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Ladies! Use this one weird trick to ward off festering PUA pustule Roosh V and his fanboys

Gals! The repulsion you feel for Donald Trump could pay off big time!
Gals! The repulsion you feel for Donald Trump could pay off big time!

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The Trump candidacy may be destroying the soul of America a little bit every day, but it has brought one good thing in its wake: a sure-fire trick all you ladies can use to ward off the attentions of the loathsome, rape-friendly pickup artist Roosh V and his army of fanboys.

All you need to do, gals, is to make it clear to the world that you hate Donald Trump.

In a blog post recently reposted on his Return of Kings site, Roosh urges his followers to “punish” Trump-haters by withholding invites to their in-pants parties. Trump-haters, Roosh declares,

are awash in obesity, masculine behavior, and utter repulsiveness. For this reason, I recommend that you completely stop having sex with Trump haters. …

At this point in our societal decline, it doesn’t make sense to sexually reward a girl who wants to destroy the country with a socialist or globalist candidate.


I second his recommendation, though it would of course be better if Roosh’s followers extended their anti-anti-Trump penis strike to include women who like Trump as well. And men. And, well, pretty much every thing that exists in this world other than their own hands.

Sorry, Roosh-fan hands. Sometimes you have to take a hit for Team Humanity.

Given that Roosh thinks, or professes to think, that Trump-hating women are inevitably fat, mannish, and repulsive, you might wonder why he even has to set forth his Immodest Proposal. Wouldn’t supersmooth PUAs like Roosh and his fanboys be ignoring these women anyway?

Apparently not. And so, to avoid the possibility of having sex with a Trump-hating lady by accident, Roosh advises his followers to loudly declare their love of Trump at pretty much every opportunity, using such clever pickup lines as:

“Today I’m actually having a good day because my Donald Trump hat came in.”


“Excuse me, I was on my way to a Trump supporter meeting but you have a happy walk and I wanted to know if you were also going to the same Trump meeting.”

DEPRESSING ASIDE: Roosh is evidently quite fond of commenting on the happiness, or lack thereof, of a woman’s walk. The Icelandic woman who came forward earlier this year to accuse Roosh of rape said that he approached her as she was walking home alone from a bar late at night by telling her she had “a beautiful but sad walk.”

In case any of his followers don’t think it makes sense to limit their potential sex partners by refusing to have sex with women who would likely hate them as well as Trump, Roosh assures them it will probably save them some time:

Besides the punitive element of withholding your cock from a Trump hater, we can also look at it from a time-saving perspective. If you are masculine, you simply won’t connect naturally with a feminist who hates Trump. You’ll have to act out her f*ggy ideal in order to get laid, waste time on interactions that go nowhere, and endure a lot more flaking. You’ll also feel a bit like a sellout for biting your lip when she inevitably spouts anti-male propaganda … .

After all, he reminds them, it’s generally better when you don’t completely hate the woman you’re trying to con into sleeping with you.

[Y]ou win by announcing your support for Donald Trump as president. Otherwise, you waste time on a girl you didn’t even like or have sex with someone while hiding your genuine beliefs. … 

It’s a fact that you’ll enjoy any seduction if you genuinely like the girl and share things in common with her.

Good to know.

The only problem is if you live in a liberal urban sh*thole of brainwashed commie zombies. In that case, you have bigger issues than just getting laid, and should consider moving to a place that is not completely against your belief system. Until then, I urge you to say no to all women who hate Trump.

So what can Trump-hating women do to ensure that Roosh-loving men don’t try to hit on them?

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Write “I hate Trump” on your shirt with a Sharpie marker.
  • Write “I hate Trump” on your forehead with a Sharpie marker.
  • Carry a large “I hate Trump” sign with you at all times.
  • Yell “I hate Trump” at the top of your lungs every five or ten minutes. (You may wish to set a timer.)
  • Get a bumper sticker for your car reading “I hate Trump.” Never leave your car.
  • Get a bumper sticker for your car reading “My other car is running over Nazis.”
  • Wear a fake beard. With a sign attached to it reading “I hate Trump.”
  • Write “Roosh is  a Rapist” on your shirt with a Sharpie marker.

Hope these help!

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

Globalist is the new cultural Marxist which used to be the new statist.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

@ IP

Nope, not a pun, just an old saying, and a compliment to the person involved.

8 years ago

It’s also pretty ridiculous to assume that everyone woman who hates Trump is a feminist. I’m pretty sure my 90 year old traditional Catholic grandmother is not one and she loathes him. But if that’s what it’ll take to keep them away from women, I’m fine with them continuing to believe that.

There are also a bunch of evangelical super pastors who’ve denounced Trump for not being Christian enough and for letting Melania dress sexy in public. Pretty sure that they’re not feminists. That, and their misogyny could give even Roosh’s a run for its money.

But if this wards off PUAs, I’m not complaining.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

I wish globalism (add scare quotes to taste) was only a thing for Trumpites and Stormfronters. On ‘the left’, NWO conspiracy theorists and Bernie supporters use it too. They mean it differently (sometimes), but it’s still stupid and obnoxious

8 years ago

I’m just confused about how the jump was made that opposing literal fascism = communism.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago


Because opposing literal fascism has nothing to do with Communism, only in the literal fascist’s highly distorted world view.

RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
RosaDeLava - Praying for Sexbots
8 years ago

Hasn’t Roosh traveled to several countries to harass the women there? And aren’t his parents immigrants?

I don’t think I’d jump on the “Evil gloooobalists!” train if I were him, ‘s all.

Also, David, loved the suggestions!

(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
8 years ago

I forgot to add: I hate Trump.

Think that’s good enough?

8 years ago

@Virgin Mary:

I’m… I’m still confused. 🙁

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

So is “Trump sucks!” the new rape whistle?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Off-topic, but I saw this interesting article today.

Apparently, a study was done to research how the different ways women dressed affected their opportunities for employment.

As it turns out, if you dress in low-cut tops and show off your boobs, you’re more likely to be employed, which is the absolute reverse of everything I’ve been told when it comes to dressing for a job interview, yet I am still, SOMEHOW, not surprised in the slightest.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

In other news, Unilever who make thousands of products including the deodorants ‘Lynx’ and ‘Dove’ have vowed to stop depicting women as sex objects in their ads. Their most famous one, which is so MRA is ‘the Lynx effect’ because it depicts an ordinary guy being chased by dozens of women in their bra and panties. I know this was meant to be funny, but it isn’t. When they made the advert, they probably didn’t think that a sorry few actual members of the male gender believed it to be actually true. When you realise how Rooshites and Trumpzies acually see the world, you can’t unsee it. Quite disgusting and backwards really. At least their Dove commercial chose to use multicultural and plus size models.

NB the ‘Lynx’ product I think is called ‘Axe’ in your country. Typically masculine quasi violent naming terms. Apparently, smelling nice is ‘unmanly’. I prefer the British, fluffy kitty name. And I use Lynx very often myself, butch manly anarchist that I am! (Well, I just don’t like too much flowery sweet smelly stuff) but they did make a deodorant which smelled of chocolate once, bizarre but true. For MEN. 🙂

8 years ago

Write “Roosh is a Rapist” on your shirt with a Sharpie marker.

Go for the throat and write, “Trump is a Rapist” instead or as well.

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago

In that case, you have bigger issues than just getting laid, and should consider moving to a place that is not completely against your belief system.

I agree with this sentiment actually. If all MRAs/PUAs lived in the same state, we could simply avoid them and their odious belief system.

8 years ago

Virgin Mary – your post and name reminded me of an oft quoted comedian here:

“LYNX. For when you want to smell like a virgin.”

One thing that’s kinda interesting, or weird, is that I’ve seen office dudes here…Lynx shaming one another.

“God, he’s using Lynx!”

Its becone shorthand for ‘try hard’, with an edge of jerk. I hate the smell by association, more than anything else. But there is a big hate-on for it – maybe because of experiences with guys who use it instead of bathing. That seems to be a slightly odd cultural thing.

Or the ads are pandering so much people have no patience.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

I’m torn. As a resident of a city full of Trump hating progressives, I’m happy for any PUAs to GTFO. But there are good people in right wing heavy areas who don’t deserve to be inflicted with these miscreants on top of the fundies and gun fetishists they already have to deal with.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

I don’t like that Axe is named Lynx in the UK. Lynx are cute kitties and my state’s awesome multiple championship winning WNBA team is called The Lynx.

(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
8 years ago

Axe has a similar reputation in the US. I think it has several components: a. guys who seem to think it replaces bathing, b. guys who don’t know when it’s too much (there’s some overlap between a and b), and c. half of their scents have some note in them that gives me (and presumably other people) an insta-headache.

My older son and husband have used the chocolate one (Dark Temptations? wtf dude) and because they don’t coat themselves in it, it’s actually pretty nice. I like the women’s Anarchy one, too, although it’s not my first choice for scent; I prefer BPAL, and I’ve gotten at least two of the three guys here into it too. Hmm, I really should dig up something for my older son…

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Well, if we’re recommending soaps, I like Villainess. They have a soap that smells of breakfast.

(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
8 years ago

Villainess has some lovely soaps! They also partnered with BPAL and have BPAL-scented soaps at the Trading Post.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Yay, another Villainess fan!

8 years ago

What’s Trumpkinhead’s unfavourability rating with women again? 70%? K.

Roosh urges his followers to “punish” Trump-haters by withholding invites to their in-pants parties

Oh no. Please reconsider. Next you’re going to tell me I’m not invited to your Klan meetings.

Besides the punitive element of withholding your cock from a Trump hater,

… How is it possible to write something like that with a straight face?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

At first I thought you guys were talking about soap operas and I was getting ready to confess that I miss Passions very much.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

I think for Roosh, he’s a bit confused in what he wants in a sex partner. To despise Trump, that might deflate his wiener, but equally if the woman he’s focussed his attention on has a strong aversion to Trump, she is still intelligent enough to have an opinion. Any woman with even the slightest opinion about political matters actually disqualifies them as a Roosh target. I have this image in my head of ‘Talking Malibu Stacy’ from the Simpsons, when asked her opinion of Donald Trump, she just simpers and says, ‘don’t ask me, I’m just a girl’ followed by babyish giggles and blushing. Roosh’s ‘dream girls’ are exactly that, barely sentient sex dolls, with no inner life or thoughts outside of giving him sexual pleasure, and being his disposable plaything. Pity for him they (and sex robots) don’t actually exist except in his fetid fantasies.

8 years ago

At this point in our societal decline, it doesn’t make sense to sexually reward a girl who wants to destroy the country with a socialist or globalist candidate.

Dear Roosh & Co.: Your sploodge is not a reward, it’s a punishment. And Der Drumpf is not a candidate, he’s a fuckwitted Cheeto-dust abomination. Just like you.

Please all die involuntarily celibate.

That is all.


“Excuse me, I was on my way to a Trump supporter meeting but you have a happy walk and I wanted to know if you were also going to the same Trump meeting.”

“Excuse me, is this the pet shop?”