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Leave it to Canada’s most enthusiastic Trump fan who doesn’t think women should be allowed to vote to come up with perhaps the most ingeniously ludicrous theory about Brexit that has been set forth so far.
In a post on her JudgyBitch blog, Andrea Hardie (aka “Janet Bloomfield”) tries her hand at political pop psychology, MRAsplaining the popularity of the “Remain” vote among younger British voters as the result of their being raised by single mothers.
No, really. As Hardie sees it, young Brits hunger for a political substitute for the daddy they never had in real life — and have found their ideal father figure in the European Union, of all people international entities.
Hardie dismisses the legitimate concerns younger Brits have about Brexit — concerns that happen to be shared by economists, investors, the agencies that rate the credit-worthiness of government bonds, and Chuck Tingle — pretending instead that millennial Brits are just whiny brats upset that Brexit might ruin their vacation plans.
Or, as Hardie puts it, in her inimitable style,
Oh, boo hoo. I want to go to Spain for the weekend and I’ll need to find my passport, boohoo I’m so oppressed…. Essentially, it amounts to ‘I will experience a tiny bit of inconvenience and I am far too precious for something as horrifying as inconvenience.’
But the real driver of the “Remain” vote amongst the young, Hardie suggests, is their daddy hunger.
Remain says ‘I miss my real Daddy but you’ll do, EU’.
Is it really surprising that the generation raised by proud single mothers, the generation more likely to have a smart phone than a dad who lives in the home with them, is crying out for the boundary setting paternalism of the EU? What is the EU other than the Daddy substitute most modern liberal democratic governments represent?
I’m pretty sure that the EU is actually “a union of European nations created by treaty and put into effect in 1993 for the purpose of working gradually toward an economic and political unification of Europe by means of a unified monetary policy, a common currency, standardized laws of commerce and trade, etc.”
Also, there is no “generation raised by proud single mothers.” The overwhelming majority of children in the UK are raised in two-parent homes.
After depositing her first lump of nonsense on Daddy EU, Hardie takes a moment to remind us just how bad it is that women are allowed to vote.
Recall that after suffrage, the first thing women voted for was lifetime alimony – all the benefits of being married, but none of the responsibilities, and women have continued to vote to replace personal, family bonds with government ones.
Then, in an impressive display of sophistry, she pivots back to Daddy EU:
Now women have done one better, and raised a generation of whimpering, weak-minded, responsibility averse, perpetually aggrieved moaners for whom the need to make difficult, complex choices is always someone else’s responsibility. In the case of Brexit, that’s the EU.
Er, what? I’m having a teensy bit of a problem figuring out how the complicated matrix of international agreements that underpins the EU has anything to do with the personal responsibilities of twentysomething Brits. Are the youth of Britain deciding to drink even more heavily on weekends than the youth of Britain traditionally have because they think Big Daddy EU is going to send a car to make sure they get home safe and sound?
This is a generation raised in daycare centers because Mommy was too busy cooking, cleaning or caring for others for money, and so plagued with guilt that junior’s every whim was indulged immediately, all while Daddy was either torn from the home or so emasculated he needed written permission to touch his own balls.
Yeah, I don’t think that last bit is a thing outside of Femdom fetishism.
Brexit is just the beginning. Leave is often cast as ‘rejecting the liberal world order’, but what they have really rejected is the female world order.
The … female world order? Here’s a picture of the European Parliament.

I’m pretty sure most of those people are dudes.
Women, (mis)led by feminists, have shackled the traditional powers of both men and women and tried to replace them with Big Daddy government.
Repeating the same nonsense over and over doesn’t make it any more true.
The EU is under attack from Islamic invaders, once civil societies now have rape and crime rates that rival the world’s biggest cesspools, the economy is rigged to deliver returns principally to shareholders and not workers, and the global elite have eaten naïve politicians pandering to irrational women voters alive.
The West is on the brink of collapse, and the adults in the room are finally reaching their limits.
And apparently, at least in Hardie’s mind, the best solution to a world on the brink of collapse is to … push it off a cliff?
Sorry about that.
– a Canadian
Facepalming so hard right now. Thanks for taking this on, David.
Surprised I haven’t heard more MRAs and Red Pill dudes complaining about the abortion ruling yesterday. Hmmm.
“Is it really surprising that the generation raised by proud single mothers, the generation more likely to have a smart phone than a dad who lives in the home with them, is crying out for the boundary setting paternalism of the EU?”
Phoo, boundary-setting is the last thing the EU does…the EU abolishes boundaries, it doesn’t enforce them. (That’s the problem, whether you’re for or against the Brexit.)
The defining feature of an MRA is their arrogance. They share this with other groups, for sure, but MRA’s sure seem to be at the top of the heap when it comes to assuming that their every thought is gold. No need for critical thinking, anything that manages to bubble to the top of their brainmeats is fit for print!
I ain’t even gonna go into the details on Hardie’s pants-on-head arguments. They’re so clearly about her resentment towards the successes of others, and fears of her own ineptitudes, that there’s no reason to bother.
Andrea Hardie self-identifying as “the adult in the room” might be the most blatant example of the Dunning-Kruger effect I’ve ever come across.
The EU problem is more complicated than “abolish or enforce boundaries”.
I agree with Scildfreja. It’s hard to believe it’s not some kind of self parody.
That’s an MRA/alt-right/neo-Nazi behavior that’s stood out to me as well. How many times has David made a post about some Reddit comment, an AVfM article, a RoK post, a Youtube rant, etc, which presents some lonely dude’s genious theory of how the mind of the evil liberal/woman/PoC/LGBT+/non-Nazi works. It’s always the most ridiculous speculations based on deranged fever dreams, trying to prove its truth value by appealing to its own pre-suppositions. It’s like they’ve had a sleepless night with random fragmented thoughts running through their heads, and then got up at 5am to type it all up and connect the dots. Always landing at the most geniously genious, truthly truest truth bomb. Never stopping for a moment to think whether any of this makes sense or is related to reality in any way.
The MRA/AltRight form of Schrödinger’s Rapist: You can’t know until you see the color of his skin.
Andrea wrote:
Whoa, hold on a sec. Are you some sort of pinko commie whiner, Ms. Hardie? It’s called trickle-down economics, and neither feminists nor the political left proper have historically been what you would call its cheerleaders.
Workers of the world unite! …under our platform of Randian economics, and hatred of workers from other countries???
I’m surprised she equates the EU with a Daddy to begin with. Usually these sorts of arguments call the government a “nanny state.” Which for her and her audience would always be a woman, never a man.
Way to not grok…well, anything, really.
It would be funny if most young Brits weren’t voting Remain to save their jobs. Most scientific research in the UK was funded by the EU. 57% of our trade was with the EU. Poorer regions used EU funding to improve infrastructure and create employment. Since Friday, six of my friends have been given a finishing date for their jobs… But clearly the economic disasters have nothing to do with why we’re upset. We just miss our holidays and our remote father figure?
According to the FT only 36% of eligible voters under the age of 24 actually voted anyway. How does that fit in with her thesis?
I can’t help but think had young voters gone for ‘leave’ she’d have spun that to ‘prove’ a point too. It’s almost like she decides on a conclusion then arbitrarily comes up with a premise to fit; but that’s probably just me being cynical.
“Repeating the same nonsense over and over doesn’t make it any more true.”
That’s just about the gist of the alt-right’s methodology though. What would they do with their lives if they didn’t have a nice cozy echo chamber to rant and rave in and feel validated by?
Is there anything MRAs can’t blame on feminism?
“It’s raining today and my picnic is ruined. It must because feminists and their over emotional ladybrains were crying about safe spaces, the moisture from the tears evaporated into the clouds only to come back down as a rain shower. Damn those feminazis and their outdoor recreation ruining ways! They are making Western civilization collapse! Also Muslims!”
I don’t know how to, or even care to, respond to her article; but does anyone here want to point out to her that, as we’re not in Schengen, we need passports to go to Spain (and indeed anywhere except Ireland) anyway?
When has JB ever let pesky things like “facts” or “reality” get in the way of her arguments?
Note the types of jobs JB thinks working women do. Women couldn’t possibly do anything involving higher thought processes or positions of authority. Nope, only low wage domesticated work, done for funsies because modern-day Mommies are selfish. Because all families are upper middle class and can live adequately on one paycheck, as if it’s still the 1950s.
Every time she rears her head, I want to ask why anyone should pay the slightest amount of attention to her absurd opinions about women, since she clearly doesn’t believe they apply to her? What is she doing posting on a blog and rambling on about her cartoon version of Brexit, instead of paying attention to her kids and house like irrational childlike women are supposed to do? She’s a total hypocrite, and as intellectually dishonest as they come. Can’t even walk the walk.
404: self-awareness not found.
If we’re going to talk about Daddy issues, how about the psychology of fearful voters rushing to authoritarian right-wing politicians to save them from the hordes of immigrants? That’s more accurate than accusing globalists of same.
Maybe JudgyBitch is a satirist who’s so good at it nobody figured it out yet. Nobody knows. Poe’s Law destroyed all understanding of what is real and what is not.
@Imaginary Petal
I see that too. They present their ideas as if they’re the most profound and original thoughts in the history of the human race, especially when said ideas are cliche, hackney, and have been refuted for decades.
Don’t want to be off topic here. But I guess nothing is off topic in the world of anti-Feminism.
These were posted on the same day on Imgur. Both made it to the front page, on a site known for its attacks on Feminism, blacks, trans, etc. One has a man who says he was raped. The other regarding Emma Sulkowitz. Compare the comment sections to see how disgusting Imgur is regarding Feminism and rape. And how sympathetic they are when it happens to a man. Mind you most Imgur posts are filled with liars probing for points and full of anti-Feminists who like to throw “Third-wave” around like they even know what it means.
yes I was thinking that. I’ve always carried my passport when going within Europe, because it’s my best form of ID, what I haven’t had to worry about up to now is applying for a visa.
JB is bogged down in her usual drivel and projection. She is herself a walking pile of Daddy issues (please forgive the armchair diagnosis), her whole obsession with Trump and rage boner for working mums, not to mention that silly book she wrote, is dripping with the need to please ‘Daddy’.
I’m also getting seriously cheesed off with all this contempt constantly being thrown at the millenials, those kids have it tough, a lot tougher than the boomers who made up the majority of Brexit voters. What good is having a smart phone when the cost of education is through the roof, housing is an unaffordable dream, and zero hour contracts and unpaid internships make up the job market.
I have a five year old son, and sometimes I really fear for his future.
Right wing types seem to often describe liberals as whiny millennials, even though all most right wing types ever do is whine on the Internet. Even Encyclopedia Dramatica does it with their Brexit article.
For the first time in their life, many liberals actually experienced something not going their way, and promptly went apeshit. Some shouted that this was a fix, and other shouted that every leave voted was a racist, despite there being many other reasons for leaving the EU. If you ever need evidence of liberals being bad losers, here it is.
But, because of Poe’s Law, I can’t tell if the article writers are making a parody of fear-mongering bigotry or are fear-mongering bigots themselves.
I like how they overlook how many right wing politicians and financial experts were opposed to Brexit.
And if they think the Remain camp are sore losers, I wonder what they’ll think when they see the reactions of Trump fans when he doesn’t win the Presidency?