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Ladies! Use this one weird trick to ward off festering PUA pustule Roosh V and his fanboys

Gals! The repulsion you feel for Donald Trump could pay off big time!
Gals! The repulsion you feel for Donald Trump could pay off big time!

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The Trump candidacy may be destroying the soul of America a little bit every day, but it has brought one good thing in its wake: a sure-fire trick all you ladies can use to ward off the attentions of the loathsome, rape-friendly pickup artist Roosh V and his army of fanboys.

All you need to do, gals, is to make it clear to the world that you hate Donald Trump.

In a blog post recently reposted on his Return of Kings site, Roosh urges his followers to “punish” Trump-haters by withholding invites to their in-pants parties. Trump-haters, Roosh declares,

are awash in obesity, masculine behavior, and utter repulsiveness. For this reason, I recommend that you completely stop having sex with Trump haters. …

At this point in our societal decline, it doesn’t make sense to sexually reward a girl who wants to destroy the country with a socialist or globalist candidate.


I second his recommendation, though it would of course be better if Roosh’s followers extended their anti-anti-Trump penis strike to include women who like Trump as well. And men. And, well, pretty much every thing that exists in this world other than their own hands.

Sorry, Roosh-fan hands. Sometimes you have to take a hit for Team Humanity.

Given that Roosh thinks, or professes to think, that Trump-hating women are inevitably fat, mannish, and repulsive, you might wonder why he even has to set forth his Immodest Proposal. Wouldn’t supersmooth PUAs like Roosh and his fanboys be ignoring these women anyway?

Apparently not. And so, to avoid the possibility of having sex with a Trump-hating lady by accident, Roosh advises his followers to loudly declare their love of Trump at pretty much every opportunity, using such clever pickup lines as:

“Today I’m actually having a good day because my Donald Trump hat came in.”


“Excuse me, I was on my way to a Trump supporter meeting but you have a happy walk and I wanted to know if you were also going to the same Trump meeting.”

DEPRESSING ASIDE: Roosh is evidently quite fond of commenting on the happiness, or lack thereof, of a woman’s walk. The Icelandic woman who came forward earlier this year to accuse Roosh of rape said that he approached her as she was walking home alone from a bar late at night by telling her she had “a beautiful but sad walk.”

In case any of his followers don’t think it makes sense to limit their potential sex partners by refusing to have sex with women who would likely hate them as well as Trump, Roosh assures them it will probably save them some time:

Besides the punitive element of withholding your cock from a Trump hater, we can also look at it from a time-saving perspective. If you are masculine, you simply won’t connect naturally with a feminist who hates Trump. You’ll have to act out her f*ggy ideal in order to get laid, waste time on interactions that go nowhere, and endure a lot more flaking. You’ll also feel a bit like a sellout for biting your lip when she inevitably spouts anti-male propaganda … .

After all, he reminds them, it’s generally better when you don’t completely hate the woman you’re trying to con into sleeping with you.

[Y]ou win by announcing your support for Donald Trump as president. Otherwise, you waste time on a girl you didn’t even like or have sex with someone while hiding your genuine beliefs. … 

It’s a fact that you’ll enjoy any seduction if you genuinely like the girl and share things in common with her.

Good to know.

The only problem is if you live in a liberal urban sh*thole of brainwashed commie zombies. In that case, you have bigger issues than just getting laid, and should consider moving to a place that is not completely against your belief system. Until then, I urge you to say no to all women who hate Trump.

So what can Trump-hating women do to ensure that Roosh-loving men don’t try to hit on them?

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Write “I hate Trump” on your shirt with a Sharpie marker.
  • Write “I hate Trump” on your forehead with a Sharpie marker.
  • Carry a large “I hate Trump” sign with you at all times.
  • Yell “I hate Trump” at the top of your lungs every five or ten minutes. (You may wish to set a timer.)
  • Get a bumper sticker for your car reading “I hate Trump.” Never leave your car.
  • Get a bumper sticker for your car reading “My other car is running over Nazis.”
  • Wear a fake beard. With a sign attached to it reading “I hate Trump.”
  • Write “Roosh is  a Rapist” on your shirt with a Sharpie marker.

Hope these help!

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8 years ago

FINALLY they’re advocating staying away from women who hate them, instead of insisting on trying to bang any poor soul they set their gaze on.

8 years ago

Roosh V just reiterated his requirements for a mother of his child TBD.

She must be between 18 and 25 and a virgin. Isn’t RV 37 or so?

8 years ago

It’s amusing (or is that amazing?) that they assume withholding their sexual advances from a woman is punitive. Having these guys leave them alone is, in fact, a reward for their liberal, anti-Trump, feminist worldview. If I weren’t a feminist anti-Trump liberal already, this would encourage me to become one.

Of course, since I am over 30, quite a few pounds over their (PUAs) standard of ideal weight, and am currently a working scientist, I suspect I don’t even need to be a feminist anti-Trump liberal to have them ignore me. (Or are these the guys that shout at me every time I go out for a walk that I need to go home to my husband? Possibly…I don’t see any reason for a mature woman to actually follow the instructions that are shouted at her by teens in pick up trucks, which at least here seems to be the vehicle of choice).

8 years ago

Once upon a time:

1. “You’ve gotta learn how to lie to women to get them to have sex with you.”

And now:

2. “You’ve gotta learn how to tell women the truth to keep them from having sex with you.”

I suppose that’s progress, though of an equivocal sort, like ‘learning how to mourn.’

8 years ago

Get a bumper sticker for your car reading “My other car is running over Nazis.”

This sticker needs to happen.

8 years ago

I can’t even fathom being full of so much hate. Just makes me sad, really.

8 years ago



are awash in obesity, masculine behavior, and utter repulsiveness

Knowing how strict these people’s criteria for thin, feminine, and attractive are…

withholding your cock from a Trump hater

Unless your curds and whey contain the cure for the common cold, Miss Muffet probably ain’t interested (and on several occasions, she wasn’t). He doesn’t realize he’s the spider

You’ll have to act out her f*ggy ideal in order to get laid

Progressive women will only want to fuck you if you’re gay? That would explain Matt Bomer…

EDIT: well, that image worked

8 years ago

You leave Matt Bomer alone. He’s the only man to make rat pack fashion acceptable on TV

8 years ago

Roosh is resolving to stay away from women he doesn’t like?

So…all women, then? I mean, the man clearly doesn’t like women, as such.

8 years ago

Progressive women will only want to fuck you if you’re gay? That would explain Matt Bomer…

I hold the strange opinion that Matt Bomer is too good looking to be attractive. I realize that makes no sense. (Tim Dekay, however, I want to climb like a tree.)

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Tim Dekay can eat crackers in my bed any time.

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
8 years ago

Strangely, I have noticed that some men only realize – very suddenly – that a woman is unattractive to him just after hitting on her and being rejected. Maybe this list will help these benighted souls in identifying these ninja ugly people.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Oh god I hope that’s not a pun. :p

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Considering 7 out of 10 women dislike Trump (that number is probably even higher abroad, and also higher among the 18-25 yo millennials that Roosh prizes so highly), that shrinks the already microscopic pool of women willing to sleep with Roosh to practically nothing. I highly doubt that the remaining 30% of young conservative virginal women are into recreational sex with greasy randos off the street, even if the deal is sweetened with a Trump hat. But I could be wrong about that.

All he does is sit around inventing excuses for why he’s not getting laid. Dude has more filters than a Sam’s Club coffee aisle.

This post reminds me of the guy who strutted around the water park in a Trump T-shirt and bragged that his bigotshake brought all the girls to the yard:

Trump’s open racism and vileness is an aphrodisiac for these guys. At least they have the sense to recognize that most women don’t feel the same way.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

It’s really is amazing how the PUA/redpill “philosophy” has finally come around to the conclusion that it’s best to not deceive people, but rather to be honest and truthful in your presentation, and have both people make an informed choice as to whether they want to spend any time with each other. This is pretty much an admission that Roosh’s enemies were right all along.

This part is incredible too:

If you are masculine, you simply won’t connect naturally with a feminist who hates Trump. You’ll have to act out her f*ggy ideal in order to get laid

He uses wildly inaccurate terminology, but if you are acquainted with the alt-right/MRA/neo-Nazi way of speaking, you may realize that this basically translates into a reasonable and accurate observation about reality.

masculine = right wing bigot
feminist = not a bigot
f*ggy = showing any kind of interest in anything but yourself
get laid = not being loathed by the other person

Roosh is admitting that women are not all clones of one another, but their likes and dislikes can differ radically from woman to woman. Almost as if women are people.

Sure, he still hates women. But at least he’s moving in the direction of accepting that this is his problem, and that he should probably stay away from women who don’t hate women.

8 years ago

Finally, I won’t have to pull out the old “my boyfriend’s parking the car” to get these assholes to respect my lack of interest!

Also, Tim Dekay… mmmmmmmm… 😉 Thank you for putting that in my mind rather than Roosh!

8 years ago

are awash in obesity, masculine behavior, and utter repulsiveness. For this reason, I recommend that you completely stop having sex with Trump haters. …

Um. I’m confused. If Trump haters are obese, masculine and utterly repulsive, why are they having sex with them to begin with?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

Roosh thinks his unwashed dingleberry encrusted ass is a reward? Yeah, okay. Whatever gets him through the night, I guess.

It’s also pretty ridiculous to assume that everyone woman who hates Trump is a feminist. I’m pretty sure my 90 year old traditional Catholic grandmother is not one and she loathes him. But if that’s what it’ll take to keep them away from women, I’m fine with them continuing to believe that.

8 years ago

I’ll quit making fun of him, when he stops being so foine. Got me feelin some kinda way 😛

Makes perfect sense. Some people are just too pretty. It’s like a sorta uncanny valley of attractiveness. Not hating on the super hot, man or woman. Flaunt what ya got! But yeah, I get it 🙂

snork maiden
8 years ago

But, but, I do all those things already!

(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
(((Her Grace Phryne))): Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite
8 years ago

@Bekabot: Fellow Slacktivite? 😀

Back on topic, I think the temperature in hell is starting to drop, because this sounds kinda-sorta maybe reasonable if you squint and tilt your head at the right angle.

8 years ago

Is it just me or has the word “globalist” become really popular with the various alt-right dudes over the last year? Its kind of like “cultural marxism” in that it means everything and nothing at the same time. The definition seems to be – a bunch of communist corporate overlords (who might be jewish) that are purposely destroying traditional values through anti-male multicultural brainwashing (feminism) and mass immigration. Of course, its all a bunch of nonsense, but the communists as corporate capitalists thing just makes you scratch your head. Do they not realize how contradictory and dumb that sounds? But coming from people who think withholding sex from “Trump haters” is a significant form of civil disobedience then I guess it makes sense.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

Attention Roosh fanbois: I HATE DONALD TRUMP.

That is all.

rick | June 29, 2016 at 2:19 pm
Is it just me or has the word “globalist” become really popular with the various alt-right dudes over the last year?

It really has. I think it just means “people who think those awful brown people deserve to live wherever they want”.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

Hitler wrote about ‘Cultural Marxism’ but his name for it was ‘Jewish Bolshevism’. It was crap back then as well. There is no such thing as a cultural Marxist, much less Communist Jewish Capitalists who run the banks and subvert society. The people who write this verbal diarrhoea also like to talk about ‘Liberal Fascists’, which despite being a contradiction in terms seems absolutely believable to them. Marxism or any form of Socialism is not to be confused with Liberalism, wheras Liberalism promotes freedom of the individual (including free trade) women’s rights, LGBTQIA+ and civil rights, Marxism is primarily an economic system concerned with the rights of the working class (proletariat) these other inequalities are seen as separate from the economic issues (as is religion). Most of these commenters do not see the difference between Socialism and Liberalism, so in their mind, billionaire Jewish Communist corporate overlords can actually exist. Liberals, especially your Democrats are a long long way from being actual Communists, as they are generally fiscal conservatives, Communism being a completely different, and incompatible, economic system from capitalism.

8 years ago


I hold the strange opinion that Matt Bomer is too good looking to be attractive. I realize that makes no sense.

I get you. That’s exactly how I feel about Chris Hemsworth.

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