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Leave it to Canada’s most enthusiastic Trump fan who doesn’t think women should be allowed to vote to come up with perhaps the most ingeniously ludicrous theory about Brexit that has been set forth so far.
In a post on her JudgyBitch blog, Andrea Hardie (aka “Janet Bloomfield”) tries her hand at political pop psychology, MRAsplaining the popularity of the “Remain” vote among younger British voters as the result of their being raised by single mothers.
No, really. As Hardie sees it, young Brits hunger for a political substitute for the daddy they never had in real life — and have found their ideal father figure in the European Union, of all people international entities.
Hardie dismisses the legitimate concerns younger Brits have about Brexit — concerns that happen to be shared by economists, investors, the agencies that rate the credit-worthiness of government bonds, and Chuck Tingle — pretending instead that millennial Brits are just whiny brats upset that Brexit might ruin their vacation plans.
Or, as Hardie puts it, in her inimitable style,
Oh, boo hoo. I want to go to Spain for the weekend and I’ll need to find my passport, boohoo I’m so oppressed…. Essentially, it amounts to ‘I will experience a tiny bit of inconvenience and I am far too precious for something as horrifying as inconvenience.’
But the real driver of the “Remain” vote amongst the young, Hardie suggests, is their daddy hunger.
Remain says ‘I miss my real Daddy but you’ll do, EU’.
Is it really surprising that the generation raised by proud single mothers, the generation more likely to have a smart phone than a dad who lives in the home with them, is crying out for the boundary setting paternalism of the EU? What is the EU other than the Daddy substitute most modern liberal democratic governments represent?
I’m pretty sure that the EU is actually “a union of European nations created by treaty and put into effect in 1993 for the purpose of working gradually toward an economic and political unification of Europe by means of a unified monetary policy, a common currency, standardized laws of commerce and trade, etc.”
Also, there is no “generation raised by proud single mothers.” The overwhelming majority of children in the UK are raised in two-parent homes.
After depositing her first lump of nonsense on Daddy EU, Hardie takes a moment to remind us just how bad it is that women are allowed to vote.
Recall that after suffrage, the first thing women voted for was lifetime alimony – all the benefits of being married, but none of the responsibilities, and women have continued to vote to replace personal, family bonds with government ones.
Then, in an impressive display of sophistry, she pivots back to Daddy EU:
Now women have done one better, and raised a generation of whimpering, weak-minded, responsibility averse, perpetually aggrieved moaners for whom the need to make difficult, complex choices is always someone else’s responsibility. In the case of Brexit, that’s the EU.
Er, what? I’m having a teensy bit of a problem figuring out how the complicated matrix of international agreements that underpins the EU has anything to do with the personal responsibilities of twentysomething Brits. Are the youth of Britain deciding to drink even more heavily on weekends than the youth of Britain traditionally have because they think Big Daddy EU is going to send a car to make sure they get home safe and sound?
This is a generation raised in daycare centers because Mommy was too busy cooking, cleaning or caring for others for money, and so plagued with guilt that junior’s every whim was indulged immediately, all while Daddy was either torn from the home or so emasculated he needed written permission to touch his own balls.
Yeah, I don’t think that last bit is a thing outside of Femdom fetishism.
Brexit is just the beginning. Leave is often cast as ‘rejecting the liberal world order’, but what they have really rejected is the female world order.
The … female world order? Here’s a picture of the European Parliament.

I’m pretty sure most of those people are dudes.
Women, (mis)led by feminists, have shackled the traditional powers of both men and women and tried to replace them with Big Daddy government.
Repeating the same nonsense over and over doesn’t make it any more true.
The EU is under attack from Islamic invaders, once civil societies now have rape and crime rates that rival the world’s biggest cesspools, the economy is rigged to deliver returns principally to shareholders and not workers, and the global elite have eaten naïve politicians pandering to irrational women voters alive.
The West is on the brink of collapse, and the adults in the room are finally reaching their limits.
And apparently, at least in Hardie’s mind, the best solution to a world on the brink of collapse is to … push it off a cliff?
This must have been said before, but if Hardie thinks women are so irrational they shouldn’t get the vote, why does she think she, as a woman, would have any of her screeds taken seriously? Including the one about women being too irrational to vote? It’s a true Catch 22.
EDITED TO ADD: I don’t take her seriously because she’s not worth taking seriously, not because she’s a woman. Just clarifying?
That should have been a ‘.’ not a ‘?’ but I ran out of edit time.
Samantha Bee’s piece on Brexit last night was hilarious. I’m on my phone on a quick break so I can’t find a link just now, but I highly recommend finding it.
I find it odd that JB’s conveniently neglecting all the people who voted Leave and then regretted the decision.
@Scildfreja & IP:
Literally just today I’ve seen two different people who have posited their opinions based entirely on assfax. The first one was an argument about how feminists are totes the misogynists for wanting to see women participate equally in (video game) war and then went off on biotroofs about how men are expendable, and the second called Anita Sarkeesian an extremist because she doesn’t research her criticisms and she complains about violence against women/costume designs for women/women being treated as trophies in video games.
Saying they lack critical thinking is putting it lightly, if you ask me.
Actually, that sounds just like antifeminist women. Aren’t they yearning for their Big Daddy who will fix everything, including the cat and the kitchen sink?
As usual, Judgy Twit projects so much of her own crap that it’s impossible not to believe she’s really talking about herself.
@Imaginary Petal
I’m very slightly offended, since that is exactly how I work, because of lifelong crippling insomnia.
@Scaly Llama
That’s because, like all MRAs, she believes herself above all others. Think male MRAs : they always go on and on about the majority of emasculated beta males and whatever. But not them. NO NO NO. NOT. THEM. They’re alphas. Real manly men. REAL MEN.
Just going to point out the intersection of a certain Milo and “daddy”.
Just read her comments and even a few of her fans think she’s a moron who needs to shut up. You hear that, JB!? Some guys told you to shut up, you better do as they say or you’re a man hater!
@Sinkable John
I’m sorry about the insomnia. :/
However, judging from your comments here, I have a hard time believing that your thoughts are random and fragmented. They seem quite clear! 🙂
That is exactly what I thought of when reading this post.
@Imaginary Petal
You should see me actually typing the comments though.* My “delete” key gets so much use I should probably oil it one of these days. And to be fair, lifelong experience with lack of sleep probably helps a lot in keeping it all together. Aaaand when I say “work”, I mean “write”, and random fragmented thoughts can be super precious in a creative process, provided you find the energy to write them down.
*Just this one took me about 15 minutes ? MEH.
Also just in case it wasn’t clear, I was kidding about being offended, don’t worry.
Hilarious. Everybody talks about how nice the Cannucks are but every barrel has some rotten apples.
I voted remain, I am deeply sad to lose my identity as a member of the EU against my will, and worried about the economic and social consequences that are now hitting this country. I hate the message it sends to our allies that we are a self serving, inward looking country. As much as I wish the vote were different, I can accept these things – there are legitimate concerns with the EU and I can accept that enough people felt the only way forward was to leave and carve out own path. What I can’t accept is how the far right in the UK are now think this vote has legitimised their racism and abuse of migrants and starting to happen in the street – I’m ashamed of what this country is becoming over the last few days. I have never felt less English than I do right now. I’m hoping things start to get better soon.
JB is so off the mark its laughable.
@Sinkable John
I figured. 🙂
But insomnia is no joke, so all the hugs to you.
@Branston I’m sorry to hear that hate crimes are spiking in the UK. :/
@Imaginary Petal
Nope, the joke is what they “treat” it with here. It’s not very funny though. But I’ll take the hugs, ALL OF THE HUGS.
Where can one get reliable news on what is going on in the UK ? I’m having trouble with Google right now and I keep landing on christian fundie sites with a disgusting spin on the events.
Saddens me to hear what’s going on there. Last time I visited, I wouldn’t have guessed the EU debate would spark that kind of bigotry (or that Farage would get any validation on his apparent belief that he is Jesus, Joan of Arc, and Elvis Presley all at the same time).
If you’re British you need a passport to visit countries outside Britain anyway, EU or no EU.
While I voted ‘Remain’, there were legitimate reasons for leaving that had nothing to do with all the assholes who supported ‘Brexit’. One being the likely breakup of the nation. What point is there in UK independence if the UK’s not going to exist any more?
Haven’t read article or comments yet but just had to say that’s the best picture caption ever.
Interesting that a fellow remainer friend was raised by a single dad.
Interesting. I was thinking only earlier today that the Norway/Iceland arrangement – which I’m pretty sure we’re going to end up going for as I can’t see any mainstream politician pulling us out of the single market – is more like a parent-child relationship while full membership is more like a marriage. I mean, because with full membership you get to participate in making all decisions together as equals, whereas with the Norway/Iceland option you have to just accept whatever rules the EU wants to impose on you with some very limited freedom to do your own thing in certain areas. But I see now I had it all back to front. Thanks, JudgyBitch!
(To be fair, I suppose the Norway/Iceland option was not what most Leave voters thought they were choosing. I actually feel pretty sorry for them (not that I imagine they want my pity, but, well, I can’t really help it) because, while they might be celebrating now – those who are not regretting their vote, anyway – I think they’ll end up finding they’ve lost. Not that we remainers will have won – I don’t think the Norway/Iceland option is many people’s first choice at all, and pretty much everyone won’t be very happy with it. But I reckon it’s the second best scenario after keeping the status quo for most remainers, while – though I’m speculating here – I would imagine it’s the worst case for most Leave voters as it has everything they hated about being in the EU with even less control over the rules imposed inasmuchas we won’t get to be involved in making them. And on top of that they’ll have a sense of betrayal because they were denied what they believed they would get when they voted, despite being the majority.)
Well, I was gonna, but you’ve got it covered!
(Seriously, I wish we’d joined Schengen. And if you*’re going to pontificate on why people voted how they did and what the consequences of leaving the EU will be, it helps to understand basic facts about how the whole thing works.)
* “you” = JudgyBitch/one in general
I know, it’s kind of terrifying that there are apparently people who not only now think xenophobic attacks are endorsed by the general public but that Brexit winning means we’ll be deporting everyone they think doesn’t belong here imminently.
(Details here for anyone who wants to know more)
I spot a woman here and there in that picture, so I can see how JB could be confused that there is a female world order.
But women have more power now than in 1920, when women’s suffrage became a thing!
Where the hell is that lifetime alimony in 2016!
Also, Andrea Hardie’s presumptive best friend, Milo Yiannopoulos (just guessing here), welcomes Donald Trump as our new daddy (blecch)! Men’s rights movement, consider having a message that isn’t completely self-contradictory 100 percent of the time.
Here’s what Milo tweeted, along with a picture of himself in front of Trump Tower:
DADDY ARE YOU HOME @realDonaldTrump
Two words:
(1) pathet (2) ick!
Ok, read the article now. TLDR, there is literally nothing that happens on God’s green earth that JB can’t use as a sort of microwave for reheating the same stupid argument she always uses.
No, you’re just demonstrating that you’ve read Andrea Hardie’s words.