a voice for men antifeminism gynocracy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedestalization

A Case of the Memedays: Can you gyno-explain this baffling gyno-meme?

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

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I skipped Memeday on Friday, what with Brexit and all, so let’s have a manic Memeday Monday instead.

The somewhat bewildering meme above was recently posted to the A Voice for Men Facebook page, along with a brief explanation of what the meme-maker was trying to get at.

Without looking at the explanation, can you guess what on earth it might be? Take the following quiz and see!

[os-widget path=”/davidfutrelle/funny-gyno-meme-figuring-out-quiz” of=”davidfutrelle” comments=”false”]

Well, that was weird.


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Flight of the Wombat
Flight of the Wombat
8 years ago

What is their obsession with women being ‘on a pedestal’ anyhow?

Here’s my theory: men get a lot of cultural messages telling them that women should be put on a pedestal, but then when they try it they find that women don’t actually seem to like it that much. A certain subset of the population that doesn’t have very good critical thinking skills decides that this is because women are awful, rather than coming to the conclusion that they’d been lied to. This is also where you get the idea that “women don’t really know what they want”… it all stems from failing to notice that it’s not actually the same people giving them these two different messages.

8 years ago

Oh that’s a simple one. It’s male scopophilia, the sexual perversion of being aroused by looking at others as objects. Extremely common. See “male gaze”. Boy, they sure did misspell it with that gynie thingie word. Or are they complaining because they are pervs and they are fixated on compulsively looking at women so they expand their egos out to all society and call it, like, women being the center of everything, when the center as usual is them, objectifying women?

8 years ago

This reminds me mostly of an old joke:

“Why did the blonde have a bruised belly button? Because her husband was blond too.”

8 years ago

Eyes bigger than his belly

could be an answer on the tv show, Catchphrase.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I though he was going in for a raspberry. When a tummy is that close, we all feel the urge, right?

comment image


8 years ago

*stares into a lady’s bellybutton* All hail the gynocracy! *bows before women and their lovely navels*

8 years ago

In order to see yourself or even women as real human beings you have to stop idealizing them and putting them on unrealistic pedestals.

Those pesky unrealistic pedestals–they imitate realistic pedestals but ultimately can’t be trusted. Or something.

8 years ago

Flight of the wombat,
That’s charitable.

8 years ago

Manospherian: “We are men! We are so loving, brave and honorable!”
Person: “Help!”
Manospherian: comment image

It amazes me how MRAs and other manospherians love to brag on how brave, loving and honorable men and boys and themselves are but if things get too tough they cry about them, walk out and abandon everything and everyone and save themselves.

I really like a voice for men and other manospherian memes, well most of them. Please people keep posting them here.

8 years ago

Gynocentrism: It doesn’t exist, except to blinkered navel-gazers. Who are creepily obsessed with women’s navels.

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

“Frank says that all humans living were nurtured by and dependent upon the body of a woman and the navel is a physical reminder of this one-time connection.”

“Wow, the feminazis have really got their claws into him, haven’t they? I wonder how many white-knight biologists they had to fuck to come up with that bit of pseudoscience crap?”

8 years ago

To put someone on a pedestal is to ignore their failings while celebrating the qualities you perceive in them but which might not actually exist. It’s the “putting” part that’s derogatory, not the being on the plinth. It’s the plinther, not the plinthee, who is deserving of contempt.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago

Damn, the computer here does not allow me to see the poll.
Anyway, how are we sure this is the navel of a woman ? Can not it be one of a man ? From this close, nothing looks more as a navel than another navel…

If it is a belly button, maybe the person who looks thinks about ringing it ? Ring the bell(y) is what you usually do, no ?

8 years ago

If I’m remembering what I learned in art anatomy class, that bellybutton probably belongs to a cis man. :U

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko
8 years ago

From this close, nothing looks more as a navel than another navel…

If I’m remembering what I learned in art anatomy class, that bellybutton probably belongs to a cis man.

I’m not bodypartist, but to me belly buttons all look the same.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago

Looks to me like an MRA navel-gazing.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

I thought that the belly button was a man’s as well, and it meant the other person, gender unknown, was going to fellate the other.

8 years ago

Oh good, another idiotic meme. Another excuse for MRAs to objectify women. (They just can’t get us out of their minds!)

Thanks, Fruitloopsie, for your clever comments. Also for including the screed about exactly what the meme is intended to convey. I particularly enjoyed this remark from the artist known as MM:

In order for women to achieve as much as men have they have to be held to standards that are just as strict as men have.

Strict standards. Hahahahahahaha!

Here, MM, have some statistics:

In the United States, men are much more likely to be incarcerated than women. More than 9 times as many men (5,037,000) as women (581,000) had ever at one time been incarcerated in a State or Federal prison at year end 2001.

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in the United States:

Adults (ages 18+): 16.3 million adults ages 18 and older (6.8 percent of this age group) had an AUD in 2014. This includes 10.6 million men (9.2 percent of men in this age group) and 5.7 million women (4.6 percent of women in this age group).

For Women Who Drive, the Stereotypes Die Hard

The males of the species are not only more dangerous as drivers, they are more likely to be hurt while walking, the city’s study found. More men than women were killed or injured as pedestrians in every age group except among those over 64 (perhaps because women live longer and were overrepresented).

At Colleges, Women Are Leaving Men in the Dust

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


I wouldn’t include the first one – remember that a huge number of those men were arrested for the crime of being black.

8 years ago

Well, but there are black women too.

And speaking in general, my intention is not to diss men. But the MRM disses women, so I thought that a correction was in order. And I understand that MRAs love statistics.

The truth is that lots of men are smart and good people, doing their best. And if MRAs were too, that would be really swell.

8 years ago

Am I the only one that gets the feeling that this image is a cropped version of the traditional “guy hugging pregnant woman’s belly”?

The size of the navel and the shape of the belly seem that way to me.

8 years ago

@David I’m not even sure what’s supposed to be offensive here. Manic isn’t being used in a disparaging way. No one I know who has dealt with bipolar disorder has ever told me they consider the term offensive.”

Methinks Spencer is a concern troll. People with bipolar often find the term “manic depression” offensive, but other than that, I’ve never had nor heard of a problem with the term “manic”. But that’s just me.

RE: the navel gazing/pedestal thing;

Children tend to be unable to see nuance and often view things as all black/white; as all good/bad. Usually adults get better* at seeing nuance, but some don’t. Whenever I see an adult that has really marked black/white thinking, I tend to assume that zie is immature/unhealthy** in some way, and act accordingly. In particular, I look for other signs of abusive tendencies, as nothing justifies acting abusively quite like seeing everything as being either “completely right” or “completely wrong”.***

*Better, but literally no-one gets rid of this type of thinking. The human brain, as a rule, is lazy and prone to bias. Which is why the same people who view themselves as being “rational” are almost always the stupidest people on the block.

**Note: Lots of behaviors are unhealthy. Does not make them a sign of mental illness.

***Obviously this is *only* a generalization, as every early red flag for abuse is.

8 years ago

Manic Monday was a Prince song? You learn something new every day.

These chucklefucks seem to think that women went around and gathered up all the pedestals, climbed up on them, and forced all the men to worship them. As opposed to men putting them there whether the women wanted it or not. (And the answer is, almost always, not.)

latsot June 28, 2016 at 1:24 am
It’s the “putting” part that’s derogatory, not the being on the plinth. It’s the plinther, not the plinthee, who is deserving of contempt.


8 years ago

Thanks and no prob

Don’t forget Native American people, Hispanic people, etc who are incarcerated too. Natives are incarcerated more than non-natives even more than black people.