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The Trump candidacy may be destroying the soul of America a little bit every day, but it has brought one good thing in its wake: a sure-fire trick all you ladies can use to ward off the attentions of the loathsome, rape-friendly pickup artist Roosh V and his army of fanboys.
All you need to do, gals, is to make it clear to the world that you hate Donald Trump.
In a blog post recently reposted on his Return of Kings site, Roosh urges his followers to “punish” Trump-haters by withholding invites to their in-pants parties. Trump-haters, Roosh declares,
are awash in obesity, masculine behavior, and utter repulsiveness. For this reason, I recommend that you completely stop having sex with Trump haters. …
At this point in our societal decline, it doesn’t make sense to sexually reward a girl who wants to destroy the country with a socialist or globalist candidate.
I second his recommendation, though it would of course be better if Roosh’s followers extended their anti-anti-Trump penis strike to include women who like Trump as well. And men. And, well, pretty much every thing that exists in this world other than their own hands.
Sorry, Roosh-fan hands. Sometimes you have to take a hit for Team Humanity.
Given that Roosh thinks, or professes to think, that Trump-hating women are inevitably fat, mannish, and repulsive, you might wonder why he even has to set forth his Immodest Proposal. Wouldn’t supersmooth PUAs like Roosh and his fanboys be ignoring these women anyway?
Apparently not. And so, to avoid the possibility of having sex with a Trump-hating lady by accident, Roosh advises his followers to loudly declare their love of Trump at pretty much every opportunity, using such clever pickup lines as:
“Today I’m actually having a good day because my Donald Trump hat came in.”
“Excuse me, I was on my way to a Trump supporter meeting but you have a happy walk and I wanted to know if you were also going to the same Trump meeting.”
DEPRESSING ASIDE: Roosh is evidently quite fond of commenting on the happiness, or lack thereof, of a woman’s walk. The Icelandic woman who came forward earlier this year to accuse Roosh of rape said that he approached her as she was walking home alone from a bar late at night by telling her she had “a beautiful but sad walk.”
In case any of his followers don’t think it makes sense to limit their potential sex partners by refusing to have sex with women who would likely hate them as well as Trump, Roosh assures them it will probably save them some time:
Besides the punitive element of withholding your cock from a Trump hater, we can also look at it from a time-saving perspective. If you are masculine, you simply won’t connect naturally with a feminist who hates Trump. You’ll have to act out her f*ggy ideal in order to get laid, waste time on interactions that go nowhere, and endure a lot more flaking. You’ll also feel a bit like a sellout for biting your lip when she inevitably spouts anti-male propaganda … .
After all, he reminds them, it’s generally better when you don’t completely hate the woman you’re trying to con into sleeping with you.
[Y]ou win by announcing your support for Donald Trump as president. Otherwise, you waste time on a girl you didn’t even like or have sex with someone while hiding your genuine beliefs. …
It’s a fact that you’ll enjoy any seduction if you genuinely like the girl and share things in common with her.
Good to know.
The only problem is if you live in a liberal urban sh*thole of brainwashed commie zombies. In that case, you have bigger issues than just getting laid, and should consider moving to a place that is not completely against your belief system. Until then, I urge you to say no to all women who hate Trump.
So what can Trump-hating women do to ensure that Roosh-loving men don’t try to hit on them?
Here are a few suggestions:
- Write “I hate Trump” on your shirt with a Sharpie marker.
- Write “I hate Trump” on your forehead with a Sharpie marker.
- Carry a large “I hate Trump” sign with you at all times.
- Yell “I hate Trump” at the top of your lungs every five or ten minutes. (You may wish to set a timer.)
- Get a bumper sticker for your car reading “I hate Trump.” Never leave your car.
- Get a bumper sticker for your car reading “My other car is running over Nazis.”
- Wear a fake beard. With a sign attached to it reading “I hate Trump.”
- Write “Roosh is a Rapist” on your shirt with a Sharpie marker.
Hope these help!
I dunno, if some random dude walked up to me and described my walk as a “happy walk”, I’d be a little weirded out. That’s just a weird thing to comment on, and they do it in such a vague way. “Your walk looks happy!”
Squirrel, it’s my walk. It is an action I take, thus it isn’t capable of emotion.
But, if they were like “Yeah, I’m on my way to a Trump rally, and since you look so happy, you must be too!” I would most likely vomit on their shoes.
If my walk is happy around a Roosh, it’s because I’m on my way to someplace that he’d never go.
‘Course, it’d be happier if I just saw him fall off the curb and into heavy traffic.
So why isn’t it on your manly, manly head?
The truth is, Roosh doesn’t want his followers to talk to supporters of other candidates because he doesn’t want them to hear a different point of view. One that might make sense to a follower. So a follower might end up with (1) a girlfriend, and (2) a different political perspective, either of which would leave Roosh out in the cold.
If that happens often enough, who will buy his Bang! books?
Roosh has got this whole business model thing worked out.
That makes way more sense than thinking that any woman ever anywhere has responded to the line “you have a happy/sad walk” positively. Just reading it gives me that cringey feeling where you’re so embarrassed for another person’s awkwardness that it makes you physically uncomfortable.
In fact, if I had never read any of his rape accounts, that line alone would convince me that he’s never actually had consensual sex. I’m trying to imagine how drunk I would have to be to continue an interaction with someone after they said that, but it’s too difficult in a world where Giants with flagons connected to the sea don’t actually exist. Certainly it would be safely on the side of incapacitation.
Could this X striken Donald trump card have the same effect ?
“Happy walk” makes me think of Bob Ross and his happy trees. Although given the context, Nancy Sinatra might be more appropriate.
Happy walks:
Thomas Day: the Roosh V of the 18th century?
This “Roosh” is antiglobalization, it says, but isn’t he like arabic or something? Like how the fuck would he be here if it weren’t for globalization!?!? It’s really super-weird.
Doesn’t Roosh live in Silver Spring, MD? As someone who lives in that area, it’s very liberal and very diverse. It’s a place slightly cheaper to live than DC, and it’s an easy commute on the train, so a lot of people who work in DC live here. I’m probably one of six white people who lives in my apartment complex. So why does he live in a place he’d describe as a “liberal urban sh*thole of brainwashed commie zombies” if he hates it so much?
The only Trump supporter I’ve seen thus far is when I went to vote, there he was a middle-aged black guy with a big Trump sign out front, so methinks Roosh wouldn’t want to associate with him anyway because Roosh is a racist slimeball. It must be very hard to Roosh to live his life when he’s surrounded by people he hates.
You know, if a guy said something that goofy to me I just might have to respond in kind. “It did? Man, you’re lucky. I open up the door and call for my Trump hat, but it just stares at me before running away again. I’d like to make it an indoor hat because that’s so much safer for it, but I’m just having no luck. When I can get it to come in, it just runs back out the door the next time someone opens it.”
Yes, please withhold sex from women who disagree with you. This is the best idea you have ever had. Do this all the time.
I just realized there is a man who travels around the world allegedly raping women and writing books on it. This is so sad and twisted. And he is an American too. Facepalm. I weep for my country.
Brb, off to buy T-shirts insulting Donald Trump.