Game blog earlier this week, Day — real name Theodore Beale — offered his thoughts on the alleged murder of a Maryland woman by her boyfriend. The dead woman was white, and her boyfriend, now charged with murder, is black, leading Day to conclude, in his words:

Burn de coal, pay de toll

“Coalburner” is incredibly racist slang for a white woman who dates black men. It’s a synonym for “mudshark,” another bit of incredibly racist slang that Vox manages to work into his brief post, once in the title and a second time in this lovely paragraph:

I find it interesting that increasingly, in the case of these mudshark murders, the media is beginning to avoid showing pictures of the black murderer with the white victim. I suppose it puts a rather negative capstone on all those happy multiracial commercials they are showing these days.

Huh. White men kill white women all the time, but no one ever suggests that this is somehow a “negative capstone on all those happy white commercials” that have been on television from the start.

Naturally, Vox’s commenters offered thoughtful analyses of their own. A sampling:

Laguna Beach Fogey said... hahaha stupid bitch June 28, 2016 at 8:29 PM Deaths Head said... Does this mean he passed her shit test or that he failed it? She wanted drama, she got it, so was she finally happy? I wonder, did she finally find that elusive "suitable man" women keep looking for? As a white male, should I confess to this or just embrace my white guilt for not being a real man? So many questions...... June 28, 2016 at 8:54 PM

Just another day in the life of Vox Day, defender of civilization against the barbarians.

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8 years ago

Huh. White men kill white women all the time, but no one ever suggests that this is somehow a “negative capstone on all those happy white commercials” that have been on television from the start.

Spot on. They’re so blind to their own privilege. They don’t even realize that people will almost never judge their actions based on their race. The only time that they’ll even risk having their race brought up is if they commit a crime against someone of another race. Otherwise, everything that they do will solely be a reflection on who they are as people. Their own actions will never be seen to reflect on the white race as a whole. In contrast, every bad thing that black people ever do, regardless of who they do it to, and every failure of every individual black person will be seen to reflect negatively on all other black people.

And of course a woman died, and they’re gleefully celebrating her murder. These are the men who say that they want to defend white women? As a white woman, I have to strongly reject that offer.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

Fuck you, Vox.

Huh. White men kill white women all the time, but no one ever suggests that this is somehow a “negative capstone on all those happy white commercials” that have been on television from the start.

Spot on. They’re so blind to their own privilege. They don’t even realize that people will almost never judge their actions based on their race.

Also true.

I mean, think of all the serial killers you can, think of the spree killers and mass shooters. All, if not a huge majority of them, are white men, at least the US-centric ones.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

I will be so happy when Vox Day finally feels like he’s gotten enough attention for a lifetime.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
8 years ago

Wow, VD seems scraped his all the way through the bottom of the barrel, right through the barrel underneath that barrel and he’s working on scraping the floor.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

@Handsome – there are black serial killers, at about the same rate per capita as white. Call it one in eight.

Of course they’re far more likely to be pursued, caught, and prosecuted, because they overwhelmingly kill white women.

Which brings up the question, is there a racist term for white men who date “outside their race”? I guess race traitor, but are they scourged with any other insulting terms, or are the insults largely reserved for women?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

TW for violence and child abuse

In northern MN this past week, a man who was out on parole for child porn killed his girlfriend, burned her home down, and kidnapped her 5 year old daughter. Luckily the child was found alive. The perpetrator is white. As are, I believe the victims. It’s northern Minnesota so, play the odds.

What does race have to do with any of this? This meaning murder and domestic violence.

8 years ago

Race this to do with it – it’s a great scapegoat to draw attention away from toxic masculinity.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


They don’t even realize that people will almost never judge their actions based on their race

Ya know…
There’s this game (I say ‘game’) black people play. I’m sure other minority groups do it too. It’s called ‘don’t be black’. Basically, we watch local news, and anytime a stupid and/or volent crime is committed, we mutter to ourselves ‘don’t be black’, cos we know, if so, assholes like this will write shit like this. White people don’t generally play the same ‘game’, they don’t have to. And it’s not cos they’re less stupid, less violent, or less criminal


8 years ago


Which brings up the question, is there a racist term for white men who date “outside their race”? I guess race traitor, but are they scourged with any other insulting terms, or are the insults largely reserved for women?

I think that the insults are largely reserved for women. Usually, I think, men who date outside their race either get a free pass because it’s historically been seen as acceptable for white men to have sex with non-white women (particularly because these women were typically of a lower class and had less power) or they get pitied for not being alpha enough to catch a white woman.


I think that that’s pretty much what VD and crew want minorities to do. Become white or cease to exist.

8 years ago

And of course a woman died, and they’re gleefully celebrating her murder. These are the men who say that they want to defend white women? As a white woman, I have to strongly reject that offer.

Megadittoes. I’ll take my chances with the Evil Others, thankyouverymuch.

8 years ago

The lily white lot of them are cackling over a woman’s murder like it’s good sport and they think they are what women should want? How the fuck do they think that works? They’re a bunch of ghouls. What exactly is it about them they think is so special? They’re disgusting.

8 years ago

Dat ‘male love’ /S

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Bina: Some “great white protectors” they are. They don’t give a fuck about “protecting” white women, they just want to control us instead, and are happy when a white woman gets her “cumuppance” for “disobeying”.

This isn’t about “protection” at all. This is just a bunch of angry little children who aren’t getting their way.

8 years ago

That’s extremely insulting to children I see these p*icks as misogynistic terrorists/abusers/etc. They constantly encourage each other to abuse, manipulate, rape and kill us and share info on how to do that and get away with it.

Handsome "These Pretzels Suck" Jack (formerly Pandapool)

@Handsome – there are black serial killers, at about the same rate per capita as white. Call it one in eight.

Of course they’re far more likely to be pursued, caught, and prosecuted, because they overwhelmingly kill white women.

I had to google it, but it seems that 52% of all serial killers between 1900-2010 were white and 40% were black (according to Radford/FGCU database). According to Psychology Today (which I don’t know is a trustful site), 85% of serial killers and 90% of one-time murderers are identified as men.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago


I believe the term you’re looking for is “oil driller”.

8 years ago

How expected, seeing women as property and abandon so called “chivalry” when it suits them.

EJ (The Other One)
8 years ago

There are a number of unkind, racist phrases for white men who date Asian women. However, those phrases are all meant to mock those men for having (supposedly) poor taste, rather than threaten them for harming the race or whatever. I think your point still stands: men have license to do it, women don’t.

I’ve dated two ethnically Chinese people, and in both cases I have received at least one comment from bystanders which suggested that they thought I was driven to do it by the lax conduct of modern white women. It’s always the woman’s fault, it seems.

8 years ago

are you saying one in eight people are serial killers?
that doesn’t seem quite right…

8 years ago

@brian – at ‘Number of classified Serial Killers worldwide since 1980: 154’ one in eight doesn’t sound correct to me either.

Apparently: Number of classified Serial Killers in the U.S. since 1980 : 87


8 years ago

I believe they mean that the percentage of serial killers that are black is about the same as the percentage of the overall population that is black – ~12.5%. I have no idea if either of those statistics are correct, but that’s my interpretation of their claim.

Kylo Ronin
Kylo Ronin
8 years ago

It’s like all of these shitheads are furiously competing with each other to see who can win Shithead of the Year Award.

Newsflash, shitheads, you all won it. By a fucking landslide.

8 years ago


Which brings up the question, is there a racist term for white men who date “outside their race”? I guess race traitor, but are they scourged with any other insulting terms, or are the insults largely reserved for women?

I think it’s because men aren’t seen as being degraded by sex. A man can have sex with whomever or whatever he likes, and he’s a “top lad”. If a woman does the same thing, her “value” goes down. Sex can apparently ruin a woman, whilst leaving a man untouched. So a woman having sex with a black man would, in their eyes, be an extra-severe hit to her value.

Hence the insults only on one side of the gender divide for white people.

Someone more knowledgeable than I can confirm this, but I’d guess for black people it’s the other way round- black men in relationships with white women getting loads more hassle than black women in relationships with white men, because the black man is seen as “stealing” the white woman, but a black woman can’t “steal” a white man.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

I remember a US based forum I was on in 2006 when the first series of NuWho aired some folks had a real tizzy about Rose being in a relationship with Mickey. I must stress it was only a couple of people who I then preceeded to ignore, but it did surprise me somewhat that it was deemed an issue by anyone. I’m just naive I guess.

Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
Argle Bargle (formerly Carr)
8 years ago

These are the men who say that they want to defend white women? As a white woman, I have to strongly reject that offer.

Agree. In my country we had a bunch of a-holes stage a protest against immigrants and they call themselfes Civil Squads for defense of women and the faith. Two things about this pissed me off:

1. The faith. Yeah, sure, most people who are religious here are christian, but people in my country rarely care about ”the faith”. They’ll desire a woman other than their own, they’ll cheat if they can get away with it, they’ll wish their neighbor ill and they tend to be more culturally christian than anything else. But when someone mentions people of other faiths or gay people, suddenly they become more catholic than the Pope. Or more orthodox than the Patriarch in this case. They suddenly become religious to defend their bigotry.

2. In defense of women. Funny, I never heard any of them speak out about domestic violence or any kind of violence against women when the violent party is one of their own. When it’s The Other, uuuuuh, then and only then is it a big problem.

As a white woman, I have to decline their um kind offer.

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